Y31 Dueling Tournament

Bethany Zanders

apparation & portkey regulation committee | surfer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
9/2029 (24)
Hello all! After watching the professors have their fun, it's time again for the students to try their hand at the Dueling Tournament again!! :D Sign ups will start now in this thread, and close on August 3rd, midnight PST.

Please note only second years and up may join, no first years, no exceptions!

In case you need a refresher: the dueling forum is here where you can read up on the rules and points system, as well as familiarize yourself with how dueling works through previous duels as examples.

Matches will begin on August 5th and last no longer than a week each round. Once they have been posted, matches will have a 24 hour window for someone to post. The duelist that posted last will be the winner but if no one posts within the 24 hours the match was posted, then there will be no winner. Matches will not last longer than 7 days; if there is no winner by the final day, a winner will be chosen at random by a random draw generator. Winners will receive 25 points, the champion will receive 50 points! All other participants will receive 5 points. All dueling threads will be posted here, so keep an eye on this topic.

If there are an odd number of pairs, then we will look at the amount of duels per person and decide which character will be moving forward based on house points earned. We want to avoid having RPers duel themselves, for the RPers sake.

Lastly, don't forget to post your picture in the Accio! thread to have your picture in the yearbook! This is not the same as signing up for the tournament though, which should only be done in THIS thread, so sign up below please! ^_^
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-LeeMervyn StrangewayesGideon ZelinskyJerara TapsellHayden LavishOctavian Vetrov
Analei LouwCharlie MadisonPhoebe HollandOctober AlcottZoe Katsaros - - -
Arvel AyersLeda LaytonApril WardAustin BranningRyuu Arai- - -
Dominique MaloneFrankie TillingtonGilly GillespieBraxton Woodlock- - -- - -
Guinevere LavishGrayson WolfeIsaac KainAsmodeus Snow- - -- - -
Sage HavelockNeven LurkenGeo Volt- - -- - -- - -
Elia Dragonova- - -Jessica Cade- - -- - -- - -
- - -- - -Andromeda Zhefarovich- - -- - -- - -
- - -- - -Stella Finch- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]
Booyah :woot:

Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
- - -Cassander HowardHenrietta Howard- - -Rose ThornhillBethany Zanders
- - -- - -Alistair Lancaster- - -- - -Marisol Woods
- - -- - -Gideon Zelinsky- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
- - -- - -Alistair LancasterTristan Collins- - -Marisol Woods
- - -- - -Gideon Zelinsky- - -- - -- - -
- - -- - -Phoebe Holland- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]

I tried to be all fancy with the table too, but I don't recommend it :r
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
- - -- - -Gideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
- - -- - -Phoebe Holland- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]

[table=6,Sign Ups,1][b]Second Years[/b][c][b]Third Years[/b][c][b]Fourth Years[/b][c][b]Fifth Years[/b][c][b]Sixth Years[/b][c][b]Seventh Years[/b][c][color=darkgreen]Diana Holland[/color][c][class=s3y]Cassander Howard[/class][c][class=r4y]Henrietta Howard[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Odette Harper[/color][c][class=r6y][i]Rose Thornhill[/i][/class][c][class=headgirl]Bethany Zanders[/class]
[c][class=gryffindor]Mazikeen Roe[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Simon Vanity[/class][c][class=s4y]Alistair Lancaster[/class][c][i][color=darkgoldenrod]Tristan Collins[/color][/i][c][class=slytherin]Rory Fergusson[/class][c][class=g7y]Marisol Woods[/class]
[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][class=g4y]Gideon Zelinsky[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Jerara Tapsell[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color][c]- - - [c]- - -[c] - - - [c] - - -[c] - - -[c][color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c][class=slytherin]Gilly Gillespie[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[/table]
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-Lee- - -Gideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
- - -- - -Phoebe Holland- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]

[table=6,Sign Ups,1][b]Second Years[/b][c][b]Third Years[/b][c][b]Fourth Years[/b][c][b]Fifth Years[/b][c][b]Sixth Years[/b][c][b]Seventh Years[/b][c][color=darkgreen]Diana Holland[/color][c][class=s3y]Cassander Howard[/class][c][class=r4y]Henrietta Howard[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Odette Harper[/color][c][class=r6y][i]Rose Thornhill[/i][/class][c][class=headgirl]Bethany Zanders[/class]
[c][class=gryffindor]Mazikeen Roe[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Simon Vanity[/class][c][class=s4y]Alistair Lancaster[/class][c][i][color=darkgoldenrod]Tristan Collins[/color][/i][c][class=slytherin]Rory Fergusson[/class][c][class=g7y]Marisol Woods[/class]
[c][class=g2y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class][c]- - -[c][class=g4y]Gideon Zelinsky[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Jerara Tapsell[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color][c]- - - [c]- - -[c] - - - [c] - - -[c] - - -[c][color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c][class=slytherin]Gilly Gillespie[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[/table]

Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-Lee- - -Gideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
Analei Louw- - -Phoebe Holland- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-LeeMervyn StrangewayesGideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
Analei Louw- - -Phoebe Holland- - - - - - - - -
Arvel Ayers - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-LeeMervyn StrangewayesGideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
Analei LouwCharlie MadisonPhoebe HollandOctober Alcott- - - - - -
Arvel Ayers - - -April Ward- - -- - -- - -
Dominique Malone - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]

[table=6,Sign Ups,1][b]Second Years[/b][c][b]Third Years[/b][c][b]Fourth Years[/b][c][b]Fifth Years[/b][c][b]Sixth Years[/b][c][b]Seventh Years[/b][c][color=darkgreen]Diana Holland[/color][c][class=s3y]Cassander Howard[/class][c][class=r4y]Henrietta Howard[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Odette Harper[/color][c][class=r6y][i]Rose Thornhill[/i][/class][c][class=headgirl]Bethany Zanders[/class]
[c][class=gryffindor]Mazikeen Roe[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Simon Vanity[/class][c][class=s4y]Alistair Lancaster[/class][c][i][color=darkgoldenrod]Tristan Collins[/color][/i][c][class=slytherin]Rory Fergusson[/class][c][class=g7y]Marisol Woods[/class]
[c][class=g2y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class][c][class=g3y]Mervyn Strangewayes[/class][c][class=g4y]Gideon Zelinsky[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Jerara Tapsell[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c][class=h2y]Analei Louw[/class][c][color=firebrick]Charlie Madison[/color][c][color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color][c][color=mediumblue]October Alcott[/color][c]- - -[c] - - - [c][class=h2y]Arvel Ayers[/class][c] - - -[c][color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][color=darkgreen]Dominique Malone[/color][c] - - -[c][class=slytherin]Gilly Gillespie[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[/table]
As I'm on my phone until Friday, please can someone add the below? :wub:

Geo Volt 4th year
Isaac Kain 4th year
Leda Layton 3rd yeae
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-LeeMervyn StrangewayesGideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
Analei LouwCharlie MadisonPhoebe HollandOctober Alcott- - - - - -
Arvel AyersLeda LaytonApril Ward- - -- - -- - -
Dominique Malone - - -Gilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Isaac Kain- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - - Geo Volt- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]

