Y43 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
Matt stood at the end of the hall and watched as graduates, guests, staff members, and prefects entered and settled into their seats. The long house tables had been removed from the hall, leaving enough room for many rows of chairs for everyone in attendance. The decorations for the four houses were gone as well, replaced by simple banners with the Hogwarts symbol on it. The graduates were no longer a part of their house, they stood together as the graduating class of 2059.

After waiting for everyone to sit down, Matt made his way across the stage to take his position at the podium. It was one of the first times he had to do this, and he hoped his nerves weren't showing. There was something different about addressing parents and other guests along with the usual students. He hoped this would all go smoothly. "Welcome everyone to the graduation ceremony of twenty-fifty-nine. I would like to thank you all for joining us in this celebration of all the bright young witches and wizards that will be receiving their diplomas today. Seventh years, you should all be proud of what you have achieved." He said with a smile. "Your lives are just beginning, you are the future of wizardkind. I think I speak for all of the staff when I say that our future is a bright one." He said, pausing for a moment. "With that, I'd like to call upon our head students Jordan Harris and Indira Khatri to take the podium." With that, Matt finished, stepping to the side to allow the two head students to take the stage.
Indi never considered herself to be a nervous person. There were few things in her life that really scared her but public speaking on a scale this big was turning out to be one of them. At least this would be the last time she would see most of these people and that thought did bring her comfort. She had never felt very sentimental about Hogwarts and while it had made writing her speech difficult, she was eager to finish this one last assignment. She stood up once the Headmaster finished his introduction and her stomach did a threatening flip as she stood at the podium and faced the crowd fully for the first time. She spotted her friends and family and smiled faintly before squaring her shoulders and addressing them all.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm going to make sure to keep this brief since I know the students who have been waiting for seven years are ready to get on with their lives." she began with a grin and did her best to keep any sarcasm out of her voice in case her speech started to take on a very different tone than she was going for. She was trying to keep things light even if some of her words weren't exactly glowing. "Hogwarts is a place that does it's best to prepare us for the future. It teaches us not only magic but how to be independent witches and wizards of the future." she said confidently even though it felt false coming out of her mouth. But she also knew it was the kind of thing the parents and professors wanted to hear on a day like today. "But there is only so much we can learn here. It can be easy to reflect on the past seven years and consider the friends and grades and accomplishments we've made and think that the best is behind us. But the reality is that none of it really matters." Indi paused and hoped she hadn't lost the crowd after a statement like that. But she was Head Girl and they had to listen to her.

She had been so excited when she had gotten her badge but the doubt had set in just as quickly. Yes, she had earned her title but it wasn't like she had been recognized before. In a way it felt hollow. A consolation prize. She knew that there were people in the crowd that needed to know that even if they weren't the one giving a speech at graduation they also mattered. Their future mattered and would likely be so much better than the time spent at school. So she quickly continued. "What matters is what we do and where we go from here. As wonderful as our professors are there is only so much they can teach us, the rest is up to us. To take our experiences and push beyond what's in front of us so we can make something of our own." she said and was relieved her voice sounded steady. "So class of twenty-fifty-nine, I want to say to you congratulations for making it this far and I can't wait to see where you go from here. Thank you." Indi concluded with a content grin and feeling like she had done an alright job and nodded to Jordie as she sat down and shot him a thumbs up for good luck. Not that he needed it.
Jordie felt like his stomach was in knots. He had no idea what he was doing. He swallowed hard, straightening his hair for the millionth time as he sat with the others, waiting for Indi to speak. They'd agreed to let her go first, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. He had never managed to write a speech. His words kept getting mixed. He took a deep breath as Indi finished and smiled nervously back at her, moving to stand before everyone.

Jordie took a deep, steadying breath. "Hello everyone," He greeted with a shy smile. "My name is Jordie," he offered, before just letting himself talk
"I wish I could say I'd written a wonderful, amazing speech full of insights and confidence. But honestly, I could never find the words." He took a deep breath. "What I can say, is that life is always going to be this way. We worry, and fret, and fuss over who we are, where we're going, what we need to do."

