Throwing students in a PD

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Every year I say I won't do a PD. Every year I do x_x but this time I'll stay on top of it. I will! 🤞

(but for the sake of my organization and brain, I would like to ask for around 2 / 3 plots per person please)

I'm adding school reputation which is a thing I put in my bios, it might help in thinking of plots.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ =super high priority pls give me something for this person
⭐⭐⭐ = high priority, someone I really want to develop and use more
⭐⭐ = medium priority, they have a bunch of stuff but I'm happy to do more
⭐= low priority, I don't RP them a lot at the moment (but I'd be down for any fun ideas!!)
❤️ = open for (future) romance plots


Gwen Goodwin
Slytherin 7th Year

School reputation: Gwen would be pretty well known by older students, and generally well-liked. She spent a lot of time building up her cheerful, bubbly reputation. A few students that have gotten closer to her have seen more of her real self. This may be becoming a bit more well-known as Gwen gets older and put less effort into appearing nice and sweet. Still, she would generally have a positive reputation and is probably seen as pretty fashionable.
Gwen is extremely calculating and thinks about everything she does. She has always portrayed herself as a very sweet, energetic and friendly girl, but now in her final year she's not really hiding her claws as much as she used to. She's ready to rule the school in her final year and won't let anyone stop her from that goal.

❤️For romance, she's still dating René, but is keeping her options open. She doesn't think there's that much potential in the seventh year boy group but if anyone wants to change her mind, feel free to try :r Gwen is only interested in boys.

Plot ideas:
  • Any prefect plots would be fun, I'd like Gwen to take some points sometime before graduating and it would be IC to have her throw her power around.
  • Anyone who challenges her would be very fun to interact with
  • Since Gwen has a big interest in fashion and wants to work in that field after school, anyone with similar interests would be fun to RP with

Isadora Novak
Gryffindor 6th Year

School reputation: Isadora is a pretty social girl, but she flies a bit under the radar. She's not very active in many clubs, so she wouldn't be that well-known at Hogwarts. Those who do know her probably think of her as a bit loud, but fun. She was gone for her fourth year, something her classmates probably noticed. Pureblood students might recognize her name.
Isadora is back again for her sixth year. She's finally becoming herself a bit again, but probably still keeps a bit more to herself than she did before transferring out for her fourth year. Isadora has pretty much screwed up all her OWLs and is trying to figure out what she wants out of life. I would also just really like her to have some fun plots this year. Isadora is a very fun-loving carefree person but she hasn't really been too happy lately. It would be fun to have her involved in some adventure or prank.

❤️ For romance she's fairly open. She might be developing a crush on someone soon, but I don't have any other plans. Isadora is interested in people of any gender.

Plot ideas:
  • Isadora should probably get in some trouble sometime soon. Maybe it could be fun if one of her prefect friends catch her (and have to decide what to do with her). I could see her going to the forest or something, if that works.
  • A crush or romance plot could be really cute
  • Maybe Isadora could bond with other older students who don't have any idea what to do after Hogwarts
  • Since Isadora is pureblood, I'd also be open for plots about that


Emery Mettlestone
5th Year


Penelope Marshall

Hufflepuff 5th Year

School reputation: Emery would probably be known as that weird quiet kid who is obsessed with gobstones. He can sometimes be seen outside gathering stones, or whatever he decided to collect that day. He's also quite unfriendly, which is probably known by now.
School reputation: Penelope would be seen as a friendly, fairly popular girl. She's a bit shy and quiet but still has enough friends around her not to be seen as a loner. She's pretty studious and gets decent grades, trying her best in classes. Some people might know her more chaotic, aggressive little brother as well. Penelope is also on the Quidditch team as an alternate seeker and she won the Hufflepuff House the cup in her third year in the final match, something Quidditch fans would probably remember.
Emery is a pretty anti-social kid. He has two friends and thinks that's more than enough. He's snarky and sarcastic and not that easy to get along with. His negative opinion on Quidditch doesn't help matters.
❤️ For romance Emery is pretty much open. He has a thing going on early this year and I do have long-term plans later on, but he's open for flings for a bit. I think I'd like him to start exploring that aspect a bit this year. Emery is gay, so boys only.