[table=6,Sign Ups,1][b]Second Years[/b][c][b]Third Years[/b][c][b]Fourth Years[/b][c][b]Fifth Years[/b][c][b]Sixth Years[/b][c][b]Seventh Years[/b][c][color=darkgreen]Diana Holland[/color][c][class=s3y]Cassander Howard[/class][c][class=r4y]Henrietta Howard[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Odette Harper[/color][c][class=r6y][i]Rose Thornhill[/i][/class][c][class=headgirl]Bethany Zanders[/class]
[c][class=gryffindor]Mazikeen Roe[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Simon Vanity[/class][c][class=s4y]Alistair Lancaster[/class][c][i][color=darkgoldenrod]Tristan Collins[/color][/i][c][class=slytherin]Rory Fergusson[/class][c][class=g7y]Marisol Woods[/class]
[c][class=g2y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class][c][class=g3y]Mervyn Strangewayes[/class][c][class=g4y]Gideon Zelinsky[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Jerara Tapsell[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c][class=h2y]Analei Louw[/class][c][color=firebrick]Charlie Madison[/color][c][color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color][c][color=mediumblue]October Alcott[/color][c]- - -[c] - - - [c][class=h2y]Arvel Ayers[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Leda Layton[/color][c][color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][color=darkgreen]Dominique Malone[/color][c] - - -[c][class=slytherin]Gilly Gillespie[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c][color=mediumblue]Isaac Kain[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c] [color=darkgoldenrod]Geo Volt[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[/table]
Done ^_^ Fourth year will be busy xD
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Diana HollandCassander HowardHenrietta HowardOdette HarperRose ThornhillBethany Zanders
Mazikeen RoeSimon VanityAlistair LancasterTristan CollinsRory FergussonMarisol Woods
Gwen Owens-LeeMervyn StrangewayesGideon ZelinskyJerara Tapsell- - -- - -
Analei LouwCharlie MadisonPhoebe HollandOctober Alcott- - - - - -
Arvel AyersLeda LaytonApril Ward- - -- - -- - -
Dominique MaloneFrankie TillingtonGilly Gillespie- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - -Isaac Kain- - -- - -- - -
- - - - - - Geo Volt- - -- - -- - -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Ups[/th] [th]
[table=6,Sign Ups,1][b]Second Years[/b][c][b]Third Years[/b][c][b]Fourth Years[/b][c][b]Fifth Years[/b][c][b]Sixth Years[/b][c][b]Seventh Years[/b][c][color=darkgreen]Diana Holland[/color][c][class=s3y]Cassander Howard[/class][c][class=r4y]Henrietta Howard[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Odette Harper[/color][c][class=r6y][i]Rose Thornhill[/i][/class][c][class=headgirl]Bethany Zanders[/class]
[c][class=gryffindor]Mazikeen Roe[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Simon Vanity[/class][c][class=s4y]Alistair Lancaster[/class][c][i][color=darkgoldenrod]Tristan Collins[/color][/i][c][class=slytherin]Rory Fergusson[/class][c][class=g7y]Marisol Woods[/class]
[c][class=g2y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class][c][class=g3y]Mervyn Strangewayes[/class][c][class=g4y]Gideon Zelinsky[/class][c][class=ravenclaw]Jerara Tapsell[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c][class=h2y]Analei Louw[/class][c][color=firebrick]Charlie Madison[/color][c][color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color][c][color=mediumblue]October Alcott[/color][c]- - -[c] - - - [c][class=h2y]Arvel Ayers[/class][c][color=darkgreen]Leda Layton[/color][c][color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c][color=darkgreen]Dominique Malone[/color][c][class=g3y]Frankie Tillington[/class][c][class=slytherin]Gilly Gillespie[/class][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c][color=mediumblue]Isaac Kain[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[c] - - -[c] - - -[c] [color=darkgoldenrod]Geo Volt[/color][c]- - -[c]- - -[c]- - -[/table]
Oh dear xD I did not intend for you all to try and copy/paste the table since it's kinda hard to keep it organized :lol:

Signing up the way Pheebs has done would work just as fine!! :D

There are 2 days left to sign up so if you're planning on doing it, please do so soon!! :)
I figured it would be easier for you to just copy paste it at the end xD
Since its easier for you :r

Hayden Lavish - Sythern Sixth Year
Austin Branning - Hufflepuff Fifth Year
Jessica Cade - Gryffindor Fourth Year
Grayson Wolfe - Gryffindor Third Year
Guinevere Lavish - Ravenclaw Second Year
Sage Havelock - Hufflepuff Second Year
Today is the last day to be able to sign up, so please do so within the next 22 hours! :D
Two more (because I'm a sucker for punishment)

Braxton Woodlock- Ravenclaw Fifth Year
Octavian Vetrov - Gryffindor Seventh Year
I think I might have some time to duel:

Zoe Katsaros - Hufflepuff Sixth Year
Ryuu Arai - Ravenclaw Sixth Year
Asmodeus Snow - Slytherin Fifth Year
Andromeda Zhefarovich - Hufflepuff Fourth Year
Neven Lurken - Slytherin Third Year
Elia Dragonova - Slytherin Second Year
Okay so without further ado, here is the first round of matches!! All proctors will be posting their matches within the next 24 hours so keep a look out for those in the Dueling Chamber as well as these tables which will be updated regularly!!

