Y42 Electives Fair

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was looking forward to this year’s electives fair. He hadn’t had the opportunity to prepare for it in quite some time, so wanted to make the most of it. He had decorated the courtyard with various banners of all different colours so it stood out to anyone that walked by. He set up the tables for the professors accordingly with some plain tablecloths and chairs, and also set up a table in the centre of it all with some snacks that anyone could help themselves to. He figured it was never much of an event without some snacks, and it would hopefully make people a little more interested. He knew sometimes mandatory events like these weren't always the best, but he wanted to try his best to make the students happy. The man also added some potted plants around the place, just so it didn’t look so boring. He then stood back to admire his handiwork, happy that he had the time to do this. He then waited for everyone to arrive, a smile on his face.
Lena was beginning to really like the electives fair. While not as many students were interested in arithmancy as say, care of magical creatures, it didn't stop her from trying to encourage at least a few to join. She had charmed their tables to have some numbers floating through the air, doing simple addition and subtraction. It would probably send a few away who were just not intersted in math, but she hoped it was visual enough to bring them near the table. She hoped Quinn would be by soon, but if not, she figured nothing would be too difficult. As she took a seat with her usual mug in hand, Lena crossed her legs and waited for some of the students to start walking in.
The electives fair was a highlight of the Hogwarts calendar for Kahurangi each year, and this one was no exception. She loved the opportunity to engage with the younger students and show them all the exciting things they could learn in her class. She had brought the usual decorations for her table, humming to herself as she set up piles of books and pamphlets, a tree of bind rune amulets her sixth years had designed, and a few bags of runes for anyone curious about readings. With her work done she settled down cheerfully, waiting for the second years to arrive.
Elvera enjoyed the electives fair. Divination was always a fun subject to sell. She had brought down a box of equipment. Including a large teapot and several cups. A couple of crystal balls and some tarot cards. As well as a nice dark blue table cloth. She also had some sugar biscuits iced with zodiac signs and in the shapes of hands. She stopped at her table and put the boxes down before going over to her colleagues with tue plates would any of you like a biscuit or some tea? she asked offering them around before starting to unpack her things.

@Professor Kahurangi Josephs @Professor Lena Williams @Professor Landon Carter
Given that Emmanuel's top passion was history, what classes he'd do as elective was not something he was sure about. Not a lot of them were history related or history adjecent. He had never been that good with maths, so arithmancy was perhaps a bag idea. He didn't know how much he wanted to learn about the future but perhaps that could be the contrast. He walked into the courtyard and decided he would start with his own head of house. "Hi Professor Josephs," Emmanuel said with a respectful tone. "I'm not sure what to pick. I like history...above everything else. Do you have any suggestions?"
@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Kahurangi gave Elvera a cheerful wave as the Divination professor joined the group, nodding quickly. "I would love a cuppa, thanks Elvera." She said appreciatively, though her attention was quickly pulled aside by a young member of her House. "Well, it depends on what you like about history, and whether you're only looking to supplement that interest or branch out. Ancient Runes is probably the closest Elective subject to history, at least for the first year. Professor Kingsley's classes deal a lot with the history of runes and their place in relation to Norse mythology. The subject branches from there though, with more of a focus on crafting runes and using them in divination. We do touch on history from time to time in the upper years, but it's far less a focus." She paused, thinking about the other elective subjects. "Muggle Studies also touches on history I believe, particularly the history of Muggle culture and technology. Divination would be a good pick if you want to balance looking to the past with looking to the future. Care of Magical Creatures I believe touches in places upon our past relationships with magical creatures and the roles they've played in society, though it's far more focused on the present act of co-existing with those creatures. Arithmancy is an interesting subject, though I don't think it has much in relation to your interests." She finished and paused, trying to think of anything else in the subjects that would relate to history and coming up blank. "I would encourage you to speak to the other professors as well, and see if they have any more insight into their own courses. Do you have any ideas about the kind of career you'd like to have in future?" She asked, though was fairly sure she could already predict Emmanuel's answer.
@Professor Elvera Le Fey @Emmanuel Okoye
Emmanuel wasn't sure what he wanted, he liked history. He wanted to be like his parents and become a historian like them, but they'd gone to a different school and he was sure their subjects wouldn't match perfectly with his. He listened with a keenness to what the professor was saying, that early ancient runes would include bits about history, but latter wouldn't. Divination was the complete opposite. That Muggle studies would focus on some aspect of history from a muggle perspective. He didn't particularly like animals, so he didn't think he'd gain anything from care of magical creatures, and Arithmancy was like he thought. ”Well, I'd like to be a historian, like my parents,” he told her with a wide smile. ”I think Muggle studies is an option I will look into. I was raised in a place different from here and around magical people, it will give me a good perspective to know about the muggles who live here,” he said. ”But I don't see that professor yet…,” he couldn't spot them. Though perhaps he just didn't know them. ”Thank you professor,” he said to his head of a house.
Hiro was starting to enjoy the electives fair more than he thought he would. It was a chance to see the second years and try and get them a little more interested in the Muggle world. This year, however, he happened to be running just a little late. He'd lost track of the time, but he would say it wasn't his fault the book he had been reading was too engrossing for its own good. A bit out of breath and feeling thankful he didn't have to run down too many stairs from his office, Hiro finally entered the courtyard, carrying a couple of electronics from a recent Fourth Year class. A couple of old mobile phones, an old landline, and even his laptop. Carefully putting them on the table, the Professor finally let out a breath, straightening up as he looked around. At least he wasn't the first person to arrive, it even looked as though he had beaten Warren here.
Enzo was unsure what electives he'd be taking starting next year. He'd never really been given an option in choosing her own educational path. Before Hogwarts, his parents were very meticulous about curating every book, theory, and historical fact he and his siblings would learn about. It wasn't until he came to school that he seemed to have more freedom to what he could look at. While his parents had pushed him on what to read in his leisure time, he had began exploring a lot of things he'd never heard about, especially when it came to history.

As Enzo entred the courtyard, he saw quite a few tables around with professors he wasn't really familiar with. The Slytherin wasn't sure if he should be taking certain things for a certain career because, to be honest, he had no idea what he'd like to be when he grew up. So many other kids knew they wanted to be aurors or healers, but he just didn't really know yet. While walking around the hall, Enzo stopped in front of the muggle studies table. He didn't know much about muggles. His family was isolated, and other than interacting with the muggleborns as school, he didn't know any. While his family could no longer came pureblood status, they did always tell him that there were no actual muggles in their family tree. He looked at some of the things on the table, confused by what exactly they did. "What do all those buttons do?" he asked the professor, pointing to the multitude of phones, that he didn't know were phones. @Professor Hiro Aoki

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