Adults + Upcoming Students

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
This is me looking for more plots! These are my post-students, adults, grown ups whatever you want to call them that could use some love. Plus, two upcoming students that I'd like to develop more before they're headed off to school. I'm also always up for discussing more student plots as well. These are short descriptions so feel free to hit me up on discord if you want to know more/have a little further discussion (Marijke#3708).


Eloise Aster
9 • Mixed Blood • No Discernible Personality

Senna Overby
10 • Muggleborn • Surfer • Everything Enthusiast
So this here is Eloise, a character I've had in my mind for a little while but still need to create. In all honesty she's not much more than that at the moment, which is why I'd love to rp her. The idea is that Eloise comes from a wealthy family and has had a strict upbringing. She has been raised in a high class society and has always done what her parents asked of her, leading her to not really form any type of clear personality for herself. I'm also planning on having her join the scouts since that would be something her parents will likely have done to help her make connections before eventually heading off to Hogwarts.

What she could use:
  • Pretty much anything you've got to offer to help me develop her!
  • Kids she might now from scouts
  • Kids she might now from living in the same social circle
Senna here is another character I'd like to have some interaction before heading to school. She's a Muggleborn so is very new to magic (and might perhaps even need someone to come and tell her about the magical world). I still need to develop her some more but the biggest thing about her would be that she's loud and enthusiastic. About everything. Sometimes to the point that she unknowingly draws all attention to herself, which could possibly annoy others. Being a Muggleborn she will likely also be beyond excited about the magical world.

What she could use:
  • Possibly a Ministry worker to come talk to her about magic?
  • Kids to play with
  • Kids who can tell her more about magic and school
  • Kids who might get annoyed by her being overly present

Caden Cavanaugh
18 • Muggle • Drop-out • Trouble

Archer Thompson
22 • Mixed Blood • Beaux graduate • Model
Caden is a character I already adore and I haven't even done anything with him yet. He's a Muggle with zero knowledge of the magical world, which could make for some fun interactions. He comes from a good, British, family but it's never been smooth sailing. His dad has always been way too occupied with himself to care about Caden. His mom, however, has always adores him which has caused her to be too lenient in his upbringing. Add money to the equation and you'll end up with a kid who hated his family's lifestyle and has always gotten away with doing what he wanted to. Caden has recently dropped out of the perfectly good school his parents had pulled some strings to get him enrolled in and decided to get as far away from it all as possible, leaving him now in New Zealand with plenty of money, a sense of arrogance and a head that's rich for bad decisions.

What he could use:
  • Anything!
  • People to befriend while he's travelling
  • Parties to attend (or he might throw one himself)
  • Possible bad decisions
  • Considering romance it could be flings, flirtations, hearts to break or people to date for a short while before probably getting bored of it eventually
Archer here is Chloë's older brother who went to Beauxbatons before graduating around four/five years ago. He had always thought he'd move back to France after graduation but scored a job at EVELYN soon after graduation and has decided that he's perfectly happy living in New Zealand for the foreseeable future. Although his plans of someday moving back to France aren't completely off the table. Archer's a charming guy who can be a little cocky from time to time but still finds a way to grow on people. He generally has the best intentions and isn't easy to anger, yet when someone does manage to anger him he'll have difficulty calming himself down again and he'd definitely hold a grudge against the person.

What he could use:
  • Anything you have to offer!
  • More fun, more friends
  • Co-workers from EVELYN to hang out with
  • Possibly someone to clash with
  • Anything romantic that might be interesting, he used to identify as bisexual but has recently figured out he is far more attracted to boys than he is to girls

Leif Odegard
23 • Uni graduate • Charming

Freya Odegard
27 • Honeydukes Shopkeeper • Sweetheart
Leif is about as charming as a person you will ever meet. He graduated from HNZ in 2050 (Y34 I think?) and took a gap year after graduation to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. After some self-reflection he eventually ended up going to muggle university, where he recently graduated from his postgraduate degree. Now that he has graduated Leif has given himself some time to take it easy and look for a job. He's a social person and is incredibly kind, always willing to help out others. Heis also highly athletic and enjoys keeping in shape and trying different sports.