He ran a hand through his hair. "But in the end, it doesn't matter. Today is just another day. We'll wake up tomorrow somewhere new. They want words of wisdom? Here's mine. There will always be a tomorrow. So stop worrying. Take that adventure. Go watch the clouds or stay up all night with your friends." He smiled, feeling his shoulders relax. "Live your life. Follow your dreams. Spend time with the people you love. And in the end, we can all look back and have no regrets."

He hesitated, but out of words, he just nodded, smiling shyly before returning to his seat.
Matt stepped aside and listened to the speech the Head Girl gave, smiling slightly. He would have been a nervous wreck at that age, giving a speech in front of so many people. It was probably part of the reason Matt had never been head boy. After Indira was finished, Jordan spoke. The tone was very similar and Matt wasn't sure if he approved of this message of school not mattering. Once they were done, he applauded along with everyone else. He then stepped forward again, his part in the proceedings not yet done. “Thank you to our head students for those heartfelt words.” He said, nodding at them in respect. “To the class of Twenty-fifth-nine, I wish you all the luck in the future. I know you will all be amazing. Once I call your name, come up to the stage to receive your diploma.” He took the group of graduates in for a moment, then smiled and read the first name on his list.

It's time Graduates. You can now RP your character coming on stage, getting their diploma and then sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
He had finally made it. After seven years of learning nonsense, he didn't care about, Eoin was finally done with Hogwarts and, in turn, with magic as a whole. Frankly, he couldn't wait to get out of the castle and do something worthwhile with his life. As he sat there, he didn't really pay much attention to the speeches, leaning back and folding his arms across his chest as he waited for the rest of the ceremony. Finally, he heard his name, quickly standing up and heading to the stage to accept his diploma. Though it felt a little useless as he was never going to actually use it. But hey, he now had a piece of paper saying he had completed his magical schooling.
Branson had been looking forward to this, in a very bittersweet way. he had worked hard in his classes, he had done a lot of things in his schooling that he was proud of. He was just happy with how things had gone and now it was over. Due to end after this. Part of him wished for a couple more years, for the structure and education this school would provide to continue. But he knew that this was just because of his worry about the world outside. He didn't need to worry really, he would be fine, he would manage just fine. He had the skills now. Branson was in his finest robes sitting amongst the people he had known for the last seven years and ready to graduate, his family was at the celebration. He was glad to have them here. He would've invited Blair but it was a lot for just an afternoon and he didn't have enough spare tickets for both his sisters, mother and her.

Branson took a moment to look at them in the crowd and then glanced towards the front where the headmaster got things started. He applauded for both the head boy and girl and what they said. He had been to a graduation before, since he had been a prefect in the last year, and it had been interesting to hear what people had to say then, but now, now it was personal. Jordie was someone Bran had known from early in his school years, Indi too. They were the people he knew. Branson was proud of them both, thinking that Indi deserved to be the head girl, and Jordie to be head boy. He was one of the first to cross the stage, a luxury of his surname and he proudly walked on the stage taking a moment to wave at his family before he shook the headmaster's hand and took his school diploma. Bran was proud of himself. Glad of all he had achieved in his schooling, and ready to go into the world and do more.
Isaiah couldn't quite believe the day had actually come. He was graduating. Something he had often said he was looking forward to, but never mentioned he was also dreading ever so slightly. It wasn't that he didn't like Hogwarts, he was fine with being at the school, he was just glad that learning was over and done with. Classes, assignments, exams. Never again. He'd be free, he'd be allowed to explore and figure out what the world was all about. And yet, here at school he was someone. He had plenty of friends, was captain of the quidditch team and liked to believe he was quite populair. There was no way of saying who or what he'd be out in the world. And even if he'd never admit it, that scared him a bit. Zay watched as Indi and Jordie took the stage, grinning at their speeches and giving an obnoxiously lood whoop once Jordie finished his. Knowing the first letter of his last name was towards the end of the alphabet he clapped for each of his classmates that took the stage before him, standing up and making more noise for each of his friends and his girlfriend. When it was his own turn to take the stage Zay grinned as he took his diploma, turning around to give the audience a mock salute before heading back to his seat. He couldn't wait to see what life outside of school would be like.
Rune felt more nervous than he had been in ages. He could feel the butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he sat on the stand in front of all the people. The only little bit of relief he felt was when he saw is older sister Marlow in the ground. He smiled shyly at her, thankful for her presence. He knew she would not forget about him, even though they were on separate life paths right now. Rune sat in his seat and placed his hands together. He hoped that would stop the slight shaking. He hated being the center of attention, even though he was proud at the fact he was graduating. He tried to sit as quietly as he could as the Headmaster began the ceremony. Rune focused on his hands, not looking up at the ground.

