Y35 Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts

Arvel Ayers

Chaser | St Mungo's Cleaner | Social Disaster
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
11/2033 (29)
Arvel stood next to Analei on the pitch, waiting for the potential tryouts to arrive. He had never, not in a million years, expected to be made co-captain. Analei had all the qualities of a good leader; she was confident, kind, and intelligent. Arvel was just... well, Arvel. Part of him suspected he'd been offered the role out of pity. Yet as he stood there in the cool morning sunshine, he felt strangely proud. He hadn't achieved very much in his time at Hogwarts, but all that had changed now that he was a captain. Now he had a purpose. People might even - unlikely as it sounded - look up to him for guidance.

A small crowd had gathered. Being one of the oldest on the pitch lent Arvel a boost of confidence as he addressed the group. "Thanks for coming." he started. "If you don't know me, I'm Arvel, and this - this is Analei. We're the new captains. If you're trying out today, please state your name and the position you're trying out for. Aye... Oh - alternates will have to try out again. Sorry. Just do your best. Good luck."

BeaterPatrick Vernier
ChaserArvel Ayers
ChaserAbian Hunter
ChaserAnalei Louw

OOCOut of Character:
Returning players are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before tryouts are over. Returning alternates must try out again.

First years must PM me if they want to try out. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.
Ilija was perhaps even more nervous for these tryouts than he had been for those last year. Despite not quite making the team, he had come back in the hopes that after a number of students had graduated, that there would be a space for him, an alternative even if not a full player. He presumed there were of course other players that would easily take a spot over him, but he wanted something that he could do outside of his lessons, that would help take his mind off his work and exams. Making his way down to the pitch, he listened as the captains explained how things would work, and smiled in the direction of his dormmate. When it was his turn, he stepped forward. “I’m Ilija. I want to try out for Keeper,” it was a solid role, and one that was vital if they didn’t want the other players to score. Taking his broom, he mounted it with confident familiarity. Despite never playing for the team, flying had always come naturally to the Olaf who’d grown up in a largely magical family. He flew up through the air towards the hoops, taking up position ready to defend them.
He put the first goal down to nerves. He was quick to watch the Quaffle fly towards him, and could easily move through the air, but his fingertips brushed the edge of the ball that flew easily into one of the hoops. Trying not to let it affect him, he did he best to believe in himself and that it had just been a test run. The second and third balls were promising, and he managed to swipe both away, his eyes had been following them like a hawk and he’d darted across the goals as quickly as he could. The final though was his most satisfying. Not only did he manage to defend it, but Ilija was perfectly in line with the goal to catch the ball straight in, gripping with both hands to his chest in relief. Once his time was up, the fifth year flew back down to the ground, and thanked the captains. If he didn’t get in, he didn’t get in, but at least he had gone out there, and tried to do his best.
Elliot gripped his broom tightly, staring mostly at his feet as Arvel addressed them for tryouts. He'd spent most of his time leading up to tryouts fretting, and now that it was finally the day his stomach felt like a tight ball laying in his gut. It would be fine, he kept reassuring himself. He had the benefit of playing as an alternate all last year, he could do it. Taking a few breaths and trying to remember any and all pointers April had given him last year, Elliot stepped up when it was his turn, giving Arvel and Analei a tight smile as he tried not to shred his broom in his tight grip. "Elliot Briar, trying out for seeker," He announced before kicking off, relishing the rush of fresh air to help him focus.

