Open Y42 Club Fair

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (49)
Angel was content to sit back and let the club leaders do most of the work as he 'supervised' today's club fair. At least they were inside, the gloomy Spring weather mirrored in the enchanted ceiling over head as the various club booths and members got themselves set up at the selection of tables Angel had helpfully conjured for them all before conjuring a cushy armchair for himself and getting comfortable as students began filtering in.

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to the club fair! You can find the list of school clubs and leaders below

Club NameLeader(s)
Accio!@Eugene Nestor
The Brotherhood of MAGIC@Jordan Harris
The Conglomerated Arts Club@Niamh Eriksen
Heta Omega@Ana Sofia Burleigh
Hogwarts Monthly@Estella Fuentes
The Student Defense Association@Flynn North @Indira Khatri
The Wild Patch Club@Rosemarie Chatwin
Eugene knew that Accio being at the club fair was not always the most useful thing. He liked to think people wanted to see their work, but they were an exclusive club that had higher requirements for being a part of. Eugene knew that this then meant he mostly spent the club fair with no one coming, but he'd purposefully put himself next to the arts club stall so that is Sky wanted any help he'd be able to jump in. He had also brought his guitar. Eugene had last years yearbook and a few older examples and was just ready to field any questions.
After a year of leading the club Ana Sofia had become more confident in her abilities as a leader. She believed she had put up some good meetings, created some things the girls were excited about. Like the photo wall. And if last year had been good than certainly this year would be better. Ana had set up the Heta table in a way that she thought represented the club. She had wrapped some string lights around the table and had set up several pictures of previous activities, making sure the girls could get an idea of what being part of the club was like. She had also put down a small basket of sweets and one that included friendship bracelets in pretty colours. The sign up sheets were right in the middle of the table accompanied by a few of Ana's pink, yellow and floral muggle pens. Content with how her table looked she took a seat as she waited for any possible future members to head up to her table.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @Ana Sofia Burleigh for any questions or if you're interested in joining Heta Omega!
Aine was going to be set up unofficially outside the fair, but she had one task to attend to first. Last year, she'd braved up and enjoyed the paper and had very much enjoyed working on it and was glad to continue with it. But she'd hesitated with Heta Omega, thinking for some reason she'd be unwelcome, like she wasn't girly enough or her tendency to run her mouth and lack of insight on making friends would prevent her from being allowed in. But thus year she'd at least try, even though her palms already were sweating as she approached the table, the paranoia that she'd never fit in hitting her hard. ", can I, um, join? If that's okay..." she mumbled. She'd always been rejected from the other girls at primary school, but she knew she hadn't made a real effort on her part either, probably not wanting to deal with the pain of rejection after actually trying.

@Ana Sofia Burleigh
Emery could easily remember the club fair from last year, he had been very idsappointed to learn there was no gobstones club. He still thought it was utter rubbish, but he was at least open to seeing what other clubs were about, he supposed. He quickly dismissed the Brotherhood club as it seemed noisy from what he could recall from last year. But this year, Emery stopped in front of the newspaper and looked at what they had on display, considering it.
Marnie had loved her time in the Arts Club last year, even if she did look back on her horribly embarrassing crush on Casper with some regret. She was all over that now, and Sky was in charge of the club now anyway so it was dumb thinking about it took much. Besides, she was interested in something else this year, skirting her way through the crowd to linger near the school newspaper. She'd spent a lot of the holiday break using copies of the Daily Prophet as a drop clothe for various projects and it had gotten her thinking maybe she could do something like that, writing and stuff. It couldn't be that hard right?

She hesitated when she saw Emery Mettlestone lurking by the table as well, wrinkling her nose at him. Maybe he'd be less grumpy with the new year. "You'll probably like the paper right? Since you love sticking to deadlines and stuff, you know, like what you said to me last year about my quilt and how I couldn't stick to a deadline and papers have deadlines so I bet you'd have a lot of fun." @Emery Mettlestone
Indi had been pleased when Flynn had asked her to run the SDA with her, it almost made up for her lack of a prefect badge, almost. But she got to the club fair with plenty of time to set up the table with Flynn. She rolled out the banner than had been used in previous years and set it up before arranging the dueling tournament trophies from the past few years to complete the set up. She frowned, knowing her name was missing from last year's and thought about hiding it under the table. But with a sigh, she left it, knowing she had to be the bigger person or whatever. She'd just have to do better this year. With one final glance at the table she stood next to Flynn and crossed her arms as she waited for the first students to show up.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @Indira Khatri or @Flynn North with any questions or if you're interested in joining the Student Defense Association!
Anisha was excited about the club fair, though she tried to suppress her urge to join every club. She wandered around a bit, noticing that they were run by a variety of older students she obviously didn't know. But there was one student she did know, and Anisha grinned as she spotted Indi setting up at the SDA table. Anisha practically skipped up to her. "Hi Indi I want to join your club." She said with a grin.