What he could use:
  • Whatever you have to offer
  • Certainly more friends
  • Perhaps people who could introduce him to different sports
  • Maybe even someone who could help him in his job search
  • Some romance since he could use some love (girls
Freya is Leif's older sister who graduated from HNZ in 2047 (Y31?). In comparison to her brother, she sort of had her life in order after graduation. She started out by travelling around the country for a while, willing to see if she could love it as much as she loved her home country, Norway. Deciding it was worth it Freya kept living in New Zealand and got her life in order more quickly than her brother did, even if it was by working a Ministry job she hated. As of late, her fate has changed as she managed to take over Honeydukes from its previous owner. She's thriving now more than ever. Freya's an absolute sweetheart who has had a huge growth in indepence, confidence and just overall personality ever since graduating school.

What she could use:
  • Some more friends
  • Perhaps people she went to school with?
  • Maybe other shopkeepers to socialize with
  • Anything else


Joseph Burleigh
41 • Dad • CoMC Professor • Magizoologist
Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. I love this guy yet haven't done much with him besides getting him his job as a professor. Joseph is a Magizoologist who focussed on protection of magical creatures before getting his job at the school, always looking for and taking care of creatures that were hurt or roaming around where they shouldn't. He's a father of two, both his daughters are currently students at Hogwarts, and has been divorced multiple years now. Joseph is a confident and laid-back guy who knows himself well enough to realize what he is and isn't capable of. He isn't one to worry too much about things he can't change, something that has worked against him a few times in bigger, more important situations. He's easy going and has a certain way with people, never having too much trouble getting others to like him.

What he could use:
  • Some more interaction with other Hogwarts staff
  • Anything to do with students needing help or wanting to know more about magical creatures
  • Perhaps a new romantic interest since he has been divorced for years
Ahem *cracks fingers* I've been summoned.

Eloise: My one nine year old is Zion, he's just a normal kid. I'm not sure they'd be in the same social circle and I don't think his mom let him join the scouts, unless you want to have them meet somewhere else? Or I have an eight year old, Airen, who's mother is a famous quidditch player? That might put them in a social situation maybe?

Senna: I have two ten year olds. Zerrin is more quiet and reserved, it could be like an opposites thing, he's a sweetie. They could talk and hang out? Or Kyon, he's actually the son of a ministry worker. He's sporty and athletic and he'd be more able to match her energy.

Caden: hmmmm... 18 year old muggle spoiled rich kid.... He could be friends with Ren Lockwood maybe? He's a lazy artist recently graduated who could use a friend that would get him into more trouble. Or I have a nineteen year old video game developer who could use some friends, Twila is spontaneous and fiery.

Archer: cooper. They need to be buddies and hang out, maybe go on an adventure. I've also got two men, one is less developed but Charles Taylor II. Or deacon could be a good fling, he's a very flirty dramatic bad boy hairdresser.

Leif: I'm not sure how serious you are about romance, but I have Dreya Monet, she's a sweet woman working as a secretary and trying to get enough money to open up a bakery. She's french but moved to nz recently.

Freya: what about Freya and lily? Lily works for her but has been selling some of her baked goods on the side.

Joseph: Mallory. Just saying 👀
Hi Marijke :wub:

I really love RPing with you so here are some ideas!

I have a character to be sorted in Y42. Haven't registered her yet, but her name is Ruto Vernier-Raison. I don't have much for her at the moment and haven't really developed her, but I'd be happy to offer her for Senna. She can be quite odd sometimes, however very hypocritical as she often judges others and their beliefs. She collects things, is very opinionated, stubborn, and unpredictable. I need to develop her more so would be happy to RP her with Senna if you are ^_^

For Leif I have Gwen Owens-Lee. She is a couple of years younger than him but also went to Hogwarts and was in Gryffindor, so perhaps they would have seen each other in passing. She loves traveling and is also very into sports. Gwen isn't too sure about her sexuality yet, but she does like both girls and boys, so maybe we can try something between them? It would definitely impress her that he has a post graduate degree!

