The News

Cloe turned and saw Junior slumped, "junior are you ok?" she asked, walking over to him with a scared experssion on her face.
Cloe looked at Junior, "stop lying to me i know your mad" she yelled at him, moving closer.
Junior looked up at her. "So, sue me. I'm mad because some stupid @rse hole has killed my dad. What the f**k is wrong with that?!" Junior's voice was rising. He couldn't control the anger inside him.
Cloe looked at him, "yeah i know your angry but it don't mean keep it away from your wife" she said, lowering her voice.
"You told me not to be. You made me promise not to be. I didn't want to break that promise. I just knew I couldn't fulfil it and I didn't want to disappoint you." He was taking slow steps towards her now.
Cloe backed up, "i wanted you to be honst i just didn't want to see our children father in jail" she said, now running to the room and slamming the door so she wouldn't have to listen to his anger anymore.
Junior opened the door and marched in. "What do you want from me?! You don't want me to be angry so I try as much as possible to at least look like I'm not and you moan that I'm keeping stuff from you!! What the hell am I meant to do to make you happy?!" He was yelling at her by now.
Cloe backed away slowly, "make yourself happy" she said, tears in her eyes " just make sure your self happy and...." she said, relizing that he was to mad to understand her words.
Junior slapped her across the face then held her hair so she couldn't look away from him "I can't!!" That's the whole point. The man I loved the most is dead. How the f**k am I meant to make myself happy?!"
Cloe pulled her hand up to her face and felt her face sting, "i don't know anymore" she cried pulling away from him and walking to the closet to grab a bag and pack clothes as she walked to the bathroom she had enough of getting beat up and she wasn't gonna let him kill their babies, "when your ready to talk i'll be at your mom's house then come and talk to me" she said, heading to the door and relizing she forgotten her hairbrush.
Cloe watched him and then as she exited the bedroom she slammed the door shut then slammed the main door shut as she left the house. When she got to Sam house she banged on the door hoping Sam was up for she had tears running down her eyes and she felt sick.
Sam walked down the stairs from her room when she heard someone at the door. She had been awake because she couldn't sleep since Dervish died. Her eyes widened when she saw Cloe. "Cloe?? What's happened?? Come on in." She stepped out the way and lead Cloe to the sofa in the living room.
Cloe walked in and looked at Sam, "it Junior he's mad and he... Sam he's turning out to be devish and..." Cloe cried, she couldn't believe what her husband has turned to.
Sam gasped and put her hand over her mouth. She had always thought Junior was moving away from what he used to be. "Oh no." She hugged Cloe as the tears started to fall from her eyes. "I can't believe he's back to that." She held Cloe away from her be the arms. "Has he hurt you??"
Cloe nodded, "he slapped me and threw a hairbrush sam i don't know what gotten into him" she said, looking at the floor and wishing she had her old junior back.
"This is what he was like before he met you." Sam rubbed Cloe's arm. "He was filled with anger and hatred but the love he felt for you got rid of it. Dervish's death has changed him back." Sam 's hands suddenly shot to her stomach. "Oh God. No." Sam looked at Cloe. "I'm going into labour."
Cloe jumped up, "oh no what do i do Sam what do i do help me" she said, more tears coming down as she listened to Sam and did everything then when she was holding the twins the door opened.
Cloe smiled then passed them to him and then moved into the kitchen to get her and Sam a drink.
Sam held one of the babies in her arms and felt tears of joy go down her cheeks. Then she saw Junior. She didn't know what to say. Junior had always scared her before. "They look like their dad." She smiled at him, hoping they would give him the same effect Cloe had last time.
Cloe heard Sam talking to Junior and felt jealous that he wouldn't lash out at her.
"Junior..." Sam had to say it. "Why?? You didn't have to hurt her. You could have just listened. Argue if needs be but why hit her??"

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