Y36 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

Katherine Alicastell

Former Headmistress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 ½ Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
October 1988 (67)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Jason was excited to see Kira graduating Hogwarts, it was a big moment for her and Jason and Tyra came prepared. Jason had bought two giant helium balloons that said: ''Congrats Grad''. Even though Kira wasn't his real daughter, he did feel fatherly towards the girl. Since Jason was married to a muggle who was in on the secret he was free to use magic around her so they opted to apparate close to the Hogwarts border. They both walked into the school and sat down in the area that was designated for the guests. ''I am so excited, I remember standing there myself.'' Jason said to his beloved wife. Jason looked at Tyra, it must been weird to be at Hogwarts. ''What do you think of all this?'' He asked @Tyra Wolf-Gates.
Tyra was excited for the graduation, pleased with how well Kira had done. She couldn't help but look around eagerly, curious and impressed by Kira's second home for the last seven years. She nodded at @Jason Gates's words, taking her seat next to him and putting a hand on his knee. "This place is marvelous. I think it was an amazing opportunity that she could go here. I'm just glad we're here to support her," She squeezed his knee a little, her heart throbbing as she looked up to where the students were gathering. "Mom and dad would have been so proud of her. She's worked hard." She sighed, wiping at her teary eyes. "I can't believe she's going to follow you into medicine," She smiled warmly.
For the third time, Claudia sat in the audience of the Graduation Ceremony at Hogwarts. Rose and Phoebe had graduated a few years ago, and now it was Diana's turn. Claudia sat with her husband as she listened to Professor Alicastell's speech, followed by both the head boy and head girl. Claudia didn't know either of the students, but their speeches were nice, and she could understand why they were picked for their positions. The ceremony went along, and Claudia watched Diana closely. She felt a little sad as she saw the tight and unhappy expression on her face. Even now, her daughter seemed unable to look at things positively. It was clear she was determined not to enjoy this event. As it was her turn to get on the stage, Claudia applauded loudly, proud of her girl even if she was worried as well in a way she hadn't been with Rose and Phoebe. She hoped Diana would figure out what she wanted out of life and would be happy, that was all she wanted. She would support her no matter what.
Casper had never set foot in Hogwarts in New Zealand, and it surprised him how much it was like his own old school in Scotland. There were differences, of course, but the overall feeling was still the same. He couldn't believe his daughter was really graduating today, it felt way too soon. He settled into his seat, smiling over at Emilia who was sitting with her classmates. She looked so grown up and so much like her mother, he was proud of her. The headmistress' speech washed over him, as did the two head students' speeches. He didn't really pay attention to any of them, though he knew the girl was a friend of his daughter's. Selfishly, he was pretty glad Emilia would be done with Hogwarts now. He would be happy to see her more. Though he did fear she would stay in New Zealand, now that she had built relationships here at Hogwarts. He knew she was going to move on in the world and find her own path, but at least he hoped he could help her with it. When it was her turn, Casper applauded loudly, resisting the urge to cheer as he knew it would embarrass her. He then sat through the rest of the ceremony impatiently, wanting nothing more than to go to Emilia and give her a hug. He cheered for Athena too, smiling as his niece got her diploma. He would have to congratulate her as well as soon as he could.
Irene was happy to be able to don something a bit more fashionable for this engagement at the school. She wore a blue dress that brought out the color of her eyes and walked straight for a seat. It had been ages since she'd seen Violeta's father now that she was old enough to travel about on her own, and the woman just didn't know what to expect. They didn't always get along well, and she'd promised not to make a scene. Irene sat watching the stage and listening to the speeches about life and moving on, remembering her own youth and how very close she'd come to being Head Girl. Irene clapped as they finished, eager to see her own girl cross the stage. Now she had two beautiful successful adult graduate daughters. When she spotted her daughter crossing the stage, the woman's clapping increased in fervor, a rare public smile crossing her face. She couldn't be prouder of Violeta in this moment.
Agnes hadn't found too many advantages from being a prefect. If anything it made her life harder since she was expected to be good in her role while she'd spent so much time grieving. She couldn't imagine how much harder it had been for Zennon too, Head Boy, a son, not to mention Elsie and looking out for Grace. One benefit however was that it meant she could slide into the graduation without an explicit invitation. Of course Zennon would have invited his family, but she was glad she was able to see off one of her only friends in the school. He'd been there for her since she'd started at the Hospital Wing, and he'd kept her secrets safe. Agnes didn't have any siblings of her own, but she knew she would have been lucky if she'd had a brother like Zennon. She sat by herself, watching from the sidelines as he spoke about his experiences, doing her best not to get too emotional when his speech came to an end. Agnes wasn't usually one for showing her emotions although this year had brought about challenges she'd never expected to face, and as such it was almost pointless now to try and keep them hidden. She took a deep breath and applauded his efforts, trying not to think about what school was going to be like without another Baros in the halls. She glanced beside her to see Elio, who thankfully seemed to be in a similar boat to herself, and wondered whether next year she'd at least have one friend left at the school.
