Students + Future student

Flynn North-McGowan

amputee + duelling champ + ollivanders assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand With Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2040 (20)
All four of my current boys need a couple more plots under their belts. My watched list is looking a little empty and I'm eager to get some more threads up and running with them.


Second Year Gryffindor​

So first off we have the eldest of my Hogwarts lot, mister Flynn Landyn North. He is currently in his second year and is a proud Gryffindor, alternate seeker on the Quidditch team and mister 'I refuse to study or do my homework on time'. The thing most worth mentioning about him is that at the beginning of the year he was in a car accident and the lower half of his right leg was amputated meaning he walks with a prosthetic limb. Though he doesn't want anyone to treat him any different because of it and gets quite bitter if you even bring it up. He also happens to be an orphan after losing both his parents in a house fire when he was only eight - something else he is incredibly jaded about and does not like to bring up under any circumstances.

Generally speaking, if you want to find him you'll either find him on the Quidditch pitch or looking for some sort of trouble elsewhere in the castle. Though due to his leg he doesn't really get around as much as he used to and you might also just find him lounging around in the common room complaining about how many stairs there are in the castle. Though his default setting is being a general arse to everyone without them ever deserving it, he is incredibly loyal to people he actually likes and though it might take some work, if you manage to befriend him he'll always be there if you need him.

LOOKING FOR: More friends, pranking partners, prank victims, fellow troublemakers, maybe some older mentor type figures to help him along

First Year Ravenclaw​

The second and last of my Hogwarts lads is Eoin right here. He is an Irish-Italian Muggleborn and if there is one thing that he can say for certain, it is that he is really not a big fan of this 'ridiculous magic' business. If he had his way, he would be right back at home with his parents and two sisters. After one semester he still had not warmed up to the idea of him being a wizard and it's rare that you will ever catch him with his wand actually on his person instead of being shut away in his trunk where he doesn't have to think about it. The funny thing is, that he is actually quite proficient when it comes to performing magic and rarely struggles in his classes where he has to perform any spells. He is actually just at good at performing magic as he is at studying, something else he really loves to do and what he actually spends most of his free time doing. If there is something you could say for certain about Eoin, it is that he is a Ravenclaw through and through. The hat made no mistakes sorting this one.

If he is not in the library with his nose shoved in a book, then you will probably find him down by the lake where he loves to study the waters and look for all the different creatures and plants living in the depths. Though he is a pretty solitary person, not going out of his way to make any friends and actually much prefers keeping by himself than being surrounded by a lot of people. In fact, he is probably happiest with his nose in a book not being bothered by anyone else.

LOOKING FOR: Study partners, people he can actually consider a friend, maybe a couple who dislike his dislike of magic, future romance plots (not for right now as he is still too young for that)

Fourth Year Wampus
Moving over to America, were have Hyun who is my fourth-year Wampus at Ilvermorny. He's the eldest in a set of twins, his other twin still attending Mahoutokuro, is technically the middle child because of it, and is from a Pureblood Korean family. Though his older brother was disowned from the family after marrying poorly, so he is currently the heir to the Ong Hae line and is expected to act like it. He is also an alternate chaser on the quidditch team, speaks fluent English, Korean and Japanese, and also plays the piano at his mother's behest. Though he does actually enjoy playing the piano and is quite gifted at it as well, almost flying through the grades with very little effort. His teachers have actually called him a piano prodigy at different stages in his life and he could very well take his playing to a very high level if he wanted to. Though, if you were to ask Hyun, he is far more interested in playing Quidditch or settling into a decent job at the Ministry over playing the piano professionally.

He's a good-natured boy, very friendly and outgoing, easy to get along with. But he does take his grades quite seriously and spends a lot of time in the library studying as well just to stay on top of all his work. Though now he is nearing fifteen his parents are pushing the idea of him getting a 'decent' girlfriend and planning his future, though he is under quite a bit of stress at the moment and is just trying to not let it all get too much.