@Indira Khatri
Indi frowned when she spotted Anisha coming her way and was shaking her head before her sister even spoke. "No." she said in a flat voice. She wanted to say that first years weren't allowed but she didn't want to discourage any that actually wanted to join from signing up. "You can join when I graduate." she added with a pained smile. @Anisha Khatri
Leah had been waiting eagerly for the club fair. She was so excited to see what clubs they had at school and which ones she might want to join. With quidditch being a bit of a failure she was excited to see what else the school had to offer. When she entered the great hall she was momentarily stunned as she tried to figure out what she should do first. There was so much to see. But the table with lights caught her eye first and she was drawn to the flowers and sweets. Her smile widened when she realized it was a club for girls and she instantly knew she wanted to join. A sisterhood? That sounded amazing as far as she was concerned. "Hi!" she said excitedly, greeting the leader and the other girl who seemed to be signing up too. The other girl at the table seemed a bit older and she turned to her. "Are you signing up too? Can I use that pen when you're done." she asked before turning to the leader. "The table is so pretty. Can we take one of those?" she asked and pointed to the pile of friendship bracelets. She wondered if they'd get a chance to make some of those in the club. They were so pretty. @Aine Thompson @Ana Sofia Burleigh
Sky made her way to the great hall her hands full. Luckily she had not got far to carry things from the arts room to the hall. She found the table and was relieved to see it was next to Accio. This was the first year leading the club and she wasn't quite sure what she was doing. but at least she was next to Eugene's stand so he could help if she needed it. She realized she was a little late but the biscuits had taken her longer to make than she had thought and hadn't wanted to serve half-cooked biscuits. she quickly went about spreading things out. starting with a 'tablecloth' of brown paper that people could doodle on. on one side of the bench were pictures from last year's events people smiling next to their art, she noticed one of Marnie next to the blanket she had made she put that prominently, she didn't want people to think that art was only painting. there were pictures of people playing instruments from the casual meeting at the start of last year, and casual pictures of people using the rooms, she smiled when she saw a picture of Renata smiling in the kitchen, flour all over her and dough on her hands. she may have to save that one to show her. she also had a guitar that she set out in front of the table. then she moved to the other side of the bench where she set out the gingerbread biscuits, and some icing, and other decorations. for people to decorate. she was ready. hang on a second no she wasn't she had forgotten paper for a signup sheet. Quickly she cleared space and drew a box with the coloured markers she had brought and wrote in her neatest most treated hand writing. Conglomorated Arts Club and below it sign up list. now she was ready

OOCOut of Character:
please @Niamh Eriksen with any questions regarding the Conglomerated arts club
Dahlia was keen to join clubs and be social at the school. She was pretty disappointed that there was only the one sports team and nothing else in that sense, but she supposed she'd just have to see what else was on offer. She saw Leah headed over to the sisterhood, and just from one look knew she was absolutely going to join it, but before she could follow her dormmate another club caught her eye, and she wandered over to the arts club. Dahlia wasn't really an artist or a musician - and judging by the photo of the ugliest quilt she'd ever seen, that wasn't a barrier for entry - but she could be dramatic. She looked at the girl who seemed a bit disorganized and tilted her head, curious. "Hey, so like, is it just arts and crafts, or is there other stuff too?" She asked, a bit uncertain. "Do you, like, do drama and acting?" She looked at the gingerbread and decorations, and smiled despite herself. A little early for Christmas, but cute regardless.

