The News

Junior had no idea what this girl was talking about. "Was my father good?? If so then yes otherwise no." He had a weird, goofy smile on his face. He suddenly looked like a little boy again.
Cloe shook her head the only thing she could think of was slapping him which she did, "no your father wasn't good he beat people up and what gotten into you?" she asked, shaking her head knowing she was gonna pay.
A switch clicked in Junior's brain and suddenly he wasn't the cheerful little boy; he was an angry man with a sore cheek. He turned his flaming eyes on the woman who had just hit him and stepped forward so he could punch her in the face.
Cloe knew she was dead if she didn't do something quick, "Junior the twins" she said, giving him her back so the twins wouldn't be hurt only she would be.
Junior frowned. "What the hell are you on about, woman?!" The twins. 'Cause that meant loads to him. Then he started feeling dizzy again, only this time it wasn't temporary. He went to take a step forward but instead, ended up collapsing on the floor, unconscious.
Cloe pulled Junior to the couch and got him up there somehow she was sitting in the kitchen when she heard some noise behind her and she cringed hoping he wasn't still drunk.
Junior could still feel that he was pissed. He sat up and went to get off the sofa before realising that his head was spinning too much. He fell on the floor and leant against the sofa. "That Riley kid is probably my best friend. I only paid for glasses of...umm..." Jasper couldn't remember what he had actually been drinking.
Cloe walked in, "firewhisky" she said, her hands on her hips.
"Yes." Junior had a look on his face like he'd scored full marks in an exam. "May I say...umm..." Junior couldn't remember her name. "Let's just call you Buttercup for now." He shrugged. "May I say Buttercup, you have a very good memory."
Cloe shook her head, "Junior, i am your wife Cloe" she said, feeling like she was talking to a wall.
Cloe shook her head, "what is wrong with you do you want another slap?" she asked, moving close and running a hand under his shirt.
Cloe kissed him, "yeah i guess it does" she said, smiling at him again.
Cloe was asleep on the couch just in case he woke up again but she didn't know he was awake. "Junior" she mumbled, as she slept.
Junior didn't realise there was someone else in the room. When he heard a voice, he sat bolt up right and held to put his hand on his head when he felt a shooting pain go through his skull. "Christ that hurts." He looked up and realised he was in the living room. "What the hell am I doing here??"
Cloe sat up when she heard Junior voice, "yeah you done being a idoit?" she asked, starting to stand up.
Cloe looked at him, "for all i know you drank enough to not remember who you were" she said her tone full of disgust, she shook her head as she headed for the kitchen.
Cloe got a bucket of cold water and walked out into the living room, "and yeah maybe i can help" she said, throwing the bucket on him and then walking back into the kitchen not even looking at him for she was so angry she couldn't stand him.
Junior gasped and shot up. "Sh!t!!" He saw the look on Cloe's face and suddenly realised what she was doing. He followed her into the kitchen and stood in the doorway. "Cloe, I'm sorry."
Cloe had tears in her eyes, "yeah well..." she stopped for she couldn't speak without him hearing the tears that were spilling out now.
Junior walked over to her. "Cloe. There's nothing wrong with me getting drunk, except the hangover of course." He rested a hand on her cheek and wiped away the tears. "I love you Cloe. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

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