Open Y48 Club Fair

Professor James Cade

'Daddy Cade' | Father of 9 | Always | DADA 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Geo)
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
James hadn't attended a club fair since his days as a student so being one of the people organising it had been a surreal experience. Still, finally, the day had come and he had spent the morning putting the finishing touches to everything. A large banner hung over the entrance to the courtyard that read 'Welcome to the Y48 Club Fair' Tables were set up around the edges of the courtyard with a simple cloth, left for the individual club leaders to decorate as they saw fit, a table in the centre hosted an assortment of snacks and drinks provided by the house elves, primarily his own house elf Dakrey who had managed to tear himself away from his Hufflepuff friend long enough to help him. James was looking forward to the leaders arriving, he would be paying particular attention to the brotherhood, the club he once led which was now led by an impressive young man, so naturally a Gryffindor, and he was keen to see how Bailey would do in her first fair as Heta Omega president. It would be a fun and engaging afternoon and hopefully, there would be no drama.

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to the Y48 Club Fair! To sign up or get more information about one of HNZ's clubs simply @ the club leaders listed below.

Accio!*@Fraser Fergusson
The Brotherhood of Magic@Teddy Pirrip
Conglomerated Arts Club@Lucy Montague
Heta Omega@Bailey Walden-Cade
Hogwarts Monthly@Hugo Stark-West & @Miranda Dawes
Student Defence Association@Savannah Walters
The Wild Patch@Zerrin Fergusson & @Ruto Vernier-Raison

*Requires OOC approval to apply
Savannah was ready for the student fair, she had pictures from the duelling and the other event which they had held. She had everything together for this to go well. SHe knew getting members was difficult given first years couldn't duel, but she hoped that wouldn't damper things, she was hoping to leave the club well. She went to her stall and waited for the first years to appear.

OOCOut of Character:
If you character is looking to join the SDA please tag Savannah
Fraser had a trickier time at the club fair, given that he wasn't looking for members in the same way as others were, but they had a few people leaving soon and he had to think about his own replacement so he was there with yearbooks, and hoping to find keen students to join.
This was Teddy's second year as Brotherhood president and as such, he had a pretty good idea of what to expect from the club fair. He arrived early to set up the Brotherhood table, hanging a banner and putting up photos of last year’s tug of war against Heta Omega amongst other pictures from past club events. He had a parchment ready for new members to sign their names on if they wanted to join.

OOCOut of Character:
Tag @Teddy Pirrip for the Brotherhood
Lucy was excited for a new year of new arts enthusiasts although she was missing having Marnie by her side. Maybe she shouldn't have taken on the responsibility all by herself, but it was too late for that now. She'd figure it out. Lucy set up her stand brightly so as to stand out. A huge banner she'd worked on with some other students (Lucy wasn't the best at visual arts, to put it mildly) had been set up over the stand bearing the writing 'Conglomerated Arts Club'. She'd also noticed other groups giving out things last year so she'd brought out little chocolates to try and lure new members. Lucy had leftover stickers from last year as well, bearing different artistic pursuits such as instruments, art supplies, drama masks, and all sorts. She sat with a bright smile, waiting for prospective Conglomerated Arts Club members to come along and say hi.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag Lucy Montague if you want your character to join or for them to ask any questions! Feel free to take a chocolate and/or a sticker as well.
Chiro rolled into the courtyard, glancing around at the bustling club fair with some curiosity and mild skepticism. The bright banners and decorated tables seemed a little over-the-top to him, but at least the snacks in the centre of the courtyard were a solid bonus. Spotting the brotherhood table, he made a beeline for it immediately, the photos aught his attention first, particularly what looked like a game of tug-of-war, he assumed it was with the girls group. "Do you do a lot of things with the girls?" he didn't think he knew anyone in the girls group, he did have some cousins though, so maybe some of them were in the girls side and being in the brotherhood might help him get to know them. Without waiting for a response, he picked up the quill and scrawled his name onto the parchment. "I’ll join. Can’t let you lot have all the fun without me."