@Niamh Eriksen
The pencils that sprouted a sunflower had been a great conversation starter last year and thus she had ordered more over the break. Instead of sunflowers she had ordered a cherry tomato variant this year. It would sprout into a full blown cherry tomato plant with some love and care. Rose had decorated her stand with various flowers and vines and hoped that people would find her. Since she still was against flower crowns and her Hufflepuff jungle had been doing amazingly the people that joined her club could take a little offspring of a plant she had cared for over the summer. There were various tiny pots with succulents and some had flowers growing in them. Her precious Edgar was also close by providing the necessary mental support.

OOCOut of Character:
Contact @Rosemarie Chatwin for questions and joining the WPC
It was his last year at the castle, so Flynn wasn't really bothered about clubs anymore. He'd already picked out someone to lead the SDA once he graduated, so he was more than happy to stand on the sidelines and let her run the show most of the time. There was no better practice than throwing someone in the deep end to fend for themselves. They hadn't even been standing there very long when a first-year wandered up. Flynn had opened his mouth to respond, but Indira beat him to it. Technically first years were allowed to join up, but he had a feeling she wasn't saying no because she had forgotten that. But he didn't intervene, just grinning a little as he turned his back. The first year was getting on help from him.
@Indira Khatri @Anisha Khatri
Estella was more than ready for this year's club fair. She made her way to the Great Hall with a large box of everything she needed for it. She was a little later than she hoped, but she still made it there in good time and began setting up her space. She used the same banner as last year with "The Hogwarts Monthly" written in big letters and decorated with glitter. She then placed a pink tablecloth on the table and placed some old issues on it for people to read, as well as a bowl of sweets free for anyone who wanted them. She also had some framed articles that she liked most sitting on the table to show off everyone's work. She was proud of the team for what they had produced last year and hoped she would be able to find some more excellent people to join the team this year. "Come join the Hogwarts Monthly and have your work shown in this year's issue!" she exclaimed, trying to get anyone's attention who would listen.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @Estella Fuentes if you would like to join the Hogwarts Monthly ^_^
Ana Sofia took a second to wave at Rose and Essie from her stand, only now realizing how cool it was that they all had clubs to run. Even if it did make them a little busier than they had been before. She turned back to focus on her own table when she noticed a girl approaching. "Hi!" She beamed at her before giving an excited nod. "For sure! Just put your name down on one of these sheets and that's pretty much it. Members will be notified of our first meeting." Ana explained as she pushed the sheets a bit further down the table so they were easier for the girl to reach. She watched as another girl joined them, shooting her a smile when she complimented her table. "Thank you and yes, definitely! That's why they're there." @Aine Thompson @Leah Thorne
Aine nodded, giving the older Hufflepuff girl a smile. "Thank you. Um, your pens are really cute," she added, incredibly awkwardly, writing her name down on the signup sheet. Well, she supposed she'd done it, after all. "Oh, sure, here you go," she responded to the younger girl, handing over the pen. She somewhat shyly picked up one of the friendship bracelets. She'd never actually had one of her own before, maybe that was something the club did. She'd just have to put in an effort to try and fit in with them, even though she wasn't sure she was the right fit. She gave Estella a wave at the Hogwarts Monthly stand before heading off to go find where to sit with the non-sanctioned History Club promotion.

@Ana Sofia Burleigh @Leah Thorne
Hearing the newspaper club leader call out, Marnie didn’t waste time waiting for Emery’s response, happily stepping closer to jot her name down on the sign-up sheet. “Wow I love your decorations like if I had any doubts if I wanted to join they’re all gone now have you guys considered using glitter in the actual paper too I’m sure it would liven things up like we don’t have to use black ink and white parchment right you could use pink I’d buy a newspaper that was pink any way I’m Marnie I can’t wait to join,” she said brightly, dotting the “i” in her name with a little heart. @Estella Fuentes
Anisha's grin faded at Indi's words, she was actually a little hurt. She knew Indi didn't love having her around all the time, but to hear her say she couldn't join her club, when it was clear she was only saying that because Anisha was, well, Anisha, it hurt. Anisha frowned, feeling a spark of anger. "No." She said, putting her hands on her hips. She glanced at the boy at the stall, but it became clear he wasn't going to be any help. Fine, she'd do this herself. "There's no reason I can't join, if you don't let me you're clearly being unfair." She snapped. "I'll go to your head of house, he's right over there, and I'll make him make you let me in." She threatened. "And I'll do it with a whole lot of drama and noise, I'll make it extra embarrassing, so unless you want everyone to see that, you might as well just let me join." She said, glaring at her sister.