Plot ideas:
  • Anyone with an interest in gobstones, I think Emery would still like to try to set up a club​
  • I'd like him to get bullied tbh​
  • And I'm always open for Emery to get into fights with Quidditch people​
Penelope is generally a sweet girl. She's a Hufflepuff and is very friendly and kind, most of the time. She's very shy, but is slowly opening up more now that she's getting a bit older. Penny is also part of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as alternate seeker.

❤️ For romance I have something going on early in this school year, but for later things she's entirely open. Penelope is a big romantic who spent most of her school time so far pining after 1 person. Penny is interested in boys. Girls too, but she's not really aware of that yet.

Plot ideas:
  • Any Quidditch plots could be fun
  • I think Penelope needs a few more friends, so that would also be really nice.
  • A new crush would be fun too.

Anisha Khatri

Gryffindor 4th Year

Ezra Ito

Hufflepuff 4th Year
School reputation: Anisha would definitely be known as a know-it-all in her year, especially compared to other Gryffindors. She tries very hard in class and often raises her hand to answer questions. She can also frequently be seen studying or reading. Still, she is also very social and outgoing, getting along with most of her classmates. She's outspoken and not afraid to stand up for herself. She is reasonably popular in her year.School reputation: Ezra would be known as a generally nice, easygoing guy. He doesn't particularly stand out in his year or house, but he's a nice enough person to hang around. Some people might know his connection to his aunt, as Ezra hasn't entirely outgrown the boasting about it. As he gets older, he'll also try to get a more notable reputation.
Anisha is a very opinionated, boisterous girl. She's a big nerd who tries to do well in classes and has the goal to win the duelling tournament every year. So far she's succeeded twice. She also wants to be the best in classes.

❤️Anisha doesn't really have an interest in romance yet, but maybe that could start a little this year. I'm open for anything for her, but she does have long-term plans in the future. Any gender.

Plot ideas:

  • Any duelling plots would be fun, a practice duel maybe?
  • She's argumentative and could be easily drawn into an argument about something silly.
  • Maybe someone for her to nerd out with could be fun as well.
Ezra is a sweet, funny and social guy. He grew up around music and has learned to play guitar at an early age. He loves to play around other people because he enjoys the attention he gets from them. He's a little underdeveloped because I haven't used him that much, but he mostly just wants to get along with everyone and have a bunch of friends.

❤️Ezra had a crush on Felix for a while but hasn't really been interested in anyone else. He's open to romance for any gender.

Plot ideas:
  • If I do get a romance plot with him I really want him to play guitar at them uncomfortably. Please.
  • He's eager to make friends so that could be plot, especially if the other person is not willing.
  • Ezra doesn't have a strong opinion and will go along with pretty much anything, that could land him in some trouble.
  • Quidditch fan discussions could be interesting, discussing favorite teams/players/ect


Vanity Mettlestone

Slytherin 2nd Year
School reputation: Vanity would probably quickly get a reputation for being a bit spoiled and bratty, she loudly complains about anything she doesn't like. She might also be known for having nice clothes and hair, even more when she's older. Maybe there are occasional rumors about her stealing something like a piece of jewelry, but it wouldn't be very well known as she tries her best to be subtle about it. Vanity isn't a great student and doesn't care much about her classes.
Vanity is Emery's younger sister, and she's a wild card. She tries to be cool and composed, but she has a huge temper and will do bad things impulsively when mad. My personal RP philosophy with her is to always pick the most nuclear option, so she's a big source of chaos. She's artistic and girly, and definitely pretty mean. Vanity is planning to try out for the Quidditch team this year. She's also a thief.

❤️She's a bit too young for proper romance plots, but if you have any ideas you're free to let me know.

