That is always an option for professors, and nothing stops students from posting again in lessons (except, maybe, some individual classroom rules). This isn't something we'd force on professors, and while I've seen it done in the past (and I know some professors do it semi-regularly) I know that it is a lot more work for them.
Being a professors on HNZ is a tonne of work. Every lesson is posted, graded, house points added up, marks recorded in a grade book, exams are posted then graded, and it all adds up to a tonne of time. Now imagine having to sift through a possibly several page story line before you could grade a single person, then you'd have to repeat that for up to 30 people (especially with some first years). That's chaos and a lot of work. To add to it all, Professors often have their lesson pre-written. If we changed to what you're suggesting (and what has been suggested in the past) professors would always have to type up a new RP, and keep up with all their Lesson RPs and try to wrap them
all up within a week. For some professors that could be seven lessons, seven RPs, every week - just 'mandatory', not in addition to regular RPs for fun. Then all the time spent marking it? You couldn't mark as you go, you'd have to mark it all the night before or something - when the RPs are all finally wrapped up.
So if a professor wants to do that, they can, but no way do I intend on even
recommending that they switch to that format. It
is a lot more work, and they all already do a
tonne (which I'm completely thankful for all the time