Y36 Electives Fair

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
This was the first time Landon was setting up for the electives fair and he was quite excited. Not having taught an elective subject himself at Hogwarts, the man had never really attended it before and was looking forward to seeing how it would play out. He set the Great Hall up carefully, placing tables around for each subject and allowing room for his colleagues to set up displays or whatever else they wanted to. He then waved his wand and tablecloths appeared on each table and a couple of chairs behind each one. He made sure they had cushions, knowing that surely it would become uncomfortable after a while, and he also prepared a snacks table in the middle of the hall just in case anyone was feeling a little peckish. After he was done, he stood back and admired the work that he had done before beginning to wait for everyone to arrive.
The electives fair was always one of the dates on the Hogwarts calendar that Kahurangi looked forward to the most, and this year was no exception. She made sure to be down at the Great Hall early with armfuls of supplies ready to set up her table. After giving Landon a cheerful greeting she set to decorating her side of the Ancient Runes table, making sure to leave space for Cyndi. Kahurangi laid out several pamphlets and books about the subject, set up a delicate wire tree hung with pendants bearing bind runes her sixth year students had made, and laid out several sets of runes made in different materials for students to look at. She set her favourite bag of runes aside in case any of the prospective students wanted to see what a reading was like, and waited happily for the second years to arrive.
Ryan wasn't really sure what subjects he wanted to pursue next year. It was tempting to try and just sign up for everything, since Ryan founds them interesting enough, but that would leave him a lot less time to do other fun things around the castle which was disappointing. And probably a lot more homework, he mused, staring intently at one of the tables set up for the various subjects. He already struggled to get his homework done, not interested in doing a lot of the class reading compared to his own pursuits. Ryan glanced around the fair, tilting his head and scanning the tables to see if any subjects really stood out.
Elvera made her way to the great hall. it was a long walk from the towers it was an especially long walk when you were levitating a tray of muffins, a huge teapot filled with tea, crystal balls, and tarot cards all the way. wand work was never her strongest magical skill and while she knew many of the other teachers would be able to do it easily it was still something that she needed to concentrate at. once she reached the hall she set up the table draping a purple velvet over the desk and started to arrange things leaving space for whatever Bryce brought with him. It felt like a long time since she had been a student picking her subjects in third year. mind you, she had no indecision with what she was taking the same three that her oldest daughter was taking. but she did remember Cyndi asking her Eden and Larissa to set up a runes booth in the garden one time to try and encourage people to take the subject. that had been a fun day. she poured herself a cup of the tea as she waited for the second years, and whatever other students were interested, to arive.
Lumio wasn’t sure what he wanted to take next year. He hadn’t been that engaged in a lot of the subjects to begin with. He passed and that was usually enough for him. He didn’t want to do care of magical creatures because he knew that was outside and he’d never been much of an animal guy. He didn’t like the sound of muggle studies, there wasn’t much about muggles that interested him. He didn’t like the sound of Ancient runes, and he didn’t like the sound of Divination. Both of them just seemed….dull. It really only left him with maybe Arithmancy, but he was sure that he was supposed to pick at least two, so he had to figure out which he wanted to do. He walked into the great hall and looked between the stalls already present. There was ancient runes, so he walked over, ”hey, you’re the ancient runes professor for upper years, right?” he asked, ”I’m not sure what I want to do, and I don’t mean to to rude, but what is Ancient runes good for?”
Kahurangi smiled warmly at the boy who had approached her table, unsurprised to once again hear the most common question she got at these fairs. "Well, if you're not sure what you want to do yet, Ancient Runes is a very flexible skillset to have available to you. The focus of my course at Hogwarts is runic divination, which would be a great stepping stone to help you make those tough decisions about the future. Professor Kingsley's classes will teach you more about the history and crafting of runes, which will give you practical woodworking skills if you're interested in a career in magical artificing, and my course includes the basics on Bind Runes." She gestured to the amulets hanging from her necklace tree. "These can be used to boost the magical properties of an object, or for personal protection or strength. There are other fields of runecraft you can study after Hogwarts as well, the use of runes in constructing magical artifacts or spells. It's a broad and flexible field you can use to your advantage in many different paths in life." She smiled confidently. "When it comes to qualifications, Ancient Runes is a requirement to work at most reputible newspapers, and the ministry departments for magical equipment control, international magical law, muggle worthy-excuses, and the trading standards body."
@Lumio Skey
Professor Kingsley was sure she was late, but as she entered the Great Hall realized that things were just getting started. With a smile and wave towards Elvera, the woman made her way to the table she'd be sharing with Kahurangi and arrived as she finished talking to a young boy. The woman smiled at the pair, not wanting to interrupt as she set her bag down and began to unpack it. She had pamphlets for ministry positions that required Ancient Runes NEWTs, some bone and glass runes as they were both good conversation starters and a bowl of rune lollipops she'd found on vacation during the break. "Cushions this year. I think Landon wins" she stated to her colleague as she settled into her very comfortable seat. All of the HoHs took turns setting up the space, and this year it was his. The woman looked around to see if he'd stuck around since he didn't teach an elective course. He had so she waved to him as well.
