Werewolf: Birthday Edition

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Okay, so this is going to hurt me more then it hurts you, but i have a really bad feeling that Tenile is the wolf. My evidence? Tenile voted for Hadan the first vote because she thought that Hadan would jump at the chance to kill Zach, Tenile very much said that she too would have jumped at the chance. She then at the end changed her vote to Danielle Warbeck, much the same as Jessye did. Suspicious. Another time, she voted for Jet, she was just following the crowd. This could be suspicious because of the last time, not to mention she could have been trying eliminatr Jet and then didn't switched over to Alyssa because she was trying to help her. Lastly, Tenile has said many things that make me suspicious, sush as in the shoutbox she said something about, if she was the wolf she would eliminate smart people. I think Cyndi qualifies. Lastly, she is trying to get rid of Kaitlyn, who has Identified as the Seer. So I am going to vote to Lynch Samual Kaster, no matter how much it is going to hurt me :tut:

Vote Received: Samual Kaster
Hadan Hensel said:
Okay, so pretty much Tenile isn't making much sense to me
Kaitlyn, to be perfectly honest, I'm confusing myself :tut:
Hmmm suspicious!
Rebecca Koshiba said:
Okay, so this is going to hurt me more then it hurts you, but i have a really bad feeling that Tenile is the wolf. My evidence? Tenile voted for Hadan the first vote because she thought that Hadan would jump at the chance to kill Zach, Tenile very much said that she too would have jumped at the chance. She then at the end changed her vote to Danielle Warbeck, much the same as Jessye did. Suspicious. Another time, she voted for Jet, she was just following the crowd. This could be suspicious because of the last time, not to mention she could have been trying eliminatr Jet and then didn't switched over to Alyssa because she was trying to help her. Lastly, Tenile has said many things that make me suspicious, sush as in the shoutbox she said something about, if she was the wolf she would eliminate smart people. I think Cyndi qualifies. Lastly, she is trying to get rid of Kaitlyn, who has Identified as the Seer. So I am going to vote to Lynch Samual Kaster, no matter how much it is going to hurt me :tut:
:o OMG! Teigan! :cry: I'm not the werewolf, are you crazy? Okay, I'm going to explain myself so I don't die, no thanks to Teigan <_<

1) Everyone would jump at the chance to kill Takuya, but since I joined up to this thing as Samual Kaster, I wouldn't have done it out of respect for my beloved characters feelings towards Zach's Takuya, because I respect Sammy, because he's down right adorable. And Kaitlyn agreed that everyone would kill Takuya, just sayin' :r

2) Jessye and I happened to share one thought, Danielle was going to die and we might as well help it. (Well, that's what was going through my mind when I changed) Does not mean we share the same night time activities.

3) I was confused, hungry and bored, so I didn't have the energy to be bother to fully analyse stuff, and Jet is still pretty suss and is right up there on my list of suspicious people. And I didn't change my vote because I was busy enjoying a nice bowl of spaghetti, because I like spaghetti, and anyway, if I was the werewolf, and I voted my fellow wolf (Danielle Warbeck) to die, why didn't I do the same with Alyssa?

4) I was just saying that Cyndi could be killed off by the werewolf, not that I was personally going to take her down! And with the Kaitlyn topic, I'm just confused and I don't feel like voted Jet just now, though I have been considering.

They're my reasons.
Nick I have fixed my document and removed a guardian.
It seems unlikely to be Tenielee/Samuel. as why would two wolves vote for the third on the first day? surly there is so little solid evidence then that they would be better coming up with a random name (i.e. someone who is not a wolf) and trying to bank up some evidence on them as two less votes for the first wolf, plus enough (even weak) evidence on someone else, may make other people change their votes and keep the trio in tact.
I change my vote to Tenile.

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
So, Tenile is acting very strange.
I am going to nix her.
Vote: Samual Kaster.