For Joseph I can always offer Landon as a friend ^_^ Perhaps a close friend if you're up for it? It would be nice for Landon to have someone to confide in whilst at work.

Let me know what you think!
Ahem *cracks fingers* I've been summoned.

I'm going to be selective in answering this because you somehow always manage to come up with a thousand ideas (which yes, love that) :r

Eloise x Zion/Airen: I'd be happy to throw her together with either, take your pick.

Senna x Kyon: I think this could be a good fit since he sounds like someone that could match her energy?

Caden x Ren: Oooh yes that could be fun, Caden would happily drag him along into some bad decisions.

Archer x Cooper: Yessssssss omg they should totally hang out more!

Freya x Lily: Yes! I'm sure she would love to get to know her better so that could be fun.

Joseph x Mallory: Should definitely interact again, he'd be happy for any interaction with his colleagues.

Hi Marijke :wub:

I really love RPing with you so here are some ideas!

I have a character to be sorted in Y42. Haven't registered her yet, but her name is Ruto Vernier-Raison. I don't have much for her at the moment and haven't really developed her, but I'd be happy to offer her for Senna. She can be quite odd sometimes, however very hypocritical as she often judges others and their beliefs. She collects things, is very opinionated, stubborn, and unpredictable. I need to develop her more so would be happy to RP her with Senna if you are ^_^

For Leif I have Gwen Owens-Lee. She is a couple of years younger than him but also went to Hogwarts and was in Gryffindor, so perhaps they would have seen each other in passing. She loves traveling and is also very into sports. Gwen isn't too sure about her sexuality yet, but she does like both girls and boys, so maybe we can try something between them? It would definitely impress her that he has a post graduate degree!

For Joseph I can always offer Landon as a friend ^_^ Perhaps a close friend if you're up for it? It would be nice for Landon to have someone to confide in whilst at work.

Let me know what you think!

Senna x Ruto: I feel like this would be a v interesting combination so definitely up for putting them together.

Leif x Gwen: This could be fun! We should definitely see how they get along.

Joseph x Landon: Would love that!
Hey Marijke.
I have some sugestions. but before I begin just a disclaimer I am running a little behind at the moment so may be slow to reply.

Leif and Willow Cullen. he was a couple of years above her at school. but they could run into each other. maybe see if they click for a romance. if not they could go running or something together.

Freya and Niamh Eriksen. weird mix I know. but it would be cool for sky to meet someone else Norwegian. and I can see freya as someone she would look forward to seeing on brightstone weekends.
alternatively professor elvera le fey. could always use some friends. she also runs the inner eye at the mall.

Joseph and Linden Cullen: Lin wants is going to be a magizoolologist when he graduates. and is feeling a little lost this semester after the drama on the quidditch team which led to him leaving. he has realised that in the past few years, since his aunt left the school, he has spent more and more time thinking about quidditch and less and less thinking about and looking after animals (he used to keep a lot of his rescued ones in her office and help her with the feeding her class animals. I would love for him to get back to that.
alternatively, Professor Elvera Le Fey. give them a go and see how they click.
Yay, I'm so glad you're up for them! I'll register Ruto then make something for them. I can also start Joseph and Landon if you don't mind starting the other one?
Senna could be friends with my coming first years, he'll be sorted in this coming year, his name is Emmanuel Okoye, he's a mixed blood kid who loves history. He could be a first magical friend?

Also for Eloise, i have a younger character who should be about her age, maybe a bit younger, it's Apolline Fontaine, she's a kid to one of my older characters, they could be friends, they might run in similar circles?
Hey Marijke.
I have some sugestions. but before I begin just a disclaimer I am running a little behind at the moment so may be slow to reply.
Hi Mia! No worries at all.

Leif x Willow: I'd for sure be up for putting them together and seeing how they get along! (also he would probs love a run buddy)

Freya x Niamh: This is the cutest! Definitely down for that.

Joseph x Linden: Oooh, yes. Joseph would be happy to discuss the possibilities.

