Bi-Weekly Update

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello! Welcome all to another BWU! We've got quite a number of things to get to today so let's just jump right in!
End of Week 4
As ever this year has been racing on by, and we are now towards the end of week 4 and soon into week 5. We'd encourage all professors to make sure their classes are up to date and to make sure they use the notification system to ensure students are informed about when classes are posted. We'd also encourage those with students to try and keep on top of things..the more on top of things you are the less has to be done last minute :r Ravenclaw is slowly creeping up on the house points, so let's help make sure that Gryffindor keeps ahead!

Professors, since we are heading towards the latter half of the term and also the IC year, let's try to make sure that our grading is all up to date. Make sure you are marking the classes as graded on the system. This, much like with posting lessons, will help you have to do less at the crunch point of the end of the semester. If you make sure that you mark all the lessons as posted at the end of the semester there will be the nifty, assign all final grades button, which will give everyone a final grade without you having to do each manually - an especially useful tool for those with big classes.

The quidditch house cup has reached its conclusion with the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin drawing to a quick conclusion with Slytherin as victors. Congratulations to the slytherin team! And good luck with the up coming game with Beauxbatons. As a note, captains who are leaving/graduating this IC year should begin to think about who they are passing the quidditch captain title on to for the next IC year.

Electives Fair
Like every year we have our wonderful electives fair, this can be found here and is an opportunity for our second year students to talk with the professors of the elective class and figure out what they want to do with their schooling. It's a good opportunity to have characters learn about different subject matters and make decisions about it.

Club Events
We have a number of club events and other things currently on going or coming up. You can find the sign ups for the duelling club here and the current wild patch event here. There is also soon the annual pride event happening soon. This is not a club event but is still an event happening in the school. As we near the end of the year, we should give our thanks to the club leaders who've taken the time to arrange events.

Rose Giving Y35
Roses Y35 was another rounding success, with all of the roses now handed out and all of the drama still being felt. The staff would like to give a huge thanks to the organisers, Daphne and Steven for their tireless work on the event and hope that everyone here too will join us in giving those thanks. You guys did an amazing job.

Updates to the Welcome Guide
As the site continues to grow and membership does to, we're always trying to ensure that people have access to the information they need to get started. This is why recently the lots to learn topic was moved to the FAQ section, we've update the description of the general information section, updates will come to the site docs in the next few days and in the coming weeks we're looking to introduce an automatic PM to new accounts with links to important information. What this may mean for our current members is that when you create new account via the sub accounts system (or not) you will receive this notification on that new account. We know this maybe be bothersome for people, but feel that this will best help our newer members find the areas they need to get started.

Back Seat Moderation
We've mentioned this in the past, but we're going to keep going on about it. Let's all avoid back seat moderation. If you spot something that's wrong, report or flag it to one of the staff and we'll deal with it.

Brightstone Actually Open
Brightstone is actually now open! Sorry guys, this is on me, the week has been quite busy and opening brightstone can take some time. It is now open so RP to your hearts content and will be open for a week longer than it should be so that people can get the allotted time that they should to RP it.

Now, I'm sure everyone is really tired of hearing about this from every different tweet and news outlet, but we're talking about it here too. We have noticed that people have been discussing it within shouty, and would advise against people giving advice on what to do. We should all remember that we live in different places and have different governments that have put in place different guidances and notices. Let's use this time to just keep HNZ a place to support each other during this very intense and difficult time. As we go through this, if you begin to feel unwell and need additional support on the site, let us know. Staff are here and ready to help you how we can.

  • Graduation
  • Pride y35!
  • Exams?!

And that's it! Any questions/comments etc leave them below. But above everything else stay safe out there everyone!
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update,Emz.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for posting! Be safe everyone!
Thanks for update, Emzies! Excited to see some changes for the newbies in time for sorting next year :p
I say this every time but how is it time for sorting so soon??
thank you for the update!
Thanks for the update!! I hope everyone stays safe during this scary time :hug:
This year is going so fast D: Thanks for the update Emzies!!
Exactly! This year went so fast. Can't believe this guy is graduating. Hogwarts will be a safer place for sure for girls xD Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update, Emzies!

Thanks to Daphne and Steven for setting up the roses arrangements!!
Folks, apps will be closing on Wednesday 15th April (GMT) So be sure to get your apps in before then.
I cannot believe this little angel is graduating soon. My first ever active student.

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