Open Spin the Bottle y47

Vanity honestly wasn't thrilled about spinning Cornelius, but she supposed there were worse people. She leaned in and pressed her lip's to his, closing her eyes. It was... good. Something about this kiss made her heart beat faster and Vanity had no idea why. It was just nice. She felt her cheeks heat up as she pulled back and saw the way he looked at her lips. Clearly, he had enjoyed the kiss too. She was honestly a little confused. Maybe she didn't like girls? Both Tempest and Veronica were both objectively nicer to look at than Cornelius, but she hadn't felt this spark with them. But if she could tell they were prettier didn't that mean she did like girls? So what was this reaction to Cornelius? She was taken aback and a little embarrassed about it, so she quickly found her seat again, hoping no one had noticed the effect he'd had on her. It was just because it was her first kiss with a boy, surely. She realized Cornelius had spun Teddy and frowned when he refused to kiss him. "Boring." She said with a roll of her eyes, loud enough for him to hear. She gestured for Teddy to continue, trying to get her rapid heartbeat under control.
Teddy had been quietly enjoying the game of spin the bottle, mostly because the bottle had yet to land on him. He'd managed to stay in the background with a smirk. But then Cornelius's turn came, and the bottle landed on Teddy. When Cornelius refused, Teddy’s smirk faltered, replaced by a sharp grimace. He squared his shoulders and shot Cornelius a look of disbelief.

"Who the f*ck do you think you're talking to?" Teddy snapped, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. "You think you're too good to play by the rules? Either kiss or get out. No one here’s above the game." He said, pointing in the direction of the door and hoping he'd choose the latter.
@Corn Seymour VII
Cornelius should have known better than to expect some hippie Gryffindor to listen to a simple request, but it still alarmed him when the younger boy blew up. His face curled instinctively into his best sneer as he looked over the Gryffindor in distaste. "Do you really think shouting at people to pash you when they've already said they don't want to is charming?" He spat, nose wrinkling in disgust. "I know I'm a catch, but you're not my type." Glancing around at the circle, Cornelius made a quick weighing of his options. After all, it wasn't really like anyone actually wanted him here, and he certainly didn't want to kiss any of the rest of them. "Whatever." He sneered, getting to his feet and only tripping a little bit over the cushion he had been sitting on. "I did what I came here to do anyway." He added almost without thinking, eyes flickering to Vanity nervously as he realised what he had said. He couldn't quite tell if it had come out macho and self-assured, or snivelling and whiny. Either way, he wasn't going to stick around to find out. He turned and marched for the door, leaving his classmates to slobber all over each other in peace.
Vanity wasn't sure what she had expected. Maybe she had been too dazed from the kiss to register just how annoyed Teddy had looked, but she hadn't expected this. "Hey, calm down." She said, frowning at him. "This is my game and I say when people have to leave. Yeah, it's stupid that he won't- but..." She trailed off. Cornelius was now talking and Vanity groaned inwardly. She didn't want this game to explode into a big mess, or a fight. She was also fairly sure Cornelius would lose any fight with Teddy spectacularly and she didn't want to see that.

But then it became clear that Cornelius was leaving. She flushed she realized just what he said. I did what I came here to do. That meant... he had wanted to kiss her? Or maybe it just meant he had wanted to get his first kiss out of the way. Vanity knew her cheeks were bright pink, but she kept her expression neutral. She cleared her throat after Cornelius left the room, though her mind was whirling. "Right. Fine. Whatever." She said. "Teddy, you can spin now."

@Teddy Pirrip

Updated list for the new page
  1. Vanity Mettlestone
  2. Ten Layton-King
  3. Teddy Pirrip
  4. Lucy Montague
  5. Holden Marshall
  6. Corn Seymour VII
  7. Santiago Torres
  8. Hugo Stark-West
  9. Tempest Vero
  10. Amodeus Jones
  11. Elodie Wynshaw
  12. Millie Walden-Cade
  13. Veronica Walden-Cade
  14. June Davenport
  15. Audrey Beauchamp
  16. Oswald Brambleheart
  17. Oskar Strom
  18. Marama Te Rangi
Teddy watched Cornelius storm off, feeling the sting of rejection burn hotter than the confrontation itself. His pulse was racing, not just from anger but from the unfamiliar embarrassment of being turned down so publicly. He had never been rejected before and he didn't know how to take it. Teddy wasn’t even into him either, especially now, but Cornelius’s smug attitude had riled him up more than anything. Teddy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “Yes. Sorry Vanity, caught me off guard.” he muttered, shaking his head as if to clear away the lingering tension.