Vader didn’t tend to take his camera with him to the graduations he’d been to before. If only because he knew that it wasn’t really the polite thing to do. His camera at someone elses graduation wasn’t really polite. He’d definitely bring it to Leia’s and Padme’s and his own, but not these ones. Vader took a spot in the great hall with a few other prefects and just listened as things got underway. This was a relatively new part of his Hogwarts life, he wouldn’t ever go to that many, more than some in his year but it wasn’t like sorting, or the feats which happened in every year, where he could barely avoid it. The teen thought they were interesting, very ceremonial. Very grand. The ending of school careers in the most polite way. He listened to the two speakers, he didn’t know them that well, he’d met Zennon a few times and Analei too, but he didn’t know them. He wished them both well though, of course he would. He applauded for the graduates, he knew more students in this year than he’d known in the last semester. He applauded for the graduating accio members and for some of the others he knew. He would certainly miss some of those people.
Elio was secretly relieved that he was sat beside Rowan and Agnes to watch Zennon's graduation. Part of him had wondered whether they'd ever make it to that moment given the year they'd had, but he was proud of Rowan and the progress she was making. Hopefully next year they'd do better, get back to some sort of normality, but for now Elio was just taking one day at a time, and anything he could do to help Rowan he would. He was on the edge of his seat during Zennon's speech, both from nerves and anticipation of the event. It was as though there was an electric buzz in the air despite the knowledge that this was a turning point in a number of students lives. He grinned to the girls beside him at various points throughout the ceremony. In just one year's time, Rowan and Elio would be up their themselves. It was crazy to think they were nearly done with school, that they should be making the most of what little time they had left at the castle. He hoped they'd be able to pounce on Zennon before the day was through too, but given how popular the boy no doubt was, he knew they'd just have to wait their turn.
Cyzarine had never been to a graduation before, but oh boy was she looking forward to it. She thought it was going to just be so much fun to celebrate in all of the amazing students in Seventh year. She didn’t know too many of them, but she could still celebrate their victories with them. She took a spot, excitable giggling to herself as things got started. She made a fun little game of trying to guess whose family was whose, and she knew that she probably had them almost all wrong, but it was fun nonetheless. The gryffindor looked towards the head boy and girl, cheering and applauding loudly in their speeches. They were both sentimental and relatively heartfelt. She got the feeling is she had to give a speech she might burst into tears. Just overwhelmed with love and admiration for her classmates. Perhaps she let herself feel too much. The gryffindor cheered loudly for all of the students graduating, cheering loudest for all of the heta girls and for anyone she knew. But it was amazing. Such a good celebration.
It had only been a year since willow had been sitting watching her niece's graduation. as much as she loved chante this year was far more important to her, Willow was graduating. it had been twenty-one years ago when she had been sitting in willows spot. it had been twenty-one years ago when she had been headgirl. when she had given her speech. when she had graduated. it had been one of the best days of her life, at least not counting the birth of her children. it had been the day when she had got back together with @Dederick Cullen. She reached for her husband's hand and gave it a squeeze. who would have thought then that they would be sitting in the exact same hall three beautiful children later watching their oldest cross the stage, and with their youngest sitting on her lap? it was just a shame that lin couldn't be here. she looked to her other side to her sister. what could she say to either of them, she didn't have the words to describe just how special it felt to be here watching her daughter graduate. it certainly wasn't anything she had expected to be doing when she had been on that stage.