@Teddy Pirrip
Miles, of course, was interested in the clubs that Hogwarts had to offer. And equally disappointed as he found out that there wasn't, in fact, a quidditch club like he had been hoping. Which meant that he and Theo were just going to have to come up with their own unofficial quidditch club like they had discussed before coming to school. For now, however, he was going to have a poke around and see what kind of clubs there actually were. Which was when a stand with pictures of duelling caught his attention. The Student Defense Association, apparently. "Is this a club about duelling?" Which he supposed would make sense with the name and all the pictures on display. "That sounds cool, can first years join?" Sure, he might not know any useful spells right now, but he still wanted to join. The club sounded pretty cool to him.
@Savannah Walters
Bailey still couldn't believe she had been asked to be president of Heta Omega, she was so excited to lead the club and hoped to do a good job. She finished setting up her stall at the club fair, replacing the bland table cloth her father had laid out with a cute flowery one, put up photos from recent meet ups and either placed them on the table or stuck to the backdrop behind her, she wanted to make her booth look colourful and inviting because that's what she felt Heta Omega was, with a couple of minor exceptions. A blank sign up sheet sat on the table ready for anyone to join along with stickers and badges so people could show their Heta Omega spirit. She stood behind the table with @Audrey Beauchamp her new vice president and waited to see what exciting people they could recruit to their club.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag Bailey if you wish to join Heta Omega. Feel free to take stickers or badges.
Christa wandered into the club fair with wide eyes, taking in all the booths and decorations. It was her fist time experiencing something like this and the sheer variety of the clubs left her a little overwhelming. She lingered in front of the "Conglomerated Arts Club" stand, drawn in by the colourful banner and the inviting atmosphere. The chocolates and stickers caught her attention too, and she couldn't help but smile at the creativity behind it all. "Hi," she said shyly, stepping closer to the stand. She glanced at the stickers, fingers hovering indecisively. "This looks really cool. So... is it, like, a club for all kinds of arts? Or do you focus on one thing?"

@Lucy Montague
Prim wanted to join some of the clubs this year, but she wasn't sure. She wasn't really a big fan of people, so she wasn't sure what kind of group she could join because she wasn't a very social person a lot of the time and considering she'd heard about what had happened at the tug-of-war she didn't know if she wanted to join a group of girls who were going to yell at each other if things didn't go their way. She approached slowly, looking at the banners and stickers and flowers, "Um... is it... um, do you um..." she hesitated for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say. "I heard about... the... the tug-of-war? And... I wanted to... you know, just sort of... um... is that usual?"

@Bailey Walden-Cade
Miranda was working on a project for the paper, try and use her powers for good. But to keep the paper running and allow her enough capacity to add this to her workload, they'd need more people. The booth was set up with some old editions of the paper, and she had a bunch of surplus muggle pens and notebooks (that her father had salvaged from the university and passed on to her). It was kind of a cheap giveaway, but it was always handy to have quick writing implements on hand. She had also put a little cardboard box on the corner of the booth with 'Anonymous Tips' written on it in neat handwriting. It would be a bit of a trial run, she reasoned. Clearing her throat, she stood up straight and looked around. "Extra, extra!" right now she wished she knew how to do the Sonorus spell well enough, "Hogwarts Monthly looking for staff! All writing levels welcome! Freely have your say!" Maybe she shouldn't have added that last bit - Morrie was bad enough - but Miranda didn't want to get bogged down in censorship.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @Miranda Dawes or @Hugo Stark-West if you would like to join Hogwarts Monthly! Feel free to take cheap uni notebooks and pens for the road!
Theo had been hoping that there was a quidditch club, but when he got there, he was infact disappointed that there was none to be seen. He knew the next big thing would be that he and Miles would have to make an unofficial club themselves, he'd have to brainstorm with Miles and see how they could get that club started, but for now, Theo knew he needed to sign up for some of the clubs that the school offered. The first year walked around the courtyard, seeing what clubs had caught his eye. Theo knew he was gonna try for a couple of them as he walked, but decided to go to the art club first. The instruments displayed already intriguing him. He listened as girl in his year level asked some questions. Once she had finished asking her questions, Theo quickly jumped in. "Where can I sign up?" Theo said automatically. He didn't think he needed to ask any questions.

@Lucy Montague
Ruto wasn't sure how she would go leading a whole group of people, but at least she was going to have some help. She was glad at least that she was considered for the role, and accepted it mostly due to the fact that she wouldn't be doing it herself. The teen had compiled a box of decorations she thought would be required to attract people to their club. Dried flowers and examples of flower crowns people had made in the past were definitely going to be a nice touch. As she entered the courtyard and found the table to set everything up on, she unpacked all of the decorations, including a banner which was decorated with leaves and greenery, and read "THE WILD PATCH CLUB" in bold letters. She then waited for Zerrin to join her and potential new club members to find the stall.

