Suggestions Thread

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Aurora: I'll talk to Cecily about the possibility. :) I think we've tried to keep most classrooms on the main index page, otherwise both the greenhouses for Herbology would be a subforum of a "Greenhouses" forum which would be a subforum of the lawn. (And CoMC would be a subforum of the lawn, too).
Remus: I discussed you with this via PM when you PMed me about it. :oy:
Lexi: It's a possibility, if you can get enough people from each house interested in a plot development thread (here) then I'm sure some Admin will pop by and approve it. :) [So yes: So long as there's enough interest, we'll also tell you how it'll have to be done in that development plot. ;) ]
Anastacia: There's a big red box in the reply page that reads, and I quote:
Big Red Box said:
Please do not reply to suggestions of other members.
Please keep that in mind. It's there for a reason. ^_^
Now, to your suggestion. The Daily Prophet is really just starting to get on a roll as I focus more on the Ministry aspect of the site [since Prof King is no longer a prof :( ]. I think that a Witch Weekly is a possibility, but I don't want to toss too much in at once. Somebody has also expressed interest in starting the Quibbler and we've asked them to wait it out a bit. ^_^
So yes, it's possible, but please wait until other things become more stable.
In the mean time it seems the school has its own gossip magazine. :ph43r: [And yet somehow nobody wants to do the Hogwarts Weekly/Monthly etc. and that's all its meant to be... :unsure: :blink: ]
how about telling people when others reply to their topics they have written on,
because i know it would help me of all people
There is no way we could possibly keep track of topics for you. There are too many topics and too many members to do this.
If you want to, though, you can track your topics then get a PM when somebody replies.
Here's how to do this:
View a topic, scroll to the bottom then click "Track topic" (Image)
Then submit your selection. :) (Image)
Nicolas King said:
In the mean time it seems the school has its own gossip magazine. :ph43r: [And yet somehow nobody wants to do the Hogwarts Weekly/Monthly etc. and that's all its meant to be... :unsure: :blink: ]
I would love to do the Hogwarts Monthly! :D Especially since the Gossip Magazine is not something I plan on continuing for very long, I want to do real RP journalism not crap. -_- :lol: I had my character join, but the club is never active. :( Is there any way we can get it active again? Is this a suggestion? :errm:
You are suggesting the the Hogwarts Monthly becomes more active. ;) Sure it's a suggestion. :)

If you're interested in helping out with [or taking over] the Hogwarts Monthly please PM myself (or Cecily) and we'll start to get you hooked up. :)
how about doing a section for drumstrang students or other students from other schools so they can roleplay with one another or can vist hogwarts for any reason?
Would it be possible to have themed Yule Balls? ^_^

For example, (though this one is totally cliche) it can be a masquerade ball and our playbys and banner's don't have to have masks, just as long as you RP wearing a mask. ^_^ That was just an example there can be other types :p
I think the theme of the Yule Ball would be Yule. :ph43r:
But there are plans in the works for a special Valentine's ball this year. :r:
I think the theme could be tweaked in some areas. *wink wink nudge nudge Nick*
Also, I can't see a difference between the default theme and Small Screens theme?
Justin said:
Also, I can't see a difference between the default theme and Small Screens theme?
Width. Width and banner size. :)
Justin said:
I think the theme could be tweaked in some areas. *wink wink nudge nudge Nick*
As I told you, you're free to tweak the theme on my test board, then point out the changes and if they're agreeable they'll likely be implemented.
I thought I'd suggest it since this seems to be more common among characters now. Is it possible in the Character Profile on the side, to have a "Straight", "Bi-sexual", "Bi-Curious", "Gay" and "Unknown" option?
The profile information visible in posts is still being worked on, but it will never be as thorough as a character biography will be. If somebody is roleplaying with somebody else, skimming their character's biography is usually recommended - and in the biography things like that would be mentioned.
I, personally, don't think a profile field like that is necessary - especially due to the amount of silliness I'm sure will come of it. Though if it becomes more apparent to me that it would be useful I'd definitely be willing to put it there after talking to Cecily about it. :)
I was thinking that as Patrick O'Brien was a hogwarts Nurse, Hogwarts should tell itse students that he has died and we pray for him or something of that sort.
I don't think we'll have one giant RP memorial for him, as he was Andy's uncle or whatever and nobody from the family requested that (in character), also - he was just a nurse. Nurses are important, sure, but not a major role. I'd assume it'd have been reported in the daily prophet, so you could RP your character learning about it that way. :)
What if we had a pronunciation section in either the character handbook or ooc area? There are a lot of names that get tripped over, it'd be neat if people could add their characters names there and how to say it.
Sumner Reine said:
What if we had a pronunciation section in either the character handbook or ooc area? There are a lot of names that get tripped over, it'd be neat if people could add their characters names there and how to say it.
I see that as something that somebody could just add to their character profile. A whole thread is messy and hard to maintain.
We might add a section to the standard character profile template for it, but a whole section seems a bit crazy.
Okay I have two suggestions.
~First, I think that the lessons we do, should not be removed from this site. I mean the Admin can forbid us from seeing them but they should be allowed to be viewed at other times. And the past lesson records should be kept. Like in DADA for example, there could be a fourm where all lessons are moved once they are closed or something of that sort. I just mean that if you consider the hard work we do behind it(research and essays) they should stay :D