He stepped forward, grabbed the bottle, and spun it with more force than necessary. The glass almost cracked under the pressure, spinning wildly before it eventually slowed and landed on Audrey. Seeing one of his best friends at the end of that bottle eased something inside him. With a calmer demeanour, Teddy moved forward to kiss her, his mood shifting back to something far more bearable.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Alicia had gone flying and had lost track of time, now she was running a little late for the spin the bottle game that was being organized by a girl in Marama's year. She headed over to the abandoned classroom, surprised when an angry looking guy stormed out and passed her right as she headed in. The game was in full-swing, and Alicia took a quiet seat next to Marama as she watched Teddy spin a girl from Ravenclaw she didn't know. "Did someone get kicked out?" She whispered to her friend. It seemed like she had missed something interesting.
@Marama Te Rangi

  1. Vanity Mettlestone
  2. Ten Layton-King
  3. Teddy Pirrip
  4. Lucy Montague
  5. Holden Marshall
  6. Corn Seymour VII
  7. Santiago Torres
  8. Hugo Stark-West
  9. Tempest Vero
  10. Amodeus Jones
  11. Elodie Wynshaw
  12. Millie Walden-Cade
  13. Veronica Walden-Cade
  14. June Davenport
  15. Audrey Beauchamp
  16. Oswald Brambleheart
  17. Oskar Strom
  18. Marama Te Rangi
  19. Alicia Richelieu
Audrey watched along and gave the requisite oohs and aahs as the game continued, though she still couldn't help the nervous feeling in her stomach. It was kind of like pre-game nerves, in a sense. She frowned as the older Slytherin boy refused to kiss Teddy - who wouldn't want to kiss him? - but then faltered a bit as the bottle landed on her. Did she want to kiss him? She adored Teddy, it was true, but she had never been sure if it was something romantic she felt or not. She supposed there was only one way to find out. She moved over, leaning in and closing her eyes as the distance closed between them. Maybe this would be the start of something beautiful, maybe in this moment everything would shift and all her feelings would solidify in her mind and-

Audrey opened her eyes after kissing him for moment, feeling incredibly awkward. Well, she thought, pulling back and blinking. At least I know it's not romantic. If anything, kissing Teddy had just felt weird. Nothing close to any sort of grand romantic moment, just instead a mild uncomfortable feeling of 'this is awkward'. She wasn't going to have to harbour a crush on him for the rest of her school days, at least, so that was a positive. "Well then," she said, hoping to move on and get a chance with another cute boy. Maybe Oskar, even if he was probably a bit weirded out by her, or Santiago, he was cute. Instead, however, the bottle landed on @Lucy Montague and Audrey cursed her luck to have to kiss her two best friends. Still, she wasn't going to back down, and she moved towards Lucy with a shrug. "We can work out memory charms to pretend this didn't happen if it sucks," she offered, waiting to see what Lucy would do.
Lucy had been watching the game with avid interest. Something about how the girls kissed - well - it did something. She didn't quite know what, but it was an almost too big feeling that she didn't quite know how to deal with. It was normal to feel that way though, right? I mean, girls were pretty so it made sense. Boys were a bit different - everyone knew that. Not really great to look at, not really...well, kissable.

She observed the drama with Corn with alarm, not knowing Corn very well but finding him a very typical Slytherin. He seemed fine with kissing Vanity as well which automatically put Corn in Lucy's bad books. Though she was a little confused as to why Teddy made such a big deal, no one wanted to kiss a Slytherin anyway. Lucy would've been glad, if she were Teddy. Maybe a little bit offended, but certainly not at the level of using actual swear words (Lucy was very good and did not swear thank-you-very-much).

