Vivian Brackenstall

Vivian Brackenstall

📜poet | quiet | tall | flirty📜 indie musician
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Tristan) (Gay
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
7/2031 (32)

Name: Vivian Mortimer Brackenstall
Meaning: Vivian - From the Latin name Vivianus which was derived from Latin vivus "alive". Mortimer - From an English surname which was derived from a place name meaning "still water" in Old French.
Birthdate: July 7, 2031
Zodiac: Cancer
Strengths: Loyalty - Dependable - Caring - Adaptable - Responsive
Weaknesses: Moody - Clingy - Self-pitying - Oversensitive - Self-absorbed

Being a Cancer born on July 7th, you have the unique gift of emotional sensitivity. Although you witness others struggle to understand feelings, you have always naturally been in tune with your feelings and the feelings of those around you. Understanding is not to be confused with complete openness however, as you much rather keep your feelings to yourself. It is this secrecy that makes you quite mysterious to even your closest friends and family.
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Curly 12 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.
Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.

Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff


Hair: Dark brown, falling down in loose waves that reach just past his shoulders.
Eyes: Light brown, usually faced down away from other people.
Build: Slender and very tall for his age.
Complexion: Pale and clear.
Style: Simple and neat, prefers dark colours.
Distinguishing Features: Although Vivian's height is the most noticable thing about him, his voice is surprisingly soft and his movements are gentle and particular. He has a long scar on his upper left arm from a splinching accident.
Playby: Miles McMillan


Personality: Vivian keeps to himself at almost all times, rarely speaking more than a couple of words together in front of others. His personality mostly reveals itself in his poetry, showing him to be a very contemplative and observant person, preferring to watch and consider rather than participate. He often considers himself an outsider, feeling as though he doesn't have much of a place in most social settings. He appreciates companionship though, and even when he doesn't participate much, he enjoys being among friends.
-Vivian is very independent, and doesn't need other people around him to survive or be comfortable. He trusts his own decisions and makes his own way without needing a lot of help.
-Vivian is an excellent listener, and genuinely cares and worries about other people's problems, doing what he can to help out anyone in need.
-While speaking out loud doesn't come easily to him, Vivian is very good at expressing himself clearly though written word, and very in touch with how he feels about things.
-Vivian doesn't know how to reach out for help when he needs it, struggling in silence rather than put himself out there or risk inconveniencing anyone who could help him.
-Contradictorally, once Vivian trusts and is comfortable with someone he's likely to just allow them to make all the decisions without actually giving his own input at all, preferring to stay passive and just let things happen as they will.
-Vivian has no real ability to stand up for himself against bullies or anyone who wants something for him he doesn't want himself.
Poetry - Vivian's primary passion is the written word, especially poetry, and you'll never find him without a notebook and pen in hand. It's the main way he feels comfortable expressing himself, his preferred outlet into the world.
Piano - Vivian's grandmother is an avid pianist, and has been teaching him to play since a young age. It's something he's not especially public about, but finds soothing and helps him gather his thoughts.
Swimming - Vivian swims regularly, and has done a couple of swimming and diving competitions with his old swimming club, though he never came first in anything.

Animals - Though Vivian has never been able to have pets of his own he's always had a fondness and affinity for animals, spending as much time with them as possible, and preferring their company over humans.
Personality Type: INFP (The Mediator)
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type, but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

Strengths: Idealistic, Seek and Value Harmony, Open-Minded and Flexible, Very Creative, Passionate and Energetic, Dedicated and Hard-working
Weaknesses: Too Idealistic, Too Altruistic, Impractical, Dislike Dealing With Data, Take Things Personally, Difficult to Get to Know
History: Vivian's mother Ruby Folsom got a job young working directly as the secretary of an illustrious CEO, Alexander Brackenstall, a well paying job with excellent prospects for her future. She was delighted, until her famously married boss began making advances towards her. Being young and wanting to keep her job, Ruby agreed to date him in secret, but when she became pregnant Alexander quickly made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her unless she got rid of the baby, which Ruby was unwilling to do. After Ruby gave Vivian his father's surname as a warning, Alexander agreed to pay for child support as long as she kept Vivian's existence a secret from the public and his family. The child support wasn't enough alone though, and as Vivian grew up, Ruby had to start from the bottom, now only able to find menial, long hours low pay work, leaving Vivian often in the hands of her mother Felicity while she was at work. Vivian grew up only knowing his father wasn't part of their life, a simple truth he never mourned, having the love and support of his grandmother and mother. As Felicity's health declined though, Vivian began having to learn to do more and more things himself, spending more and more time alone. A quiet, well read boy, he was lonely at school and often lonely at home, and once he was old enough to have his own cellphone, took to taking lone walks around the waterfront, to observe the world around him.
Health: Vivian is in average health. In his sixth year he splinched himself during an apparition lesson, and has a scar on his upper left arm from the incident.


