Werewolf: Birthday Edition

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Ok Nick just told me that on skype, I missed that part...but I'm not the devil, I assure you that.

Although, I think Mia is lying...because I saw her as a villager...which must be true if I see everyone for who they are...then she is a villager and neither a fool, seer or devil
Nicolas King said:
Samual Kaster said:
I'm going to vote Pat to be lynched.
If you're changing your vote you must indicate that you're changing your vote.
I said earlier in my post that I was changing my vote, but anyway.
I change my vote to Pat.
Samual Kaster said:
Patricia Styx said:
Well if I am the devil (whatever) I still see people for who they are and therefore am still valuable for the villagers to have :tut:
Yes, but you are the Devil, you are not to be trusted in my book :r
Prove it? ;)
this is getting interesting. My excel document will have a lot of annotations after today. I am not keeping track of votes until night. unless nick would like to give us an update on the tally.
the third option is that one of the three is neither seer fool or devil and is just some other roll trying to confuse everyone.
Patricia Styx said:
Ok Nick just told me that on skype, I missed that part...but I'm not the devil, I assure you that.

Although, I think Mia is lying...because I saw her as a villager...which must be true if I see everyone for who they are...then she is a villager and neither a fool, seer or devil
And once again I am confused, because what would the Devil, or Seer get out of saying that Mia is a villager? But then why would Mia bother saying that she is the fool? Unless she is a werewolf trying to save her own skin, which would mean that Pat is lying, or she is the fool, making Kaitlyn a Seer or Devil...

Oh my God :tut:
Samual Kaster said:
Patricia Styx said:
Ok Nick just told me that on skype, I missed that part...but I'm not the devil, I assure you that.

Although, I think Mia is lying...because I saw her as a villager...which must be true if I see everyone for who they are...then she is a villager and neither a fool, seer or devil
And once again I am confused, because what would the Devil, or Seer get out of saying that Mia is a villager? But then why would Mia bother saying that she is the fool? Unless she is a werewolf trying to save her own skin, which would mean that Pat is lying, or she is the fool, making Kaitlyn a Seer or Devil...

Oh my God :tut:
That seems somewhat legit.
Briar Rowan said:
unless nick would like to give us an update on the tally.
Briar Rowan: V
Aimee Darkhart: 0
Hadan Hensel: 0
Jet Hughes: 0
Samual Kaster: V
Riley Sparkles: 0
Patricia Styx: II

"0" indicates the person had one or more votes against them at some point, but people changed their vote(s) such that they now have 0 again.
I'm changing my vote to Jet, I still cannot find it within myself to see him as anything but suspicious, even if Mia is slowly climbing up the latter ladder. I think Pat is the Fool, or has managed to make me confuse myself, whichever :p
okay, so after going over the game, I am too inclined to change my vote Jet Huge.

Vote Changed: Jet Hughes
I think I'm going to stick with my Samual Kaster vote. Killing Pat if she is the devil, won't help much apart from giving us happiness. But then the wolf is still out there.
that does sound confusing. but it does seem that we are currently trying to work out who is the seers/fool/devil maybe we should leave that a side for a minute and try to work out the wolf.
I agree with Mia and Donna (Excpet for the kill me part) finding the Devil will only bring us happiness, which is why my vote is changed to Jet, because I still think him to be the werewolf, and that is who we should be aiming to get.
I'm going to change my vote to Jet. He's been changing his vote a lot, plus he was the first one to vote Pat, in the first round and didn't change at all, even though he was on pretty much all night. Also, in the second round, he voted for Mia, before changing to Jessye, maybe he was jumping on the bandwagon? :r

Vote Changed: Jet Hughes

Just wondering, do the wolves know who the devil is?
another rèon I am changing my vote is the fact that Tenile and i have been hit by cupid and if sshe dies I die. Kinda forgot that part, so who is cupid?
Alyss Summers said:
Just wondering, do the wolves know who the devil is?
and does the devil know who the wolves are?
Alyss Summers said:
Just wondering, do the wolves know who the devil is?
The devil also doesn't know who the wolves are.
The devil has to discover the wolves then work in the game to help them out to the win, and hope they get the picture enough to keep them around. xD
Alyss Summers said:
So does that mean the devil can get killed by the wolves? :o
The only person immune to wolf kills all the time is the angel.
Anybody the guardian guards is also safe. (Unless the guardian guards the wolf. In which case, the guardian dies.)
Does the Angel know they're the Angel?
Samual Kaster said:
Does the Angel know they're the Angel?
The only people who don't know what they are are the fool and the traitor.
The fool thinks they're the seer.
The traitor thinks they're a villager. (And they are. They're entirely innocent. Except they mess up what the seer and the devil see.)

Now no more silly game questions that are answered in the first post.
so i jsut noticed that in mia's document, apparently I was voted twice... I don't remember that...
what day? I may have made a mistake. I already have been pointed out one mistake.
I may have counted one vote twice if it was between updates.
About 20 minutes until nightfall. :)
The question of who was truly a seer, if any among the town was working on behalf of the wolves (and if so: who it was) and how past votes had resulted in wolf deaths quickly became the focus of the town's council as they sought to ensure their safety once more. With little more than suspicion to go on, the villagers argued and voted, argued more and changed their votes, until night was coming and - unless they lynched the wolf - a wolf would be hunting again.

Following through on their democracy of death, Briar Rowan the devil was lynched.

It is night. A wolf still remains.
The village woke to horrible screams coming from the town square. As each villager left their home, they saw the cause of the anguished cries: Samual Kaster, a villager was in pieces - barely identifiable and clearly the victim of the wolf. Beside his torn body lay Rebecca Koshiba, a villager and his lover. Entirely unable to live without her belovéd, Rebecca had stirred the town with her shrieks and taken her own life.
The ghost's intended victim died before its ghastly deed could be done.

It is day.
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