The Headgirl and Headboy spoke. Rune listened, looking up now and then, but not trying to try any attention to himself. When he did look into the crowd, he looked at Marlow or his mother. Looking at his father would only stress him out more. Finally, the speeches were done. Rune listened names began to be called. The closer it came to his name, the more nervous he was. He hoped he wouldn't trip and fall. Oh great, that was in his head now.

Finally, Rune's name was called. He stood up slowly and walked to the front of the stage. He received his diploma without a word. He quickly went back to sit in his seat, holding the piece of paper in his hand that proved he had finished Hogwarts. He looked up briefly at his family before focusing on the paper in his hands until everyone had received one.
Ryder was done with tests and classes. He was done with school. He had done his seven years sitting through some pretty boring classes and only a few exciting ones. He wasn't sure what his goals were after this. His older sister had gone traveling after school, but Ryder wasn't sure this was the right path for him. He wasn't sure what was. All he knew was he was not going to continue his education and he was never going to sit through another lecture again.

Just a few more speeches and he would be free. Ryder sat on the stage as the Headmaster spoke. The speeches were all rather boring just talking about the future and adventures. Ryder liked the adventures part. But barely listened though. He only focused when he saw his brother head up to grab his diploma. That meant Ryder was next. He waited until his name was called. He walked up the Headmaster and took his diploma. One piece of paper for all his suffering. He hoped it was worth it. He held the paper in his hand and looked out at his father in the mass of people before returning to his seat.
Natalia couldn't say she had loved her time at Hogwarts. If she could do it over, she would probably do things differently. She would be less distant, make a few more friends. But even now, she was glad with the friendships she did have. Indi and Salem were both girls she had disliked the first few years of Hogwarts, and now she couldn't imagine not living in the same castle as them anymore. She was scared of graduating, scared of having to tell her parents she was defying their dreams for her. But she was also excited to see what she could do in the world, the difference she could make. She knew confronting her parents would be difficult, but she could do it. For now, she tried to focus on the moment. She sat with Salem and looked over at her with a small smile as Indi took the stage. Indi's speech was great, and it was very her. Natalia was really proud of her friend. When the speeches were over, it was time for htem to all graduate. Natalia clapped for Indi and Salem. Then it was her turn. She wished her sister was here to see her graduate. She wished she'd had any guests to invite. As she took to the stage to receive her diploma, she quietly vowed to make sure her sister would graduate in this same hall, and that she would be there to watch. She took her diploma, then returned to her seat quietly.
Indi listened to Jordie's speech and wondered if she should have encouraged him to start working on it last semester when he had asked her about it. But she found it hard to listen to anything when she still felt the rush of adrenaline from her own time on stage making her whole body feel like it was vibrating. She was suddenly tired as Jordie sat down and their names started to be called. The worst was over now and all she had to do was see it to the end. She was truly and finally done, and the relief of it almost knocked her over. Or it would have if she hadn't been sitting down. Obviously, Indi knew she still had work ahead of her when it came to healer training but at least it would have a purpose and she could learn what she actually cared about. She had never considered school that stressful. It was just a part of her life that she was determined to do well in and now that it was over she was starting to see just how heavy the burden of grades and assignments really was. She was still reeling in that feeling and nearly missed when her name was called. But she stood up quickly and took to the stage again to shake the headmaster's hand. She wondered what he had thought of her speech but also realized it didn't matter. It wasn't like she needed his approval anymore. Indi could hear her mom's cheering cut through the rest of the crowd and she nearly laughed. She waved to her family and was surprised to see how many of them had come. It was always startling when her family all showed up anywhere because it was only then did she realize just how many aunts, uncles, and cousins she really had. Indi took her seat once more to wait for the rest of her classmates to be called and felt lighter than she ever had before.
It was weird to think Salem had somehow managed seven years here now. She remembered coming to school, how restrictive it had felt and how badly she wanted to leave every time they had to come back from holiday. And now, while the urge to wander off hadn't abated, Salem had to admit she'd come to love aspects of the school. Or perhaps the people in it she thought fondly, watching and applauding Indi and Jordie loudly as they stood on stage, or glancing at Natalia next to her. Maybe it had been worth it all in the end.