Plot ideas:
  • Anything to do with her stealing, though she will deny it until the end of time​
  • Maybe anyone who makes the connection between her and the weird gobstones kid in fifth year, it would really annoy her​
  • I'd like a friend or two for her, though frenemies is more realistic​


Hazel Ashworth
Slytherin 1st Year
School reputation: Hazel would stand out quickly, as she wears a lot of colorful and wacky things. She'd probably be known for that and be seen as creative but kind of weird. She tries very hard to be seen as quirky and interesting.
Hazel is my new firstie. She's very creative and 'quirky', but mostly because she really tries to be. She wants very badly to be seen as unique and interesting. She has a big interest in fashion and makes a lot of her own clothes and accessories. She can be a bit selfish, but she's mostly a nice and friendly person.

Plot ideas
  • Because she's a first year I pretty much need anything for Hazel.
  • She went to daycare before Hogwarts so probably knows people from there.

I also have a bunch of other characters, and am always open for plots with them too.
Hi Daphne! I have just one idea at the moment but I'm not too set on it if it doesn't fit what you had in mind. Let me know!

Zora & Hazel: I think they could be interesting because Zora doesn't really think about fashion much except that she has to put clothes on her body but she would find Hazel's outfits fun - not really her thing but fun! I think that Hazel being a little selfish and Zora being a textbook people pleaser would kind of benefit their likelihood of becoming good friends as she'd pretty much give into Hazel's wants without thinking too much about it.
Hi Daphneeee, I know you responded to mine, but I thought to also respond to yours! But feel free to decline any of the ideas! I'll try and keep it as limited as possible hehe!

For Isadora I can offer you Abby! I think I vaguely remember we were discussing something romantic-wise between these two, like a fling or something, but I can't remember exactly, I'm happy to offer Abby for that if you'd like! Otherwise, am happy for them to be friendly or friends towards each other at least hehe!

For Penelope I can offer you Josh - Either as a crush (only for a little as he's got something romance wise later on) or a friend of some kind. He too has been an alternate for the Gryffindor team for a bit, so they kinda have something in common there. But maybe we can put them together and see how they go?

For either Vanity/Hazel I can offer Marley!
Vanity x Marley - I know they briefly interacted in first year, but I'm happy to offer Marley for her. I lowkey kinda see them not really liking each other, so maybe that could be something? Though I can offer the frienemies option too if you like. I see that Vanity is artistic and trying out for the team, which Marley also has in common with her in some way I guess. Though I don't think Marley is very impressed with any of Vanity's mean side

Hazel x Marley - This might be a little strange thing to offer, but I can offer Marley to Hazel as some sort of like big sister sort of thing or as a friend if you wish! Marley and Hazel are sort of similar in some ways. Marley is somewhat quirky as well and likes to make jewellery (though she isn't the best at it) but maybe they could bond over that? I'm not totally sure if you'd be keen for that aspect, but am happy to offer Marley for Hazel.

Also happy to offer my firstie, Fiona to Hazel as well if you'd like! They're total opposites so it can go either way i guess haha

That's all I can think of atm, but again, pls feel free to decline any or all ideas if these aren't what you're looking for! Apologies for the load of ideas! I know there are a lot of ideas there I tried to be as limited as possible sdhfsdkj but again pls feel free to decline any!!!
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I feel like a fraud whenever I respond to these because I am very flaky and forgetful but one odd idea could be Aine catching Isadora breaking the rules and the kind of awkwardness about it (obviously she can't deduct points from Gryffindor but still)? She's still quietly envious of Isadora but that's in part her just being a total green eyed monster in general.

Happy to plot anything else if you aren't feeling that, though, just a suggestion if you're interested!
Hi Daph!

Soooo I can offer you this:

Hazel x Travis: I guess he will kind of like her style. He likes creative people and who stand out. So I guess he will like her. He is an easy going kid. Would love to throw them together.

June x Vanity: June is not forgetting the end of the year feast, and I just think it's very funny how that went down. She would def dig into Vanity and see how she could get back on her in a smart way where she doesn't get caught or be punished by something. So she finding out about the weird gobstones kid in fifth year would be something for June and using that. So let me know what you think.
Hey Daph
I have two people who i am going to offer for two of your people.