LOOKING FOR: friends, pen-pals, final/flings (girls), enemies

Unsorted Y39
And finally, the baby of my family, Jingyi. He is currently nine years old, nearly ten, and is set to be attending HNZ in Y39 so long as everything goes to plan. He is from a Chinese family, though was born and raised in Australia so he can't really say that he misses China as he's only ever been a couple of times when visiting family who still live there. But don't get him wrong, he is still very proud of his heritage and will still take every opportunity to speak in Chinese if he can get away with it because he really enjoys speaking the language.

I haven't really had the chance to really delve much into his character at the moment, but I would still love to get him in some more roleplays. At the moment he is a pretty friendly kid, happy to talk to just about anyone, and enjoys a good and riveting adventure, though he is also a little bit cheeky and is often grinning about some funny inside joke he just came up with his in his head. I also have it in my head that he has a pretty big birthmark over his left eye and stretching down onto his cheek which he is pretty sensitive about and doesn't like it in the slightest and often wears baseball caps so he can pull the brim down and try and hide it as much as possible.

But I would also love some more family around for this boy, so if you have any interest in creating a Chinese character, then come at me! Brothers, sisters, older or younger, or even his parents, aunts, uncles, cousins or anything you can think of. I would love to hear it!

LOOKING FOR: friends, enemies, family members, anything!
Last edited:

Message me if you like any of these, but I'm thinking:

Flynn and Arthur, my current prank master Gryffindor.

Eoin and Jordie, they could be study buddies.

Hyun and Lucas again.

And maybe Jingyi can meet Charlie? Charlie lives in New York and will most likely be attending Ilvermony. I maaaaay be able to get him to brightstone or something
Hey Charlie!

I can offer you a couple of characters to your characters! I have my Hufflepuff character, Ricky for Flynn, they've met a couple of times, so we could do something with them, like a prank of some kind or something?

I also have my other character Valencia, who is sorted in Ravenclaw and has met your first year, Eoin, a couple of times as well I think. She's still getting into the idea of magic, so its a bit hard for her. They could be study partners or possible friends if you wanted?

I'd also be happy to create a family member like a sibling, for your unsorted character, Jingyi, if you'd like? I think it would be cool! You can PM me about info about what you'd like and stuff if you want.

Hey Charlie-

I don't think Flynn and TIlly have ever interacted with one another. They don't need to be friends or anything, I do wonder if they would dislike each other, but I'm down for an RP. :) Tilly is always on the Quidditch pitch knocking bludgers around. Also in the SDA.

I have another unsorted character coming up this year, but I'm still developing her, so I might hold off on throwing her into plots for now.

I have Benji Killian, the adopted son of an old character of mine. His Biological father recently passed away due to heart issues, and so his stepdad (his parents were a same-sex couple) has recently moved back to the area so that they can be close to family. Benji is a well-mannered kid as of right now and a Hogwarts hopeful for the next school year. I can see the two getting along until the new term starts. Benji enjoys to read and explore. He is part french and so he feels a bit out of place in New Zealand but is trying to make the best of it. He is a Half-Blood and so he grew up around magic.

Message me if you like any of these, but I'm thinking:

Flynn and Arthur, my current prank master Gryffindor.

Eoin and Jordie, they could be study buddies.

Hyun and Lucas again.

And maybe Jingyi can meet Charlie? Charlie lives in New York and will most likely be attending Ilvermony. I maaaaay be able to get him to brightstone or something
Hello yes!

Flynn + Arthur: yes they deffo need to meet. Flynn needs some new pranking buddies or just people he can hang put with and talk about pranking and the newest product in zonkos he wants to get his hands on.

Eoin+ Jordie: I'm down for study buddies! Though Eoin is not very talkative when he's studying so it'll be more they are there studying together not really having a conversation XD

Hyun + Lucas: they are in the same year so they totally need to meet outside of a quidditch setting

Jingyi + Charlie: If you can't work out a reason to get Charlie to brightstone don't worry about it we don't have to do anything with them if it's hard to work out how to throw them together.
Hey Charlie!

I can offer you a couple of characters to your characters! I have my Hufflepuff character, Ricky for Flynn, they've met a couple of times, so we could do something with them, like a prank of some kind or something?

