Wow, I've really let these pile up - haven't I?
I've been responding to them all in my head as they're posted, though, so don't worry - none of your posts have been ignored per se.
That sounds like a lot more work.
It might be a future addition to it, make the weekly update more like an OOC site newspaper sort of thing, but not yet - I'm still not even getting them up every single week. -_-
The "streets" in both the Village and the Harbour can simple be role played in the Harbour/Village forum itself, I don't see a need to pile more subforums in there.
I'll talk to Cecily about it.
In the past it has never been opened to sorted students - I did open it to sorteds once or twice and was promptly told I shouldn't.
So if Cecily agrees (and since I see no problem with it, myself) then it'll be a go.
Once she's a little less sick I'll drag her over to this thread and see what she thinks.
Site wide plots are always fun/exciting, the only problems become:
[ol][li]Thinking them up (So we'd have to rely on members for a lot of that)</LI>
[li]Keeping things realistic in them (They need to make sense, and you can't have a kidnapping/murder every month. It'd get redundant)
[li]Making sure everybody stays on the same page in the plot
<LI>[li]Policing all the threads that have to do with the plot to ensure cohesion. [/li][/ol]
So we're always open to ideas, and we discuss them thoroughly all the time (unless it's just a stupid suggestion in which case we just look at it and say "erm... no."). So if you have an idea feel free to send it off to Cecily or myself!
To your other suggestion:
That's not entirely accurate.
People who approach us seriously desiring for their character to be a Professor usually get hired on somehow, there's always a way to fit them in eventually.
Those threads aren't deleted and are archived - they're Admin only viewable, though.
If we were to make them member viewable too.... well it'd be a giant hassle to do all the stuff that'd be needed for it, and change all the permission masks and set up an archive forum and figure out where the forum should go, then our list of forums for moving/controlling things would become dramatically longer and I'm getting a headache just thinking of the whole ordeal. =-/