Y37 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice S1

Gemma decided that she would give the rest of the team a break and decided to focus more on protecting Hugo from any stray bludgers.
Édelie appreciated Aramis' acknowledgement and caught the quaffle when he threw it back. She looked around, hoping to do a few passes with Gaby before they tried to score again.
Aramis took a moment to stretch out his arms as Édelie took the quaffle. They were certainly keeping him on his toes, which was pretty fun even if it was hard work.
Gemma spotted a bludger in the distance and thought she could aim it at someone but it missed by a wide margin and she almost felt embarrassed. Almost.
Mualla was having more and more luck with bludgers it seemed. She spotted one not far from where she was flying and aimed it towards @Ares Kuya-Tine
Gaby was glad to see her decision had paid off and she gave a little cheer as Édelie’s shot sailed through the hoop. She followed the other girl around as she caught the quaffle, swooping in to steal it from her with a soft chuckle as she spotted an opportunity to do so. She felt like she had to though, if she was able to do it then players from an opposing team would likely be as well.
The chasers were trading the quaffle around again and Aramis tried to be ready in case they started passing it around before anyone tried to score. He wasn't going to fall for that twice if he could help it.
Gaby continued on with the quaffle now secure under her arm, looking around to see if she could, and wanted to, pass it to someone else.
Aramis knew if he didn't keep a close eye on the chasers they'd get past him again, but he was still wary of the beaters too.
Not seeing a solid opportunity to pass to someone Gaby headed on towards the hoops, feeling like it would be harder to get the quaffle through now she had been in possession for a little while. She lined up her shot, not too surprised when it got blocked but not really bothered either.
Soon after hitting Ares with a bludger, Mualla found another one on her path. She aimed it towards Élise but saw that it went off course and hit @Aramis Faroe instead. While it was good that the beaters were hitting people, she wondered how long it would take before she'd have to call it a day. She didn’t any of them in the hospital wing but she couldn't just stop the practice either.
Aramis had just managed to catch Gaby's shot and was feel pretty pleased with himself when the bludger blindsided him. It stung way worse than the previous hit and, after tossing the quaffle back out, Aramis raised a hand in surrender. "No more, I'm good thanks," He said, wrapping an arm around his side.
So far Élise had been good in evading bludgers. It also meant she hadn't hit very much either.
Aramis was feeling a little surly after taking another bludger, slouching on his broom as he watched the chasers with the quaffle. He knew it was part of the game but he didn't have to like it.
Édelie didn't react too much this time when Gaby stole the quaffle from her. She caught the quaffle as it was thrown back in and headed out, seeing Aramis get hit and hoping it would allow her another chance to score.
Gemma sighed as she looked for a bludger but they all seemed to be hiding from her now.
Édelie didn't see a way to pass to anyone and tried to score but missed again.
Gaby winced when Aramis got hit right after he blocked her shot, catching the quaffle when it was thrown back out after Édelie’s attempt.
Gaby continued getting some distance between her and the hoops, trying to give their keeper a break.
Mualla, growing more worried for the state of her team given the many bludger hits, was flying laps around the pitch once more in the hope to defend as many players as possible.
Élise had no clue were her skills went. She couldn't hit a bloody thing and she knew the Americans weren't going to hold back.
Gaby circled around to make her way back to the hoops, lining up her shot when she was close enough and smiling brightly when it sailed through.
Édelie watched as Gaby attempted to score again and was successful. She caught the quaffle as it was thrown back in and looped around, trying to figure out how she could successfully score again.
Aramis was trying to shake off the lingering ache from the bludger, but was glad he wasn't so slow to not be able to block Édelie's shot. He wasn't ask quick when Gaby made her attempt, shaking his head, amused at himself as he grabbed the quaffle and threw it back out to Édelie again.
It dented Hugo's pride a bit to have Muella say he couldn't be hit by a bludger anymore, but he was also glad about it. Because he was honestly hurting quite a bit from the bludgers. He smiled weakly at Gemma as she stayed near him to protect him. He then winced as Aramis was hit by a bludger too.

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