For Gwen
I have Sky. I enjoy the dynamic of the two of them together. the absolute discord between them with them both being all of the things that the other dislikes. I don't know what classes she is taking (Or which classes i will be able to enroll Sky for) but i can see a fun plot when they are forced to work together in class or for homework and see what comes out.
I also have Violet. she is a first year but would look up to her as a seventh year. especially as someone liked and pretty and stylish.

For Hazel
I have violet. they are dorm mates. and while i don't know how she would agree with someone trying to be 'quirky' in the long term for now they are dorm mates and Violet sees her as someone she can at least be allis with and friends. after all, they are going to be sleeping in the same dorm for the next seven years.
I have Sky. She runs the arts club, and spends a lot of time in the club room so my guess is they are bound to bump into each other. maybe sky can be a bit of a someone she looks up to and admires (as she certainly has that quirky ting going for her.

It's funny how the two are almost like opposite offers. and if it was put in some kind of cross table it would self-balance some how.

But let me know what you think,
hewwo :*

Isadora & Ngawaiata: We haven't really done anything with their rivalry since before Isadora went away, and I'd love to play with their dynamic and see where they're at now. Having all the same friends but disliking each other is such a fun dynamic lmao

Anisha & Corn: Huge nerd arguments (he is wrong) could be rl fun

Vanity & Holden: We've talked about them a fair bit but not actually gotten around to it yet so mostly just droppin this here to nudge us both to get that goin :r

Slytherin & Gryffindor pairs ONLY in this house
Daphne, hey!

I can offer Georgia as a friend to Ezra. Then I will sort Celeste this year and can offer her to Hazel, Celeste is just a little teddy bear to sum up her personality. And in case, maybe a few dates for Isadora with Gaby? Nothing serious and not even really dating, more like a few dates, some affections and calling it quits?
Hi Daphne! I have just one idea at the moment but I'm not too set on it if it doesn't fit what you had in mind. Let me know!

Zora & Hazel: I think they could be interesting because Zora doesn't really think about fashion much except that she has to put clothes on her body but she would find Hazel's outfits fun - not really her thing but fun! I think that Hazel being a little selfish and Zora being a textbook people pleaser would kind of benefit their likelihood of becoming good friends as she'd pretty much give into Hazel's wants without thinking too much about it.
Hi Alexis, I think that's a fun idea. I'd love to see what their dynamic is like. I think Hazel would like to have a friend who looks more 'plain' so she stands out more.
Hi Daphneeee, I know you responded to mine, but I thought to also respond to yours! But feel free to decline any of the ideas! I'll try and keep it as limited as possible hehe!

For Isadora I can offer you Abby! I think I vaguely remember we were discussing something romantic-wise between these two, like a fling or something, but I can't remember exactly, I'm happy to offer Abby for that if you'd like! Otherwise, am happy for them to be friendly or friends towards each other at least hehe!

For Penelope I can offer you Josh - Either as a crush (only for a little as he's got something romance wise later on) or a friend of some kind. He too has been an alternate for the Gryffindor team for a bit, so they kinda have something in common there. But maybe we can put them together and see how they go?

For either Vanity/Hazel I can offer Marley!
Vanity x Marley - I know they briefly interacted in first year, but I'm happy to offer Marley for her. I lowkey kinda see them not really liking each other, so maybe that could be something? Though I can offer the frienemies option too if you like. I see that Vanity is artistic and trying out for the team, which Marley also has in common with her in some way I guess. Though I don't think Marley is very impressed with any of Vanity's mean side

Hazel x Marley - This might be a little strange thing to offer, but I can offer Marley to Hazel as some sort of like big sister sort of thing or as a friend if you wish! Marley and Hazel are sort of similar in some ways. Marley is somewhat quirky as well and likes to make jewellery (though she isn't the best at it) but maybe they could bond over that? I'm not totally sure if you'd be keen for that aspect, but am happy to offer Marley for Hazel.

Also happy to offer my firstie, Fiona to Hazel as well if you'd like! They're total opposites so it can go either way i guess haha

That's all I can think of atm, but again, pls feel free to decline any or all ideas if these aren't what you're looking for! Apologies for the load of ideas! I know there are a lot of ideas there I tried to be as limited as possible sdhfsdkj but again pls feel free to decline any!!!
Hahaha so many ideas.

