That Awkward Moment When...

OOC: That awkward moment when you clean your room, you find things that you never knew you had. For my case, found computer parts to a non-existent computer.
OOC- The awkward moment when you are more nervous about joining the quidditch team than your character is :unsure:
OOC- The awkward moment when you get teary-eyed because you go on your dead character and you kinda feel guilty for killing him off :cry:
OOC: That Awkward Moment when you roam around your and see that there's no food for you and then your dad comes home with loads of food, then after eating.. your mom comes home with more food and then your force to eat it or it will break their hearts. Then before you go to sleep your brother comes home with food again. =))
ooc:that awkward moment when you realise that you have two mid sems next week and you feel like you don't know anything.
ooc:that awkward moment when someone askes you what you have written, and you look at it for ten seconds before saying, I dont know, do you expect me to be able to read my own writing. :tut:
OOC: That awkward moment when you get mad at a video game so you refuse to play it until your anger subsides.
IC: That awkward moment when your two year old son has more game than most men you've ever met. :tut:
OOC: The awkward moment when you are left alone in the train compartment along with an old lady that coughs the hell out of her o_O
Khione Hawthorne said:
OOC: That Awkward Moment when you roam around your and see that there's no food for you and then your dad comes home with loads of food, then after eating.. your mom comes home with more food and then your force to eat it or it will break their hearts. Then before you go to sleep your brother comes home with food again. =))
This is truth
ooc: the awkward moment when youre ex kitchen manager messages you on facebook
ooc: That awkward moment when you reach for your dinner plate on your bed and realise it's empty.
ooc: That awkward moment when you realise you have two plates on your bed and one has your dinner on it.
OOC- The awkward moment when your school decides that because you're Vice Captain 'Head Girl' or your school, you have to join a program that involves being super sporty and super loving to kids that are annoying, rude, and that make you feel like killing them :glare:

OOC- The awkward moment when your male friend is giving you a hug and your teacher says: 'That is not appropriate in the halls,' so you reply with: 'Don't worry Sir, he has a girlfriend,' trying to explain that you are just friends. Your teacher than replies: 'What you are doing is morally wrong, Miss Byrnes!' Byrnes isn't even my last name, and I fear my teacher now thinks I'm helping my friend cheat on his girlfriend :x

OOC- The awkward moment when you are filling out a form and it asks: "How well do you speak English?" It's a regular question. The awkward thing is that I sat there for several minutes, thinking whether my English was good enough to be able to put: "Extremely Well", English is my first language :r
OOC: That awkward moment when you take out the trash in your pajamas and people are watching you.
OOC- The awkward moment when you have lived in your small house for over 15 years, and you manage to get lost when going to bed o_O I must have been really tired last night :tut:
IC: That awkward moment when your mom marries your potions professor.
OOC that awkward moment when you cant see your laptop display because it is so dirty. :s
OOC: The awkward moment when you are serving a customer and she tells you how much you look like her dead granddaughter and then bursts into tears.

OOC: The awkward moment when after eating a bunch of sugary lollies, a can of coke, two chocolates and an icecream, your blood sugar level is still lower than your mothers even with her not eating anything for three hours.

IC: The awkward moment when you feel like the boy your talking too wants you to get on your knees and beg him to talk to you.
IC: that awkward moment when you have to tell your sisters family that you are a werewolf.
OOC: that awkward moment when you are watching a harry potter movie and you keep sayng all the lines just before the actors say it, and your mum gives you funny looks whenever you do that.

OOC: that awkward moment when a stranger asks who's the older twin you or your sister and you want to reply that you are by nearly 5 years
OOC: That awkward moment when a mass is going on and an old woman sits right next to you and starts singing a christian song horribly and you start to chuckle and later on when you turn your eyes on her you'll find her glaring at you.
OOC- the awesome moment when your sister (thinking it is past 12) says that you will have to do things later today, and you reply: "it's 11:50 , just sayin'."
OOC: That awkward moment when you are watching a movie in the cinema and then there was suddenly a commotion because of someone engaging in a fight and you are still there, acting like nothing happened, with your eyes still glued on the screen and you friend who is sitting beside you had shouted like, "Hey there, we are watching here... If you don't mind, please shut up.."
IC: the awkward moment when you find yourself in the middle of the forbidden forest with someone who likes to cut people up

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