She listened as the head girl and the head boy gave their speeches. that was okay but she did feel bad for willow she knew how much her daughter had her heart set on the position. and she was sure she would be able to give a better speech. she wished she could make things easy for her. She clapped as each person graduated. cheering extra as the redhead in the short black dress crossed the stage. it really was very short much shorter and see would be seeing her daughters undies. she felt herself tear up as Willow got her award. an advantage of her condition was that her hearing was just a little bit better than normal peoples and she just about heard her whisper a thanks to the headmistress though she could tell from the tone of her voice she didn't mean itthere was somehting that the headmistress had done that had upset her. but she was being the bigger person at least on the outside and not letting it show. she would definatly ask about it but not today.
once the ceremony was over she got up and watched as the students mingled willow talking to friends eventually she came and joined the rest of the family. "Congratulations Willow" she said giving the young lady a hug and realising that she was taller than she was and not sure if it was because of her heels or because she had grown. "We are so proud of you, everything that you have done and achieved we couldn't be prouder of the soon to be auror Cullen she said watching her daughter blush. "we got you a little something as a congratulations present" she said picking a small box out of her pocket and giving it to ivy "did you want to give willow her present" she asked watching the todler try and open it before giving it to her sister. inside was a golden snitch on a gold chain she hoped that her daughter would like it. she couldn't see why not.
Sarah Harrington had been a Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand for nearly a decade. She had started just around the same time Maggy entered the school. She had gotten a privilege that most of the parents here did not get to have. She watched her daughter grow up and go through this private school with a front row seat. She listened to all the nice speeches while also looking at Maggy sat in her seat. Her daughter had grown up to be a well rounded individual. She sat with a handkerchief in her hands as the student's names were called and it was getting closer and closer to her daughter. She was so proud of her girl for doing so well in her classes and getting herself to a place where she was going straight from school to a job that she was looking forward to. Sarah couldn't believe how fast time was going in her life. Her daughters both so close to the ages of leaving home. It made Sarah feel as though she was losing them. Her daughter Maggy here was coming up to the stage and clearly avoiding looking at her but Sarah couldn't hardly see through her tears of pride coming from her eyes. She hadn't ever cried at her job or from a graduation ceremony before, but this was truly emotional for the Professor. Her daughter was just slipping through her fingers now, so much she could have done with her daughter but now she was a grown witch and ready to take on the world. She greeted her husband after the ceremony, happy to have him there to wish their daughter all the best in life now.
Though attending graduations had become part of Kahurangi's routine by now, the event never felt any less special. With her ceremonial kakahu around her shoulders she sat with the rest of the professors, watching as Katherine began the ceremony and the head people began their speeches. For the past few years she had been lucky enough to enjoy speeches by Ravenclaw head people she had been familiar with as members of her house, but this year the head people were neither Ravenclaws nor Runes students of hers, so she simply sat and listened with interest, wondering what kind of Hogwarts life these people had had. Once the speeches were over she watched the graduates, clapping politely as each student came up to get their diploma and begin their life in the adult world.
After the past few years, it was a relief for Maria not to have to watch any of her own children graduate this time around. Odette's graduation had been surreal, but at least Odette had been near adulthood already when Maria adopted her. Charlie's graduation had hurt, as it symbolised the end of years of watching her wonderful child grow up. Next year would be another taste of that pain, but for this year, Maria was happy to just be here and enjoy the ceremony, listening politely as the head people spoke. She was glad to see some of her former clients graduating this year, clapping as they accepted their diplomas and headed off into the world for the beginning of new adventures.
It hadn't occurred to Cedar until he was entering the halls of the school with Jeong that he had never actually been to Hogwarts before. For all he listened to his sister talk about it, he had no idea what this school was like. It was clear from the first moment that this place was very different to Ilvermorny, and he wondered all over again what it would be like if he had come here with his sister. He was glad he had never tried to transfer schools, but at the same time there would forever be a small pit of guilt in his stomach that he had left Acacia here alone for years.

Cedar watched the head people speak, wondering who they were. Were these Acacia's friends? He knew his sister had a girlfriend, but beyond that, embarrassingly little about what Acacia's school life actually was like. There was an Amelia, he thought, and a Maggie? He clapped the speeches as they were over, and sat up straighter when Acacia's name was called to get her diploma. He knew schoolwork had never been his sister's focus, knew there were probably plenty of people in this room with higher grades than hers, but he was proud nevertheless. She knew who she was, and she was going to go far with that knowledge. He applauded loudly as she collected her diploma, and settled in to watch the rest, noting when people he thought were Acacia's friends took to the stage. He would have to learn more about her life, now that she had graduated.
James felt a little overwhelmed to be back at Hogwarts yet again, if he was honest. Yet another of his daughters was set to walk the graduation stage, finishing up her life at school with her entire adulthood ahead. How had his little girls grown up so quickly? As he had said goodbye to Lucy, leaving her in the babysitter's arms, it struck him how recently that had been Rose, Phoebe, Diana, and now... his girls were becoming adults much too fast, and though he was immensely proud of everything they had accomplished, it was tough to say goodbye so soon to his babies.