Yay, I'm so glad you're up for them! I'll register Ruto then make something for them. I can also start Joseph and Landon if you don't mind starting the other one?

Senna could be friends with my coming first years, he'll be sorted in this coming year, his name is Emmanuel Okoye, he's a mixed blood kid who loves history. He could be a first magical friend?

Also for Eloise, i have a younger character who should be about her age, maybe a bit younger, it's Apolline Fontaine, she's a kid to one of my older characters, they could be friends, they might run in similar circles?

Senna x Emmanuel: Sounds fun! As long as he'd be happy to answer all of her questions concerning magic and what not :r

Eloise x Appoline: Omg is this Victoire's kid? Would be happy to throw them together (could be meeting or could be already being acquainted either way would be good really)
Senna x Emmanuel: Sounds fun! As long as he'd be happy to answer all of her questions concerning magic and what not :r

Eloise x Appoline: Omg is this Victoire's kid? Would be happy to throw them together (could be meeting or could be already being acquainted either way would be good really)
Emmanuel would not mind that at all! We could start something around brightstone or obsidian, maybe he ends up showing her around the shops?

And yesss! It is! If Eloise would be at the ministry at any point maybe they could be waiting in the cafe for respective parents?
Emmanuel would not mind that at all! We could start something around brightstone or obsidian, maybe he ends up showing her around the shops?

And yesss! It is! If Eloise would be at the ministry at any point maybe they could be waiting in the cafe for respective parents?
Love that. Perhaps we could both start one if you're up for doing them at the same time?
Yeah, would be up for that, do you have a preference for which you start?
Sounds good!
Hi Marijke!

I have Emery Mettlestone as my upcoming firstie, he's also in scouts so could know Eloise? I could see them not getting along since he doesn't really care about status or anything and he can be a bit snarky.

I also have Isadora Novak who is maybe in the same social circle as her, she's also from a wealthy (pureblood) family and is rebelling against it a bit. If Eloise's family is magical they could know each other?

I was thinking about Caden as he seemed like a very interesting character. I have Aisa who is around his age, she's 19 and a muggle-born who graduated. I think, on paper, she would really dislike someone like Caden. But it could be interesting if he could charm her and break her heart or something :r we can see how it goes? Since she's muggle-born it would be easy for them to run into each other in the muggle world.
Hi Marijke!

I have Emery Mettlestone as my upcoming firstie, he's also in scouts so could know Eloise? I could see them not getting along since he doesn't really care about status or anything and he can be a bit snarky.

I also have Isadora Novak who is maybe in the same social circle as her, she's also from a wealthy (pureblood) family and is rebelling against it a bit. If Eloise's family is magical they could know each other?

I was thinking about Caden as he seemed like a very interesting character. I have Aisa who is around his age, she's 19 and a muggle-born who graduated. I think, on paper, she would really dislike someone like Caden. But it could be interesting if he could charm her and break her heart or something :r we can see how it goes? Since she's muggle-born it would be easy for them to run into each other in the muggle world.

Emery x Eloise: Would be v interesting. Eloise would probably try to stay polite if he's being snarky but it would be funny to see her snap at some point.

Isadora x Eloise: Eloise's family is definitely magical so yeah, they could know each other. I feel like Isadora might just be a bit of a bad influence once Eloise is at school and has some freedom in comparison to being home and having her parents tell her what to do at all times.

Aisa x Caden: I love this, if he's bored and gets a feeling she's not interested he might very well just take on the challenge lol.

Emery x Eloise: Would be v interesting. Eloise would probably try to stay polite if he's being snarky but it would be funny to see her snap at some point.

Isadora x Eloise: Eloise's family is definitely magical so yeah, they could know each other. I feel like Isadora might just be a bit of a bad influence once Eloise is at school and has some freedom in comparison to being home and having her parents tell her what to do at all times.

Aisa x Caden: I love this, if he's bored and gets a feeling she's not interested he might very well just take on the challenge lol.
glad you like the ideas!

We could do Emery and Eloise after scouts maybe?

