Y41 Slytherin Quidditch Practice Semester Two

Liusaidh despite the bludger hit made her way across the pitch and was able to score with ease.
Celia was a little impressed by how well Liusaidh recovered from the bludger hit. She tried to aim her next one towards Ivelisse, but it overshot the seeker and hit @Indira Khatri instead.

Ares x4
Avery x3
Celia x2
Eleanor x3
Indira x4
Ivelisse x4
Liusaidh x4
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
When no one else went for it, she went for the quaffle again.
Liusaidh tossed the ball and it went through the hoop.
Celia tried to line up another shot against Ivelisse, but she quickly realized it would be much easier to hit @Seamus Reid from this angle. So she smacked the bludger towards him and was pleased when it made contact, even if she knew he'd likely be out for revenge.

Ares x4
Avery x3
Celia x2
Eleanor x3
Indira x4
Ivelisse x4
Liusaidh x4
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x4
Natalia grabbed the quaffle after Liusaidh scored.
Celia zigzagged down the pitch, hoping to get out of Seamus' range in case he wanted revenge. As she flew down the field, she passed a bludger and reached out to hit it. She'd been aiming for Avery, but it careened into @Natalia Novak instead.

Ares x4
Avery x3
Celia x2
Eleanor x3
Indira x4
Ivelisse x4
Liusaidh x4
Lucie x3
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
Liusaidh took her wand and then let out a long loud whistle. "Right hit the showers!" she declared,t hey had had a good practice but it would mean nothing if they didn't win the game.

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