@Indira Khatri @Flynn North
Emery hadn't noticed Marnie until she spoke to him. He looked up at her, a little irritated to be disturbed. He frowned as she spoke, and spoke, and spoke. He crossed his arms. "Well, then you shouldn't join, since you clearly can't stick to a simple deadline." He said snidely before looking away from her. He went on inspecting the stall, frustrated to hear Marnie actually ask to sign up. Once she was done, he cleared his throat. "I also want to join." He announced.

@Estella Fuentes @Marnie Frogg
The idea of clubs didn't sound particularly appealing to Dorian. He didn't need some organization telling him what to do or making him hang out with a bunch of kids he didn't know. But he had been lured into at least giving it a chance at the prospect of some kind of reading or study club, something quiet and engaging would be perfect. He immediately regretted the decision at the sight of all the stalls and students drifting around. None of it sounded particularly interesting and Dorian was considering leaving before anyone could talk to him when he spotted one of the less ostentatious booths.

He was trying to get a read on the SDA booth from afar when he realized who exactly was standing in front of him apparently arguing with one of the club leaders. He couldn't help but snort out loud when the leader outright denied letting Anisha sign-up, deciding maybe that sort of club might be worth checking out. He could always just stop going if he hated meetings, and learning new spells couldn't hurt. "I'd like to sign up, unless you only let people who want you argue with you join," he said stiffly, moving to sign his name on the list in front of the prefect who wasn't currently battling against Anisha and her bad manners.
@Flynn North @Anisha Khatri
Indi clenched her jaw and almost wanted to see if Anisha would go to Professor Castillo to tell on her. It would be just like her to throw a tantrum the moment she didn't get her way. Besides it wasn't like she was a prefect and had something to lose so she stood her ground for now. "Life is unfair." she retorted and hated that she sounded like their mom. "You're already being embarrassing so I'd almost like to see you try." she said in a bored voice. She was surprised Flynn hadn't said anything yet so she took his silence as agreement. "And I didn't say you could never join. I just said you couldn't now." she reminded her. "I have other people to talk to." @Anisha Khatri
Anisha frowned as she heard a familiar, grating voice next to her. She gritted her teeth as she saw the boy from the bookstore. Of course, he was here, of course, he had to see this. She glared at him for a moment, but she couldn't waste her energy on him right now, not when her sister was being horrible for no reason. She had hoped the threat of embarrassing her would make her change her mind, but it seemed like it wasn't enough. "You haven't seen anything yet." She snapped at her. "And you're the one embarrassing yourself right now, being petty and mean for no reason." She added, hissing the words at her. Then she turned and started to walk towards Professor Castillo. She had never talked to the man before and was only 70% sure that was actually his name, but that didn't stop her. "Professor!" She called, raising her hand and waving it to get his attention as she approached. She didn't move particularly quickly, giving Indi every chance to change her mind. To her satisfaction, she saw a few people turning in her direction curiously. If Indi wanted embarrassment, she would get it.

@Indira Khatri @Dorian Fitzwilliam
Indi rolled her eyes and slapped Anisha's hand out of the air. "God, why do you have to be such a brat all the time." she hissed and shoved the sign up sheet at her. "Are you happy? I'm sure everyone thinks you're really cool." she added sarcastically and gestured to the other kid who seemed interested in the club. @Anisha Khatri
Sky looked up as a girl approached her. How had she been okay at the club fair last year helping out but running the place left her mind in a thousand places and it wasn't even busy yet. she put down the picture she was propping up against a box as the girl spoke. "Oh no. not just arts and crafts. we have a big music section and cooking areas. And other options too; it is a place to be yourself and let you create however way you want to create. she said glancing over at Eugene hoping she was doing an okay job of selling the club. she listened as the girl asked specifically about drama. There was an area with space near the music area that she was pretty sure was set up for acting recently it had been a place where people just chilled out and she supposed maybe created a different kind of drama, or where bands practised where they wanted a little ore space than the music study rooms. We don't have a huge amount of drama at the moment. But I would like to get the drama sections going better" she said. "If you want to sign up just add your name to the list, and you can decorate a gingerbread if you want to" she added.
@Dahlia Doherty

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