y42 Brotherhood: After Meet Hangout

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
21 (12/7/2041)
OOC: Due to how busy everyone is, and how few people signed up, this is set after the sports day. If you'd like to say your character was partnered with one of mine, feel free to tag me in it. Just be creative and have fun. Hit me up if you want a pairing with Akihiro, Charlie, Jordie, Soren, Kyon, or Zerrin.

After several hours of football games, races, and a few rounds of capture the flag, Jordie was ready to chill out and just have a fun party. He'd enlisted help setting up a picnic type of thing with loads of snacks and drinks by the lake, for everyone to just relax and chill out. Once they'd all gathered, Jordie hopped up on a rock by the lake to address everyone. "Hey guys! Great jobs today," He told them all, smiling. "Everything went great, I'm glad we all just got to hang out, have fun. Lets decompress now, I've got a whole stack of blankets and pillows, so just grab some and find a good spot to chill out, there's loads of snacks and drinks on the tables we've set up. Hang out with your assigned brother or wander around and chill with some other friends, just do whatever." He announced, before hopping off. He headed over to the table, helping to pass out blankets and hanging out for anyone who might need him for something.
Eugene hadn't had much time recently, but the sports day had been fun. It had been a good way to just run around, compete lightly and let his life be something other than books and photography. He knew it was important to be active, but other than moving around the school a lot he wasn't that involved in many sports. He had had a good time. Eugene took a blanket and put it on the ground before sitting down on top of it. He was a little worn out from all of it and just lightly sipping a water. He'd spend a moment just chilling out and then he could find someone to talk to, or perhaps get back to the work he should be doing.
Branson had been skeptical that a sports day would go that well. He had full faith that Jordie would put his all into it and try to make it the best possible. but he had also just believed that people wouldn't get into it. Apart from quidditch there weren't that many other sports at Hogwarts. But everyone had really gotten into it, and Branson had had crazy fun. It had just been a good day. He was feeling energized and happy, giving out praise to those who'd won. As Jordie finished speaking he approached his friend and placed a hand upon his shoulder. "This was great Jordie, you should be really proud," he said.
@Jordan Harris
Seamus had enjoyed sports days from his last school. They had been involved and fun, usually resulting in at least one victory, but it wasn't something that happened at Hogwarts, with quidditch being the one sport and the one sport everyone did. But he'd appreciated that the leader of the brotherhood had let them have a sports day. It had been fun, he'd pushed and pushed himself to win, and been happy with those results. He grabbed some snacks as the day concluded and everyone was taking a break. It had been good fun. He hoped Hamish had had fun too.
Emmanuel was not much of a sports guy, he was much of a in the library surrounded by books sort of guy, but he had been more involved in this year. He had been part of the three legged race and now too part of the brotherhood sports day. He'd done more sports this year than he had in the last couple of years. Emmanuel hadn't done particularly well in any events, he wasn't the fastest or the strongest by any measure, but Emmanuel didn't mind losing. He liked taking part and he had done exactly what he had set out to do and now Emmanuel could just chill out.
Gregory had tried to be excited for the sports day event with the brotherhood, but within the first event Gregory had tripped up over his own feet, and crashed to the ground. It had been sore, his knees were scraped again, and his ankle felt a little sore. But it had meant that Gregory had sat on the sidelines for the rest of it. It had really done nothing for his current mood. He'd just watched everyone else have fun as the blood dried on his knees and he just wanted to take part. People were seemingly having so much fun and he just had to sit at the side. Even as people started just mingling, Gregory didn't move. He didn't deserve to mingle.
Jingyi was feeling quite happy and energized after a good day just running around. It was a shame that Hogwarts didn't offer more of these kinds of days to people it had been fun and a good way to get rid of all the loose energy. He was still a little red in the face and out of breath after they had finished, grinning as he looked around for a moment. The downside was he didn't really have any friends at these kinds of things so didn't have anyone to talk to. But he supposed he didn't mind, just keeping the smile on his face as he shoved his hands into his pockets and went over to the snacks to try and find something to drink.
Zag had made the correct choice in not taking part in the sports day the brotherhood had set up. He'd only let down his partner and he didn't want to feel responsible for their loss. So, he had spent the whole thing quietly sitting on the sidelines and clapping for everyone else. It hadn't been a very interesting day for him, but he still felt better than he would have if he was all sweaty and out of breath after running around for hours. But now everything was over and done with he did feel a little left out. He was hardly very talkative and 'mingling' made him feel quite uncomfortable. So, he opted to stay quietly at the side and let everyone else have all the fun.
Caleb was almost surprised how much fun he had today. Usually Brotherhood meetings could be kind of boring since they usually just involved standing around and talking. But today they had actually had fun playing sports and doing something together. He wasn't sure why they didn't get a chance to run around for every meeting. Thankfully it was cool by the lake and he was almost tempted to jump in the water to cool down. He had worked up quite a sweat and lifted the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face. Once he reached the snack table he grabbed something to drink first before taking one of the blankets to lay down in the shade to cool down.
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Hamish was enjoying the school event, it was definitely imaginative and he was having a great time just letting loose and playing with his brother. He snagged a blanket and a few extra snacks before finding his brother. "Hey," He smiled, running a hand through his sweat dampened hair. "Do you wanna chill out under the tree?" He asked, nodding to the shade under the tree next to the lake. @Seamus Reid
