Y41 S1 Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

Yet another miss for Sutton. When was the bludger just going to do as it was told?
Sefina searched for the snitch.
As Branson got close, he threw the ball and was happy when he scored.
Valeria spotted a bludger as it headed towards her and she was able to hit it and sent it directly towards the captain. @Sawyer Carnahan

Branson Archer x1
Hamish Reid x1
Sutton Spencer x1
Sefina Drage x1
Finn Madison x1
Sawyer Carnahan x1
Sutton took her time swinging her bat, focusing as hard as she could. She put enough force behind it as the bludger went soaring and hit a chaser on the team. Although she felt terrible, she couldn’t help but smile that she had actually done it.
@Michael Watson

Branson Archer x1
Hamish Reid x1
Sutton Spencer x1
Sefina Drage x1
Finn Madison x1
Sawyer Carnahan x1
Michael Watson x1
Sefina winced in sympathy as two other players got hit by bludgers. The spot where she'd been struck still hurt.
Sawyer had just been about to make a comment to Branson about his goal when Valeria hit him with a bludger and his attention became entirely focused on holding onto his broom till he stopped spinning. He raised a hand to acknowledge a good hit, dimly seeing Sutton had landed one too, before trying to shake it off and focus back on the quaffle.
Sefina caught nothing.
Rubbing ruefully near his collar bone where the bludger had hit, Sawyer was grateful for a quick reprieve before he had to worry about the quaffle for a moment.
Sefina had to admit she was starting to feel tired. Still, she sought out the snitch.
Hamish slipped his glasses back on and continued his search. Soon enough, he saw a glint of gold and shot after it, smirking when his fingers wrapped around the tiny gold ball. He held his hand up, to show the captain. "Sawyer!" He smiled, before releasing the snitch and letting it disappear again.
Sawyer let out a hoot of victory when Hamish showed him the snitch he'd managed to catch again. The team was doing pretty strong, all things considered, even if folks were looking a little tired, and Sawyer was feeling more and more hopeful about their upcoming season.
Michael almost got knocked off his broom as he got hit with a bludger in the arm, desperately grabbing on to his broom and pulling himself upright. He was glad he didn't fall, grinning sheepishly. "Sheesh, might have to get some padding."
Hamish resumed his search.
Xiuying got hold of the quaffle when it was thrown back out, circling her way back to the hoops.
Sawyer was glad Michael had taken his first bludger in good spirits, turning his attention to keeping an eye on Xiuying as she grabbed the quaffle.
Sefina watched as Hamish released the snitch- she just as quickly lost sight of it.
Hamish continued his search.
Branson flew next to Xiuying to provide support if she needed it.
Valeria failed to hit anything.
Sawyer cast a glance out over the team before quickly checking his watch. Things had been going pretty well and no one had fallen off their broom yet so he was counting it as a win.
Sefina caught nothing.
Sawyer leant forward on his broom, keeping an eye on the team for a moment before Xiuying got closer with the quaffle.

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