Bi-Weekly update

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hello and welcome to the next BWU. we are rapidly approaching the end of the semester so hold onto your hats we have a lot to cover

Hufflepuff beat Ilvermorny

Quite literally. A big well done to all players it was a bit of a blood bath of a match with Hufflepuff taking out three Ilvermorny seekers and a chaser Ilvermorny put up a good fight taking out the Hufflepuff seeker. but ultimately the visitors had no option but to forfeit despite a score of 30:30

Big thank you also to all involved and those who watched in the stands.

Read through the match here. and see what happened in the stands here.

Study Week and exams

How did we get to that time already? we are about to enter study week so time to catch up on your lessons.

What else comes after study week? our favourite time of the year, exams. keep an eye out for them being posted next week. let's see if we knock Gryffindor off the top spot.

A reminder OWL and NEWT students you got off lightly last semester, but you have all your classes this time. Please professors can you help out these students and post their exams a little bit early.

Club events

A big thank you to each of the club leaders who have posted some amazing events this semester. It is great seeing clubs working together. the wild patch and the Conglomerated arts clubs teamed up to decorate the garden, thank you Jesse and Jess and Sophia. The brotherhood and Sisterhood hang out at a bonfire, thank you Kadi, Maria and Jamie. The SDA has been busy running a duelling tournament which is just wrapping up its final round thank you Kris and Kiersten for the effort. Hogwarts Monthly and Accio have been busy working on their relevant publications so keep an eye out for them.

Applications closing soon

With the end of the year coming up applications will be closing mid way through exam week to make way for sorting. so if you have a plot that you want to get going over the holidays or a job you want to apply for, get them in before it is too late.

Spolight on Rowan

Octobers character spotlight is on Connor Holland played by our very own amazing Rowan. Come and read about Rowans processes and the development of this interesting character.

Spooky story competition

the competition is closing very soon. if you are very quick you may still have time to enter. if not, have a read through the entrants and keep an eye open for voting.

posting problems

We have all done it. Posted in the wrong area or that pesky account switcher changed you to the wrong account just as you were going in for that all-important first kiss. Don't worry. that is what we are here for. if you need a post (re)moved send a PM to me or Lovi and we can get it sorted for you (and I'll let you in on a secret, we aren't actually scary but shh, you didn't hear that from me :r ) that way the report feature can be saved for when there is concern about the content of. the post and if it breaches site rules.

  • Turning colours: Our chaotic rivals meet up in the park, and things get a little heated.

  • Exams
  • Sorting
  • House cup
  • Firsty madness
  • Seeing who caves on creating a new character (or seven)
  • over 100km worth of blisters (okay, just me)

And that's all folks. thank you for sticking with me. have a good couple of weeks.

This is your reminder to take some time today to look after yourself, whatever self-care looks like for you.

Mia :mia:

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update Mia! Can't believe sorting is soon :frantics:
Thanks for the update! The year flew by quickly! What the heck! So many things coming up! So excited!
Thanks for the update Mia!! I'm still reeling from that Quidditch match @_@
Thanks for posting, Mia!
Thanks for the update Mia :)

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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