Goals: Both to write something that he feels truly sums up his experiences, and to find comfort with someone who he feels comfortable speaking with freely.
Fears: Public speaking, being abandoned.
Secrets: Vivian wishes he could hold conversations more eloquently.
Regrets: Sometimes, Vivian regrets the people he has chosen to trust.

Colour: Deep ocean blue
Food: Carrots
Smell: Parchment
Music Genre: Indie

Animal: Seagull
Grandmother (Maternal)
Felicity Folsom
Date of Birth: 1977
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Occupation: Primary School Teacher (Retired)
Name: Ruby Morales (née Folsom)
Date of Birth: 2009
Blood Status: Mixed blood

Occupation: Stay-at-Home Mum
Name: Ignacio Morales
Date of Birth: 2008
Blood Status: Mixed blood

Occupation: HNZ Groundskeeper
Name: Aleja Morales
Date of Birth: 2051
Blood Status: Mixed blood

Occupation: Child
Name: Carolina Morales
Date of Birth: 2051
Blood Status: Mixed blood

Occupation: Child
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Moving to Hogwarts was an enormous step away from everything that kept Vivian feeling safe and comfortable, and without the support and comfort of his mother and grandmother, surrounded by hundreds of other kids who could turn out to be bullies, Vivian kept very much to himself. He barely spoke at all for his whole first year, retreating deep into his poetry, and only made one friend, Tristan Collins, his roommate. He had spent time bonding with Tristan's cat, and when Tristan discovered that she preferred Vivian's companionship he offered Vivian a share of ownership of the cat, and the two of them became friends, something Vivian had never really had before.
Trains were noisy. Schools were noisy. Nervous kids were noisy. And close, and crowding, and a lot all at once. Vivian tucked himself up uncertainly, hands clutching his notebook in his pocket to calm him down. He couldn't help wishing he could sit down and step back and put this all in words somewhere by himself for a few moments before continuing. There was no chance to stop though, and all thoughts dropped from his mind as he saw the Great Hall for the first time. It was magnificent, beyond anything he had expected, and he gaped around at all the sights as he entered, filled with awe and wonder. He barely even noticed any of the other kids around him moving until suddenly his name rang out through the hall.

"Brackenstall, Vivian!"

The rush of fear that ran through Vivian as he felt all eyes on him was almost too much to bear and he froze for a long moment, looking around like a frightened mouse. He didn't consciously break through the fear as much as his legs began to work automatically, carrying his numb and nervous body up to the stool and sitting him down, trembling under the weight of a thousand gazes as he waited to hear which house would shape the next seven years of his life.
"Don't be nervous. You're going to do great in...Hufflepuff!"
Kicking StonesWith Wynne Andoujenero
Mightier Than The Pen?With Victoire Fontaine
Solitude InterruptedWith Tristan Collins
Yule Ball


Vivian's second year started with a shock. A girl with his surname, his father's surname, was sorted into Slytherin. With Tristan's support, he confronted the girl, who brushed him off, and even after contacting his mother, Vivian was left with no answers about this other, distant branch of his family. He had no choice but to settle in and wait out the rest of the year, quietly growing closer with Tristan and making his own way through the school year. The year also ended with a shock, as Tristan suddenly and abruptly changed the nature of their friendship, kissing Vivian right at the end of the school year and leaving him with more questions than ever.
HomonymWith Tristan Collins
AntonymWith Tristan Collins and Lourdes Brackenstall
Thinking Outrageously, I Write In CursiveWith Tristan Collins
This Is The Last TimeReceiving Valentines Rose with Heather Danville
Touching His Back With My HandWith Tristan Collins
Yule Ball


