Upcoming Firstie

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Aodhan Kaelen

University Student | Robotics Basketball | Caring
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Unyielding Chestnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
9/2030 (18)

I made a new character a couple of days ago and he will be sorted in the upcoming sorting so I thought that it'd be cool to have a few plots for him so I can start RPing with Aodhan as soon as he is sorted!



Aodhan (pronunciation: Aidan) is a reasonably laid back person and is easily approachable for anything, whether it be a chat or a quick game of gobstones. That being said, he isn't one to hide his emotions. If for whatever reason he doesn't like something or is uncomfortable, he will tell you. This partly spawns from the bucket loads of confidence that the boy has. Aodhan can also be a a ball of energy. He loves the rush of adrenaline and the excitement of doing something daring, and will often make spur-of-the-moment decisions that are courageous and reckless. He probaby won't care about his grades much because he'd be busy around the school.

Aodhan's future is pretty open for anything, but friends/best friends would be a great start! I think he needs some people to cause problems with and have fun with while he is goofying around. As for romance, he's a bit young for that at this age but if you have an idea for that for the future, hit me up :D
Causing trouble you say? I have a New Zealand baby who is going to be causing trouble forever in the school :r Her name is Violette Lao and she is a part Goblin twin, who loves to give her mother grey hairs! So mabe we can get them together at some point and have some fun! If he'sin New Zealand we can do so no! If not then we can wait!
Yasss that would be awesome! I'm sure they would have a lot of fun together causing trouble! And yes, he lives in New Zealand too, Aodhan moved to Queenstown with his Uncle Eryk last year.
Awesome!! If you'd like i can start something probably tomorrow with Vi?
I have an upcoming firstie! Xena Dragonslayer. I haven't got a tonnnn of info on her right now, but I can imagine she'd have fun stirring some trouble up! I think the two of them could be friends and perhaps a romance in the future but we can see how they get along. Who knows, maybe they'll hate each other xD
Cole: Yeah sure!

Donna: Same for me, I don't have a ton of info on him either. As long as Xena is up for causing trouble and running around the castle with him, he'd be totally cool with her. :r
Hi! I have 3 students that will be sorted next year but I think Rose Holland would be the best fit for being his friend. She's also up for adventure and doing reckless things. I'd love to make them friends. ^_^
First: OMG JON SNOW! :woot: I have two girls to be sorted the next year. But I think that Sofia Rosenberg would be nice for Aodhan. I don't have very much info already but what I do have is that she is a big flirt and she loves to hang out with boys. She isn't a perfect student so with causing trouble that is gonna be fine. I'd love for her to have a best buddy or something like that. Let me know!
Daphne: Yes! The more the merrier! I would definitely like them to be friends!

Jamie: (you know nothing) I would love to see how that is going to work out because Aodhan really doesn't really care about girls yet in that way, but as long as she wants to have fun with him rather than study he would love to hang out with her!
Hey Steven!

I've got Rufus here.

So Rufus and Aodhan could either be besties or enemies because they're both so confident and honest so it could either be the best friendship ever or the worst xD One of the major differences is that Rufus will be quite academic and won't sacrifice his grades. Saying that, since Aodhan seems quite adventurous and reckless, Rufus will want to get involved with as much as he is willing to make new friends because that's one of his main concerns. So yeah, let me know what you think ^_^
I would also like the throw Medea into the mix here: she's currently in Oz, but her mother works in the NZ Ministry, and I think day trips to NZ would be a feasible excuse for her hanging around across there?

Medea's my first character, and I'd really like to get some development underway before the sorting. I've already got a good idea of her personality, but I want to improve my RPing abilities and would like to get a bit of practice in if you guys are open for one more.

She's pretty well-read, and sees any form of knowledge as a gateway to opportunity - there's no such thing as useless information. On top of that, she's inquisitive, and likes to find out more about people, so she's a friendly person who will speak plainly with anyone.
While Medea may be studious, she's not exactly a straight-laced little swot. Her biggest joy in life is exploration and discovery, as well as problem solving of any kind. Think she can maybe get wrapped up in some mischief?
I can really imagine those two clashing together because of how similar they are, and because Rufus does care about his grades Aodhan would probably call him names just to get a reaction out of him :r I can see them becoming frenemies instantly!

Hannah, I finally replied to your PM! Sorry it took ages! I figured that we could talk more about plotting there?
Hey Steven :hug:
I always get annoyed that we haven't plotted yet but hopefully this will change that! I also have a future first year. Her name is Andi Forstrom and she's a every adventurous, confident and energetic girl who can also be very bossy and short tempered. Because of this she can seem overbearing at times but regardless of that she tries to be nice and means well despite not always showing it.

I think Andi and Aodhan could totally be friends as they share a lot of confidence and Andi would love to have another friend who she can go on adventures with. They are also both pretty daring so it could be really funny if they both did something reckless and got themselves in trouble during the school year!
I do see them getting along so let me know if you think so too :D
Hi Anna! :hug:
Yes! Me too! Though that might be my fault as I never replied back on our Eryk/Jonathon conversation, so, sorry for that :r

I can definitely see them getting along as well, Aodhan can pretty much get along with anyone as long as they share at least few things together and Andi would definitely be someone he'd get along with well as they share a lot of things. I'd love to see them doing something that would get them both into trouble on their first day or so just so a friendship can be made so that they can do all sorts of awesome stuff later on.
I like that idea :D
Maybe we could have them cause havoc on the train together? so they can be friends before sorting starts?
Yes! Would you like to start or would you like me to do it?
If I did it would take ages, so it's probably better if you start :r
aight i'll work on something this weekend
Hey Steven!
I have my firstie Penelope that I'd love to plot with Aodhan! Penelope is super extroverted and chatty, although very vain and impatient. I think these two have good friend potential - I haven't developed Nell much yet so her character is definitely malleable!
xx Birdie
Birdie! :hug:
I'd love to plot with your new firstie! I think that they would get along just fine cause Aodhan wouldn't really care about the bad traits as long as she is fun to hang out with!
Sounds fantastic! Would you like to start, or should I?
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