[ul][li]Once a match is posted, players have 24 hours to post otherwise the match is forfeited.</LI>
[li]Once a duel is underway, you must post within 24 hours of the last post otherwise you lose.
<LI>[li]All duels will only last 1 week. If there is no winner within the week, the winner will be chosen by random draw (example here).[/li][/ul]
StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]</TH>
Arvel Ayers vs. Gwen Owens-LeeProfessor Kennedy PrattHereArvel AyersMatch #1
Diana Holland vs. Guinevere LavishProfessor Kalif StyxHereDiana HollandMatch #2
Elia Dragonova vs. Dominique MaloneProfessor Jon PhillipsHereElia DragonovaMatch #3
Analei Louw vs. Mazikeen RoeProfessor Kennedy PrattHereAnalei LouwMatch #4
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Frankie Tillington vs. Simon VanityProfessor Kalif StyxHereSimon VanityMatch #5
Grayson Wolfe vs. Mervyn StrangewayesProfessor Jon PhillipsHereGrayson WolfeMatch #6
Charlie Madison vs. Leda LaytonProfessor Kennedy PrattHereCharlie MadisonMatch #7
Neven Lurken vs. Cassander HowardProfessor Jon PhillipsHereCassander HowardMatch #8
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Phoebe Holland vs. Stella FinchProfessor Kalif StyxHerePhoebe HollandMatch #9
April Ward vs. Jessica CadeProfessor Kennedy PrattHereJessica CadeMatch #10
Alistair Lancaster vs. Andromeda ZhefarovichProfessor Jon PhillipsHereAlistair LancasterMatch #11
Gilly Gillespie vs. Geovanna VoltProfessor Kalif StyxHereGilly GillespieMatch #12
Gideon Zelinsky vs. Isaac KainProfessor Kennedy PrattHereGideon ZelinskyMatch #13
[th colspan="5"]Fourth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Jerara Tapsell vs. Asmodeus SnowProfessor Jon PhillipsHereAsmodeus SnowMatch #14
Tristan Collins vs. Austin BranningProfessor Kalif StyxHereTristan CollinsMatch #15
October Alcott vs. Braxton WoodlockProfessor Kennedy PrattHereOctober AlcottMatch #16
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Rose Thornhill vs. Hayden LavishProfessor Jon PhillipsHereRose ThornhillMatch #17
Ryuu Arai vs. Rory FergussonProfessor Kennedy PrattHereRory FergussonMatch #18
[th colspan="5"]Sixth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Marisol Woods vs. Octavian VetrovProfessor Kalif StyxHereOctavian VetrovMatch #19
[th colspan="5"]Seventh Years[/th] <TH> [th]

Students years waiting for the next round:
Sage Havelock (2nd year)
Henrietta Howard (4th year)
Odette Harper (5th year)
Zoe Katsaros (6th year)
Bethany Zanders (7th year)
All duels should be wrapped up within the next 3 hours! If no clear winner has been made by the deadline, the winner will be chosen by random draw! :)
Round 2 will begin tomorrow within the next 24 hours!
Sorry for the delay in getting this next round going, but Round 2 of the tournament starts now! Duelers please keep a look out for the duels going up very soon!!! :)

Please remember to read the dueling rules!!!
StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]</TH>
Arvel Ayers vs. Diana HollandProfessor Kennedy PrattHereDiana HollandMatch #20
Elia Dragonova vs. Sage HavelockProfessor Jon PhillipsHereSage HavelockMatch #21
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Simon Vanity vs. Grayson WolfeProfessor Kalif StyxHereSimon VanityMatch #22
Cassander Howard vs. Charlie MadisonProfessor Jon PhillipsHereCassander HowardMatch #23
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Alistair Lancaster vs. Jessica CadeProfessor Kennedy PrattHereAlistair LancasterMatch #24
Phoebe Holland vs. Henrietta HowardProfessor Kalif StyxHerePhoebe HollandMatch #25
Gideon Zelinsky vs. Gilly GillespieProfessor Jon PhillipsHereGideon ZelinskyMatch #26
[th colspan="5"]Fourth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
October Alcott vs. Tristan CollinsProfessor Kennedy PrattHereTristan CollinsMatch #27
Odette Harper vs. Asmodeus SnowProfessor Jon PhillipsHereOdette HarperMatch #28
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Rory Fergusson vs. Zoe KatsarosProfessor Kennedy PrattHereRory FergussonMatch #29
[th colspan="5"]Sixth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Octavian Vetrov vs. Bethany ZandersProfessor Kalif StyxHereOctavian VetrovMatch #30
[th colspan="5"]Seventh Years[/th] <TH> [th]

Students sitting out for the next round:
Analei Louw (2nd year)
Rose Thornhill (6th year)
Abby is unable to be online anytime soon, so she's asked me to post this on her behalf to say that at this point all round 2 duels should be wrapped up now, and if not the results will be decided at random! :D
I apologize for the delay in getting round 3 up! (Was too sick with food poisoning to get online sorries :( ) A huge thank you to Anna for posting on my behalf!!