Then Audrey and Teddy kissed, and that was strange to see. Nothing seemed to come from it, and Audrey span the bottle landing on...Lucy herself. Lucy swallowed thickly. It would be her first kiss, but it was with a friend so that was fine, right? Audrey was easy on the eyes, everyone knew that, and a great friend to boot. So why did Lucy feel like this was so frightening? Lucy laughed a little awkwardly at Audrey's suggestion to use a memory charm. Everyone so far had gone for it and Lucy wasn't about to chicken out, so she moved forward for a kiss on the lips. It was really just a quick peck more than anything - Lucy was too nervous to do more - but it felt kinda nice. Lucy let out a shaky sigh and moved on to spin the bottle herself. That hadn't been too bad, but who was next?

Lucy spun the bottle, landing on...a girl she didn't know from the year above. She was pretty though, Lucy thought. She didn't find herself minding the idea of kissing her. "Hi, I'm Lucy," she said, giving a small smile, before moving in to kiss her.
@Alicia Richelieu
Alicia watched as Teddy kissed the Ravenclaw girl and then the Ravenclaw girl kissed another Ravenclaw girl. She wasn't expecting the bottle to point to her next, but she supposed that was part of the game and why it was so interesting. She smiled at the blond girl as she came closer. She was pretty cute, and something about the way she introduced herself was also adorable. Alicia smiled in return. "Alicia." She said, amused to do this right before kissing the girl. Alicia had kissed before so she wasn't completely new to it. She kissed the girl gently, enjoying it for the moment. Then she pulled back and grinned. "Nice to meet you." She said jokingly, before moving on to spin the bottle herself. She gave it a twist, then watched as it slowly circled around. Eventually it came to land on one of the twins, though not the one who had kissed someone already. Alicia didn't know her very well, as they weren't in the same year, but she supposed kissing Ravenclaw girls was the thing right now. She moved over to her and smiled. "Nice to meet you as well." She said lightly, smiling, before leaning in. She'd be happy to kiss the girl's cheek as well, if she preferred.

@Millie Walden-Cade
Millie was perfectly content to just sit and watch the game unfold, not expecting the bottle to land on her again. Thankfully Veronica had chosen to spin again when it had. She was surprised when it did in fact land on her and the Gryffindor transfer Alicia made her way towards her. The only thing she knew about the Gryffindor was she was on the team with her sister, she smiled awkwardly at her as she introduced herself, "Millie," She responded and decided to follow her sisters lead as the idea of kissing the older girl wasn't at all unappealing. She leaned forward and gently met her lips with her own. "Nice to meet you too," She smiled as she pulled back from the kiss, her face as red as the tie around Alicia's neck. She then moved to spin the bottle herself and it landed on @Ten Layton-King, her sisters friend. "Oh," She blushed again and moved towards her, "I can go for the cheek if you want,"
Ten had been watching the game unusually quietly from the sidelines, feeling a little out of depth given how many people she didn’t know. Eventually the bottle landed on her, thankfully by someone she did know. Despite never having spoken to Millie before, her sister was one her closest friends. She grinned at the Ravenclaw who offered to kiss her cheek instead, but that wasn’t what Ten was here for. Besides, Mille had just kissed Alicia hadn’t she? She wasn’t going to let the Gryffindor side down.

The fourth year had never kissed anyone before, but she made her way confidently toward the Ravenclaw and prepared herself. “Not unless you want to,” she said reassuringly, leaning forward and trying to ignore all the older pairs of eyes around her.
@Millie Walden-Cade
Millie nodded and opted to kiss Ten on the lips, leaning forward to meet her and letting the kiss linger for a few moments before pulling back. It was her first kiss and it was much more pleasant than she would have expected. "That was nice," She mumbled quietly, not meeting the Gryffindors eyes as she shuffled back to her seat.
Eloise had been debating whether she had wanted to join the game she had heard about or not, unsure of what it would bring her. On the one hand it didn't feel like something she'd be comfortable with but on the other hand it might be a way to kickstart her social life after being away for a year. Fighting with herself had caused her to run a little late though and she offered anyone looking her way a gentle smile when she walked in, taking a quick seat next to June in an attempt to not interrupt the game.