Professor Bryce Chamberlin made his way to the electives fair, with a couple of information sheets that he had made with regard to what subjects he taught. It included Astrology signs, Palmistry, and Dreams. Those were his subjects after all. He made his way over to Professor Le Fey and waved while beaming. He conjured a stool that he could sit on behind the table and waited for anyone to come up and ask them questions.
Leia was pretty sure with what she wanted to do as electives, but she was of course turning up to the elective’s fair. She needed to, even if her decision was mostly made she figured it would be a good idea to just give it a go. She wasn’t sure it would change anything about her decision, but she was willing to give it a try. She wandered into the room and took a look at the stalls already there. Leia had an idea of what she might pick, eliminating the other options in favour of what was left, but she wanted to make sure her choices were right and in doing that it meant coming to the fair. She just didn’t know where to start now. She ended up walking over to the divination table, "What sorts of jobs can Divination help with?"
Lumio listened to what the professor said, it seemed like it did a lot more than he had perhaps thought it did. He wasn’t sure as the professor talked about bind runes and boosting magical properties of objects if that was something he wanted to do. He certainly didn’t really want to do any of the jobs which she was pitching was necessary for ancient runes. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, but he felt pretty certain he didn’t want any of those things. ”That’s really useful information,” he said and he meant it, it wasn’t really helping him decide but he was pretty happy he was a little closer to knowing what he wanted to do. ”Thanks!” he stepped away from the stall, keeping all of that in mind as he glanced at the other ones. Who to speak to now.
Theia, unsure about what electives she wanted to take, arrived at the electives fair with her head down and her hands buried in her pockets, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She was confused and insecure enough about her grades, or lack thereof, without the addition of more subjects to throw her in a further loop when she started her third year. The idea of choosing something was overwhelming, knowing she would likely disappoint herself in the end. She was apathetic at best as she strolled around, looking at each of the tables she walked past. Eventually she stopped at the ancient runes table, noting the lollypops and small runes that were set out. “Oh, can I have a lollypop?” Theia asked gently, thinking she could keep it for Sawyer later. “How do the runes and stuff work?” She then added, waving her hand over the glass looking runes but hesitating to touch them in case there was some rule about not touching runes she didn’t know about.​
Hamish wasn't sure how this electives fair was going to go, seeing as arithmancy was rarely a subject that got flocks of students to the classroom, and he couldn't think of anything worse than trying to pitch it to a bunch of tweenagers, particularly because he felt like this shouldn't be his job. He just taught arithmancy, he didn't go around pitching it to others. Landon seemed to be over the moon about setting up the area for students, and Hamish gave him two thumbs up in passing, but had done very little to prepare, himself. After all, he doubted there was going to be a question any of these kids would ask that he couldn't answer, if they even bothered to care about arithmancy at all in the first place. Sitting down at the table, he organised some of the papers he had as a reference and smiled whenever students approached.
Mitchell smiled when stepping into the Great Hall. This would be his first year at the fair despite teaching at the school for three years. Funnily enough, he had been sick with the flu both times. Not this year though, this year he was healthy and eager to participate. He had set up several objects and artefacts from the classroom and stuff he himself had collected over the past couple of years across his table. Stuff such as telephone devices, a very old wind-up radio and several handheld gaming consoles that unfortunately didn't work as long as they were in the vicinity of the castle. Still, he wanted to show the students how Muggles entertained themselves throughout the years. Sitting down on the chair once he had set everything up, Mitchell patiently waited for the students to come.
"Please do. We don't want to have to eat them all ourselves" she stated with a small chuckle, pushing the bowl closer and smiling as the young girl took some interest in the glass runes. "Feel free to pick them up" she encouraged before continuing to answer her question. "You'll notice each rune has a symbol. Each symbol has a meaning that can be used to answer questions for readings, or add magical properties to amulets and other items depending how you use them."
@Theia Carnahan
Theia smiled as the professor pushed the bowl closer to her. She took one of the lollypops and put it in her pocket, fully intending to offer it to Sawyer if she ran into him later in the day. Looking over the runes again, Theia picked up one of them, before placing it back down. “Oh cool, how do you do a reading? Can you do one for me?” She asked, unsure of how complicated a rune reading was, but curious to see what would happen anyway. “What if the reading is about if I should choose ancient runes as an elective?” Theia added, partially joking but also thinking it would be interesting to see how it played out.​
Craving some grilled-cheese sandwich, Aras entered the Great Hall unaware of the electives fair. Surprised with the new table layout, he slowed down in wonder. It took him a few moments to remember what kind of event was taking place. He was supposed to participate in order to find out which classes he should take for his third year. He barely managed to keep up with his current classes, he couldn't see how he was going to deal with extra ones. He didn't even know how many new ones he was supposed to take.

With his stomach growling, he decided to walk around the tables and weigh his options. Perhaps there was a new course related to flying or something that he would enjoy to attend. The smell of freshly baked muffins took him to the divination station. He had no idea about the subject, he just stood there eyeing the tray when he realized that he had to ask something the professor with the bicolored eyes.
"Erm, do you have to be a seer to take divination classes?" He asked randomly, his stomach growled again loudly, not sure if he could indulge himself with a couple of these muffins.

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