Vivian's third year was coloured in shades of love, betrayal, and love again. After their uncertain goodbye and a holiday of silence, he ultimately decided the best way to reconcile was return Tristan's kiss. The two began dating in secret and for a while Vivian was elated, until he turned up to the Yule Ball, and saw Tristan attending with a girl he was clearly enamoured with. Afterwards, having been convinced that nobody else would understand their relationship, Vivian agreed that they would each date other people publicly, and keep their own love a secret. Having come to that decision Vivian began, uncertainly, making efforts to meet and get to know other boys in the school, sharing a kiss towards the end of the year with his friend Flavio.
On The Length Of My ArmWith Tristan Collins
SolitaryWith Estelle Styx
In the SpotlightWith Tristan Collins and Jessica Matthews
Terrible Sting, Terrible StormWith Tristan Collins
White Teeth TeensWith Flavio Morales
Food of LoveReceiving Valentines Rose with Leila Walden
Quiet AfternoonWith Flavio Morales
Yule Ball


Although over the holidays Vivian met an older boy who interested him somewhat, upon returning to Hogwarts his attention returned immediately to Tristan, the bond between them only deepening and strengthening. While he remained devoted as ever to Tristan when they were alone, while Tristan was out dating other people Vivian made an effort to meet new people too, making a few friends in different houses. Vivian's illusion of happiness came crashing down around him though, when he and Tristan were caught stealing a rare kiss in the open by Tristan's boyfriend. The pain they caused Kauri made Vivian sick to his stomach and he confronted Tristan, though backed down quickly when Tristan threatened to end what they had.
Hungry for MoreWith Vincent Della-Robbia
Writer in the DarkWith Tristan Collins
To be AloneWith Matt Rosemary
Pulling the Puzzles ApartWith Tristan Collins and Ruby Folsom
A Quiet Place to BeWith Hudson Worth
How Would You FeelReceiving Valentines Rose with November Albertson
A Stolen MomentWith Tristan Collins, Kauri Tipene, and Corrine Lagos
Can't Help But SympathiseWith Tristan Collins
Out of NeedWith Vincent Della-Robbia


Shaken by the hurt he caused at the end of the previous year, Vivian struggled to find a way to suppress the guilt he felt about his secret relationship. After a lot of thinking, he figured that Tristan didn't feel bad, and it would be helpful to try and look at things more like Tristan. 'What would Tristan do?' Became something of a mantra, and he took to that immediately, having many more flirtations and flings than ever before. He kissed a visiting Ilvermorny student in the holidays, and flirted more seriously with Hudson Worth than before, his relationship with Tristan only deepening in the shadows.
You Would Not Believe Your EyesWith Jeong Mun, Cedar Dunn, and Acacia Dunn
Check YesWith Hudson Worth
Loving You is RedReceiving Valentines Rose with Onyx Michaels
Not LonelyWith Hudson Worth
You Play Me Like A SymphonyWith Tristan Collins
Time Ticking AwayWith Tristan Collins and Kauri Tipene
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


The holidays held a deeply strange event for Vivian. He didn't remember the last time his mother had dated anyone seriously, and had never met a boyfriend's family before. That all changed though, as Vivian was introduced to Ignacio Morales, and had the unfortunate experience of meeting one of his first kisses once again, this time as his step-uncle. It was a relief to return to Hogwarts, where Vivian made the decision to try and emulate Tristan further, by actually pursuing a relationship with someone he was interested in. He asked Hudson Worth out after years of flirting, and was pleased when the other boy said yes. This caused some friction with Tristan, something Vivian found interesting. Towards the end of the year, Vivian had an unfortunate accident in an Apparition lesson, a dramatic splinching leaving him with a large permanent scar down his upper left arm. Rather than finding comfort in his relationship, Vivian was horrified when Hudson told him he was in love, and realising how wrong what he was doing was, Vivian broke off the relationship immediately, a shard of bitterness growing in his stomach as it finally began to dawn on him how wrong Tristan was about their situation.
TogethernessWith Ruby Folsom, Ignacio Morales, Valentina Morales, Pia Morales, Flavio Morales, and Marcos Morales
Hide to be FoundWith Hudson Worth
I Hope You Blink Before I DoWith Tristan Collins
'Til I Stop PretendingWith Hudson Worth
A Great Friendly RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Gwen Owens-Lee
Bloody PetalsReceiving Valentines Rose with Lidya Kozlova
Precious MomentsWith Hudson Worth
Something To Rely OnWith Tristan Collins and Josephine Arora (Follows this)
Burn Your Bridges DownWith Hudson Worth (Continued)
Sharp as GlassWith Tristan Collins and Shane Ackley
Yule Ball
Hudson Worth
Valentines Dance
With Hudson Worth