  1. Vanity Mettlestone
  2. Ten Layton-King
  3. Teddy Pirrip
  4. Lucy Montague
  5. Holden Marshall
  6. Corn Seymour VII
  7. Santiago Torres
  8. Hugo Stark-West
  9. Tempest Vero
  10. Amodeus Jones
  11. Elodie Wynshaw
  12. Millie Walden-Cade
  13. Veronica Walden-Cade
  14. June Davenport
  15. Audrey Beauchamp
  16. Oswald Brambleheart
  17. Oskar Strom
  18. Marama Te Rangi
  19. Alicia Richelieu
  20. Eloise Aster
Hugo watched as the room filled up and the game started. As the bottle began to spin and people started to kiss, he wasn't sure where to look or what he was meant to be doing. Other than hoping that it would land on him while wishing it wouldn't. Because, in all honesty, he didn't think he would know what to do if it did.
after a few goes it, it got close to him only to land on Cornelious next to him. he looked away as one of the fourth-year girls kissed his neighbour, taking great interest in the marks on his brown leather shoes. the game kept going, and Hugo spent his time watching where the bottle would land before examining some part of the classroom. The mark on the wall, the contents of the bookshelf and the grain of the wood on the floor all suddenly became very interesting to him as the game progressed.
Ten kissed Millie gently and as far as first kisses went, she had to say it quite nice. She wasn’t sure what she expected but it was a little different and not in a bad way. The fourth year moved to the bottle to spin it, unsure if anyone who she wanted it to land on, but waiting to see who would be in store for her instead.
The bottle landed on a boy she’d never spoken to before, but at least it was a Gryffindor she somewhat recognised in passing from the common room. She shrugged, moving over towards the older boy and hoping she wasn’t about to be rejected the way Teddy had been. That had been harsh. “Hi, I’m Ten,” she told the boy, small grin appearing on her face as she paused in front of him. “Are you ready?” she asked, giving him the chance to say no, just in case.

@Santiago Torres
Santiago hadn't considered how boring it would be to watch other people kiss. He had rolled his eyes at June's comment and he thought it was a little weird she'd want to sit next to him but he didn't say anything. But as the game unfolded it wasn't entirely uninteresting. One of the other boys had stormed off after refusing to kiss Teddy which he thought was a little rude. Sure Teddy could be annoying but that kind of reaction was ridiculous.

He had almost forgotten to pay attention until the bottle landed on him. Santiago looked to the younger girl who he had seen around Gryffindor a few times. He smiled a little shyly when she introduced herself. "Hi." he said back. "Santiago, and yeah." he added quickly before leaning forward to close the distance and kiss her gently on the lips. He pulled away and it took him a moment to remember her had to spin the bottle now. He reached out and gave the bottle a quick spin and held his breath as it went around once then twice. Eventually it slowed and stopped in front of Eloise. He was tempted to reach out and push the bottle again but stopped himself. He wasn't about to embarrass the both of them. He took a deep breath and awkwardly turned to face her, with June between them. "You don't have to if you don't want to." he said quietly as he leaned toward her. @Eloise Aster
While Eloise knew the whole point of this game was that she might have to kiss someone at one point or another she hadn't expected it to happen so quickly after she had sat down. Her eyes had followed the bottle after Santiago had spun it and it took her a second to process that it had found its target. Her. It was pointing towards her. She shifted a little, almost as if she was expecting the bottle to keep moving, before looking over in his direction. "No, I, uh, I'm good." She whispered back before closing the distance between them and pressing her lips to his. Kissing Santiago was far from the worst thing that could've happened to her in this game. She was sure of that. Although it might've felt more comfortable if June hadn't been right there. She'd surely have something to say about it. Eloise offered him a gentle smile before she pulled back to focus her attention on the bottle so she could spin it. She watched as it landed on another girl and scooted over a little. "Hi," She said quietly before leaning in a little, leaving the decision up to her.

@Marama Te Rangi
So far it was good fun watching all that unfolded. June didn't had to do anything yet, and she didn't mind. Starting with Vanity and Tempest which was very very weird to her. And she watched judgemental. June was not gonna go along with everything, she had boundries no one would tell her what to do or not to do. And people didn't had to prove anything here. What did it matter if you were honest about not wanting to kiss someone. June didn't even think well who she didn't mind kiss here, she didn't knew anything about kissing so she could look what people did. It didn't seemed hard, she hoped nobody would stick their tongue in her mouth at least. And that everybody had brushed their teeth well. But from most that sat in this room she doubted that. June couldn't hold back an laughter as the bottle from Vanity landed on Cornelius or something.

