That Awkward Moment When...

OOC: The awkward moment when you see an old guy who looks remarkably like Dumbledore and shout "He's Alive!"
OOC- The awkward moment when you vow to not make another character, only to make a new one and put in to get them sorted :tut:
OOC: that awkward moment when you realise that you are giving your characters your own insecurities.
OOC: that awkward moment when the lecture hadn't started yet and your friend says that she cant hear the lecturer in this theatre either (we had the same one just before in a different room) when he hadn't started talking.
OOC: the awkward moment when you laugh in the middle of a funeral
OOC -the awkward moment when you burst out laughing during the most quiet part of mass xD
OOC: the awkward yet amsing moment when you walk into the libary wall and somebodyshouts "OH MY GOD doby's shut the platform how will we get to hogwarts!!"
That awkward moment when you don't know which arm rest is yours at the cinema.
OOC- The awkward moment when a teacher says that when you are running your assembly, you are too relaxed. o_O
OoC- The awkward moment when your friend that you don't really like, at all, in fact, you kinda hate them, tries to kiss you on the cheek, then has a fit because you 'don't love them'. :correct:
OOC- That awkward moment when you are talking to your friend and your other friends jumps on his back and then his arse is in you face.
OOC- the awkward moment when you family wants you to become a doctor, just in case the world gets taken over by zombies :tut:
OOC- the awkward moment when you ask your sister to become a doctor in case the world gets taken over by zombies and she says no because she doesn't believe in it.
IC: the awkward moment when you realize that threatening your boyfriend with selling your car gets better results then threatening to leave him.
I heard this one from a friend. I'm sure I'm going to think of it next time I'll go for scuba diving. :D

OOC: The awkward moment when you're scuba diving and see adele rolling in the deep
IC; The awkward moment when you get your voice back after thirteen years and the first word out of your mouth is a curse word
ooc: the awkward moment when the bus heat is stuck on so hot that you feel sick
OOC- the awkward moment when your sister has a dream about the world ending, and it feels like she's giving you the guilt trip so you will become a doctor. I think iit'ss a cconspiracy. :correct:
OOC - the awkward moment when your brother has a dream that you were trying to kill him in any means possible and after that he is afraid to stay alone with you. :cyndi:
OOC- the awkward moment when you realize that you have to double check the spelling of your characterslong last names xD
Ooc that awkward moment when your bus driver is a pirate
Ooc thaw awkward moment when you have to look pirate up so that you can spell it
Briar Rowan said:
Ooc thaw awkward moment when you have to look pirate up so that you can spell it
Looking up stuff for spelling is a normal day for me :r

oOC- the awkward moment when you realize that time at school seems to go slower than time at home :glare:
OOC- the awkward moment when someone replys to a role play you're having, and you realize that their characters father is amazingly like your RL mother! o_O
OOC - That awkward moment when your friend has a dream in which you are a demon, and feels as though the dream is so real that when they wake up they check to be sure you aren't in fact a demon.

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