The News

Cloe blushed, "um i.... i.... can't think...." she said, not preparing herself for what she was about to do but she wrapped her arms around his neck pulled him close and kissed him hard.
Cloe blushed, "no i was thinking clearly before you came out now your the one making my thinking shut down" she said, giving him a long passionate kiss.
Cloe smiled then frowned, "i was thinking about how your dad got so drunk" she said, moving to sit in a chair and massage her lower back.
Cloe shook her head, "it just that i worry about how much you drink and your anger" she said, eyes close so she wouldn't have to see the anger she knew she would see there.
Cloe looked up, "Junior i worry everyday and my mind tell me things like what if he doesn't come home what if you get thrown into azakaban where no one ever returns, Junior i'm scare that the man i love might one day dissappear out of my life out of our childern life and i can't do nothing about it" she said, not making him promise for she knew what it did to him she stood and walked past placing a hand on the counter to stead her self when she got past him she felt dizzy.
Junior leant on the counter and had to breath deeply. He could feel the anger starting to rise in him again. He wasn't angry at Cloe though; only himself. He had let this happen. He had hurt Cloe and now she was upset and scared of losing him. There was nothing he could do about it though. "I'm sorry." He was looking at the other side of the room btu hoped Cloe had heard him
Cloe slid to the floor, "Junior" she said, tears were in her eyes now.
Cloe kissed him, "finally i got you down here" she said, smiling at him and giving him another long kiss.
Cloe shook her head, "sorry babe but you were sad so i had to get you close some how" she said, giving him a kiss.
Cloe felt like crying now, "I'm sorry!" she said, around her tears.
Junior seriously needed to get p!ssed. At least then he could forget everything, even if it was only temporary. "I'm just gonna go out for a bit. I need some fresh air. I'll be back later."
Cloe looked at him, "fine leave i don't care anymore" she said, standing up and going to the bedroom and slamming the door she laid on the bed crying and trying to make sure Junior couldn't hear them but she bet he could.
Cloe knew when Junior was gone she felt like she wanted to just run and hide and never show up again later in the night cloe laid on her back on the couch asleep not even sure when Junior was gonna get home a good thing for her was that no nightmares snaked up on her.
Junior staggered into the house. He didn't know how many bottles of firewhiskey he had gotten through. He closed the door and realised how loud it was. He turned around and put his finger to his lips. "Shh. People are sleeping." He whispered it but he was still very loud. He had no concept of loud and quiet.
Cloe woke up and looked at Junior then tears flooded, "Dervish Green Junior what the" she said, moving close to him and smelling the firewhisky on him she felt sick, "ugh i can't believe you" she said, shaking her head and turning her back to him and ready to move back to their room when Junior grabbed her.
Junior tried to focus on the girl in front of him and realized there was three of her. "I recognize you from somewhere. I swear though, I do not know who these other women are." Junior put his hand on the wall when he felt himself go light-headed for a few seconds then he stood up straight again.
Cloe shook her head, "you want to end up like your father?" she asked, taking his hands and getting them off her, "ugh i hate it when you drink Junior" she stopped he wouldn't listen he wouldn't even hear her.

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