I also have my other character Valencia, who is sorted in Ravenclaw and has met your first year, Eoin, a couple of times as well I think. She's still getting into the idea of magic, so its a bit hard for her. They could be study partners or possible friends if you wanted?

I'd also be happy to create a family member like a sibling, for your unsorted character, Jingyi, if you'd like? I think it would be cool! You can PM me about info about what you'd like and stuff if you want.

Hey Maria!

Flynn + Ricky: I'm totally down to put these two together again and see what might come of it. I like the idea of them pulling off some kind of prank together or just getting up to some sort of mischief together.

Eoin + Valencia: yes I believe these two have met at some point and seemed to get along well enough. And as they're both still trying to get used to the idea of magic that could certainly be a point of friendship and bonding between them. Eoin does like the idea that there are people other than himself who don't really like magic and think it's all a bit weird.

But I will send you a message about possible family members!
Hey Charlie-

I don't think Flynn and TIlly have ever interacted with one another. They don't need to be friends or anything, I do wonder if they would dislike each other, but I'm down for an RP. :) Tilly is always on the Quidditch pitch knocking bludgers around. Also in the SDA.

I have another unsorted character coming up this year, but I'm still developing her, so I might hold off on throwing her into plots for now.
Flynn + Tilly: No I don't think they have ever actually interacted before, which we should totally change. They could be practice partners. Tilly can knock bludgers around at Flynn while he tries to weave around them and look for the snitch as well?


I have Benji Killian, the adopted son of an old character of mine. His Biological father recently passed away due to heart issues, and so his stepdad (his parents were a same-sex couple) has recently moved back to the area so that they can be close to family. Benji is a well-mannered kid as of right now and a Hogwarts hopeful for the next school year. I can see the two getting along until the new term starts. Benji enjoys to read and explore. He is part french and so he feels a bit out of place in New Zealand but is trying to make the best of it. He is a Half-Blood and so he grew up around magic.
Jingyi + Benji: Well I am more than happy to put these two together and see what might come of it. Though Jingyi can be a bit of a handful and is very high energy, but as Benji likes to explore I can see them going on some sort of adventure or doing a good bit of exploring. Jingyi would be more than happy to show him around places if Benji is still getting used to the area after moving.
I have a few and I’m not sure if any of them would work (which is totally fine as well if that’s the case) but I figured I’d just throw them out there lol.

First off I have Mackenzie Dawson, who’s my second year Ravenclaw. She grew up without a mom and her dad was never around either which has definitely impacted her. She doesn’t care much for classes or studying but at the same time makes sure she eventually gets everything done on time because she still feels the need to prove herself to her dad by getting solid grades. Mackenzie is social but not extremely outgoing and in general just doesn’t know how to make friends or understands how others are so happy and energetic all the time. I feel like putting them together could create an interesting dynamic (can’t tell if it’d be good or bad though but I’m kind of curious).

I could also offer Chloë for Flynn if he’d ever want to talk to an older student about anything. She has multiple younger cousins so she’s kind of used to that role anyways + they’d know each other from the team.

For Hyin I could offer Gabrielle Perrault as a pen-pal or something? Gaby is a 4th year at beauxbatons and a chaser on the team as well so they could’ve met at the previous game?
Flynn + Arthur: yes they deffo need to meet. Flynn needs some new pranking buddies or just people he can hang put with and talk about pranking and the newest product in zonkos he wants to get his hands on.

Eoin+ Jordie: I'm down for study buddies! Though Eoin is not very talkative when he's studying so it'll be more they are there studying together not really having a conversation XD

Hyun + Lucas: they are in the same year so they totally need to meet outside of a quidditch setting

Jingyi + Charlie: If you can't work out a reason to get Charlie to brightstone don't worry about it we don't have to do anything with them if it's hard to work out how to throw them together.
So maybe Flynn and Arthur can start pranking each other, just like one big thread of them throwing pranks at each other?

And Eoin, maybe there's a thread and we say they've been going through a study session, about four or five hours, and then Jordie just declares enough and falls dramatically into Eoin's lap?

