Werewolf: Birthday Edition

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I don't have good memory skills. I only remember certain things, and have to be reminded of many things unless I study them for months upon months. Other people can vouch for that. I had to ask Nick on skype about the game, on what I can/cannot reveal. =)) Plus I'm stressed out, and my memory gets worse with stress.
For the change of vote, the pleading... That's why I changed my vote at the last minute.
Welp, I voted for Jet because I had no freaking idea what was going on, but now I have some genuine (albeit groundless) suspicions that it (wolf? devil? I don't even ...) could be Alyssa. There seems to be a convenient split, so, I might change my vote to Alyssa Chevalier. I really hope I'm not doing this to my own detriment if she's a Guardian or something >_< But hey, let's not do anything rash, yeah? Got any words of defense, Jessye?
I change my vote to jet because he seems pretty happy that there are 10 minutes left and he will be alive.

Vote Changed: Jet Hughes
It was another vicious day of accusations as the town sought to avenge two of its own and kill a second wolf. Confident from the previous day's success, each villager was sure in their own mind that who they wanted to kill was the wolf. However, only one townsperson could be lynched in the day and as the arguments drew on it seemed clear that there were two camps in the town, and two candidates for lynching. One camp sided with a claimed seer, who was certain of her visions. The other camp, suspicious of the previous day's votes, sought to hold those who did not help lynch the previous wolf accountable.

Evenly split in their votes, the two possible victims drew lots for who would survive. The gods of the town smiled upon all as Alyssa Chevalier, a werewolf was lynched.

It is night. One wolf remains.
Votes said:
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Random.org Randomized List said:
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Random.org Randomized list said:
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Alyssa Chevalier
Jet Hughes
Jet Hughes
Randomly Generated integer between 1 and 16 (inclusive): 9
Person #9 on the last randomized list is Alyssa Chevalier
The village had one of its best nights knowing that the threat of werewolves was mostly behind them, and hoping that their guardian could prevent any wrongdoing in the night so that come the next morning they would be able to divine who it is that they finally needed to lynch in order to secure their safety.
Waking from their sleep, the town met as per their custom and a roll was called. Like the two previous mornings: One villager was missing. Professor Cyndi Kingsley, the ghost was gone.

It is day.

Sorry this is a bit late, guys.
The day phase will end 12 hours from this post.
I shall put my vote on Briar Rowan. On the account that she changed her vote at the last minute the other day. Possibly wanting to save her fellow werewolf. If Briar is indeed a wolf.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
I'm still alive? Wow.
Anyway, I think I am going to go with lynching off...Briar Rowan. For now anyway I guess.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
I'm going to lynch Briar Rowan for my own reasons

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
I think Mia is too obvious to be the wolf... But for now, I'll jump on the bandwagon and vote to lynch Briar Rowan. I might change my vote later on though.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
Okay, I think I'll vote for Briar Rowan too.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
I'm going to vote for Briar Rowan as well. In less Mia can give me a reason why I should change my vote.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
Since everyone is already voting Briar, and I myself don't really have any idea who to vote for, I'll just vote for Briar Rowan too.. I might change my vote though once I see a reason for me to do so.

Vote Received: Briar Rowan
I guess I saw that that was going to happen when I saw who was killed. I promise you though that I am not a wolf. Briar may be a wolf IC but she certainly isn't in the game (if that makes sense)
My proof is that that was such an incriminationg move surely a wlf would have a little more subtlty. I was on a rush to my lecture (that started at 10 my time (that post is at 9:57 my time) and I was basically basing it in how Happy Jet sounded when he thought that he would be alive. as there was only 10 minutes to go.
I am not going to make a vote now but I will say that I have made an exel document that keeps track of every vote and there are quite a few people (myself included) who haven't voted for a wolf at least once. If you want I will post a copy of this document on here (if it is within the rules) so that you can have a look at it
I don't take that as a legitimate reason, as you yourself have said:

"What difference does being online at time of posting make? "
Briar Rowan said:
(if it is within the rules)
Only rules are you have to talk in this topic, and you can't "prove" your role by showing the PM you received. (In the table game, this would be revealing the card you were dealt.)

Otherwise: Claim whatever role you want (yours or somebody else's), make whatever arguments you want, etc.
I meant that as the time Nick posted the thing. also I remembered that when the rolls were given out Jet said something like *turnes into dog* in shouty. maybe totally unrelated but may be relevant. yes I know that werewolf should stay in the topic but quite a lot of stuff spreads into shouty, It is just one of the things that happens.

I am going to put my vote forward today as Aimee Darkhart. as she has been very quiet. Maybe trying to slip under the radar.

Vote Received: Aimee Darkhart

so nick as long as i uncolour myself and remove where i put what I am onto the table I could post it if people want me to.
Briar Rowan said:
so nick as long as i uncolour myself and remove where i put what I am onto the table I could post it if people want me to.
You can keep what you are in there.
Like I said, anybody can claim any role. Theirs, somebody else's. A villager can claim to be a wolf. A wolf can claim to be the angel. A wolf can admit to being the wolf. People say they're only villagers all the time: plenty of them aren't lying. It's fine.
The rule is about proving what you say is true by revealing the PM I sent you (like screencapping it and showing it to somebody).
Well. I don't think it's Briar Rowan, I don't think it's Aimee Darkhart, seeig as Hadan is still alive, even if she is was not expecting it, I will put my vote on Hadan Hensel, simply because she could have incriminated her fellow werewolf to make us all believe that she couldn't possibly be the werewolf, or she could be legit and the werewolf could be incredibly silly, either way, I'm sticking with Hadan being a werewolf.

Vote Received: Hadan Hensel
okay I have uploaded a screencap of the document. I hope I haven't made any mistakes.
I have removed my suspicions as I don't want rebound action of the wolves (or anyone else) if i manage to come out of today alive. I have also removed what I have said about myself for the same reason.
a screen cap of the document

just to let you know how this works. everyone has a letter. which is next to them. I tried to align it up with their names but as sometimes there are several people with the same name some peoples are ransom. then on each day I put the vote for example today Alyss says B4 which means that she was the fourth person to vote for "B" which is me.
I did the same last game. but stopped filing it in after I was killed.
Just noticed an error in your document, Mia. There's only one Guardian in this game. :)
Okay, so pretty much Tenile isn't making much sense to me anyway.
If I were the werewolf, why would I turn on my best friend, have her killed, and then win the game alone? It isn't really me. I would have done everything I could to ensure she was safe.
I know Aimee isn't the wolf so she doesn't worry me anymore.
Actually, I'm going to change my vote lynch Jet. He just seems pretty suspicious to me... And I think the wolf is simply trying to frame Mia.

Vote Received: Jet Hughes
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