And Diana.... Though James did his best to pay attention to the speeches, it was clear his middle daughter wasn't as happy about today as her classmates. Though he had always done his best with her, James sometimes wondered whether anything made Diana happy. She had had a hard time at school, he knew, and he couldn't help but worry things would only get harder as she tried to find her place as an adult. Still, whatever happened to her, he knew he would always stand by her side. He clapped loudly as Diana accepted her diploma, heart swelling with pride. Whatever the future held for his middle daughter, he would meet it with her in any way she needed him.
Returning to Hogwarts felt surreal. Edmund had known when he left that he would likely be returning for Analei's graduation, but with a year having passed since he had last walked these halls, it felt like stepping into a time machine. As though the past year had simply never happened, all the strange things he had seen and experienced in his new line of work washed away. It was an odd feeling, one he didn't quite know what to do with, and he was glad this visit would only be for the ceremony. As much as he had liked some aspects of school, he didn't particularly enjoy the return.

There was one thing he enjoyed very much though, and that was seeing Analei again. The time apart from her had been by far the most difficult aspect of this year, and he was beyond relieved that after today, nothing could keep them apart again. If there had been any doubt in his mind that Analei was the perfect match for him, the way he had felt spending a year without her had washed those doubts aside. He couldn't help the uncharacteristic smile that split his face as soon as she took to the stage, watching her closely as her speech began. It was everything he loved about her; composed, funny, strong and sweet, and he applauded loudly once she was finished. He couldn't bring himself to care about the head boy's speech, eyes following Analei after she finished speaking, trying to catch her eye to give her a quick smile and wave. After so long apart, his usual dourness had given way entirely to the rush of excitement he felt seeing the one he loved again, and he couldn't wait for today to be over, so the rest of their lives together could finally begin.
Isabelle was always happy to attend the graduation ceremony for her siblings. This was the third one she had attended including her own and so she definitely knew what to expect. Anastasie was always the most confusing one of all of her siblings. It was unknown how she felt about having to graduate today. Was she happy, relieved, scared, nervous? Isabelle couldn't tell. Ana just always seemed so confident and it was something Isabelle had to admire in her, especially since Isabelle could never muster up the confidence herself. The ceremony went on as it always did with the Head People saying their speeches followed by the Headmistress calling out everyone's names to come up and accept their diplomas. Ana accepted hers with so much confidence, flicking her hair behind her and even smiled at the Headmistress. "Still not as graceful as your performance." Isabelle whispered to her brother next to her, teasing him slightly. Ana's demeanour made Isabelle wonder if perhaps she was happy to be leaving. Ana hated people, and so it made sense, but Ana also had no idea where she was going to go after this and it didn't take anyone special to know that. As the ceremony ended, Isabelle and her family walked over to Ana, congratulating her on her efforts.
Patrick didn't mind taking some time off to see his step-sister graduate. He was sure Anastasie would do the same thing for him, despite the fact she never seemed supportive of his career choice. They were very different individuals, but Patrick did consider himself much closer to Ana than they were eight years ago when they first met. He knew what Ana was like, most likely more than Isabelle or the twins, and so knew that there would be some negative feelings today as she would be collecting her diploma and being thrown into the real world, just like Patrick was this time last year. Patrick had done well since leaving school and he was sure that Ana would too, despite not knowing exactly where she was headed. The ceremony began quickly with the Head People speaking for quite a long time. It always felt like forever when they spoke and Patrick was just glad that he didn't have to make a speech last year and that it was Simon instead. He definitely wouldn't have been able to do it. Soon enough, people began coming up to accept their diplomas and Patrick watched when it was Ana's turn and she was able to accept hers. Patrick brushed off the comment his sister made, just chuckling slightly to acknowledge what she had said. School was definitely full of many embarrassing moments for him and it would thankfully be a while after this that he would return for his youngest siblings so he hoped those memories would be far behind him when that came. As the ceremony ended Patrick joined his family in congratulating Ana, genuinely happy for her.
