Y41 Slytherin Quidditch Practice Semester Two

When Ivelisse heard the bludger close to her it had already been to late to respond and she grimaced when it hit her, biting her lip in an attempt to refer from showing that it had hurt. If anything, she didn't want to give any of their beaters that satisfaction. She tried not to linger on it for too long and quickly moved on with her search, stubbornly ignoring the throbbing pain in her shoulder.
It was a little annoying how Ivelisse seemed determined to act like the bludger hits didn't bother her. Celia assumed they did since she knew from experience that bludgers hurt. But she also took this lack of reaction as a challenge. She just needed to hit harder. With this goal in mind, Celia flew on.
Ive kept looking for the snitch.
Ive tried to keep an eye out for the bludgers as she moved across the pitch.
When no one else went for the ball Liusaidh flew forward and grabbed it out the air.
Ive noticed a hint of gold from the corner of her eye and quickly shot after it, wrapping her hands around the snitch before she knew it.
Celia watched impassively as Ivelisse caught the snitch. Wondering if she could take advantage of the brief distraction, she hit a bludger towards the seeker, but it shot past her and into @Liusaidh Fergusson instead.
Ive let go of the snitch and made sure it had disappeared before starting to look for it again.
Celia knew she also needed to practice hitting beaters. After all, she couldn't exactly count on Ivelisse's ability to dodge bludgers. So she aimed her next bludger at @Ares Kuya-Tine, smiling when the ball made contact.

Ares x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Seamus x1
Indi and Liusaidh were taking turns scoring a lot, and it frustrated Natalia a bit. She followed Liusaidh closely in case she wanted to pass.
Indi sucked in a breath as she got hit with a bludger. That was her least favorite part of this sport. But she kept up with Liusaidh and scowled when Natalia got closer.
Ive kept looking.
Liusaidh scored at the same time as she was hit with a bludger. She rolled her eyes at the beater, it was sore to be hit, but she'd forgive Celia given how good a beater she was.
Seamus had been frustrated with a lack of success until he actually managed to hit a bludger and sent it right at Celia, pay back. @Celia Vuong

Ares x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Seamus x1
Celia x1
Celia was spending a little too much time reveling in her hit against Ares, so she didn't notice the other bludger until it was too late. She yelped when it slammed into her hip, and she shot Seamus a look of annoyance.
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Indi winced as Liusaidh also got hit with a bludger. But she pushed forward as the quaffle was throw back and grabbed it before Natalia could.
Ive glanced at the other players as the bludgers were being hit in all directions before focussing back on finding the snitch.
Indi was pleased as she threw the quaffle and had no trouble getting it through the hoop.
Celia smacked another bludger towards Ivelisse, but it flew towards @Natalia Novak instead, causing Celia to sigh in frustration.

Ares x1
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Natalia x1
Seamus x1
Ive kept looking.

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