I do think we talked about Isadora and Abby romantically once, I had forgotten! We can see how it goes, maybe a crush could work for now?

I also like the idea of Josh and Penelope, they seem to be in similar situations and are in the same year.

I feel like Marley and Hazel could easily get along, they seem to be similar (though maybe Hazel can be threatened by that a bit, which could be fun too)

I also like your other ideas but for now maybe we can focus on these?

I feel like a fraud whenever I respond to these because I am very flaky and forgetful but one odd idea could be Aine catching Isadora breaking the rules and the kind of awkwardness about it (obviously she can't deduct points from Gryffindor but still)? She's still quietly envious of Isadora but that's in part her just being a total green eyed monster in general.

Happy to plot anything else if you aren't feeling that, though, just a suggestion if you're interested!
I feel like a afraid posting these for the same reasons xD

I like your idea a lot. Maybe she can catch her out at night or going to the forest or something?

Hi Daph!

Soooo I can offer you this:

Hazel x Travis: I guess he will kind of like her style. He likes creative people and who stand out. So I guess he will like her. He is an easy going kid. Would love to throw them together.

June x Vanity: June is not forgetting the end of the year feast, and I just think it's very funny how that went down. She would def dig into Vanity and see how she could get back on her in a smart way where she doesn't get caught or be punished by something. So she finding out about the weird gobstones kid in fifth year would be something for June and using that. So let me know what you think.
I like Hazel and Travis, I feel like they could get along.

Vanity and June made me laugh, Vanity is just a little unhinged sorry xD I love the idea of June finding out about her weird brother.

Hey Daph
I have two people who i am going to offer for two of your people.

For Gwen
I have Sky. I enjoy the dynamic of the two of them together. the absolute discord between them with them both being all of the things that the other dislikes. I don't know what classes she is taking (Or which classes i will be able to enroll Sky for) but i can see a fun plot when they are forced to work together in class or for homework and see what comes out.
I also have Violet. she is a first year but would look up to her as a seventh year. especially as someone liked and pretty and stylish.

For Hazel
I have violet. they are dorm mates. and while i don't know how she would agree with someone trying to be 'quirky' in the long term for now they are dorm mates and Violet sees her as someone she can at least be allis with and friends. after all, they are going to be sleeping in the same dorm for the next seven years.
I have Sky. She runs the arts club, and spends a lot of time in the club room so my guess is they are bound to bump into each other. maybe sky can be a bit of a someone she looks up to and admires (as she certainly has that quirky ting going for her.

It's funny how the two are almost like opposite offers. and if it was put in some kind of cross table it would self-balance some how.

But let me know what you think,
Gwen & Sky would be so fun, I feel bad we haven't done too much with them (I haven't done as much as I wanted with Gwen in general). I don't actually think I can do many lessons with Gwen, though. As she hasn't done any last year and a lot of seventh year classes need grades. I'd still like to do that plot though, maybe we can handwave it or see if we do fit it in somewhere.

Gwen & Violet could be cute!

Hazel & Violet is interesting, I wonder how they'll get along in the long run.

Hazel would totally look up to Sky, I think that could be a fun dynamic. Hazel is definitely joining CAC.

hewwo :*

Isadora & Ngawaiata: We haven't really done anything with their rivalry since before Isadora went away, and I'd love to play with their dynamic and see where they're at now. Having all the same friends but disliking each other is such a fun dynamic lmao

Anisha & Corn: Huge nerd arguments (he is wrong) could be rl fun

Vanity & Holden: We've talked about them a fair bit but not actually gotten around to it yet so mostly just droppin this here to nudge us both to get that goin :r

Slytherin & Gryffindor pairs ONLY in this house
yes to all these ideas!

We should do Vanity & Holden quickly we've been talking about it for ages.

Isadora & Ngawaiata could be fun too, any idea of what we could do with them?

Anisha would destroy Corn I think, which could be funny.

Daphne, hey!