She observed the two, and wondered what happend there. The boy was so strange to her, big talks but he was a nobody. He and Vanity could fit with eachother, that would be hilarious to June. She also enjoyed the drama between Teddy and Corn. How stupid that Gryffindor was acting. But it was interesting to see how Cornelius would react to that. She grinned again as he spoke and June looked at Eloise who came sitting next to her, shotting her a quick smile. And not later after that the blonde was suddenly caught in an very odd situation. In the middle of Santiago and Eloise who had to kiss. She moved backwards, not wanting to be sandwiched by people she often spoke to. And than gave Santiago an quick look and than Eloise and sat back in her normal spot. She had an strange feeling about this, but couldn't place it well.
Marama watched as all the drama unfolded, eyes wide. The way Vanity looked at Corn was not what she had expected, and Teddy's reaction was all the stranger. It was a relief when the unpleasant Slytherin left, and even more so when Alicia joined them. She grinned and budged over to make space for her, hoping the heat in her face wasn't showing too badly. "He quit, he was just real weird about it." She whispered back quickly, watching as the game progressed. Her heart was fluttering at the thought of maybe kissing Alicia, though it sunk quickly when someone else's spin landed on the pretty Gryffindor. It was a bit silly - she knew the premise of the game - but she didn't want to watch Alicia kissing someone else. She turned her head away slightly, letting the game unfold as it would.

She only really tuned back in when the bottle landed on her, eyes widening a little as they flicked up to the older girl. Here it was, then - her first kiss. She was a bit nervous about sharing it with someone she didn't know, but nobody would ever say Marama was one to back down from a challenge. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the older girl's soft and sweet, surprised at how much she liked it. As she pulled back she resisted the urge to glance at Alicia, to see if the older girl looked... jealous, or interested, or bored, or something, but instead she just reached for the bottle. Marama watched it spin and spin and spin, eventually sliding to a halt on Oskar. She glanced up at the standoffish boy, trying to set aside how intimidating she found him and greet him instead with a cheerful grin. "Lips or cheek?" She asked as she moved forwards, trying to hide the nervous butterflies in her stomach.
@Oskar Strom
Oskar couldn't exactly claim he was entirely present as the game unfolded around him. He was brought back to himself the few times things got heated, even if he couldn't figure out what there was exactly to get so mad about. Most of his time was spent up in his head, not thinking about much at all until he notice the bottle stop right in front of him. Part of him didn't think it was possible. But here it was, his turn to kiss someone. He looked up quickly to see who his first kiss could be and was surprised to see it was a pretty Gryffindor girl. He was relieved. There were worse people to do this with. Oskar blushed when she asked where he wanted to be kissed. He hadn't even considered his options. "Lips." he said quietly, not wanting to back out now he was here. He leaned forward, maybe a little too quickly, and his nose bent at an odd angle and he winced. Thoroughly embarrassed he pulled away and spun the bottle. He watched it closely as if he cared, when in reality he was just too ashamed to look up. Finally the bottle slowed and he dared to look at who he'd have to kiss next. His stomach did a little flip when he saw it was Elodie. Oh great, now he had to embarrass himself again. He moved over to kneel in front of her and waited for her to make the next move. @Elodie Wynshaw
-godmods approved-

Elodie kept to herself, keeping her legs tucked under her. She watched the game unfold, chewing a bit on her lower lip. She was starting to think she wasn't going to be chosen, and her heart fluttered and sank at the thought. Did she really want to be kissed? The anxiety fell away, however, as Oskar was the one that turned to her. "Hi, Oskar," She murmured. She shifted onto her knees and leant in. "Hold still," She whispered, bringing her hands up to cup his face. She leant in carefully, shutting her eyes and kissing him gently. She lingered for a few moments, her heart skipping in her chest. She gave him a shy smile as he pulled back.

Elodie took a few breaths, shifting back to her seat. She spun the bottle, her face still flushed, watching it spin and spin until it landed on a boy she didn't know. She scooted over, giving him a shy smile as well. "Hi, I'm Elodie," She murmured. "Lips or cheek?" @Oswald Brambleheart
Oz had been idly watching the game, wincing at Cornelius' outburst and feeling a little relieved he was gone. If he was going to act like that, it would just bring the whole mood of the room down. There was a little anxiety in his chest, the inevitable worry that people would feel weird about kissing him just because he was shorter and had slightly pointed ears. He was still fairly obviously fifteen, at least - the few awkward stray hairs around his chin and the lowered pitch of his voice had to count for something, right? The bottle landed on him, and a pretty girl he had seen around the Hufflepuff dorms landed on him. It seemed like she was kind of into the boy she'd last kissed, but at least she wasn't throwing a fit about kissing him.