Isadora and Eloise could maybe have a playdate or something over a break? Since Isadora is at Hogwarts now

And I'm very curious about Aisa and Caden, I've decided she probably works in the muggle world for a bit so they could easily meet somewhere random
@Stefan Archer for Emmanuel and Senna!

glad you like the ideas!

We could do Emery and Eloise after scouts maybe?

Isadora and Eloise could maybe have a playdate or something over a break? Since Isadora is at Hogwarts now

And I'm very curious about Aisa and Caden, I've decided she probably works in the muggle world for a bit so they could easily meet somewhere random
Yes, sounds good! We could start with Emery/Eloise and Aisa/Caden if you want? Or just pick one.
I'm going to be selective in answering this because you somehow always manage to come up with a thousand ideas (which yes, love that) :r

Eloise x Zion/Airen: I'd be happy to throw her together with either, take your pick.

Senna x Kyon: I think this could be a good fit since he sounds like someone that could match her energy?

Caden x Ren: Oooh yes that could be fun, Caden would happily drag him along into some bad decisions.

Archer x Cooper: Yessssssss omg they should totally hang out more!

Freya x Lily: Yes! I'm sure she would love to get to know her better so that could be fun.

Joseph x Mallory: Should definitely interact again, he'd be happy for any interaction with his colleagues.
I forgot to reply to this lol I'm sorry.

Let's go with Airen x Eloise for now.
Do you want to do 3 and 3? We can do three to start and do the other three after?
I forgot to reply to this lol I'm sorry.

Let's go with Airen x Eloise for now.
Do you want to do 3 and 3? We can do three to start and do the other three after?

I'm cool with that! Your pick as to which three to start with :r
What about
Airen x Eloise
Kyon × Senna
And Archer x Cooper?
Helllooooo I'm late to the party lol! But I'd like to offer a few characters for you hehe! Let me know what you think!

Eloise + Conan - I think they may be interesting - Conan is in the scouts so maybe they could've met through there? Conan was brought up in a close knit family and in the lower-class but wasn't brought up on the strict side of things - Could be an interesting sort of thing, but let me know what you think hehe!

Senna + Joshua - I think they could possibly be friends? They seem similar. Josh is a muggleborn too, so everything about magic is new to him. Maybe they could learn about magic together or something? i dunno lol! He can be quite loud and excited as well as be gullible and soft-headed. He is also into surfing and sports, so that's also something that they have in common hehe! - Let me know what you think! hehe

Joseph + Quinn - Quinn is my professor that I have at Hogwarts and teaches Arithmancy for the higher years. I honestly haven't done much with her, but I would love to try and do some more stuff with her. She honestly needs more friends or co-workers she's friendly with!

That's all I have for now, but do let me know what you think! :D
What about
Airen x Eloise
Kyon × Senna
And Archer x Cooper?

Yessss, I've messaged you!

Helllooooo I'm late to the party lol! But I'd like to offer a few characters for you hehe! Let me know what you think!

Eloise + Conan - I think they may be interesting - Conan is in the scouts so maybe they could've met through there? Conan was brought up in a close knit family and in the lower-class but wasn't brought up on the strict side of things - Could be an interesting sort of thing, but let me know what you think hehe!

Senna + Joshua - I think they could possibly be friends? They seem similar. Josh is a muggleborn too, so everything about magic is new to him. Maybe they could learn about magic together or something? i dunno lol! He can be quite loud and excited as well as be gullible and soft-headed. He is also into surfing and sports, so that's also something that they have in common hehe! - Let me know what you think! hehe

Joseph + Quinn - Quinn is my professor that I have at Hogwarts and teaches Arithmancy for the higher years. I honestly haven't done much with her, but I would love to try and do some more stuff with her. She honestly needs more friends or co-workers she's friendly with!

That's all I have for now, but do let me know what you think! :D

Eloise x Conan: could be interesting! Would be happy to throw them together and see how they go

Senna x Joshua: Yesssss. If they become friends I could just see them (or at least Senna) be like 'did you know this?!' every time they learn something new

Joseph x Quinn: They could for sure hang out!

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