I can offer Georgia as a friend to Ezra. Then I will sort Celeste this year and can offer her to Hazel, Celeste is just a little teddy bear to sum up her personality. And in case, maybe a few dates for Isadora with Gaby? Nothing serious and not even really dating, more like a few dates, some affections and calling it quits?
Hi Sofia

What is Georgia like? I'm sure Ezra would like to be her friend

I also am open for Hazel and Celeste, they seem like a good fit.

I think Isadora would be pretty startled by someone taking an interest in her that way but would also go along with it happily. A few dates could work!
yes to all these ideas!

We should do Vanity & Holden quickly we've been talking about it for ages.

Isadora & Ngawaiata could be fun too, any idea of what we could do with them?

Anisha would destroy Corn I think, which could be funny.

Yesss defs, I can put it on my list to start something for Vanity?

Did a wee think and a quick look around and Margo's birthday is right at the start of the school year, so maybe Isadora & Ngawaiata have to organise something together and are Salty abt it?

Yes pls demolish my awful horrible boy <3
Hahaha so many ideas.

I do think we talked about Isadora and Abby romantically once, I had forgotten! We can see how it goes, maybe a crush could work for now?

I also like the idea of Josh and Penelope, they seem to be in similar situations and are in the same year.

I feel like Marley and Hazel could easily get along, they seem to be similar (though maybe Hazel can be threatened by that a bit, which could be fun too)

I also like your other ideas but for now maybe we can focus on these?
Yes, absolutely! No problem with focusing on just these for now! Was there any in particular that you were keen to start off with? Or did you wanna spread them out a bit? Just lemme know what works out for you and I'm happy to start with any you'd like for me to start hehe!
I like Hazel and Travis, I feel like they could get along.

Vanity and June made me laugh, Vanity is just a little unhinged sorry xD I love the idea of June finding out about her weird brother.

Great! Haha I had to laugh too, it's just funny. We can discuss how and what with June and Vanity perhaps at discord. But we can both start one? I don't mind which. I feel like perhaps the one with June and Vanity can also be later this year.
Hey :hug:

I think Miro and Hazel could be friends, Miro tends to dress pretty simply with a t shirt and jeans etc but he loves bright colours and I plan for him to get more into fashion as he gets older so I love the idea of Miro and Hazel being friends and Hazels love of fashion influencing him :D Miro would love to wear the clothes/accessories she makes!
finally getting back to catching up on these, yes that could work! Up to you what you think Isadora would be more likely to do for rulebreaking, I can work with anything.
apologies for keeping everyone waiting!
Yesss defs, I can put it on my list to start something for Vanity?

Did a wee think and a quick look around and Margo's birthday is right at the start of the school year, so maybe Isadora & Ngawaiata have to organise something together and are Salty abt it?

Yes pls demolish my awful horrible boy <3
Yes please if you want to start Vanity & Holden.

I like your idea about Margo's birthday, but I feel like Isadora would more likely just organize something on her own, so maybe it's more an argument about who gets to do it?

And for Corn & Anisha, do you have any idea of what they could argue about?

Yes, absolutely! No problem with focusing on just these for now! Was there any in particular that you were keen to start off with? Or did you wanna spread them out a bit? Just lemme know what works out for you and I'm happy to start with any you'd like for me to start hehe!
I'm fine starting them now so we can do other ideas you had later maybe? I also have no real preference of what to start, but I can do Hazel and Marley maybe?

Great! Haha I had to laugh too, it's just funny. We can discuss how and what with June and Vanity perhaps at discord. But we can both start one? I don't mind which. I feel like perhaps the one with June and Vanity can also be later this year.
We talked a bit on discord but I'm putting it here so I don't forget. You're going to do Vanity & June and I will do Hazel and Travis, if I remember correctly .

