Stepping back

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Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
I don't want to make this post too long or go into any depth but some stuff the last couple of weeks has had me really unsettled and I just haven't felt okay RPing. I've barely even felt able to open the site. I've been avoiding posting this because I was hoping things would be cleared up but they haven't, and I need to put my mental health first and step back for a while. I don't know how long it'll be or how distant I'll be but if anyone is waiting on a reply from me it might be some time.

I'll try to get on when I can but I'll prioritise time-sensitive things like lessons and quidditch and long-term plots like Ambsley and any revolution stuff that comes up. Any other threads might be waiting on me for a while. Again, I'm really sorry. I just don't feel up to being here at the moment. If anyone needs me urgently I'll be on Skype.

Sorry again. Much love.
Take your time :hug: you know I'm always there for you on Skype
You do what you gotta do! Here if you ever need to chat :hug:
Just take good care of yourself. We will always be here.
Take care of yourself.
You do you :hug: I'm always about if you ever need an ear. Look after yourself!
Look after yourself Rowan! We'll be here with open arms when you feel ready to come back :hug:
Hope you feel better soon!!!! <3<3<3
So I've been popping in and out for the last month to do time-sensitive stuff as I said in my OP but this absence has turned out much longer and quieter than I intended because of some changes in the classes I teach IRL (I had to learn a new unfamiliar syllabus very fast and integrate it with the material I've been teaching for the last 6 years adapted down for an age group I'm less familiar with) which has been a lot of work and that plus the general all around stress of returning to classes/teaching (plus some mild health problems) has had me flat out for the last month. Things are starting to settle into a rhythm though, so I'm going to try to start catching up on threads/plots as I can. If there's anything I need to be reminded about please poke me and I'll get to it ASAP! I'm trying to make lists so I can get to everything but I guarantee I'll forget something somewhere...
Awh sounds like a rough time! Take it easy Rowan :wub:
I'm glad to hear things are getting into a rhythm. Good luck with everything!
oh my god

I got so excited about having the time/energy to come back to the site and then I've been completely slammed this whole week subbing for another teacher & dealing with some friend stuff & recovering from a seizure (i have epilepsy this isnt out of my usual it was just a bad one) and now I've managed to pick up the flu from somewhere and I'm so woozy I can barely see so um. I guess I'm back to being mostly away D: I'm really sorry oh my god this week has been an absolute mess if anyone is waiting on anything urgent from me please please remind me I don't wanna get too far behind
Awhhh Rowan noo D: :console: that sounds rough. Take care of yourself!! Don't stress about HNZ! I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Omg Rowan you poor thing! That does not sound like a good time. Take care of yourself!!!!
Feel better Rowan. :hug:
Feel better soon :hug: here if you ever need anything!
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