Listening to Indi and Jordie's speech, Salem felt a bubble of giddy joy in her chest. They were right, it really was all about what was coming next, and she couldn't be more excited for it. She gave Natalia's hand a little squeeze as her turn to stand up at get her diploma came, smiling brightly at Professor Alcott-Ward and her friends and family in the crowd before jumping down the last few steps off stage and hurrying back to her seat. Now that they were this close to the end of it all, Salem could barely wait to be done and get out there.
Elara kicked the bottom of her saree as she crossed her legs, listening to Indira's speech. While she had vowed to really embrace each moment, El was suddenly antsy to get out of the castle, the place she had been so antsy to go to only 7 years ago. And now, she was returning to the place she'd wanted to get away from. It felt odd to have made a full circle, but she supposed life was filled with that kind of thing, and she couldn't wait to learn. Jordie quickly finished his speech, and Elara tried to zone back into what was happening now that folks were starting to get their diplomas. She was near the top of the list and clapped for her peers before hearing her own name.

As she stood up, she heard a large uproar and looked over to see lots of her family, blood-related and not, standing up and screaming as she walked towards the stage. Elara laughed and gestured for them to quickly sit down, most of them ignoring her as she shook hands with the headmaster. She was surprised how many people actually came to graduation. Her dads, sisters, a few aunts and uncles and cousins, and about half the main troupe somehow had squeezed themselves into the seats on the side of the hall. Elara wasn't even sure how they had all been allowed in, but neverthless, they were here, and the graduate grinned as she returned to her seat. As her others friends and boyfriend walked on stage, Elara cheered loudly, proud to be part of the current class. They were all pretty chill compared to some of the younger groups, minus a few instigators. Elara even cheered for them, hoping they found their way in the world. Once the ceremony was over, El felt a sense of relief rush over her as she went to find her family.
Lucie had been waiting for this moment for a while to say the least. Despite not really having much of a clue of where she would end up afterwards, she was eager to finally step out of Hogwarts and get her life moving. She dressed in her best robes as she sat amongst everyone in her year group, including her brother. She wanted to look good during her last day at the school, especially if everyone was looking at her.

The ceremony started quickly, with the Headmaster saying a few words before passing the spotlight onto the head people. Indi’s speech was good in Lucie’s opinion. It was not too long and not too short and had all of the right information in it. Lucie always knew Indi was probably the best choice as head girl, and she was glad that Indi was representing them as a year group. Jordan’s speech however was very motivational, not that Lucie took it seriously. She clapped politely though at the end of the speeches before people’s names were called to collect their diplomas.

As Lucie was called to step up, she slowly walked to the front of the great hall. She smiled politely as she took her diploma, glancing over at her family before turning to walk back off the podium. It was as easy as that and finally she had graduated. As Louis also collected his diploma straight after herself, Lucie clapped for him, knowing that their parents would be proud of them both.
Louis hadn’t felt this nervous in quite a long time, and despite being eager to get out of the school, he somehow felt as though he wasn’t ready for it. All of the doubts were in his head as he sat with his peers in the great hall for their graduation ceremony. He balled his hands into fists to stop them from shaking and tried his best to slow down his breathing. This was an important event and he really couldn’t embarrass himself in front of all of these people. With a glance, Louis looked behind him at his family who were all eagerly waiting for him to graduate. But before he could do so, he had to listen to the head people’s speeches. They were quite ordinary in Louis’ opinion, but he was glad it was them doing it and not himself.

Soon enough, the Headmaster started calling everyone’s names to come up and graduate, and Louis felt his heart beat strongly against his chest. He didn’t think he should be there. After all, he didn’t do as well as he hoped in his exams. Did he really deserve to be walking up there and collecting his diploma? Not only that, but everyone was about to stare at him at the same time and Louis was afraid he was about to embarrass himself in front of hundreds of people.