"Er, hi, I'm Oz," he stated, awkwardly, though he figured he was somewhat known to the other Hufflepuffs, at least the badge had probably helped. "I'm good with either. Lips is fine," he added almost hurriedly, not wanting his turn to be a total copout. He leaned in for what was ultimately a fairly chaste peck on the lips, not lingering too long but long enough that he could appreciate that kissing was kind of nice. He nodded, taking his turn to spin...and, of course, it landed on June. Why wouldn't it? He turned to face her, expecting her to have as much of a tantrum as Cornelius did. "Fine. You aren't a coward, are you?" he said coolly. He didn't exactly want to kiss June - he would've probably taken anyone else but her (his cousin the obvious exception) - but if anyone was going to make a scene and chicken out, it wasn't going to be him.

@June Davenport sorry not sorry
June watched the bottle spin again and again. And the little Hufflepuff who was really annoying to her got kissed by another girl from his house. June smirked shortly, it was just very strange to look at. When Oswald could take his turn and the bottle landed on her. June her smirk dropped. Hell no, she was not kissing him he would not be her first kiss. Never! She gave the little Hufflepuff an death stare. He was trying to be brave or something or funny. And gave him an eye roll. He would be so lucky to even think of kissing her, but she was not gonna let that lips touch hers. She wouldn't let a Hufflepuff kiss her. And not at all Oswald. Obviously June knew she was not the only one in this room, but she didn't had to fake disliking some people, she wasn't gonna make a scene because she was not dumb. But nobody would tell her what to do. Also she wondered if Vanity would be annoyed if she didn't followed the rules. '' The only thing you can kiss is my hand.'' June said calm and collected. And hold out her hand, she would wash it ten times. But it was a bit funny in her head, he didn't even had to kneel down. This was an solution one what would be the best. She could add a million jokes now because of his height but decided to only think them.

@Oswald Brambleheart sorry sorry
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Oz thought maybe he should have been mad, but he honestly just kind of expected this. June came across as the type of girl who expected to have the entire world cater specifically to her. He was used to it with Audrey, but even she'd followed the game without any complaint. He narrowed his eyes, but gave a sigh and a shrug. If that was how she wanted to play it... "So you're a coward and a prude. Good to know." He gave a mock bow, over-exaggerating his hand flourish and giving the fastest possible peck of his lips to her hand. At least he had some breath mints. "Your majesty," he sarcastically added, shaking his head as he went back to his spot, immediately popping one of the aforementioned breath mints in his mouth.

@June Davenport
As June waited for Oswald to do anything. June her smirk appeared again as Oswald reacted. She rolled her eyes again. They all heard he was calling her names instead of the other way around. How 'nice' a hufflepuff was. They were just fake. Acting all nicely but they were all horrible. It couldn't be something else with someone as Landon in the lead. '' I didn't knew you were so disappointed about not kissing me..'' June continued with an smirk being herself as usual feeling indeed a majesty in front of him and most. She thought he could kiss someone of his own size. 'June could now make him even feel smaller than he was by asking someone for something to clean her hand with. But June would keep that to herself. Also a ton of questions she would ask him later on when they would be alone, and she was not gonna hold back than. She always won, and felt smarter than everyone in arguments.

The blonde gave the bottle an spin and prayed for everything it landed on herself., but in a way she was curious too. But she didn't knew who would be the one for that. As the bottle seemed to stop with a boy from her year and from Gryffindor she didn't knew how to feel. He didn't seemed completly stupid, but she didn't knew much of him than his name and he was roommate from Fraser too. She slowly made his way over and watched him in the eye, giving an quick smile. But deep down she felt strange, she hadn't ever kissed. And someone she didn't knew would be the first one she ever kissed. So it better be good.
'' Hi Holden.'' she said shortly. '' So lips or cheek?'' June asked him. Waiting on his answer and why did she had to make a move, it felt stupid.

@Oswald Brambleheart @Holden Marshall

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