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
Friendly reminder: If you're changing your vote, you need to specify as much.
Mia- I love you :hug:

Donna and Kaitlyn: Well, I have a feeling that throwing myself around, screaming to not Lynch me isn't going to work. But still, don't lynch me! :o
Nicolas King said:
Friendly reminder: If you're changing your vote, you need to specify as much.
Sorry Nickles. Shall remember that!
Rebecca Koshiba said:
Okay, so this is going to hurt me more then it hurts you, but i have a really bad feeling that Tenile is the wolf. My evidence? Tenile voted for Hadan the first vote because she thought that Hadan would jump at the chance to kill Zach, Tenile very much said that she too would have jumped at the chance. She then at the end changed her vote to Danielle Warbeck, much the same as Jessye did. Suspicious. Another time, she voted for Jet, she was just following the crowd. This could be suspicious because of the last time, not to mention she could have been trying eliminatr Jet and then didn't switched over to Alyssa because she was trying to help her. Lastly, Tenile has said many things that make me suspicious, sush as in the shoutbox she said something about, if she was the wolf she would eliminate smart people. I think Cyndi qualifies. Lastly, she is trying to get rid of Kaitlyn, who has Identified as the Seer. So I am going to vote to Lynch Samual Kaster, no matter how much it is going to hurt me :tut:
That was my point yesterday when I said, a wolf might be trying to cover his or her self by following with the crowd to not be seen or heard. So, I believe that either one or all three wolves have voted to lynch me. And one did try. And I believe that the other did to. And with your information, Teigs, I am changing my vote to lynch to Samual Kaster.

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
There are about two hours left in this day cycle (the sun slept in this morning), and the votes as of this post are as follows:
Briar Rowan: IV
Aimee Darkhart: I
Hadan Hensel: I
Jet Hughes: I
Samual Kaster: IV
Teneile: Love you too :hug:
I change my vote to Jet as he has been acting rather suspiciously and I don't want to die.

Vote Changed: Jet Hughes
Actually, on second thought, I change my vote to lynch Riley Sparkles. On the first day, she was the first to lynch Briar, and on the second day, she probably knew that Jessye was going to be lynched, and so she followed the crowd, and I don't think it's Tenile or Mia, I think they're too obvious, and that they're being framed by the devil/wolf.

Vote Changed: Riley Sparkles
Or I can be wrong. Briar, you just sealed your fate when you said that. Trying to save yourself. I change my vote back to Briar on the lines that she is trying to save her skin and that she might be a wolf. She voted for me yesterday to follow along with Alyssa to save her skin. So, again, I change my vote to Briar.

Vote changed... again: Briar Rowan
Hadan Hensel said:
I would agree. I have strong feelings that Riley is a villager. I saw it, if you know what I mean. :r
Well, I voted to lynch Alyssa because I remember Jessye telling me she hates the PM system. Seen her using it twice now. And I saw her as a Werewolf.
Although I might be the fool too. :correct:
Alyssa turned out to be a wolf, so it's quite probable that Kaitlyn is the seer, which makes me a villager. :)
there is a chance that Kaitlyn is the fool and she was just lucky. however for the sake of chance I am going to say that the is most likely a seer. which will make Riley safe.
Okay then, I didn't read that properly... :p But since Kaitlyn's the seer, I'm going to change my vote to Samual Kaster for now... Maybe she saw Tenile as a wolf?

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
So I don't know about Hadan, but I'm the seer (or so I'm lead to believe) and I know that Briar is a villager.

So to try and save another villager I'm gunna to lynch Samual Kaster

Vote Received: Samual Kaster
Alyss Summers said:
Okay then, I didn't read that properly... :p But since Kaitlyn's the seer, I'm going to change my vote to Samual Kaster for now... Maybe she saw Tenile as a wolf?
I didn't... I just know who is innocent. =))
well may be a good time to say that I too am a seer (though I am thinking I am the fool)
unfortunately everyone I have seen has been reviled. first night I saw madz as a villager, second night I saw Haden as a fool, and last night I saw Donna as cupid
so can anyone either confirm or deny that tenile is tthe wolf... because honestly guys, I have the feeling she is...
there is no way of knowing for sure, just guess work/reasoning I don't think she is. but if i am the fool even if i saw her It may not be right. and there is a traitor somewhere that is there to fool he seers
I have a strong feeling that I am innocent :r
like I said, as much as I don't want it to be true... I have no other reasons to think anyone else, Tenile is my strongest candidate.
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