Open Y47 End of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Bi (Kyle))
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The end of the school year was here, the end of another year as headmaster. Some of the students wouldn't come back, they graduated and would start their adult lives as witches and wizards. Most of the students would simply have a well-deserved break before returning to Hogwarts. Matt was already looking forward to the new school year, even though he also felt like he could use a break.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature green and silver colors of Slytherin house, signifying their victory for the year. Matt was secretly a little disappointed, it seemed like the break from the Slytherin victories had been a short one. The Ravenclaws had given it a good try, though. Matt made his way to the podium, waiting quietly for everyone to settle into their seats before speaking. "Welcome everyone to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations to Slytherin." He said, gesturing to the Slytherin table before conjuring the cup seemingly from thin air. He presented it to Professor Castillo on behalf of his house, managing a pretty genuine smile.

"Of course, we can't forget those students whose dedication and hard work earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, June Davenport of Slytherin, with a grand total of 1234. In second place, with 1143 points - Teddy Pirrip of Gryffindor. In third, Emmanuel Okoye of Ravenclaw, with 879. Last but not least, we have Bailey Walden-Cade, with 635 points for Hufflepuff. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmaster joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, Matt gestured for silence so he could say a last few words. "With that, the school year of 2063 has ended. I hope you enjoy the feast and have a wonderful break. See you next year!" With that, he sat down and watched as the food appeared on the tables. He hoped all the students would have a great feast.
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Morrie just wanted this over as she sat at the Slytherin table with her arms crossed, drumming her fingers impatiently against her arm as she looked anywhere but the headmaster giving his boring speech. She'd taken a disliking to Professor Allcott-Ward ever since he'd called her a bully and forced her to write an awkward apology letter. It had not been an easy task when Morrie hadn't meant a word of it. Just looking at him made her so angry and winning the house cup had done nothing to soften her mood either, as a matter of fact she'd be happier if Slytherin hadn't won the house cup. When June Davenport of all people was announced as the top house point scorer, Morrie reacted with “Booo!” She didn’t glance at June but a smirk curled her lips as she knew exactly what she was doing, it was a small win for Morrie.
Kyousuke sat patiently, waiting for his name to be called out as a top point earner - only at the last minute to find he hadn't made it. Anger simmered in his chest. Apart from Slytherin, he'd earned more points than any of the other top point earners, so why did they get to have a shout out? Kyousuke heard Morrie's boo, and although he wasn't necessarily approving of her, he was tempted to join in. But pettiness wasn't in Kyousuke's nature, so he grimly held his stolid demeanour as the headmaster finished up his talk. As the food appeared, Kyousuke wasn't quite there - already plotting ways he'd be the best in the coming year. He would dethrone June. He had to.
This was Josh's final end-of-year feast. He couldn't believe that he had actually made it to the end. Josh honestly had a mixture of feelings during his time at Hogwarts, and as of right now, those mixture of emotions are still there. The Gryffindor boy sat with the rest of his housemates. He watched and listened to the headmaster as he spoke. Josh was a bit disappointed that his house didn't manage to win the house cup, especially since it was his last year at Hogwarts. It wasn't long before the speech from the headmaster had come to an end and they were able to have their feast. He grabbed his food that he wanted and once they were on his plate, he honestly sat there playing with his food, a lot of thoughts going through his head, not really eating much of what was on his plate.
Conan was shocked that they were at this point of the year again. It felt like the year always went by so quickly. Though Conan thought he had an okay year at Hogwarts. Sure he wished spent some more time with his friends, especially since he was close to graduating from Hogwarts soon enough, but there was always next year, his final year, which was a scary thought to think about if he was being honest. The Ravenclaw boy listened as the headmaster made his usual speech about the of year. It wasn't long before they were able to finally have some food in their stomachs. Conan looked around at the food choices and noticed a bun he wanted nearby. "Hey, can you pass me a bun please?" Conan says with a small smile as he points to the buns near the person.
Eliza honestly wasn't sure how happy she was with her school year this year. She wasn't the best class wise and she didn't really hang around her friends, or have any friends for that matter if she was being honest. The Gryffindor honestly didn't realise how hard it was to make actual friends in this place. She defiantly missed home though, and she really missed her dad and lola* a lot. El zoned in and out throughout the headmaster speech, not really paying attention. She ended up reading one of her muggle comic books as the headmaster had his speech. It seemed like it was the same speech anyway. It wasn't long before they were able to eat, finally! Eliza quickly grabbed some food before continuing to read her comic as she ate.
Marley honestly couldn't believe how quickly the year had gone by. However, Marley was honestly pleased with how her year had turned out. The Hufflepuff studied as much as she could and thought she did reasonably well for her grades and classes. She managed to have a good quidditch season and also got to spend time with a few of her friends. Marley thought she had a pretty good year. The Hufflepuff listened to the headmaster, nodding along to what he was saying about the reflection of this year. Marley smiled and cheered for Teddy as he had been mentioned as one of the top scorers for the year. She was quite proud of her friend!

