Would you rather....?

Austria, because I live in Australia :r

Would you rather have detention when Snape on a bad day, or Voldemort on a good day?
Uh...Snape...Voldermort would just try to kill me...

Would you rather Beauxbatons or Durmstrang didn't exist?

Would you rather be a muggle or a squib?
Definitely a muggle. I couldn't handle knowing about the wizarding world, but not being a real part of it.

Can I be the Heathcliffe to Catherine? xD Haha, that would be my answer.

Would you rather lick all four of a cow's hooves or drink one mug of expired, chunky milk?
I'll choose the expired milk, just because hooves are... :x
would rather go to a justin timberlake or fall out boy concert?
Victoria Chase said:
I'll choose the expired milk, just because hooves are... :x
would rather go to a justin timberlake or fall out boy concert?

Justin Timberlake :shy:

Would you Rather Go way back in the time and meet your ancestors or Go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren?
Go back in time to meet my ancestors. Like holy sh1t that would be fun.

Would you rather live on an island alone with the internet, or in a busy metropolis surround by people without the internet?
Metropolis, definitely.

Would you rather be a famous celebrity/athlete who is well known and rich, or a scientist who develops a cure for cancer, but never gets any recognition or reward?
Definitely the cancer :( I've lost too many people.

Would you rather have exams that you didn't study for, or essays that you do study for but will take you weeks.
Exams I haven't studied for, I can bullsh1t an exam more than an essay and least it's over quickly.

Would you rather sing in front of a huge audience badly and become famous or only sing amazingly in front of no one and never receive any fame or recognition.
Hmm, I think sing amazingly in front of no-one - because being famous would scare me. Who'd wanna be famous for singing badly anyway? xD

Would you rather be three-times taller the normal human height for your country, or three times shorter?
Three times taller. Feel like that could be more fun.

Would you rather be a bird for the day but not remember any of it or be a slug for the day but remember all of it.
I'd rather be a bird and not remember being it. A slug is just... ack. :tut:

Would you rather eat a cockroach muffin for three whole meals or wasabi for the rest of your life?
See I'd say wasabi, because I'd rather that than cockroaches. Like eww.

Would you rather organise and host a party where you know all the details but it turns out to be an awful party, or be given without your prior knowledge and have no control over it, but it's the best party ever?
Good grief... This is hard. While I love to be in control of things, I'd rather not be responsible for hosting a terrible party. So, option two.

Would you rather be extremely rich and live a life that's comfortable but with no real meaning, or be dirt poor and live a life that's full of misery but with great meaning.
Difficult, because you say the second life is full of misery.. But, you can find something positive in everything. There's always a way to be happy, so I'd rather have the life with no money but lots of meaning!

Would you rather do a speech in front of 10,000 people and have it go really well, or do a speech in front of 10 people but mess up really horribly?

I've done a speech in front of large crowds before, so I'd rather have it go well xD

Would you rather be a cat or a dog for the rest of your life?
After careful consideration, I'd go with being a cat.
Dogs usually get more petting, playing, and usually love, cat's are almost seem to command respect. They're also more agile, sometimes more clever (no offense, I have a dog),and we get lots of internet fame. :D

Would you rather be the most beautiful/handsome in the world and be loved by all for it, or be the wisest in the world and be disliked by everyone?
That's tough, because no one likes being disliked, but... I think that the wisest person would know not to care what others think, so I'd have to go with that.

Would you rather be famous for terrible movies or be famous for terrible books?
Famous for terrible movies, there's more money in movies than books, generally, so I'd rather be terrible but better off finacially.

Would you rather live for a weekend in a toy store with essentially no food, or a food store with nothing to do, but all the food you could possibly need?
Probably the toy store. It's not uncommon for me to forsake food over the desire to not be bored xD

Would you rather hear one song for the rest of your life, or see any language translated into bad english.
The language bit. Music is my life, I'd be defeated to be only able to hear one song.

I trapped in a horror movie, would you rather be chased into a dark cave or an old mansion?
Getting chased into an old mansion sounds fun! I'll pick that one :D

Would you rather fall asleep and not wake up for a week, or not be able to sleep at all for a week?
Sleep for a week! :party:

Would you rather BBQ Sauce or Tomato Sauce?!

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