Y41 S2 Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

Sutton continued her search for a bludger. She had to hit one eventually. It was still early on in the practice.
As soon as Bran was close enoughhe threw the ball and watched it sail into the hoop.
Valeria was very upset to miss the bludger she was trying to hit.
Sawyer's mini hotstreak came to a quick end when Branson grabbed the quaffle next, though Sawyer liked to think he could blame the sight of the incoming bludger that neatly hit Branson after his goal for distracting him.
Sawyer adjusted his grip on his broom, moving a hand up to shield the sun from his eyes as he watched the chasers.
Sefina was itching to get back onto the pitch after break. Kicking off from the earth and sailing into the skies only felt natural.
Michael grabbed the quaffle once again as it was thrown out, looking around for someone to pass it to this time perhaps.
Trying and failing to tuck some of the longer strands of hair behind his ears, Sawyer mostly succeeded at pawing at his face, trying to keep his vision clear as Michael took up the quaffle again.
Michael fumbled his attempt at a feint and missed scoring. "I...gotta work on that one," he admitted, keeping upbeat regardless.
Sefina thought she saw the snitch, but it was just the sun reflecting off of one of the stands.
Sawyer gave Michael a quick smile and a shrug as he was able to catch his next attempt on goal. "They do work a little better if I can't tell that's what you're doing, yeah," he said, tossing the quaffle back out.
The idea that his final Quidditch match at Hogwarts was coming up blew Finn's mind a little bit. He was determined to do the best he could, and practice was key to that. He took off with the rest of the team, hanging back to get an idea of the game. When he saw an opening he flew in and swung, groaning when the ball missed its target entirely. His luck hadn't improved at all.
Sawyer was glad to see the beaters were approaching practice with a level of new focus today, even if they weren't exactly successful with it.
Michael felt a bit weird about constantly taking up the quaffle, but nobody else was doing it he supposed.
Sefina caught nothing.
Michael was not having much luck, but that was probably a good reflection on their captain.
Sefina zoomed across the pitch thinking this was her chance, only to see a pair of glasses someone had dropped on the grass.
Chasing after a bludger, Finn swung and managed to hit the young alternate seeker, wincing a little in guilt at hitting someone so young.
@Sefina Drage

Bludger Hits said:
Hamish x1
Branson x1
Sefina x1
Sefina winced as Finn's bludger hit her in the side. Her eyes welled up, but she managed to not let them spill over. Taking bludgers was all part of the game.
Despite the heat, or possibly because of it, Sawyer was definitely feeling more warmed up, able to knock Michael's next attempt at goal aside. He paused to watch the other players after throwing the quaffle back out, wincing as Sefina took a bludger but thankfully seemed to shake it off. He'd hoped the beaters could work on a good defense to keep Hamish safe for their upcoming match but it was good to see them landing hits too.
Sawyer shifted his broom, catching himself drifting much too close to the left-hand hoop.
Finn shot Sefina an apologetic look before flying on, broom wobbling slightly as he was distracted from flying.
Branson grabbed the ball as it was tossed back out, looking to circle back to the hoops.

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