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @Ruto Vernier-Raison or @Zerrin Fergusson if you would like to join the Wild Patch Club!
Autumn was admittedly looking forward to the club fair event as she wanted to see what sort of things she could distract herself with when she was sick and tired of classes. Her older sister was part of the girl club and the arts club, and whilst neither of those piqued any interest for Autumn, she was hoping she could find something that did. The first table that caught her eye was a table advertising a defence group. She knew she would be learning how to defend herself using magic in classes, but figured joining a club would be fun and may even make the class easier. She approached the table where another first year who was in Gryffindor house was already talking to the older Ravenclaw. "Yeah, are we allowed to join this?" she chimed in, figuring it was a good question. She didn't know if perhaps this was only for more advanced students.

@Savannah Walters
Mania browsed through the Courtyard there was a club fair of sorts going on. The first year had spotted her head of house there and she still harbored some resentment for his less than appropriate speed of opening the door, but she was slowly forgiving the man. After all it must be exhausting looking after so many students.

There were a few stands that stood out to the brunette, but one among the others seemed the most intriguing to her. She made her way confidently to the stand with a colourful table cloth and two nice looking older girls. Albeit one of them looked a little bit like her head of house, but Mania did well to ignore the resemblance. "Hi, can you tell me something about your club and why I should join it? Other than you guys clearly know how to live properly with colour, I like that. It's a shame some people treat colours like their enemies." Nia spoke out, might as well make this a job interview. See how badly the girls wanted to recruit new comers, after all if the club really was worth joining surely the students running it would have strong opinions on why she should join. What it had to offer to her, not that it mattered, she was convinced the second she saw that table cloth and those fun looking photos.

@Bailey Walden-Cade
When Violet saw the notice for the club fair, she figured she shouldn't miss out on the opportunity to attend it. She was part of two clubs and didn't have any intention of joining another one, however thought it would be nice to try and help her club members out - anything to make it look like she had more friends than she did. She approached the heta omega stall first, smiling at Bailey who had everything set up already. There was a small Hufflepuff she had never seen before trying to ask Bailey a question, something about tug-of-war. "Why? Do you not like tug-of-war?" Violet asked, not really sure where she was getting at. Realising how rude that could have sounded, Violet added on. "We do all sorts of things in this club, including tug-of-war if that's what you would like to do." She decided to smile, hoping she was somewhat selling it. She wasn't very good at making friends, let alone selling things.

@Primrose Kaster
Audrey had to admit she was a little surprised that Bailey had asked her to help out at Heta Omega. Especially after she was kind of rude to Veronica at the prefect's meeting. Not that she thought she was wrong for saying what she said, of course she wasn't. Teddy didn't need defending, but he was her best friend. Still, it didn't mean it was the right thing to do. She just figured she'd be extra helpful and nice as a sort of way of making up for it. (Rather than apologising, which was the sensible and reasonable thing to actually do).

It was hard to reconcile the idea of theoretically knowing she deserved good things because of her being clever and a hard worker and those good things unexpectedly actually happening to her.

Audrey raised an eyebrow across the way at Teddy, waved at Lucy, and then focused more on the job at hand. Bailey was in charge, and Audrey just casually put a flower sticker on her cheek to brighten herself up to match the stand. Violet was talking to one girl, and Audrey thought it best to leave her to it. A young girl seemed to be treating this like a job interview and Audrey had to bite back a snort. "Black goes with everything, it's very fashionable," she muttered, despite the fact that she was in fact wearing bright colours herself. "It's a great way to meet other girls in other houses and year levels, right Bailey? Good if you need a break from your dormmates," she added, conspiratorially, even if Lucy was her other best friend.

@Mania Athanasiou
Mania crossed her arms over her chest grinning at the older girl defending the colour black. Of course Mania knew this but she liked colours too, it made things fun and she liked to be seen, colours made that easy. She was easily convinced, maybe that was the reason it didn't take much of trying for her to make up her mind. "Sounds great, now where do I sign up?" The first year asked, all means of interviewing the leaders long forgotten after all the girl had just defended her cause and that was good enough. "Whats your name? You seem fun." She stated to the girl that had just spoken to her.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Lucy smiled brightly as the first student came to the stand. "Yeah, we're open to any kind of art you can think of! It can be music, visual arts like drawing or painting, or even things like cooking! We're super open to whatever you have to offer, or if you want to learn anything. We have a club room as well where you can do art to your heart's content!" Lucy was perhaps overselling it, but she was enthusiastic about the club. "Oh, and feel free to take any sticker you want!"