~Secondly, I noticed that i couldn't see the past year books. They too seem to have disappeared. Well, I guess yearbooks should stay too so the people can see how HNZ Halloween and stuff took place in starting years and all. After all year books are made for memories.
Hey Andrew,

As to your first suggestion: Yes, I agree completely - 1000%. I don't want the lessons removed, either, and this has been something I've been thinking about for likely a year now. The problem becomes finding a viable way to keep them. I see several options as viable solutions, but each has its drawback.
I guess I'll share my ideas with you now, and though you shouldn't reply to them, maybe you could PM me your thoughts? :)
[ul][li]A "Lesson Archive" forum in each classroom
Pros: Lessons would still be sorted by class, and be visible to students for future reference
Cons: There is no "Mass Move" feature on ZetaBoards, and if I set up an autotool to move them all then Professors would be able to use autotools I've set up for Admin-Only and Linda-Only.
(I don't see still being able to see lessons during exams as a con because there are plenty of ways to "cheat" and it's an RP site for heaven's sake)
So this solution is viable, but it'll take plenty of work on my part. Now that it's summer/summer break here I will likely be able to set aside a day and just set this up, if Livvy is okay with it and there aren't more 'cons' that I am missing.
Update: Your suggestion has been implemented using the method I explained directly above this. :) </LI>
<LI>[li]Stick 'em in the Trash Can
Pros: They would still be around, and it's an easier system to set up than the autotools and a new forum in every single classroom
Cons: Only Admin would be able to see them. They would be in a mess with a tonne of other topics. Only Admin would be able to trash them, so a professor would have to PM an admin and request that the lessons be trashed.
So, obviously, this system would be less work in the way of set up, but it's less amiable, because even though the topics are still there they may as well be deleted, they'd just be in a giant forum with a thousand other topics.

As to past yearbooks: You can still see them through the link in the Library Archive and now also through HNZ's Yearbook Page. :)
I was thinking that it would be cool in the MOM set up a dueling Tournament or something in those lines and all those wishing to participate could do so. I don't know which section this would be under but it would be fun to read the RP's of the duels and see people in the MOM being able to RP something like a huge event. If the DE's wish they could think of ways to ruin this by scaring gazillion people that have come to watch it. There I go again, that was suppose to be in plotline story area. Anyway the basic idea is to have set up a dueling competition for adults :D
Alright... If we were to do something like that it'd take a tonne of planning and you shouldn't expect to see it until a few IC 'years' from now. ;)
Okay, I can't help this habit of suggesting stuff. How about starting a mini area, under your avatar where how much each student earned points could appear. This could only be changed by Profs and then when they marked each lesson they would simply add points. They also add points in the Points Section in the Entrance Hall but this would be different. It's like encouraging students to earn points, although they can even lose them by detentions if they wish to do so.
You're on a suggestions roll... :r:
What you've described would take a third party code that doesn't presently exist - there's no way to do that by default on ZetaBoards. The trouble with it would become that:
1) It could only appear on student's, not any other type of account
2) It'd be difficult to make it editable only to Professors - Normally things like that would be editable for all moderators or only Admin.
While it's a good idea to try it'd be difficult to try to get a code to do it all properly that wouldn't increase load times/require the use of a PHP database that we don't have. :(
how about a unborn member group so that member's can search the unborn list then pm a staff member with the unborn members name they want to be part of there family and then the staff member will do the rest like inform the member and change his last name to the family's last name etc,
Im sure someones brought it up before... but would it be possible to have groups?? I forgot what they're called the box thingy that on mine says Second year on admins says Admins etc, would it be possible to have ones for ths students that go to other schools, like HS, Durmstrang etc.

And *innocent smile* what about a area for each of these schools where they could RP with other students that go to the same school.
Dean Smith: I'm quite uncertain as to what you're attempting to suggest - can you PM me about it? :)

This site has, and as far as I know/am concerned - always will be - focused solely on Hogwarts New Zealand and the wizarding world around it.
The first issue such a change would bring up would be the issue of how many other schools are there? and I don't even want to try to decide. The All around the Wizarding World forums suffice for role playing characters that are from other schools, and there is no need for forums for those schools - if there were such forums then there should also be active professors for those schools etc. etc. etc. and frankly HNZ is not large enough for any of that yet, nor can I see us being able to balance all of that in the future. So just sporadic roleplaying by those characters (who are, more often than not, secondary) in the All Around the Wizarding World forums is what I would recommend.
They're not given their own usergroups for the reasons listed about and because there really is no need for it. The Members mask suits them just fine. Then when they 'graduate' from whatever school you RP them in there is no need to change their usergroup again. :)
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