It wasn't long before they were able to eat! Which Marley was super happy about. She quickly grabbed the food she wanted and placed it on her plate before digging in. Marley ate a bit of her food before turning to the person next to her. "Do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming break?"
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Fiona thought her year at Hogwarts was okay this year, though she thought it could've been better. Fiona didn't have any friends and Fiona had felt bad for not really hanging out with her friends this year, and she knew that was going to change next year at her time at Hogwarts. She definitely wanted to make friends as well as spend time with her friends, and she knew that had to be the goal next year. Though she was excited for the upcoming break. She was excited to see her siblings and her dad again. Fiona wasn't even sure if she was going to see her mum during the break, it had been hard to figure her mum out since the chat that her dad had with her and her siblings. The Gryffindor mindlessly listened to the headmaster, not really paying attention to what he was saying. It wasn't long before they were able to eat and Fiona happily ate into her food.
Thomas was only in his second year at Hogwarts and so far it had been manageable. He was always homesick and he had always missed his dad whenever he was at school, so he was glad to be going home for the break and spend time with his family, especially with his dad. Though Tom thought he managed to make a couple of friends at school this year, which he was a little relieved by. He always had trouble making friends. The Hufflepuff listened to what the headmaster had to say, not really wanting to miss out on anything that was important. It wasn't long before they were able to eat which Tommy had been happy about. He waited until everyone grabbed what they wanted before Thomas went for whatever was left on the plates and dug into his food.
Yuelia couldn't get out of Hogwarts soon enough, she felt. She couldn't wait to have freedom to cast magic without feeling like a portrait or a professor or a prefect might report her. She just wanted to play around with animation spells in privacy, to find her grandmother and hopefully get some guidance, and to just be free of horrible dungeons. She heard a couple of the younger students boo, probably at June specifically and hid a smirk by pulling her drink to her lips. She quietly joined in with a 'boooo' of her own, more aimed at Emmanuel than June, but it wasn't like anyone could stop her now, she was free.
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Her first year at Hogwarts had gone by so fast and Sophie couldn't believe it! So much time had gone by. Sophie had enjoyed her first year at Hogwarts, even though she wished she was able to make some more friends. There was always next year. She was grateful for what she had learned at Hogwarts this year, especially with the whole new world that she had entered into. But she was glad that her twin brother had joined with her. Sophie listened carefully to what the headmaster had said, interested and surprised how people had managed to accumulate that many points. Maybe that should be her goal. It wasn't long before the feast of food came in and she was ready to eat!!
Emmanuel thought it was a little surreal that he was finally at the end of his schooling, that he was at the last thing he would do as part of them. That he would be just doing a last feast, finishing his packing and then heading off. He didn't expect his next school experience to be anything like, university was going to be a different beast, but he was eager and ready for, eager to take all he'd learnt in the past few years and apply it where he really wanted to go. Emmanuel was surprised to hear his name against the others for top points and gave a little smile, seeking out Kyon's gaze as the food appeared.
Gregory had certainly had worse years, and he'd had better. Everyone finding out about his loss of hearing was a negative and the way his lying had ruined the remaining few bonds he'd had, though he was trying to not focus too much on that, trying to be better for all of his friends. For himself too, he was a little tired of being so alone. He had his note pad with him as the head master got started. He had still opted to sit furtherest away, and was sure the moment the feast began it would be too lost to get anything. He looked at the notepad more than the professor but really it wasn't like he needed to know this. When he got home he'd tell his parents and figure out how to improve his sign language. As the food appeared he focused just on that. Somewhat ignoring everyone around him, which was easy when the world was as silent for him as it was.
Teddy had already known he hadn’t beaten his total from last year but he still hoped he'd done enough to win top house point scorer overall. As soon as he'd learned that June Davenport had won that particular title, he did what any self respecting Gryffindor would do and immediately changed tact to not even being bothered because he obviously hadn't cared about winning all along. He clapped lazily, just enough not to look like a sore loser coming second and listened to the runners up. He was surprised Audrey hadn't come top for Ravenclaw like last year.

When the food appeared, he began piling his plate with roast chicken and vegetables then poured gravy all over it. “Honestly,” he said, turning to te person next to him as if they'd brought it up, “I’m not disappointed at all. I mean, I never wanted to win top scorer two years running. That’s so much pressure.” He speared a chunk of chicken with his fork and waved it around for emphasis, sending a few specks of gravy flying without even noticing.
Savannah had hoped that after the Madam Puddifoot's speed dating that Ezra might actually ask her out, but she hadn't noted anything from him. She wasn't sure how much she really wanted it, or just wanted an experience of dating. She had had other things to think about, like her exams so that had kept her distracted, but now sh didn't have that to think about. Instead all she had was the break and her final coming year. Where she could admit she was keen to have at least one dating experience. Savannah glanced up at the professor briefly, though her book remained in front of her, not bothering to even hide it. She only moved it when the food appeared. Despite being a prefect she still wasn't going to find the feasts of any use.
Vanity felt weird this year at the end of year feast. She definitely wasn't upset Emery was leaving and wouldn't be here next year, and she definitely wasn't sad he didn't even seem to care. She hadn't noticed how he hadn't looked her way even once as everyone settled into their seats, and she definitely hadn't noticed how he had looked at Briony. It didn't matter, Vanity didn't need to the favorite.

