Suggestions Thread

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don't know if I should pm this or post it here so will do it here...
was looking over Mungo's and think it would benefit from having sub-forums like the school corridors... e.g. 2nd floor, 3rd floor etc...

anyways I just thought it might help tidy up the hospital and make it more viable for rp's
like ...
Ground Floor: Artifact Accidents
(Cauldron explosion, wand-backfiring, broom crashes, etc.)

First Floor: Creature-Induced Injuries
(Bites, stings, burns, embedded spiders, etc.)

Second Floor: Magical Bugs
(Contagious maladies, e.g., dragon pox, vanishing sickness, scrofungulus)

Third Floor: Potion and Plant Poisoning
(Rashes, regurgitation, uncontrollable giggling, etc.)

Fourth Floor: Spell Damage
(Unliftable jinxes, hexes, and incorrectly applied charms, etc.)
- Residential Ward

Fifth Floor: Visitor's Tearoom and Hospital Shop
-Maternity Wing
ZetaBoards has numerous issues with subforums, and I don't see any need to mess with them right now.
The Ministry of Magic is already a mess of permission masks/issues/etc. and I don't want to try to make another whole area of the board similar.
Looking over the St. Mungo's forum, it doesn't look like there are even enough topics at the moment to warrant that number of subforums.
So, in the future: perhaps this will happen. :)
For now: I think it's safe to say it's better not to.

Thanks for the suggestion. ^_^

Ok, this is probably an incredibly stupid idea but it was in my dream and I thought that even though it's likely to be rejected, I'd say anyway.

A wizarding lottery-
Someone has an account called 'lottery' or whatever and people PM them saying they want a ticket.
They'll PM something like this;

Name: (character)
Age: (16+)
Numbers chosen: (seven numbers)

and then the galleons 'giving to' form.

Something like that.
And then the 'lottery' uses a random number generator.
If 3 numbers match someone's numbers then they get 10 galleons, if 5 numbers match, 100 galleons and if 7 match then they get whatever the total for that week/month is.

Just a suggestion.
A naff one.

Okay, I'm not sure if this happens already.
If it does I apologize, my memory isn't too great, so I don't remember small things (awful in school lessons)

I know that for Halloween there are prizes for best costume, and so on.
What if there was to be the same for the Yule ball but instead if would be things like
Cutest Dress
Cutest Couple
Best Dressed

Just a suggestion.
Larissa: That's a little too complex to even do. How we do galleons is tough enough - throwing in a lottery would tip things way off.
We used to do the Daily Prophet's galleon thing (the one the Weasley's won and went to Egypt with) but the method that was used in the past to determine the winner is far too difficult to even try any more.
I've thought of brining it back with different rules or whatever, and your suggestion will likely motivate me to seriously try it again. :)

Imogen: We have tonnes of awards/competitions etc. IC and OOC - the Halloween feast is a fun time, whereas the ball is much more formal. I just don't see that ball as the time to have any sort of vote for prizes etc. :) I guess it could happen - but it doesn't seem appropriate because it is a ball and not like a prom or something where even when it's formal it's casual. xD
For some of us with multiple characters (I have 5) it gets complicated when trying to organize plots, esp. when you are flitting between profiles. What if something was sorted out so that all the characters based on the same email address had a shared PM inbox? That way it saves time (which I have none of) and makes things easier.

Also, HNZ needs a mobile site. I often try to get on HNZ with the mobile-google server, but they've changed their format and I can't log in with it anymore. I'm probably the only one who uses HNZ on their cellphone, but I think other people might like the idea too. The google server is OK for checking up on RPs, but its hopeless for trying to RP. If this is possible, it would be appreciated. (By the way, the mobile google site works on computers too :) ...
Neither of your suggestions are controlled by site administrators.

We use the ZetaBoards forum software, and cannot add such large features as you've suggested.
So I've been thinking this for a long time but... is the Azkaban where we send our prisoners too the same as the one they use in Scotland? because if not I think we should rename it...
For our intents and purposes it's the same. :)
The Harry Potter Lexicon said:
Far out in the icy waters of the North Sea lies a tiny island that is home to one of the most terrible places on earth: Azkaban, the wizarding prison
I don't know how difficult it would be to do this, but I thought it might be helpful to add a section into people's profiles that have the option of inputting the names of some of their other characters in.

It might not be practical for profile clutter's sake, but some people (I included) would find it very helpful when organising rp's, inputting names in the address book, finding out if a friend might be online on an account you didn't know they had etc. It would have to be optional of course, for the obvious reason of anonymity, but I would like to display some of my other main characters so that people know if I am online or not.

The names wouldn't have to be linked (although it might be nice if they could be), just displayed. Is this plausible?
All custom profile fields used on HNZ are used for important information about somebody's characters, we decided that would be how we used custom profile fields from before we converted to ZetaBoards from InvisionFree.
With that being said, people are always able to do this by adding names/links to their signatures, or saying "This is a Nicolas account" (or whatever). So the signature is the field I'd recommend people use if they're interested in doing that. :)
Hi there :D The relationship profile is set up correctly. 'Seeing Somebody' is the exact same thing as 'Dating'. :)
Adding onto what Johnathan suggested;
We could also add 'Interested in Someone' or something along that lines to show if your character isn't exactly dating someone, but has their eyes set on someone.
That option has been added to the specified profile field. :)
Thanks for your suggestion.
Wizards have wands....can muggs likee me have a gun to carry around?
Just a thought for a new profile field :p
As HNZ is about the Wizarding World, and very very few characters are muggles: no. :)
I think if people want to have famous relatives (say be the minister for magic's kid of whatever country) or be famous they should have to fill out an application similar to the one used for those who wish to have a canon character. It really should be moderated so that we don't end up have continuity problems or a bunch of people nobody knows about when they probably should...
(I've already started making a list of the current 'famous people' on HNZ...)
This is already covered in the Site Documentation (the board rules, to be most specific).
I'll quote directly from the rules topic:
The Rules said:
Any storylines (plots) extending beyond the normal guidelines of this site must be approved by the Admin via the use of this form.

We'd be happy to see the list you've compiled, though, just send it to myself or Livvy and we'll have a look at it. :)
You're right, continuity is often a concern for such things - which is why they require a plot request form. It is hard to monitor such things with so many members, however.
Don't know if this is already suggested but I'll try...

As many of us have many character accounts and some doesn't have a multiple browsers. Can we add a Switch user thing ???

I just saw this on a site and it really helps alot. Okay, I know I'm copying others but it really helps.
This suggestion has come up before, even in this topic, I believe. The Admin have discussed and considered it in the past and have decided against it on at least two occasions.
Also, it really speeds nothing up. Clicking "Sign out" then typing in new information and clicking "sign in" is the same amount of work as clicking "Switch users", then typing in new information, and then clicking and signing in. ;)
I believe it would be you in charge of setting that all up, Joyce. :)
I suggest a 'YEAR END SHOUT OUT' ... in this every end of the year, there will be a discussion on what happen the whole year. It can be a controversial, good thing or bad thing happen around the board.
Lexi Rodriguez said:
I suggest a 'YEAR END SHOUT OUT' ... in this every end of the year, there will be a discussion on what happen the whole year. It can be a controversial, good thing or bad thing happen around the board.
You can start a topic like that in the off topic forums if you like, Joyce. :)
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