Suggestions Thread

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Suggestion. You know that jump menu? I wonder if it could be modified to show which are sub forums of which. I know it already does, but maybe a more visual indicator, like arrows? Say like:

=> Parent
==> Child Board
===> Child of child board

Imo, it'd be a more obvious way of telling which is which.

Also, something like what Andromeda said; only its a board where you place RPs that you consider to be good. Or outstanding. Or simply threads that are worth remembering for whatever reason. Can call it like, Classics or something like that. Of course threads moved there have to be locked.
Tichondrius Illitharis said:
Suggestion. You know that jump menu? I wonder if it could be modified to show which are sub forums of which. I know it already does, but maybe a more visual indicator, like arrows? Say like:

=> Parent
==> Child Board
===> Child of child board

Imo, it'd be a more obvious way of telling which is which.

Also, something like what Andromeda said; only its a board where you place RPs that you consider to be good. Or outstanding. Or simply threads that are worth remembering for whatever reason. Can call it like, Classics or something like that. Of course threads moved there have to be locked.
The jump menu was a new feature added with the most recent ZB Update and though with a bit of coding I'm sure it's possible to edit it, I don't feel it's worth the hassle of my learning how to/requesting somebody else to try.
It lists subforums etc. as it is and makes it clear what level they're at. If people can't figure it out... oh well?

As to your second suggestion: I very highly doubt something like that will be added to HNZ because of how our RP system is set up, with each forum being a location suddenly pulling RPs out of there to a new forum would be confusing. Also, it'd be a whole new hassle with people "recommending" to Admin (harassing Admin) to put certain RPs there.
Tighter restrictions on the Admin CP. If someone can access it and change the board settings like they have it must be quite a big deal and you should put more restrictions within it so it won't happen again. This would save anything annoying like this happening again, as the comment can be found rather insulting and offensive as well, especially if you have had a family member who is affected by drugs, so there should be to save people getting upset and insulted.
Just to clarify: It's a big joke. Only the three Admin have permission to access the Admin CP. It's April First, and the whole banner mostly exploits a bunch of ongoing OOC jokes on HNZ. (For instance it was called "Crackwarts" because its so addicting).
Nick could we have a forum on its own much like Obsidian harbour etc. named Azkaban. Then with DE plots in the future etc. Some Death Eater's could get arrested and sent to Azkaban. This opens up a new level for rp'ing as DE's can plan to break people out etc (Would approval be needed ? etc) and of course we would need Dementors etc. Of course it doesn't need to be just Death Eaters that get arrested, so could other witches and wizards that do wrong.
Yes, breaking out of prison would definitely need approval. Azkaban is a possibility eventually, but right now it wouldn't be used at all so it won't be made.
If/when a need arises it will definitely be considered. :)
I thought a really good idea would be to have more competitions, like you give a little sentence, about something, an area ,person something like that, then everyone who wants to give it a shot turning it into a roleplay posts underneath, and the best one wins, getting a different legend name or something.

Another thing would be prizes that have been won, have little icons, once you win them, they appear underneath your avatar/information box when posting, so people know what prizes you have won. Only little ones, wouldn't want it getting messy. (I know its sort of mixing your character/role play , with yourself, or namely your writing abilitys, but it would still be pretty cool!)
I like your first idea a lot, and have suggested it to MESSI to see what other members think. ^_^

As to your second idea: Currently if a person wins a contest normally they're given some sort of special formatting to their username (an image or a new colour) for a set amount of time, then for more frequent contests (like the graphics competitions) they're listed in an archive of winners.
Also, ZB does not currently support images in the member title, so that's not possible. ^_^
I'm not 100% sure if this will work out, but I think it would be pretty awesome if we had an area where we could RP on the cliffs. It would make it more unique to HNZ and would also allow for some interesting RPs. I'm not sure, just a suggestion ^_^
To add to Lemina's suggestion:

How about we also have a forum for the actual Lake, cause you have to go over a body of water to get to Hogwarts in your first year, like Harry Potter did, well couldn't we have small wooden boats like they did to go sailing on the Lake, maybe a little romance can be involved in this ;)
Lemina: I suspected with the map competition that somebody would request that. I think they'll be added, but I fear it'll just become a place for people to RP their characters trying to jump. :blank:
Aurora: I don't think HNZ follows that tradition of Hogwarts (crossing the lake in boats) and people RP swimming in the lake etc. in the lakefront forum. I don't think another forum is necessary.
Well in the Weekly Update there's lots of information and such but what about maybe adding some puzzles and such in there for example:

Riddle of the Week
Example: What cheese is made backwards?

Problem of the Week
Example: A dead man is found in a locked room, hanging from the ceiling 4 ft. above the floor. The room is completely empty, except for a puddle of water below him. How did he die?

Grammar Challenge
Example: I want to know the problem with this sentences grammar.