Hey :hug:

I think Miro and Hazel could be friends, Miro tends to dress pretty simply with a t shirt and jeans etc but he loves bright colours and I plan for him to get more into fashion as he gets older so I love the idea of Miro and Hazel being friends and Hazels love of fashion influencing him :D Miro would love to wear the clothes/accessories she makes!
Ohh that sounds fun Anna! I also can't believe Miro has been sorted @_@ Do you mind starting something for them?

finally getting back to catching up on these, yes that could work! Up to you what you think Isadora would be more likely to do for rulebreaking, I can work with anything.
I think wandering around after curfew, I feel like that would be easier to RP Than the forest (unless we say Aine is specifically monitoring the forest)
edit: I can start this one if that fits for you?
Ohh that sounds fun Anna! I also can't believe Miro has been sorted @_@ Do you mind starting something for them?
Sure, I don't mind starting, is there any particular place where you think they could start a conversation? I like the idea of Miro maybe seeing Hazel with some kind of cool outfit/accessory and complimenting her, would this be okay?
Sure, I don't mind starting, is there any particular place where you think they could start a conversation? I like the idea of Miro maybe seeing Hazel with some kind of cool outfit/accessory and complimenting her, would this be okay?
I don't really have a preference for a place. I think that would work!
Yes please if you want to start Vanity & Holden.

I like your idea about Margo's birthday, but I feel like Isadora would more likely just organize something on her own, so maybe it's more an argument about who gets to do it?

And for Corn & Anisha, do you have any idea of what they could argue about?
Will do :V

Aaah I like that a lot yee

Maybe she overhears him being wrong about something or other - he could be bickering with a painting or muttering aloud while he does his homework or something, and he doubles down when she tries to correct him?
Gwen & Sky would be so fun, I feel bad we haven't done too much with them (I haven't done as much as I wanted with Gwen in general). I don't actually think I can do many lessons with Gwen, though. As she hasn't done any last year and a lot of seventh year classes need grades. I'd still like to do that plot though, maybe we can handwave it or see if we do fit it in somewhere.

Gwen & Violet could be cute!

Hazel & Violet is interesting, I wonder how they'll get along in the long run.

Hazel would totally look up to Sky, I think that could be a fun dynamic. Hazel is definitely joining CAC.

Sorry i vanished. my muse wasn't great last week and I was trying (unsuccessfully) to get to the more time-dependent plots.

Gwen and Sky. I haven't done many classes with Sky either. It looks like they are both enrolled in potions so a potions assignment is an option or next semester, i think charms doesn't require grades.

Gwen and Violet: yes would you like me to start something? Maybe in the common room?

Hazel and Violet: I don't know. i am already loving the dynamic of the dorm. The two very similar want to be the cool popular girls (Violet and Summer), then hazel who is trying hard to fit in with them then Morrie who is destined to be be the outsider and the one the others don't like.

Hazel and Sky: Yay CAC members. I will reply to the cac club fair thread at some stage. that is the thread that i left most behind. then maybe Hazel starting someitng in the arts room?
I'm fine starting them now so we can do other ideas you had later maybe? I also have no real preference of what to start, but I can do Hazel and Marley maybe?
Okie dokie! Sounds good, I can start the others and link it up to you?
I'm doing my best to follow instructions and only suggest a few things when you know I could easily do way more lol.

Isadora x Leah: I think we vaguely mentioned doing something with them at some point for pureblood plots. But I think Leah's mom is starting to be pretty overbearing about hanging out with the right people and making "connections" and since they're in the same house it'd be easy enough. They can both vent about parents being the WORST.

Penelope x Felix: Since my boy is graduating and she'll be taking over I was thinking either she could ask for some extra training or he could offer to help her out? Down for either scenario.

Anisha x Leah: Could be fun if Leah gets a proper crush on Anisha this year. Maybe they go to a dance together and she catches feelings while Anisha doesn’t. Set my girl up to pine.
Will do :V

Aaah I like that a lot yee

Maybe she overhears him being wrong about something or other - he could be bickering with a painting or muttering aloud while he does his homework or something, and he doubles down when she tries to correct him?
Sounds good, maybe I start the Isadora one and you the one for Corn?

Sorry i vanished. my muse wasn't great last week and I was trying (unsuccessfully) to get to the more time-dependent plots.

Gwen and Sky. I haven't done many classes with Sky either. It looks like they are both enrolled in potions so a potions assignment is an option or next semester, i think charms doesn't require grades.