Here are the next batch of rounds, though not the final round! We are not done yet!!! :o

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number

Analei Louw vs. Sage Havelock

Professor Kennedy Pratt


Analei Louw

Match #31

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number

Simon Vanity vs. Cassander Howard

Professor Kalif Styx


Cassander Howard

Match #32

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number

Gideon Zelinsky vs. Phoebe Holland

Professor Jon Phillips


Gideon Zelinsky

Match #33

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number

Rory Fergusson vs. Rose Thornhill

Professor Kennedy Pratt


Rory Fergusson

Match #34

Students sitting out until the next round:
Diana Holland (2nd year)
Alistair Lancaster (4th year)

All duels should be up within 24 hours and end on Sunday at midnight (PST).
I'll make sure to post a 24 hour reminder before the deadline approaches!
Last edited:
Hello! As the Admin have stated in this post, all duels had 48 hours to end. I am going based on the TIME STAMP in that post, so duels should be over in approximately ~19 hours ish?? (48 hours from when that post was made!)

If no one has posted within the 48 hours, the last poster will be the winner.
If a winner has not been made once the deadline has come, the winner will be chosen by random draw.

Thank you!
Okay NOW we are officially in the LAST round of the Y31 Dueling Tournament!! :party::party:
And there seems to only be one final match! :o

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number

Analei Louw vs. Diana Holland

Professor Kennedy Pratt


Analei Louw

Match #35

This duel will be posted shortly and its deadline will be on Saturday, Sept. 8th at midnight (CST).

Once this duel is over, the results of all the points distributed will be posted and given out (once I figure out how to do so) ^_^
Last edited:
That concludes the Y31 Dueling Tournament!! :party: :party:

Thank you so much to everyone who participated (there were so many duelers :hug: ) and to Kaitlyn & Anna for helping ^_^

Below is the table of all the points everyone has earned! Once I know if/how we can distribute these, you will be getting them lol

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Diana Holland2525- - -- - -50
Mazikeen Roe5- - -- - -- - -5
Gwen Owens-Lee5- - -- - -- - -5
Analei Louw25- - -2550100
Arvel Ayers25- - -- - -- - -25
Dominique Malone5- - -- - -- - -5
Guinevere Lavish5- - -- - -- - -5
Sage Havelock- - -25- - -- - -25

[td] Elia Dragonova [/td]
[td]- - -[/td]
[td]- - -[/td]
[td]- - -[/td]

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Cassander Howard252550- - -100
Simon Vanity2525- - -- - -50
Mervyn Strangewayes5- - -- - -- - -5
Charlie Madison25- - -- - -- - -25
Leda Layton5- - -- - -- - -5
Frankie Tillington5- - -- - -- - -5
Grayson Wolfe25- - -- - -- - -25
Neven Lurken5- - -- - -- - -5

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Henrietta Howard- - -5- - -- - -5
Alistair Lancaster2525- - -50100
Gideon Zelinsky252525- - -75
Phoebe Holland2525- - -- - -50
April Ward5- - -- - -- - -5
Gilly Gillespie25- - -- - -- - -25
Isaac Kain5- - -- - -- - -5
Geovanna Volt5- - -- - -- - -5
Andromeda Zhefarovich5- - -- - -- - -5
Stella Finch5- - -- - -- - -5

[td] Jessica Cade [/td]
[td]- - -[/td]
[td]- - -[/td]
[td]- - -[/td]

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Odette Harper- - -25- - -- - -25
Tristan Collins252550- - -100
Jerara Tapsell5- - -- - -- - -5
October Alcott25- - -- - -- - -25
Austin Branning5- - -- - -- - -5
Braxton Woodlock5- - -- - -- - -5
Asmodeus Snow25- - -- - -- - -25

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Rose Thornhill25- - -- - -- - -25
Rory Fergusson252550- - -100
Hayden Lavish5- - -- - -- - -5
Zoe Katsaros- - -5- - -- - -5
Ryuu Arai5- - -- - -- - -5

StudentFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundFinal RoundTotal
Bethany Zanders- - -5- - -- - -5
Marisol Woods5- - -- - -- - -5
Octavian Vetrov2550- - -- - -75

And in case you were wondering how that's broken down by house :r
Gryffindor: 235
Hufflepuff: 275
Ravenclaw: 180
Slytherin: 475

Once again thank you to everyone for participating! :party: ^_^

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