Example: Translate the following sentence into English:

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Maths Challenge:
Find x on its own;

5y + 2x = 4x - 17y

People could be rewarded with house points or galleons.
Could we have a forum in Obsidian and Brightstone labeled 'side street' or 'side streets'?

For Obsidian it could be the street that leads to Bleak Street and for Brightstone it could be the road that leads off towards the Borely Mansion... figured it could be another nonshop area for people to RP...
I was wondering - last year (HNZ year) I don't think any rp'd from the unsorteds in the Hogwarts Train or at Brightstone Station, they all seem to post in the unsorted section about being on the train etc anyway.

So with that in mind, would it be possible to open up the Express and the station to the sorted students so we can rp arriving and leaving the school at holiday times etc.

Just a suggestion ;)
I think we should have a/a few site wide plots which would/could involve every character, and effect them if their rp'ers wish. There may have already been some and I'm just unaware because I've never been involved, but I think a good big plot would be good, one that any one could get involved in. It would be good to develop rp skills, characters and relationships, and it would be a lot of fun.
I have no idea what the plot would be, it's just a suggestion. Maybe the death eaters could get involved (without it turning into just a whole big death eater thing) and the ministry employees as they never seem to have much to do. Everyone, really.

Also, I don't know if this can be helped but just thought I would bring it up. When you first come on the site it says you can be whatever you want really, a professor ect. ect. But really you can't just decide to be a professor, you have to apply, and Professor jobs only come up so often as a lot of Professors keep their jobs for years. As I said, not sure if anything can be done, but I just think it's a shame when someone's really eager to be one and they can't!
I think it would be cool if there was a section called "Archives" or something, and subforums in that like "Yule Ball 2021" etc. It would be a lot better than just deleting them. Events and things like that are important memories for the characters, so it's a shame to not be able to read them again.
Wow, I've really let these pile up - haven't I?
I've been responding to them all in my head as they're posted, though, so don't worry - none of your posts have been ignored per se.

That sounds like a lot more work. :p It might be a future addition to it, make the weekly update more like an OOC site newspaper sort of thing, but not yet - I'm still not even getting them up every single week. -_-

The "streets" in both the Village and the Harbour can simple be role played in the Harbour/Village forum itself, I don't see a need to pile more subforums in there. :doh:

I'll talk to Cecily about it.
In the past it has never been opened to sorted students - I did open it to sorteds once or twice and was promptly told I shouldn't.
So if Cecily agrees (and since I see no problem with it, myself) then it'll be a go. :D
Once she's a little less sick I'll drag her over to this thread and see what she thinks. :r:

Site wide plots are always fun/exciting, the only problems become:
[ol][li]Thinking them up (So we'd have to rely on members for a lot of that)</LI>
[li]Keeping things realistic in them (They need to make sense, and you can't have a kidnapping/murder every month. It'd get redundant)
[li]Making sure everybody stays on the same page in the plot
<LI>[li]Policing all the threads that have to do with the plot to ensure cohesion. [/li][/ol]
So we're always open to ideas, and we discuss them thoroughly all the time (unless it's just a stupid suggestion in which case we just look at it and say "erm... no."). So if you have an idea feel free to send it off to Cecily or myself! :)

To your other suggestion:
That's not entirely accurate.
People who approach us seriously desiring for their character to be a Professor usually get hired on somehow, there's always a way to fit them in eventually.

Those threads aren't deleted and are archived - they're Admin only viewable, though.
If we were to make them member viewable too.... well it'd be a giant hassle to do all the stuff that'd be needed for it, and change all the permission masks and set up an archive forum and figure out where the forum should go, then our list of forums for moving/controlling things would become dramatically longer and I'm getting a headache just thinking of the whole ordeal. =-/
thought that because of the amount of students that wish to apply each year for transfer that maybe we should do what we did over on HS and have them sit a test.
So that if they want to get into year 3, then the exam includes things from yr 1 and 2.
It seems only fair really and then there mightened be such a huge influx of transfers and those who genuinely want to tranfer to higher years will make the effort to get the answers right. :blink:
Tests require marking and suggest that anybody who passes will be accepted.
I much prefer the application method currently used. :)
I think you should make the Astronomy Classroom in a forum called the 'Astronomy Tower' because people may want to role play being in the astronomy tower, and the only place they can currently do this is in my office.
I'd Like to See a Later version of the Order of the Phoenix incorporated into the Role play, to add a wider perspective onto the Role Play, and on sides of Affiliation.
I was thinking to suggest a Quidditch cheer dancers like in the harry potter books. Each house has a cheer leader and picks members by try outs in the Quidditch pitch.
I really like Lexi's idea ^_^
Also, I think we should have a Witch Weekly :D Many characters have rp'd reading witch weekly, but I think we should actually have writers for Witch Weekly! That way, we can actually have copies of Witch Weekly posted in the Library!
Even if we didn't have witch weekly, we could have a similar magazine. I, for one, have a character I would really like to write for it ^_^ .

Wow, how many times did I write Witch Weekly in that post :blink: .
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