Taking a slow lap of the pitch, Elliot slowly rose higher and higher, looking for a good vantage point. His nerves still jangled in the back of his mind, but it was easier to focus up here, quieter away from the rest of the team on the ground. Minutes dragged past and Elliot still couldn't see a sign of the snitch anywhere, but he breathed through it, patiently scanning the pitch as he flew in a practiced grid pattern. It wasn't a fancy method, but it helped him stay calm even as the chasers zipped past beneath him. Elliot was just starting to worry he'd spent too long in the air without any movement when he spotted something near the south hoops. Leaning down, Elliot shot off, pulling up just before he was too close to stop by one of the posts. The snitch had zipped back towards center pitch and Elliot banked sharply, glad he'd been able to stop. He was almost certain he wouldn't be able to catch up, but the snitch took a quick right and Elliot followed, able to close up the distance and snatch the snitch from the air, slumping on his broom at the relief of finally catching it. Slowly touching down, Elliot sheepishly raised his hand in victory, showing the snitch's struggling wings to the captains before releasing it and dismounting with shaky legs.
Aonghas liked his role on the time, it was a hassle to try-out each and every year, but he really didn’t mind it. He liked just being able to turn up, have very little to do and have very little pressure on his shoulders. He arrived the quidditch pitch with his broom in hand and he was happy to just turn up and have a little fun on his broom. Of course it would be preferable if he could actually spend the time properly playing, but given that he wouldn’t need to play he was happy to contribute as much as he was, and he could admit it was nice to be a part of the team. He listened to the usual speeches and instructions and then stepped forward when they were able to, ”Hey, Aonghas Fergusson, here fae a chaser position,” Aonghas said before getting upon his broom and then shooting up into the air. He could manage this just fine, by this point he was a lot better at it than others. It had been good and now he just needed to show that he had improved.
Aonghas flew in next to the chaser who had the quaffle and flew along side them. He pressed forward, dodging the odd bludger but holding a position that would allow them to pass to him if necessary. It wasn’t in fact necessary but the person didn’t manage to score. When the quaffle was sent back out, Aonghas surged forward and was able to grab it. He tucked it tightly in towards his body and then flew away, heading towards the other hoops. He knew he’d do better to pass it and at least show that he could do more that, but he took the opportunity to just show off on the first instance and was pleased when he was able to actually score. He celebrated momentarily and then began helping others, he caught a pass and passed it on to someone else. He was able to score again, he grabbed the ball as it was thrown out and then passed it on to someone else who was able to score. All in all, he was pretty pleased with all that he had managed by the end of the try-out, he wouldn’t mind remaining a alternate he was happy with that.
Abian knew the old captain had graduated, so he had been very curious about who the new captain of the Hufflepuff team would be. When he had heard it was Analei and Arvel together, he had been delighted. Here he was, grinning at the captain who was also his good friend. He was very proud of Arvel as he spoke to them all, and gave him a thumbs up after his short speech. Abian was on the team, so he didn't have to try out again. he helped along by practicing with the people trying out.
Amy waited with the other Hufflepuff students for tryouts to begin. She had practiced over the break, or as much as she could by herself. She had improved a lot the previous year, and didn't want to lose it before trying out again. A few people from the team had graduated, which was sad, but Amy was looking forward to seeing who else came to join. When it was her turn, she stepped forward and said,"Amy Jewel, trying out for chaser."

Amy got into the air and just tested her balanced on the broom. She always forgot how much heavier the Quaffle was at school than what she used at home. However, this year she was expecting it to be heavy and caught it with ease. She passed it to someone, following them in case they needed to pass back. They did, and she caught it before throwing it to the hoops. It went through and she grinned. This happened a few more times, with only some of the throws going off course, before she returned to the ground. She breathed a sigh of relief that it had all went well.
Lauren had been doubting if she had to try out again. But she liked quidditch and if she ever wanted to be good in something she had to try again. And being a beater was good to get out some frustration she figured it would help her dealing with her emotions. She had been rejected the past years but this year she had nothing to lose anymore. If this would not work she would just be worthless as her father said. Lauren didn't told her parents of this because her father would be furious more than he already was. And her mother would just yell and say that it wasn't for a girl. Lauren her blue eye was healing better, it was just a tiny blue spot in the corner of her eye still. She knew Aonghas had played before and she was glad to know someone. But it was also hard since she had no idea how to act around him. But she saw him trying out for chaser, glad that they don't did it for the same position. When it was her turn she spoke soft. '' I'm Lauren. Trying out for Beater.'' She than just said and jumped on her broom with a beaters bat. She flew into the air on the search for some bludgers. She could use the frustration to go away. When she spotted a bludger close she hit it hard and felt her arm a bit hurting from a few bruises, but Lauren just ignored that pain. Some thing didn't even hurted anymore she was past that. She spotted another bludger and hit it towards one of the people trying out and managed to hit them. Lauren felt good she was in a flow and didn't even heard the people around her anymore, hitting bludgers she did more than miss them. The last try she missed and she cursed herself but than came back to the ground. Lauren didn't knew how she felt. She hoped this was good enough. She did her best.
OOCOut of Character:
Tryouts will close in one day!
Analei was proud of Arvel and herself, she honestly couldn't think of anyone better to run the team. They definitely were the dream team. She stood next to Arvel, feeling slightly nervous, but with a smile as he opened the try outs, greeting each person as they introduced themselves, writing down their names and what position they were going for. There were so many new people trying out, and Analei was a bit sad to not see Patrick there trying out, but she figured he had his reasons.
Finally, it was time to call the end of the try-outs. "Thanks for coming everyone. We will put the list up of the team in the next few days on the Common Room noticeboard. Well done - you've all done amazing." Analei said, giving everyone a smile.

Try outs are closed! We will post here as well as on the noticeboard ^_^
SeekerElliot Briar
KeeperIlija Olaf
BeaterLauren Davenport
BeaterAnalei Low
ChaserArvel Ayers
ChaserAbian Hunter
ChaserAonghas Fergusson
AlternatesAmy Jewel

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