Hyun and Lucas, well, Lucas is very rarely anywhere without Einar, but maybe Hyun can find Lucas squirreled away somewhere drawing?

And I can get Charlie to Brightstone. I decided today he needs to go to Hnz, so we can have them meet soon.

I can start two if you want to start the others, which ones would you like to do?
Jingyi + Benji: Well I am more than happy to put these two together and see what might come of it. Though Jingyi can be a bit of a handful and is very high energy, but as Benji likes to explore I can see them going on some sort of adventure or doing a good bit of exploring. Jingyi would be more than happy to show him around places if Benji is still getting used to the area after moving.

Did you want to start or did you want me to?
Hey Maria!

Flynn + Ricky: I'm totally down to put these two together again and see what might come of it. I like the idea of them pulling off some kind of prank together or just getting up to some sort of mischief together.

Eoin + Valencia: yes I believe these two have met at some point and seemed to get along well enough. And as they're both still trying to get used to the idea of magic that could certainly be a point of friendship and bonding between them. Eoin does like the idea that there are people other than himself who don't really like magic and think it's all a bit weird.
Apologies for the late reply!

Okay cool! I like the idea of them getting up to mischief! But anything works for me!

Would you like to start one thread and I start another one? Let me know which one! :D
So maybe Flynn and Arthur can start pranking each other, just like one big thread of them throwing pranks at each other?

And Eoin, maybe there's a thread and we say they've been going through a study session, about four or five hours, and then Jordie just declares enough and falls dramatically into Eoin's lap?

Hyun and Lucas, well, Lucas is very rarely anywhere without Einar, but maybe Hyun can find Lucas squirreled away somewhere drawing?

And I can get Charlie to Brightstone. I decided today he needs to go to Hnz, so we can have them meet soon.

I can start two if you want to start the others, which ones would you like to do?

Flynn + Arthur: We could always do that for sure! It could start with pranking each other and then they could move on to just going through their pranks and maybe sharing some ideas?

Eoin + Jordie: oh my god yes I love that. The moment Jordie falls into his lap Eoin is just '?????? excuse me?????' and will probably have some sort of brain malfunction.

Hyun + Lucas: Hyun would probably go and search for him at some point because he does want to get to know him better as they are classmates and on the same team and all.

Jingyi + Charlie: Lol an executive decision I like it. But sure, if you can get him to brightstone early then it works just fine for me and I'd love them to meet.

I have no preference as to which ones, you can pick what you would prefer. Though warning I might take some time to get mine up, a retail job this time of the year is actually the worst I am suffering.

Did you want to start or did you want me to?
I am super busy thanks to work and covid, so if you could start that would be amazing. If not I can do it but it might take some time.

Apologies for the late reply!

Okay cool! I like the idea of them getting up to mischief! But anything works for me!

Would you like to start one thread and I start another one? Let me know which one! :D
No worries!!!!!

But haha good it works for me as well. Taking one starter each works just fine, but you can pick as I really don't mind which one. Just give me some time, all I seem to have time for right now is sleeping, eating and working :sleepy:
No worries!!!!!

But haha good it works for me as well. Taking one starter each works just fine, but you can pick as I really don't mind which one. Just give me some time, all I seem to have time for right now is sleeping, eating and working :sleepy:
That's alright! I've been a wee bit busy with uni work myself so I completely understand!

I can start a thread between Flynn and Ricky and will just send you the link when I can!
Hey Charlie,

Thought I might throw a couple things out there. I have my second year Delilah, who I can volunteer to be a victim of some kind of prank. She probably wouldn’t take it very well, and since she prides herself on keeping a very polished demeaner that could be fun.

For Eoin, there is my first year Indira. They met briefly at the dance and I think they might clash in a fun way. I can see her getting frustrated with him being so reluctant about magic when he’s obviously very intelligent/skilled. Maybe develop some kind of friendly rivalry?? Since she is very determined to be at the top of her class and he seems to be big competition in that regard.

And for Jingyi I have my character for Y39, Felix Carnahan for a potential friend. He is adopted and a textbook middle child. He loves to make people laugh and get into various mischief.