Cadell always felt particularly odd about the idea of there being another Hogwarts. Hogwarts New Zealand felt so much like Hogwarts Scotland as he stepped foot within it and it brought back so many memories of Hogwarts Scotland before he was forced to move to Ilvermorny. It was a good school and Cadell had made a few friends, but because they didn't accept international students, he was forced to then attend Ilvermorny. It was a shame that Gwen didn't attend Ilvermorny too, but he respected her decision to wanting to go to Hogwarts, despite never agreeing with it. The man walked into the Great Hall, looking around at all of the decorations and how it was all set out. It was slightly different to his own graduation ceremony, but he was sure that it would all turn out the same. As the Head People spoke, Cadell recognised the name of the Head Boy. Gwen had always spoken about him and he seemed like a nice enough person. People were then asked to come up and accept their diploma and Cadell gave Gwen a big thumbs up as she accepted hers. He knew that Gwen was very excited. He engulfed her in a big hug as the ceremony ended, happy for his younger sister.
Teila was always happy to support her younger siblings. Being the oldest sibling there was always so much pressure to be a good role model for them, but she was happy with how well they were growing up and wouldn't trade her siblings for the world. The woman took some time off work to attend Gwen's graduation ceremony. She hadn't been to Hogwarts New Zealand before and it felt quite different to Ilvermorny which was the only magical school she had stepped foot into. It was buzzing with nervousness and excitement as she entered the Great Hall and took her seat next to Cadell and her mother Betrys. She could see Gwen easily through the people's heads in front of her. She couldn't stop smiling and Teila knew that she was just itching to get her diploma and have it over and done with. The Head People spoke and soon enough Gwen was able to wait for her name to be called out. When it was called out Teila chuckled slightly at how quickly she had jumped up and ran over to the Headmistress. Gwen was always the most bubbly out of all of her siblings and Teila loved her for that. The ceremony soon ended and Teila waited for Cadell to give her a hug before giving her a gentle one of her own. There was so much love seeing her only sister graduate and she couldn't be more proud.
Elliot had never been to the graduation ceremony before, and if he was being honest, he was really only here to spend a bit more time with Alice before the year ended. He was glad he managed to get a seat next to her, smiling as Professor Alicastell greeted the room before passing it off to Analei. Elliot tried to focus on the head girl's speech, he was going to miss Analei, she'd been on the Hufflepuff team the entire time he had and had made a great captain, but it was a little hard to focus with Alice sitting right next to him. He managed to wait long enough to finish clapping for Analei before Zennon took his turn to speak, before gently reaching over and taking Alice's hand, glancing at her briefly to quietly smile. He was grateful for the distraction of the speeches and the ceremony, and Elliot knew he'd have to let go soon enough so they could clap, especially with Alice's sister graduating today, but he was grateful for this little moment while he could.
Professor Drage had become acquainted with very few of the seventh years, given that she taught the younger years and she had joined the Hogwarts New Zealand staff in the middle of the year. That said, she thought it was important to attend the graduation ceremony. She sat with her colleagues and listened to the Head Girl and Head Boy speak. Both described the positive growth, change, and memories they had experienced over their seven years.

In truth, the speeches provided an optimistic view of the future for the graduating class. Lydia clapped as the students crossed the stage and accepted their diplomas. Although she didn’t have the privilege to know any of them personally, she wished them all well. The outside world was tough, but it was rewarding.
Dederick felt like any normal father when their first born child, daughter, had accomplished something major in their life. He felt swelled up with pride and honor to have a daughter like Willow. Pride, for she had finished seven years of daunting work and dealing with many others of different backgrounds. Something he wasn't able to endure back in Durmstrang. He dropped out due to his condition and reckless behavior. He allowed his condition to define him, take control of him to a point he couldn't function in a normal setting...He deeply regrets his old ways...But, that was the past, his past. As much as he hold those regrets, life worked it's way out for the better for him. For the better for his family and him. So, yes, honor, he's honored to be the father of his daughter. To be the father of his three wonderful kids, though, Willow holds a special place in his heart. Dederick held his wife's hand as he sat next to his sister-in-law. When Willow cross the stage, he clapped and whistled to the now blue haired witch. The new color was cool, but, she will always be his red. "Congrats, Red. Like your mum said, we're very proud of you. I'm so very lucky to have father a daughter such as yourself," Dederick would say as he kissed her forehead and embraced her lovingly the now second tallest Cullen in the family.
Cameron Kingsley clapped loudly at the conclusion of his fourth graduation ceremony. He reached over and squeezed Cyndi's hand, knowing there would be tears in her eyes. Cameron was beaming with pride at his younger son and for his niece. He had brought flowers for Jemma and a small, wrapped gift for Jacob. As the ceremony ended, Cameron nudged Noah beside him. "Come on. Let's go find our graduate. He's going to be glad you managed to come. It means a lot to him, No." he said, standing up.

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