Gwen and Violet: yes would you like me to start something? Maybe in the common room?

Hazel and Violet: I don't know. i am already loving the dynamic of the dorm. The two very similar want to be the cool popular girls (Violet and Summer), then hazel who is trying hard to fit in with them then Morrie who is destined to be be the outsider and the one the others don't like.

Hazel and Sky: Yay CAC members. I will reply to the cac club fair thread at some stage. that is the thread that i left most behind. then maybe Hazel starting someitng in the arts room?
No worries, I haven't been very on top of this thread

Yeah we can do something with Potions for Gwen and Sky, or wait until s2. Both work for me.

If you'd like to start something for Gwen and Violet that would be great!

Maybe I can start something for Hazel and Sky and we move Viole and Hazel to later?
Okie dokie! Sounds good, I can start the others and link it up to you?
Sounds good! Thanks so much!

I'm doing my best to follow instructions and only suggest a few things when you know I could easily do way more lol.

Isadora x Leah: I think we vaguely mentioned doing something with them at some point for pureblood plots. But I think Leah's mom is starting to be pretty overbearing about hanging out with the right people and making "connections" and since they're in the same house it'd be easy enough. They can both vent about parents being the WORST.

Penelope x Felix: Since my boy is graduating and she'll be taking over I was thinking either she could ask for some extra training or he could offer to help her out? Down for either scenario.

Anisha x Leah: Could be fun if Leah gets a proper crush on Anisha this year. Maybe they go to a dance together and she catches feelings while Anisha doesn’t. Set my girl up to pine.
Ahaha listen if you have more ideas slide them over to me in secret :r

I like your idea for Isadora and Leah, it startles me that they're only 2 years apart it feels much more to me. Maybe they can be friends after they bond over this.

Penelope and Felix sounds fun! I don't think she'd ask, as she assumes he's very busy. So if he offered that'd be perfect.

And I love that Anisha and Leah idea. Maybe we can put them down for the yule ball together?
Ahaha listen if you have more ideas slide them over to me in secret :r

I like your idea for Isadora and Leah, it startles me that they're only 2 years apart it feels much more to me. Maybe they can be friends after they bond over this.

Penelope and Felix sounds fun! I don't think she'd ask, as she assumes he's very busy. So if he offered that'd be perfect.

And I love that Anisha and Leah idea. Maybe we can put them down for the yule ball together?
dont tempt me lol

And yes, down for Anisha and Leah at the yule ball.

I also wouldn't mind putting off Penelope and Felix until after their second game? But totally down to do it sooner too.

So we can start with Leah and Isadora? We had talked about an Ito sibling thread so if you want to start that one I can start one for the girls, if that sounds good?
I'm here! Hi!

Gwen/Soren: He’s an absolute fashionista. Could be fun- his mother went to school in Paris for Fashion and she’s passed on her love for it to him.

Isadora/Valerius: Hear me out. Horrible idea. But they should talk without realizing the margo connection. He’s slowly recovering and could use at least a new friend that isn’t Aine or Monday (though he loves them dearly). See where it goes from there?

Penelope/Emerys: Emerys is bitter and hurting this year and could use friends. (also side note I completely forgot you had a penny lol I’m sorry)

Ezra/Zerrin: Dorm mom demands attention this year, and will absolutely pester the hell out of Ezra, lol.

Vanity/Amodeus: Does she need a clueless apprentice? He just loves people and is stupid and easy to manipulate, lol.

Hazel/Cauis: He wants all the friends. Will seek her out if she’s dressed up in a fun way.
No worries, I haven't been very on top of this thread

Yeah we can do something with Potions for Gwen and Sky, or wait until s2. Both work for me.

If you'd like to start something for Gwen and Violet that would be great!

Maybe I can start something for Hazel and Sky and we move Viole and Hazel to later?

Sounds good! Thanks so much!

Gwen/sky - seeing as the semester is almost over wait for S2.
Gwen/violet and hazel/sky - sounds good. i will get something started in the next day oe two and send you the link.

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