Y28 Quidditch

Reeve Buchanan

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Any predictions on how this season will go?
For the first time ever.

Go Ravenclaw :r
I hope this doesn't sound traitorous to my house, but Hufflepuff has always been my favorite house, so I'm rooting for them. Looks like they're doing pretty well so far. :)
I lowkey think Hufflepuff might win ? at least this match :p
I think Gryffindor will take it overall! :abby:
Go go Hufflepuff!!! I hope we do win :woot:
Hufflepuff's definitely going to win the cup :r :party:
Reuben Lagowski said:
Hufflepuff's definitely going to win the cup :r :party:
Maybe the house cup, but Slytherin's going to take the quidditch one! :p
Ravenclaw is the team that should win :p
is there a way someone could cause mayhem on this game? :r
Gooooo RavenPuff!

Kidding, Ravenclaw should win :r
As this is Felix's only chance to win the cup as Captain. I want Ravenclaw to win it. Plus could you imagine how big James's head would get if he co-captained Gryffindor to a cup?

I'm so excited for this game! I haven't played quidditch since Dannii was in school, and everyone still tracked points in their posts :p

Go Gryffindor! :woot:
I just want Lizzie to actually hit something this year ;o; my poor girl had such bad luck last year...
Why ruin a good thing :r

Slytherin will totally keep their lead
GO GRYFFINDOR! This game is nerve wracking!!
Lool! Rudolf is on fire! xD glad I don't have Gryffindor playing
Professor Cyndi Kingsley approves.
So would Jean. :r
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
So would Jean. :r

RIP *moment of silence*

I have to close my eyes and pray while I click on that button. Hoping a miracle would come up xD I still don't have luck. Hunter just wants to hit the seeker :cry:

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