Kyon had been absolutely ecstatic when he'd found out there was a sports day, and he'd thrown himself into it. He'd placed well and he was pleased with himself. Once they were settling down to relax, he snagged a blanket and danced around a bit before finding Emmanuel. He smiled, jogging up to his friend. "Heyyy, Emmanuel!" He waved happily. "Do you wanna chill with me for a while?" @Emmanuel Okoye
Soren had an absolute blast with the sports day. He wasn't overly competitive, really, but he thought it was all good fun. He enjoyed running around, just being involved and hanging out with the other guys. Once they made it to the lake, he took a bit to stretch before finding his way over to Jingyi. "Hey!" He greeted. "Long time no talk!" @Jingyi Huang
Charlie hadn't been sure about a sports day. He wasn't the most athletic guy ever, and in the end he'd watched more than he'd played. But still, it had been fun cheering on the other guys. Once the festivities had died down and they were just hanging out at the lake, he took the chance to find Eugene. "Hey, you," He greeted. "You're not thinking of running away now, are you?" He was only half teasing, smiling at his friend. @Eugene Nestor
Akihiro had chosen to only take a minor role in the sports day, and had watched more than he'd actually participated. He liked that there was a time to chill out after the day, and grabbed a drink and some snacks before looking around. He spotted one of the other boys and headed over, a friendly smile on his face. "Hello. Caleb, right?" He greeted easily. "Mind if I join?" @Caleb Thorne
Zerrin had really had a blast with the sports day; he only hoped they did it again next year so he could pair up with his little brother and have the same fun with him. Despite how much he'd enjoyed himself, he had noticed one of his friends hadn't had the best time ever. He walked over, kneeling down in front of Gregory and looking at his knees. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up," He smiled, holding out his hand to help Gregory up. "Then lets grab some snacks and a blanket and chill a bit, yeah?" He smiled. @Gregory Friend
Jordie smiled as Branson approached, handing someone else a blanket before Branson put a hand on his shoulder. Jordie smiled at him. "I'm glad it went well," He told Branson. "I noticed with all the parties we usually do a lot of guys looked bored. I thought getting out and wearing off some energy would be a good idea," He told his friend. "Speaking of, Bran, do you think maybe the next meeting it would go well if we did a fun like, indoor competition type thing? With a bunch of party games?" He mused, his mind already racing with different games to play. @Branson Archer
Seamus glanced at his brother and the things he'd grabbed. More than Seamus had and he just nodded. "Sure," Seamus replied with shrug, he didn't mind either way. So just moved over to the tree next to the lake to sit down. The event was over really and the shade and time with his brother was welcome.
@Hamish Reid
Gregory hadn't really moved from his spot since he'd tripped over. He felt pretty annoyed with himself, he had wanted to take part and had thought after the three legged race that he'd be fine, but he wasn't. He'd tripped up on the first thing, ruining it for him and for the person he'd been partnered with. Though at least that person hadn't been cassius (who wasn't part of the club) because he was sure he'd have gotten the snot kicked out of him for that. Gregory glanced as someone, his friend, Zerrin knelt down in front of him. Zerrin was nice, seemed to care a lot about him which Gregory didn't understand. He didn't want Zerrin to waste his time on him, the other boy had other friends but he nodded. "Okay," he said in a low and depressed tone. He took Zerrin's hand and let him be pulled up.
@Zerrin Fergusson
Eugene smiled at Charlie. "hey man," he said with a warm smile. He hadn't been spending that much time with Charlie and part of him was concerned, he didn't want Charlie to think he was ditching him again. He laughed a little bit and then glanced at his watch, "I have like ten minutes before I really need to go," Which was giving himself a good time limit on this, because there were other things he had to do that day. "You were good out there," he complimented, motioning roughly towards where the games had taken place.
@Charlie Helkovaara
He was quick to find what he was looking for, grabbing some juice to try and cool himself off when he heard a familiar voice, The smile still on his face he turned, a little surprised to see Soren standing there. It had actually been some time since they had spoken to each other. "Oh, hey," he greeted the other boy before taking a couple of sips from his drink. "How are you?"
@Soren Gates
Branson nodded in agreement, and had to admit, parties were fun but this was just something else to do with it, more than just sitting about with music in the background. It did get them outside and wasting a little energy. Especially with exams coming up he thought it would help. "Depends on the party games probably," he replied, so board games wouldn't be too bad but party games in the sense of them playing like hide and seek, that would be fun. "It could be fun, but everyone would have to lean in," which was probably true of this too and people had just leant in to it.
@Jordan Harris
Emmanuel was still catching his breath from all the fun of it. It had been fun though too a lot of energy. He glanced at Kyon and waved back at the boy. "Sure!" he agreed. He liked spending time with Kyon and was happy to spend a bit of time after the event chilling out together. "This was loads of fun wasn't it!"
@Kyon Lockwood
Hamish followed after Seamus, laying out the blanket for them before shutting his eyes as he laid down, stretching out. "This was fun," He commented, yawning. "Feel up for a sleepover in the brotherhood room?" He asked, enjoying the soft breeze on his skin. "I'm not sure I want to climb up all the stairs," He offered jokingly. He supposed it was partly true, but when he was this worn out it also sounded pleasant to have his brother close by while he recuperated. @Seamus Reid
Zerrin smiled softly, pulling Gregory up. He lead him over to the spot he'd set up, and after patching up his knees, he sat down next to him. "It's okay, you know," He reassured Gregory gently, reaching over to rub his back. "Next time one of these events pop up, why don't you pair up with me?" He offered with a small smile. "We'll take it a bit slower."

@Gregory Friend
Charlie bit back a sigh. That was the truth of it, wasn't it? Eugene always had somewhere else to be. Charlie had been distancing himself a bit, having come to accept and even expect the other boys absence. Honestly he just hoped his dad would let him drop out, it would just be nice to get away from the school. "Yeah, you too, man," He replied with an easy smile. He sat down with Eugene before laying out on the blanket, stretching a bit before settling in with his arms behind his head. "I'll just have to lay claim to your blanket then," He teased lightly.

@Eugene Nestor

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