Returning to school for seventh year, Vivian felt different. He could no longer avoid that what he and Tristan were doing was wrong... they were hurting people, whether they knew it or not, and Vivian felt a painful conviction of what he had to do. He gave Tristan one last chance, the final lingering shreds of love he felt desperate for Tristan to do the right thing. If they could simply legitimise their relationship, stop the pretending and stop dating behind other people's backs, maybe that would be enough. But Tristan refused, and Vivian felt that he had no choice. Swallowing his years of silence, Vivian confronted Tristan in front of the entire school, laying out their years of cheating for everyone to know, ruining both of their reputations without so much as batting an eye. It broke his heart, a little bit, but for the first time ever, Vivian felt free. He made a promise to himself not to get into relationships again, and spent the rest of the year casually flirting with any guy who caught his eye, simply enjoying doing things for his own sake. He also turned his attention to music, a quiet love he had had for a long time that he found fresh catharsis in. Towards the end of the year, Vivian decided to take Tristan's cat Lumos with him when he left Hogwarts, having bonded with the cat more than Tristan ever did.

Get This Party StartedWith various older students
Put Your Emptiness To MelodyWith April Ward
Hear Me RoarWith Odette Harper and Hudson Worth
Soft Talk Begins To HardenWith Tristan Collins
What You Break Is What You GetWith Tristan Collins and various others
Just For TonightWith Shane Ackley
A Little RemedyWith Sapphire Michaels
State Of My HeartWith Tristan Collins
A Lion
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance
The Vivian of a year ago would have had entirely different feelings about his graduation, but a lot had changed, and now Vivian was... surprised at what he felt. Relief. Hogwarts was over, and from here his future was his own. He could leave all this behind and go his own way, and hopefully never see any of these people again. He had plenty of regrets, but this felt like the opening of a new chapter. Finally he could make his own decisions, go where he wanted, start completely fresh. All the people he had been too scared to talk to for seven years would just be a blip in his past. The last few months had been the freest time in Vivian's life, and he was ready to start over as this new, happier version of himself.

He hoped the headmistress's speech would be over quickly, forgetting for a moment that the head people would be speaking too. Vivian could never bring himself to look right at October - it had been clear after the incident in the Great Hall how badly hurt she was by what he and Tristan had done to her, and Vivian didn't think any apology he could muster would be enough. He kept his eyes down slightly as she spoke, surprised at how heartfelt her speech was. With how sad she had seemed recently, Vivian had thought it would be shorter, more relieved, but October seemed genuinely upset to be leaving Hogwarts, even after everything. It was a feeling he couldn't imagine. Vivian kept his head down for the Head Boy's speech - although he was relieved it wasn't Tristan up there, Jerara had still been the only person to stand by Tristan even after the entire school knew what he had done, and Vivian couldn't fathom that. Surely loyalty had to have a breaking point. It was clear though that whatever Jerara's was, he hadn't reached it yet. He expected the Head Boy's speech to be similar to October's, but Jerara immediately took on a very different tone and Vivian looked up, shocked by the audacity Jerara had to say such rebellious things in front of the very teachers he was criticising. It also surprised him that Tristan would be friends with someone so critical of the system - Vivian hadn't been acceptable enough for him, but Jerara trashing the entire school was just fine? Really?

Vivian snorted at Tristan applauding for Jerara but set the thoughts aside, listening to the Headmistress's speech. He was impressed that she actually seemed to listen to Jerara rather than devalue his criticisms, and he clapped politely when she was finished. And then it was time. Vivian's surname was early enough in the alphabet that he knew he would be called up early, standing quickly when he heard his name. It felt almost silly, doing something so formal and choreographed after such an unconventional speech, but Vivian played his part, stepping onto the stage and shaking the headmistress's hand before taking his diploma. He didn't look out into the crowd even though he knew his mum was here, head down instead as he left the stage and returned to his seat, waiting for the ceremony to be over. The sooner he could get out of here and begin his life, the better.
"And he took the image he had fashioned, and set it in a great furnace, and gave it to the fire." - Oscar Wilde
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Open Mic NightWith Francis Ruis and Waldo Wigham
First Solstice SoireeWith various attendees
Steal My SunshineWith various attendees
Crossing PathsWith Vera Ito
Starlight and Star-CrossedWith various attendees
Wasted Like All My PotentialWith Harrison Jacobs
Drinks And DenialWith Avery Lavigne
Party Time!With various attendees
Connected PiecesWith Flavio Morales
At Least The Drinks Are AlrightWith Serenoa Earnshaw
I Hated You (I Loved You Too)With Tristan Collins
Hand In Unlovable HandWith Tristan Collins
Pieces of the PastWith Kauri Tipene
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