Y41 Slytherin Quidditch Practice Semester Two

Celia couldn't really tell from this distance, but it kind of looked like Ivelisse was upset. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. Celia lobbed another bludger towards the seeker, but her shot went wide.
Indi saw an opening and grabbed the quaffle again.
The continuous laps around the pitch was starting to get old but Indi kept her focus sharp and made her way towards the hoops in record time. With one quick throw, the quaffle sailed through the hoops yet again.
Celia knew that in the upcoming match, taking out the beaters would be almost as important as knocking out the seeker. Ares wasn't really a challenging target, so she aimed her next bludger at @Seamus Reid. As soon as the bludger made contact, Celia sped off in case Seamus decided to try and get revenge.

Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Eleanor x2
Indira x2
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Ive was starting to get a little tired of searching for the snitch.
Ivelisse noticed the snitch from the corner of her eye and made a swift turn to chase it, wasting no time in wrapping her fingers around the little golden ball again.
Celia was about to hit another bludger towards Ivelisse when she noticed that @Indira Khatri was much closer. She smacked the ball towards the chaser, smiling when it made contact. Her smile faded when she saw that Ivelisse had caught the snitch. She should've just aimed for the seeker.

Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Eleanor x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Liusaidh grabbed the ball when it was thrown back out into play.
Seamus was hit by another bludger and groaned. He glanced at who had sent it his way and glared a little at her. More disappointed that he could hit anything back.
Ive let go off the snitch and watched it fly away.
Ivelisse started her search again.
Ive kept looking although she was wondering how many more times she could find the snitch before practice was over.
Spotting another perfect opportunity, Celia slammed a bludger towards @Natalia Novak. She was pretty sure her aim was getting better.

Ares x3
Avery x2
Celia x1
Eleanor x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Liusaidh got close to the hoops and tossed the ball in, very pleased to score.
Avery had been trailing the snitch for a short while and managed to clasp his hand around it, before releasing it back into the air.
Celia saw Avery catch the snitch out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but glance at Ivelisse to see the girl's reaction, and in doing so, she let the bludger slip away.
Celia accelerated to catch up with the bludger. She tried to aim for Ivelisse, but the ball hit @Liusaidh Fergusson instead.

Ares x3
Avery x2
Celia x1
Eleanor x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x2
Natalia x3
Seamus x3

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