Luckily, Lucie was called up first, and Louis watched as she so confidently collected her diploma and walked off the stage. He could definitely do it, he was sure. It was only going to take a moment.

When Louis heard his name, his heart sank, and he just kept his hands by his side, feeling extremely tense. He quickly shook the professor’s hand before running off the stage, lucky that he hadn’t fallen over and embarrassed himself. He could see his family clapping for him and the Hufflepuff smiled slightly before taking a sigh of relief. He had actually done it.
River could not believe that the time had finally come. She had spent the last seven years throwing herself into her studies, studying way more than she possibly thought was possible. She had balanced her writing and her schoolwork, leaving out a lot social interacts that she had missed. She couldn't think about that now. She had to be proud of her time, of her work. She had done it. She sat among her classmates, her bright pink hair making her stand out. That was the point. She wanted to annoy her mother, not that she had high hopes that her mother would attend. She hadn't even attended Emmaline's graduation the year before, and Emmaline was the perfect child.

River looked out into the crowd. She did not see her mother, but she did notice her sister sitting with a smile on her face. River couldn't help but smile back. The two had their differences. They had been pitted against one another almost their whole lives. But now they were older. Now they could make their own decisions. River was thankful to have some support.

The Slytherin girl turned her attention away from the crowd and onto the speakers as the speeches began. River was surprised that the speeches were rather plain. It must be hard to come up with something to say. River knew she could probably write an amazing speech, but wondered if she would be able to give it the same way as the words sounded on the page. River listened until her name was called. She stood up and walked to the headmaster to receive her diploma. She held it up in the air and gave a little wave to her sister before taking her seat again. All that hard work and the moment was over.

River waited for the end of the ceremony. She didn't quite feel like she had graduated yet. It probably wouldn't feel real for awhile. She hoped she could manage what life would throw at her now. She was definitely onto a new chapter.
Today couldn't have come soon enough, in Jenna's opinion. Her final year of school had been turned into a nightmare, and she was beyond done and ready to be out of here. Screw the ceremony, if she could she'd accio her diploma and get out of here right now. But no, she had to sit through speeches and suffer the indignity of walking across a stage in front of all of her so-called "peers". Disgusting. She couldn't keep the sneer off her face as Indira took the stage, a perfect example of the mediocrity this school just loved to reward. Never done a good thing in her life, and yet there she was, being showered in praise.

Jenna didn't even pretend to listen to the speech, pulling out a mirror and adjusting her lip gloss while her thankfully former roommate prattled on about love or peace or whatever losers like her cared about. She fixed her hair during the second speech, and by the time her name was called she was able to look up from her compact as the picture of perfection. This school full of vipers was never going to see her weak. Head held high, she strode up to the stage and took her diploma without looking back at her classmates, poised and perfect. She decided not to even pretend to bother with the rest of the ceremony, leaving the Great Hall entirely rather than return to her seat. She was beyond done with this place.
Hogwarts had never been Maggi's choice, and even now at the end she didn't think she would choose this, looking back. With time she had found a home and made friends, but this school had pulled away from her dream, from the life path she had been working towards since she was a kid. Being a witch didn't mean much with seven years of missed training and competitions under her belt. She would practically be starting over in the industry, and while her classmates had careers to look forward to, she would be going right back to the bottom of the ladder. It was disappointing to think about.

The entire day was tinged with bittersweetness, and Maggi listened quietly as Indira and Jordan spoke. It all just echoed the distance she felt from her classmates. Today wasn't the beginning of her adult life, it was the day she would start trying to return to the life she had been pulled away from all those years ago. The lessons she had learned here weren't going to serve all that well, except perhaps the ones she had learned from Elara. She applauded politely as her classmates crossed the stage, clapping louder for her friends and less enthusiastically for... certain people she wasn't sad to see the back of. At long last they reached the Ws and it was her turn to take the stage, smiling as she shook Professor Ward's hand and accepted her diploma. Whatever the future held, at least she was finally free to seek it out herself.
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