Let me know what you think!
I have a few and I’m not sure if any of them would work (which is totally fine as well if that’s the case) but I figured I’d just throw them out there lol.

First off I have Mackenzie Dawson, who’s my second year Ravenclaw. She grew up without a mom and her dad was never around either which has definitely impacted her. She doesn’t care much for classes or studying but at the same time makes sure she eventually gets everything done on time because she still feels the need to prove herself to her dad by getting solid grades. Mackenzie is social but not extremely outgoing and in general just doesn’t know how to make friends or understands how others are so happy and energetic all the time. I feel like putting them together could create an interesting dynamic (can’t tell if it’d be good or bad though but I’m kind of curious).

I could also offer Chloë for Flynn if he’d ever want to talk to an older student about anything. She has multiple younger cousins so she’s kind of used to that role anyways + they’d know each other from the team.

For Hyin I could offer Gabrielle Perrault as a pen-pal or something? Gaby is a 4th year at beauxbatons and a chaser on the team as well so they could’ve met at the previous game?
PSPSPSPS sorry I seemed to have missed this from my mass quoting the previous time aaaaaah forgive me I'm sorry.

Mackenzie + Flynn: Hmm well these two totally have some things in common no doubt about that. Though Flynn would be confused that she doesn't care for classes and studying but still does the work on time anyway XD That does not compute in his head. But hey, Flynn is certainly not happy nor energetic a lot of the time so he won't confuse her that much =)) But I am down for putting them together, it could certainly be interesting to see how they react with each other.

Chloe + Flynn: The fact they are on the team together would certainly help. With Sierra maybe not coming back to the team, Flynn is getting a little stressed out so maybe he goes as asks Chloe how she deals with nerves and how her first match actually went to try and calm his own nerves?

Gabrielle + Hyun: Yeah we can totally say they met at the last quidditch match and got talking. They're in the same year and play the same position so i can see them getting along and deciding to keep in touch afterward
That's alright! I've been a wee bit busy with uni work myself so I completely understand!

I can start a thread between Flynn and Ricky and will just send you the link when I can!
That would be great and I can start something off for the other two when work is not kicking me and I can form replies more than a couple of sentences long >-< And also now she's around did you want a Huang sib thread as well???

Hey Charlie,

Thought I might throw a couple things out there. I have my second year Delilah, who I can volunteer to be a victim of some kind of prank. She probably wouldn’t take it very well, and since she prides herself on keeping a very polished demeaner that could be fun.

For Eoin, there is my first year Indira. They met briefly at the dance and I think they might clash in a fun way. I can see her getting frustrated with him being so reluctant about magic when he’s obviously very intelligent/skilled. Maybe develop some kind of friendly rivalry?? Since she is very determined to be at the top of her class and he seems to be big competition in that regard.

And for Jingyi I have my character for Y39, Felix Carnahan for a potential friend. He is adopted and a textbook middle child. He loves to make people laugh and get into various mischief.

Let me know what you think!
Hey Kadi :)

Delilah + Flynn: Well she certainly sounds like the type of person Flynn would go after to prank on purpose, not that he would ever admit that. Haha. But it sounds like fun and I'm totally down for him pulling some sort of prank on her then trying to act all innocent about it afterward.

Indira +Eoin: Yes, I can imagine many people will get annoyed at Eoin about what he thinks about magic despite the fact he appears to be very good at it with very minimal effort. But a friendly rivalry sounds like fun, especially if she also wants to be top of the class. Something Eoin is aiming for as well simply because he has always had immaculate grades and doesn't want that to change.

Felix + Jingyi: Yes more friends before Hogwarts the merrier as far as I'm concerned. And it sounds like they would totally get along getting into mischief together.
PSPSPSPS sorry I seemed to have missed this from my mass quoting the previous time aaaaaah forgive me I'm sorry.

Mackenzie + Flynn: Hmm well these two totally have some things in common no doubt about that. Though Flynn would be confused that she doesn't care for classes and studying but still does the work on time anyway XD That does not compute in his head. But hey, Flynn is certainly not happy nor energetic a lot of the time so he won't confuse her that much =)) But I am down for putting them together, it could certainly be interesting to see how they react with each other.

