Soren Gates

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Soren Matthew Gates


Date of Birth: April 15, 2044
Astrological Sign: Taurus

Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents

As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed, and competition. Thanks to its ruling planet Mars and the fact it belongs to the element of Fire (just like Leo and Sagittarius), Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. It is in their nature to take action, sometimes before they think about it well.

The Sun in such high dignity gives them excellent organizational skills, so you'll rarely meet an Aries who isn't capable of finishing several things at once, often before lunch break! Their challenges show when they get impatient, aggressive, and vent anger pointing it to other people. Strong personalities born under this sign have a task to fight for their goals, embracing togetherness and teamwork through this incarnation.

Aries rules the head and leads with the head, often literally walking head first, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Its representatives are naturally brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. They possess youthful strength and energy, regardless of their age, and quickly perform any given tasks

Aries is a fire sign with the need to take initiative when it comes to romance. When they fall in love, they will express their feelings to the person they are in love with, without even giving it considerable thought. The compatibility of an Aries with other signs of the zodiac is very complex. Aries in love may shower their loved one with affection, sometimes even an excess of it, forgetting to check the information they get in return. They are very passionate, energetic, and love adventures. An Aries is a passionate lover.

Friends - Social life of an Aries representative is always moving, warm, and filled with new encounters. They are tolerant of people they come in contact with, respectful of different personalities, and the openness they can provoke with simple presence. Their circle of friends needs a wide range of strange individuals, mostly in order for them to feel like they have enough different views on personal matters they don't know how to resolve. Since people born in the sign of Aries easily enter communication, direct and honest in their approach, they will make an incredible number of connections and acquaintances in their lifetime. Still, they often cut many of them short for dishonesty and unclear intentions. Long-term friendships in their lives will come with those who are just as energetic and brave to share their insides at any time.

Family - Independent and ambitious, an Aries often knows where they want to go at a young age, separating from their family a bit early. Even as children they can be hard to control, and if they don't receive enough love and patience from their parents, all of their intimate bonds later in life could suffer. A lot of anger comes from the sign of Aries if too many restrictions come their way, and only when they come from liberal families will they nurture their bonds with an easy flow. Even when this isn't the case, they will take on family obligations when they need to be taken care of, never refusing more work as if their pool of energy is infinite.

This is an area of life in which an Aries shines brightest. Their working environment is the perfect place for their ambition and creativity to show, with them fighting to be as good as possible. A natural-born leader, Aries will prefer to issue orders rather than receive them. Their speed of mind and vast energy to move helps them to always be one step ahead of everyone else. All they need to do in order to succeed is to follow their chosen path and not give up on professional plans guided away by emotions. When faced with a challenge, an Aries will quickly assess the situation and come to a solution. Competition does not bother them and instead encourages them to shine even brighter. They can have great careers in sports and challenging environments, and enjoy their chosen path as managers, policemen, soldiers, etc.

Even though Aries representatives can be wise and save some money for a rainy day, this is not often the case for the joy of spending it and taking risks is even greater. They live in the present and aren't that focused on the future, and this can make them irrational and hasty when it comes to financial decisions. Still, they seem to always find a way to earn money and compensate for what they have spent, in a natural flow of energy that needs to come back when invested wisely.

Independence is the key to understanding an Aries, for they don't like to take orders from others. In order to seduce an Aries man, you need to learn to play the game by his rules. This man often finds the chase for the subject of his desire more thrilling than the catch, and his conquering nature makes him often chase after partners he can't have. To get his attention, one must play hard to get, as if sending a message that he needs to fight for a prize, and winning the one he truly wants to be with.

This is a man in love with a good challenge and in a rush to become their partner's "knight in shining armor", so he needs to be let to be one from time to time. His life partner might have to yell back in a fight, building strong boundaries and earning his respect. On a bad day, an Aries can be self-centered, arrogant, and stubborn, but he is also courageous, adventurous, and passionate. A relationship with this man can be fun and exciting, but it easily gets someone hurt if their partner doesn't recognize the energy needed for their relationship to last.

Hair Color/Length: Dark blond, below the ear
Eyes: Gray Blue
Face: Strong Square
Clothing Style: Soren likes a casual but fashionable look


Kiwi Burger
-Dessert: Pavlova
-Animals: Penguins
-Drink: Lemon & Paeroa
-Color: Gold
-Books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
-Movies: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
-Music: Soft Rock




Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'If you seek integrity, search first among the poplars' - this saying reveals much of the character of this wandwood and the magical folk that it chooses.
Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.


Jason Gates
Mother: Tyra Wolf-Gates
Sister: Sadie Gates
Brother: Slate Gates
Sister: Lorelai and Lyra Gates
Aunt: Kira Wolf
Uncle: Arcturus Rabson
Cousin: Matthew Rabson
Cousin: Benjamin Rabson
Uncle: Reagan Wolf
Aunt: Danielle Gates
Uncle: Damien Gates
Cousin: Angel Gates
Cousin: Airen Gates
Cousin: Ambrose Gates
Uncle: Cooper Gates

House: Slytherin
Boggart: His brothers burning
Patronus: Swallow
What It Means: The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. Regardless of its small size, this Patronus is extremely powerful and will conquer a full battalion of Dementors.
Amortentia: Roses, the smell of Cooper's breakfasts, Aurora's perfume



Soren is the eldest of the Gates triplets. He grew up in a healthy, loving, beautiful home. He loves nature, but he also has his mothers deep love for fashion and all things beautiful. He has a good relationship with all of his family, and he always has someone new to spend time with. The benefits of having a big family. When he started school, he had a good time. Though he did worry a bit when he and Sadie made it into Gryffindor while his scaredy cat brother went to Ravenclaw. But, at the very least, Slate was only a few towers over.

His school career went well- he quickly made friends with the Archer twins and an older boy, Xinyi. He and Aurora even joined the Quidditch team. The four spend a lot of time together. At least, up until Soren hit puberty. He went through a rough stage of feeling like he wasn't noticeable; he dyed his hair blue in a form of protest and attempt at independence. He avoided his friends for a while, and even considered quitting the Quidditch team, but Aurora wouldn't hear of it- forcing him to sit down and actually talk out his issues.

The two are in a flirty friendship at the moment, one he's sure will develop, but he's in no real rush to change things up between them.​

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