Another student came along and Lucy gave him an equally bright smile. "Sure thing, just sign your name and house on this," she said to him, presenting the sign-up sheet and a quill. She also had a ballpoint pen for those who preferred that.

@Christa Langley @Theodore Harper
Aaron walked into the great hall, eyes scanning the rows and tables that had been set up for the club fair. There was a tangible buzz in the air - he didn't see any of the normal clubs he was used to at school, and that was a little disappointing because it meant he really didn't know where he should be starting with this. He spotted the brotherhood table from across the room, recognising the banner and seeing the photos that seemed to show the brother hood and guessing by the people in the photos, probably also the girls group. He nodded to himself, that made the most sense and made his way over to the table and the older boy behind it. "Hey, I can join? Do you do any projects? Like... building stuff?"

@Teddy Pirrip
Audrey and Violet seemed much better at talking to people than she did and that made her confident she had chosen the right girls to help her. Audrey might have seemed like a strange choice so soon after she had a few choice words for her sister, but Audrey had been defending her friend and Veronica was being unreasonable, Bailey didn’t know why she had a grudge against Teddy because her own limited interactions with him had only ever been positive. Her sister could be dramatic and she wouldn’t hold it against anyone who got caught up in that. Bailey smiled as both her committee members took it upon themselves to speak to two first years who approached the table, Bailey knew she would need to interject and give her two cents, even if the brunette girl seemed sold already. “We love colour here, the more colourful the better,” She grinned at the girl as she seemed to appreciate the decorations she had put up. “Like Audrey said, you get to meet people here you wouldn’t normally, Audrey and I are in different houses and years, likely would have crossed paths if not for Heta Omega and that would be a shame cos she’s pretty cool, you never know who you’ll meet here,”

She pivoted to the blonde girl as the brunette seed quite happy talking to Audrey and her vice-president was more than capable of getting her over the line. “The tug of war was one of many things we sometimes do jointly with the boys from the brotherhood, we might do something with them again later in the year but it’ll be different, we also hang out just the girls too and we have our own space just for our members,” She smiled at the girl and at Violet who had said much of what she had, she had just felt the need to clarify in her own words. “But if we ever do something you aren’t enthusiastic about, you don’t have to take part, everything is voluntary, you can just watch or not take part at all it’s completely up to you, and we’re always open to suggestions if there’s something you want to do that we might not think of,”

@Mania Athanasiou @Primrose Kaster
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Finley followed his roommates down to the club and noted Mania also here, which was pretty exciting. He was about to follow one or both of them to a booth when he saw instead that there was a school paper and that honestly seemed right up his alley. He quickly skittered over to the table with the club leader on it and grinned. "Hi I'm Finley, I wanna write. Can I join?"

@Miranda Dawes
Aurora didn't know what she was looking for necessarily, or what she was going to do in half of these clubs that she had wisely decided that she would join, but it was happening and she was going to do it. They didn't have all the clubs she would have wanted, like the various academic clubs she was part of back at her old school, but they had a couple, and she was interested in the Student Defence club at least, as she walked over to the older Ravenclaw girl. "Hi, you do duelling tournaments, yes?"

@Savannah Walters
Zerrin was running a little behind, but that was because he'd been in the kitchens. He'd gotten help from the house elves, but that was to be expected. He hurried in, two cases of cupcakes in his hands. He walked over to the yearbook table first, giving his brother a wink and setting the cupcakes down- they were yearbook themed, with little cameras and scrolls and various other little decorations. "Thought you could use some snacks," He teased, trying to ruffle his brothers hair before walking to his own table. "Sorry I'm a little late," He offered to Ruto, opening their flower themed cupcakes and setting them out, stealing one as he sat down. "I thought snacks would be a great draw," @Ruto Vernier-Raison @Fraser Fergusson
Logan was hoping to make the Quidditch team, and he didn't really think he needed anything else besides that, but he knew that the chances of him getting in were small. He knew Hazel was in some sort of artsy farts club, and he definitely wasn't interested in that. He did a quick round of the courtyard, noting the different clubs adverties. Then he approached one that looked kinda fun. There was another boy in his year there asking about building stuff. "What other stuff do you do?" He asked the older boy who ran the club.

@Teddy Pirrip

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