The News

Cloe heard this and felt more tears she decided to go to the garden where she could have some peace and think of what her future holds for her and Junior.
Junior looked up when he saw Cloe walk past the living room door. "I couldn't stop myself. It's hard to explain. It's like I'm watching someone else do it and I can't stop them." He shook his head. "I hate what I did. I came here to aplogise to her."
Sam felt tears go down her cheeks again but now they were tears of fear. "I know what you're talking about. Dervish did the same thing when he was in his late teens. I stuck by him the whole time though. Everything he did, no matter how much it upset me, I stuck by him. Your problem is that you've hurt Cloe and I don't think she will want to help you after what you've done." Sam pulled Junior closer to her and hugged her with the hand that wasn't holding the baby. "You have to make sure she stays with you Junior."
Cloe was sitting in the garden and crying not even hearing Junior come out.
Junior walked into the back garden and stood a few metres away from Cloe. "Cloe. I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself. Please forgive me." He was practically begging her. He didn't want to see a life with out Cloe. It had been bad enough before he met her; before he knew what he was missing.
Cloe turned as the tears slid down her cheeks, "Junior, i was trying to help not make you mad it's my fault that you got mad i should have left it alone" she said, looking at him.
Junior walked over to her and wrapped his arms round her. He didn't want to lose her but he didn't want to lose her either. "It wasn't your fault. It's mine. I should learn to control my anger. I shouldn't let it out on you." He held her tight and kissed the top of her head.
Cloe leaned into him, "i missed you and i love you Junior" she said, hugging him and smiling when the baby kicked, "i guess two little monsters love you to" she said, giggling and looking up into Junior eyes and seeing the man she fell in love with so she kissed his lips.
Cloe smiled, "i always knew i find you" she said, giggling and pulling him close again.
Cloe smiled, "yeah i guess" she said, standing up and pulling him up and walking back toward teh house but stopped.
Cloe smiled at him, "just wanted a quick kiss" she said, giving him a long kiss.
Cloe looked at him, "lets go home babe" she said, noticing that Junior eyes had dark circles under them, "besides i don't thik the twins would like it if we took over one of their beds" she said, giggling a bit.
Junior smiled. "Thinking about it, I don't think I'd want to use one of their beds. Merlin only knows what they've done to that room and I think even he doesn't want to know." He smiled and walked into the living room where Sam was looking after the newly born babies. "Mum, do you need a hand with anything before we leave??"
Cloe smiled when Sam told them to go home as they reached the house CLoe pulled Junior into their room and kissed him hard.
Sam looked up from her two newly born babies with a huge smile on her face. She laughed slightly at Junior. "Junior, what on earth would I need help with at half one in the morning??" She smiled at the two of them. "You two get on home."
Cloe smiled and hugged Sam, "thanks Sam" she said, giving her and the babies a kiss on the cheek.
Cloe looked at Junior, "do you wish to tell me anything before i get mad?" she asked, giving him a smile.
Cloe shook her head, "you sir are a bad lier and a very bad kisser" she said, pulling him close and kissing him, "but i still love you" she said, giggling and rolling her eyes as she looked at the living room, "might as well get this here cleaned up" she said, going to the room and changing to comfortable clothes would consider a pair of Junior boxer and her black bra.
"Oh. I'm a bad kisser now am I??" Junior laughed. He then pulled his wand out of his pocket and cleaned up the mess he had created. It was done in seconds so he walked into the room and took his top off. "I swear those were mine." He laughed as he pointed at his boxers. "I mean I'm no genius but I'm sure girls don't wear them."

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