The Headmaster's speech was boring, and Vanity was idly playing with her fork when she heard June's name being called. It wasn't a huge surprise, but it was annoying that she got top points again. Vanity let out a huff of annoyance, then cupped her hands around her mouth and started booing her loudly. "BOOOO!" It wasn't until she was done that she realized Morrie was sitting nearby and did the same thing. Laughing, Vanity leaned over for a high five.

@Morrie Ayre
Fraser was looking forward to going home. He was looking forward to the break, to being able to spend time with his parents, with his sisters, just looking forward to what that would bring. He kept glancing over at Zerrin, hoping the boy was okay, and then he would glance at June. He had always harboured some feelings for her, and yet he had tried to push them down and move on, but it had never really quite worked. He applauded for slytherin and cheered loudly for her when she was the top ponts earner, it wasn't too much of a surprise who it was for Gryffindor. He smiled at the boy when he spoke. "Still, congrats!" he told him. Happy for the boy.
@Teddy Pirrip
Callie loved HOgwarts and she was pretty sure she loved her boyfriend a great deal. he was just sweet and kind to her. She just had to now tell her parents about him, and tell her parents about the year she'd had, which felt like an easy task, but she had done tarot reading and she had runes now and she knew her parents had issues with some elements of magic. Callie cheered loudly for the slytherins, and cheered for the top points earners as the food then appeared. She turned to Marley and smiled. "Oh not really, I'm going to probably tell them about Dante, and we'll probably do some day trips but nothing else." Callie said. "You?"
@Marley Owens-Lee
Enoch really didn't want to go home. He didn't particularly like hogwarts but it was better than heading home and having to live with one of his brothers who was just too busy for him. He knew it would just be six weeks of boredom and an uncomfortable couch. He didn't want that. H just wanted to be alone, in place where he could be alone. But he never got what he wanted. Enoch barely listened to the top points though he heard the booing of some of the other slytherins. He just was gladwhen the food appeared and he was able to focus on that rather than anything else.
Friday was so glad another year of schooling was over. She didn't know how people could be bothered as it got to the end of the semester. it was just so boring and exams were so dull and terrible. It just wasn't at all what any one sane would enjoy. She was very surprised with how many points some people got. It really could never be her. Friday glanced around and booed for each of them in turn. Thankfully then the food appeared and she just grabbed what she liked.
Apolline knew she would mourn her solitude at Hogwarts. With her brother joining her in the new year. She didn't think he'd end up in gryffindor but she knew with their parents it wasn't impossible that he would. She glanced towards the head master and applauded for all the top students. She hadn't got it obviously, but she felt like this might've been her closest year yet. Apolline then glanced as the feast got started towards Fraser, the leader of accio. She was pretty keen on seeing if accio and photography was something she could do with her time at the school. The food appeared and Apolline grabbed some. "Any plans for the break?" she asked the person next to her.
Magne was very excited to be heading home for the break. He just knew he was going to have a great time with his parents and with sailing which he always missed so dearly when he was at school. He was looking forward to just being able to have fun, to just doing things that weren't magic and revision. He knew too that he wouldn't lose the language skills, he was a lot better at English now than he had been. He applauded and cheered for the students who'd really done so much and then grabbed some food for him to eat.
Miroslav didn't know why it was compulsory to go to these things. They were dull and boring and he hated them. it was just dull. He booed with the others though didn't just do it for the slytherin top points earner but all of them. He couldn't imagine anything worse than being singled out for being a massive nerd. He grabbed some food as at appeared and was looking for someone to annoy with his food.
Winnie was pretty disappointed in herself. She knew she wasn't winning top points, and she had really wanted to. She knew her parents were riding on her doing so, but she knew it would've been next to impossible for her. She knew the older students had more classes and more opportunities to gain points. She just had to hope her parents saw it like she did. Winnie applauded politely for the students who won, knowing that not doing so even in her frustration would reflect poorly on her. She looked at the food but couldn't find it in herself to be hungry. Though she took a little and picked at it.
Daiki had had a good year at school. All made better by the fact that his best friend was back in his life. It made everything better, it made everything easier. She was just the only person in the world he ever wanted to be around. He had sat with her at the feast and applauded loudly for the people who'd won before helping himself to food.

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