Chloe + Flynn: The fact they are on the team together would certainly help. With Sierra maybe not coming back to the team, Flynn is getting a little stressed out so maybe he goes as asks Chloe how she deals with nerves and how her first match actually went to try and calm his own nerves?

Gabrielle + Hyun: Yeah we can totally say they met at the last quidditch match and got talking. They're in the same year and play the same position so i can see them getting along and deciding to keep in touch afterward
Hahahaha it's fine, no worries!

Flynn & Mackenzie: I think Mackenzie confuses herself as well at times lol because it's a bit of a stand-off between not liking studying and then still doing it anyways in an attempt to prove her worth. I'm just extremely curious about what would happen/how they'd get along xD .

Flynn & Chloë: that sounds like a plan! She'd honestly be a little worried about him anyways so would be happy to talk to him about it.

Hyun & Gabrielle: yasss!

Do you have any preferences in what/who/when to start?
Flynn + Arthur: We could always do that for sure! It could start with pranking each other and then they could move on to just going through their pranks and maybe sharing some ideas?

Eoin + Jordie: oh my god yes I love that. The moment Jordie falls into his lap Eoin is just '?????? excuse me?????' and will probably have some sort of brain malfunction.

Hyun + Lucas: Hyun would probably go and search for him at some point because he does want to get to know him better as they are classmates and on the same team and all.

Jingyi + Charlie: Lol an executive decision I like it. But sure, if you can get him to brightstone early then it works just fine for me and I'd love them to meet.

I have no preference as to which ones, you can pick what you would prefer. Though warning I might take some time to get mine up, a retail job this time of the year is actually the worst I am suffering.
yesss to all of these. and lol no worries lovie i get it. i can staaaaaaaart eoin/jordie and hyun and lucas if you want to start the other two?
That would be great and I can start something off for the other two when work is not kicking me and I can form replies more than a couple of sentences long >-< And also now she's around did you want a Huang sib thread as well???
Okay cool! And yeah, i think that would be awesome!! Would you want me to start that thread also?
Hey Charlie!! :D
I have Benedict Sparkles, second year Gryffindor, who I could offer for Flynn. He's a bit of a free spirit, thanks to his mother, who has always encouraged him to be artistic and passionate and true to himself. He doesn't tend to get deeply embarrassed about anything and is very up for rebelling against social norms etc etc
If he heard Flynn complaining about stairs he'd 100% offer him a piggyback, however well or badly that might be received :r
If you think they'd make good friends let me know, I'd love to RP! ^_^
Hahahaha it's fine, no worries!

Flynn & Mackenzie: I think Mackenzie confuses herself as well at times lol because it's a bit of a stand-off between not liking studying and then still doing it anyways in an attempt to prove her worth. I'm just extremely curious about what would happen/how they'd get along xD .

Flynn & Chloë: that sounds like a plan! She'd honestly be a little worried about him anyways so would be happy to talk to him about it.

Hyun & Gabrielle: yasss!

Do you have any preferences in what/who/when to start?
Flynn + Mackenzie: Flynn would be more than happy to give her some tips along the lines of 'homework doesn't prove your worth, it just proves you're a nerd, lol'. But I am curious as well, it could go rather well or it could end up being a disaster XD

Flynn + Chloe: It would actually be a Big Deal(trademark) for him to actually admit he's nervous in the first place so I think it would be quite a big step for him.

Hyun + Gabrielle: Perfect :3

But no I have no preferences, you can pick which ones you want to start and I'll take what's left. Might just be a short while until they're up because I don't have much time at the moment.

yesss to all of these. and lol no worries lovie i get it. i can staaaaaaaart eoin/jordie and hyun and lucas if you want to start the other two?

