The News

Junior laughed and took the rest of his clothes off before getting into the warm shower. "You coming??"
Cloe left the clothers and climbed in, "i'm here make way the pregent person is coming" she giggled, as she kissed his lips and moved under the hot shower.
Cloe giggled as they played in the water as Junior put on his suit Cloe was wrapped in Junior boxers and bra and a blanket while fixing Junior tie, "babe can you come stright home?" she asked, looking at him and giving him a kiss as she kind of messed his hair up and her's was unbrushed.
Cloe giggled, "oh i don't know to a girlfriend house or somewhere" she said, running a hand down his front and giggling at his look.
Cloe worked all day and waitted for Junior to come home she was a sleep on the couch a book rested on her stomach and her eyes close as she had gotten sleep but the dream made her wake up and scream and remembering Junior wasn't there made her cry even worse she waitted for him to come home she didn't turn on any lights when it got darks she just sat on the floor huddled close and hoped he would come home.
Junior walked into the house and realised the lights were all off. He guessed Cloe must have gone out somewhere. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink without even noticing her on the floor.
Cloe saw Junior and walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "i'm so glad your home" she cried, hugging him.
Cloe shook her head, "another nightmare and i forgot you weren't home so i fell asleep and woke up screaming and then cried for hours and made sure i didn't go back to sleep..... Junior i thought you were dead for sure" she said, giving him a kiss.
Cloe smiled, "yeah your here now and everything is fine" she said, looking at him then noticing the firewhisky she shook her head, "so how was the meeting?" she asked, giving him a kiss then moving to put the firewhisky away.
Cloe shook her head, "i don't think so if i'm not allowed to drink then neither are you besides go get a shower then stright to bed i have to clean up a bit" she said, shaking her head and shoving him toward the living room.
Cloe was leaning against the counter with her head in her hands and didn't hear Junior come out.
Cloe jumped, "Junior don't scare me" she said, smiling and pretending nothing was on her mind.
Cloe shook her head, "you are mean" she said, shaking her head and kissing him, "so enjoy the shower?" she asked, giggling at him then really looking and her eyes got big.
Cloe couldn't take her eyes off his chest, "nothing wrong just......i....junior....i...." she started to say but couldn't for she was just seeing his skin.

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