Okay guys I'm gonna put this forward as a serious proposal today. Assuming I've not missed something, these are the remaining players:
Jace Blade
Penny Wills
Zara Woodlock
Monty Pendleton
Evangelia Seong
Poppy Perkins
Amber Chou Wilson
Amy Jewel
Daisy Parker
James Cade (probs drunk)
Stanislaw Kurek
Amy Rosemary
Sara Moon (apprentice)
Kard Thomas
Saira Lykims
Sarah Keith
Given that 4 are wolves, Maia is probably the apprentice, and Dan is probably the drunk, there are 4 wolves and 10 innocents whose roles we don't know left. One of those is the (possible) seer, and the other is the doctor. Two more people will die before tomorrow (we lynch one, and the wolves kill one). That gives the wolves a 1 in 4 chance of killing our doctor or seer at the end of this round. Not to mention the added risk of the doctor protecting a wolf.
If we wait right until the end to reveal roles, then even if the doctor/seer lasts that long, the wolves can just claim it and there'll be so few players left that they will still win if we trust the wrong person.
If we claim roles now, the wolves will be forced to claim villager because it's too risky to claim the same special role as someone else. So, we'll be able to narrow the wolves down to people who claim villager (or people who are both claiming a special role).
Not only that, but the doctor revealing who they have protected so far, assuming they protected someone different every night, will give us like 4 or 5 people we know we can trust. The seer should probably know by now if they're the real seer or not, assuming they've also been checking someone every night and has checked somebody who later died, or checked Dan/Maia.
If they're the real seer, revealing their role will potentially give us several more people we know we can trust
We can narrow it down reaaaal far like this. I know the doctor and the seer will immediately become targets, but at least if they both reveal at the same time we get one extra night out of one of them, since the wolves can't kill them both in one night.
If they die with the knowledge they have, it will be useless and the wolves are gonna win
Of cooouurse this relies on everybody posting their role... I can only suggest @ing everyone and hoping for the best, cus at least there's like 20 hours til the end of the day, should give everyone enough time
Idk man. What does everyone else think? I got piled on in a previous game for suggesting this but I feel like it's the only chance we have @-@ we are literally no closer to finding the wolves than we were on day 1