Works for me! I will get them up when I have some time to do something other than one line replies and classes >-<

Okay cool! And yeah, i think that would be awesome!! Would you want me to start that thread also?
You know, if you could, that would be great ;;;;

Hey Charlie!! :D
I have Benedict Sparkles, second year Gryffindor, who I could offer for Flynn. He's a bit of a free spirit, thanks to his mother, who has always encouraged him to be artistic and passionate and true to himself. He doesn't tend to get deeply embarrassed about anything and is very up for rebelling against social norms etc etc
If he heard Flynn complaining about stairs he'd 100% offer him a piggyback, however well or badly that might be received :r
If you think they'd make good friends let me know, I'd love to RP! ^_^

Flynn + Benedict: My god, if he did end up offering him a piggyback, Flynn might actually try and take him up on the offer if he was in a particularly grumpy mood about all the stairs he has to hike up and down every day =)) I can see it now, both of them ending up falling down the stairs because Benedict stumbled and they both toppled down the stairs

But yes I would love to see how it goes and Rp!
Flynn + Benedict: My god, if he did end up offering him a piggyback, Flynn might actually try and take him up on the offer if he was in a particularly grumpy mood about all the stairs he has to hike up and down every day =)) I can see it now, both of them ending up falling down the stairs because Benedict stumbled and they both toppled down the stairs

But yes I would love to see how it goes and Rp!
Hahahaha yesss let's do it!!
I can see you've got a lot on, do you want to wait a little while and do something say next term? ^_^

Otherwise I can start something but I don't mind at all either way :D
Hahahaha yesss let's do it!!
I can see you've got a lot on, do you want to wait a little while and do something say next term? ^_^

Otherwise I can start something but I don't mind at all either way :D
No, I don't mind having something this term if you want to! I should be able to actually get to proper replies now. Or we can wait until they hit third year, whatever works better for you
So I have someone for Jingyi, he's due to be sorted in that group, he was supposed to be sorted this year but I pushed him back a year for reasons regardless, he's a very lonely child, there's no one really around him. He bounces to and from muggle school, his primary educator is his grandfather whose teaching style leaves something to be desired. it's not that it's not good, it's that it's specific. Like the character, Leonardo, could tell you everything there is to know about the history of china, but not be able to point to china on a map. He's quite driven, very serious, doesn't really engage with people, usually if he does is quick to dismiss himself to avoid others dismissing him first. He's got a lot of energy. He's nice, if maybe a little distant and short, but he's really just very lonely. He is given both too much independence at times and others too little.

I have most of a bio written for him - i haven't posted it but happy to go into more detail.

I'm not sure he'd manage to be a friend, but it could still be interesting.
No, I don't mind having something this term if you want to! I should be able to actually get to proper replies now. Or we can wait until they hit third year, whatever works better for you
Awesome! I'll start something this weekend in that case ^_^
So I have someone for Jingyi, he's due to be sorted in that group, he was supposed to be sorted this year but I pushed him back a year for reasons regardless, he's a very lonely child, there's no one really around him. He bounces to and from muggle school, his primary educator is his grandfather whose teaching style leaves something to be desired. it's not that it's not good, it's that it's specific. Like the character, Leonardo, could tell you everything there is to know about the history of china, but not be able to point to china on a map. He's quite driven, very serious, doesn't really engage with people, usually if he does is quick to dismiss himself to avoid others dismissing him first. He's got a lot of energy. He's nice, if maybe a little distant and short, but he's really just very lonely. He is given both too much independence at times and others too little.

I have most of a bio written for him - i haven't posted it but happy to go into more detail.

I'm not sure he'd manage to be a friend, but it could still be interesting.
He sounds really interesting and I really don't know how Jingyi would react with him because he does like being loud and having loud conversations and getting into trouble and really does like the sound of his own voice maybe a little too much, so at least he'll be happy to do all the talking XD But for sure it would totally be interesting, I'm not really sure how Jingyi would react around him, but he doesn't like people being lonely so he would at least try and maybe make him a little less lonely for a bit if anything.

Awesome! I'll start something this weekend in that case ^_^
Thank yooou!!!

I found a bit of time and I think I have done the threads I was going to start. If I missed you please poke me >-<

Jess @Jordan Harris : - Arthur - Charlie

Maria @Samantha Jacobs : - Valencia

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