Open Spin the Bottle y47

Vanity was watching the game absently, still thinking about Cornelius and the implication of what he said. She glanced up when she saw June had been picked by a Hufflepuff who looked a little odd. But when June was incredibly arrogant to him, Vanity was immediately on his side. She scowled, then laughed loudly as he called her a coward and a prude. Then June spun again and to Vanity's horror she landed on Holden, the one person Vanity had wanted to kiss. She cleared her throat. "Actually, since you were such a coward and didn't even kiss the last person I think he should go again." She said, gesturing to the short Hufflepuff boy. June was not kissing Holden if she could help it. "He got cheated out of a kiss, though in your case it is actually a blessing not to have to kiss you."

@June Davenport @Oswald Brambleheart
OOC: sorry for derailing the game she'll back down soon probably loll
June was just waiting for an answer, but as she already thought Vanity (who she had to find a nickname for very soon) interrupted. And June turned around to face her and gave her, her usual smirk. It was exactly what June calculated would happen. Perhaps that kiss wasn't even the most important. But getting under Vanity her skin everytime. She put her arms over eachother and looked at Vanity. '' Well.. Vanity.'' June spoke confidently. '' I believe there weren't any written rules about how to kiss someone and where.'' June replied calmly. '' So we can continue.'' June said ignoring Vanity at all, she didn't cared that she was this person who tried to lead something like this. 'She watched to Holden and back at Vanity. Why did she interrupt right now? It was obviously because Vanity was obsessed with her. And June was again the star of the show. That was why she was known around the school, better than a nobody like Vanity who accomplished nothing. But she was suspicious and was gonna get a closer look. And turned her face towards Holden, waiting for his say.

@Vanity Mettlestone @Holden Marshall
Oz would have been more offended in previous years. But he knew that his grandfather was an amazing man (or goblin, as the case may be) and that he was more proud of being his grandson than he was offended that he'd be faced with such disdain. Especially from June. He just shook his head with a small smile at the pretty fourth year who'd set up the event. "'S fine," he said with a wave of his hand, happy to just let it continue. He did raise an eyebrow at June happily going to kiss Holden, and gave half a shrug. "She's either mad I beat her in the dueling tournament or she's just a bit racist. I guess she needs some small victories." He may have admired his grandfather, who was unfailingly kind and preached turning the other cheek, but Oz was perhaps a bit more petty without the decades of lived experience to cool him off.

@Vanity Mettlestone
Elodie watched the drama unfold. She chewed on her lip a moment, before she scooted over to sit by Oswald. "I think she's being silly," She offered gently. She hesitated, before peeking over at him. "I would kiss you again, if you wanted," She managed to speak, heart fluttering in her chest. "Since she wouldn't." Elodie did think he was cute, and he seemed like a nice guy. She wasn't sure if he would take her up on her offer, but she wanted to at least offer. @Oswald Brambleheart
Holden sat back as the game unfolded, though he couldn't quite bring himself to look as Vanity had to kiss Corn, of all people. He was relieved when the boy left shortly after, though it meant for a while the game went right back to being kind of boring. It picked back up on Oswald's turn, hardly surprising when June was involved, and Holden watched with amusement. The entertainment value was short-lived though, as June's spin dragged him into the mess. He couldn't help a small snort of laughter when Oswald called June racist, silently agreeing with the boy as an idea formed in his mind. "All good, I'll make up the deficit." He smirked and leaned across the circle, pulling Oswald into a deep kiss. He had never done this before and wasn't quite sure how it worked, but he wanted to make a real show of it, mostly to piss June off. It was a long time before he pulled back, giving what he hoped was a confident smirk as he leaned back into his seat. "We all even now?" He asked, reaching for the bottle.
((godmod approved)) ((also sorry for immediately derailing again lmao))
@Oswald Brambleheart @June Davenport @Vanity Mettlestone
As June said her piece she looked at Holden. She didn't even knew him that well and he not her, but everyone knew her around this school. He was not Oswald so how strange and disgusting kissing seemed to her it would be less worse than Oswald she figured. But in a way she didn't want to kiss anyone in this room. But than Oswald opened his stupid mouth again and June rolled her eyes looking back. June stood up and went standing before Oswald, making sure to look down at him. Giving him a death stare. How much she liked to put her wand close to him right now. Again hufflepuff who proved to be nothing they claimed to be. '' Mad? Do you see me mad? The only person who isn't stopping with whining like a baby, because he is rejected is you.'' June said without raising her voice, speaking clearly but calm this time didn't cared he had it coming if he was keeping to insult her. '' Accept it, grow up.'' she added shortly. Oswald showed his true nature here. And nobody would insult her without her saying something of it. And shook her head and gave him an smirk. Before she sat down at her place she gave the hufflepuff girl next to Oswald an look. They fit together, two loser Hufflepuffs.

When Holden was finally saying his piece. June let out an laugh. But what did she expect an stupid Gryffindor who was trying to save the day or something. An grin appeared on her face. She wasn't gonna complain about not having a kiss. She would decide for herself who to kiss, and no one not even a stupid bottle would tell her what to do. This was brilliant. But she was sure that now this was suddenly not against the rules. But who would host an game without rules anyways, that was dumb. How tough the life of an celebrity on this school was, when everyone was jealous of her and tried to be funny. The blonde looked over to Eloise for an moment and than Tempest. June tossed the bottle to Holden and gave him an June-ish look. She would add another person on her dislike list, which was now needing another page. How long was this game gonna last? It had been fun, but she needed more important things to do. But this had been fun. She let out an yawn and looked around.
'' Great, let's continue.'' she said with an smirk on her face. Her skin was thick and there were more important stuff to worry about than this game.

@Oswald Brambleheart @Holden Marshall

Ok this girl had her main char time. Lets goo.
Holden snorted at June's outburst, rolling his eyes. He felt justified in his decision to have avoided the Slytherin up til now, and he was pretty sure he wouldn't be bothering with her in future either. He took the bottle and gave it a quick spin, hoping to just get this stupid thing moving on. He was feeling a little fidgety with nerves now - kissing Oswald had been surprisingly easy, with spite to fuel him, but now he wasn't doing this for any reason other than wanting to. He kept one eye on Vanity, very determinedly stomping down the part of him that was sad Milo wasn't here as he spun. Of all the luck- the bottle rotated and rotated, before coming to a comfortable stop pointing right back at Holden. "Great." He grumbled and reached for the bottle, spinning with a bit more force this time. Instead of Vanity it landed on a younger boy; one of Milo's roommates he had never actually met before. Bashful with discomfort Holden shuffled forward, glancing at the younger boy. "Lips or cheek?"
@Asmodeus Jones
-godmods approved-

Amodeus didn't understand most of what was happening in this game, so he just sat with Teddy, twiddling his thumbs and watching with curiousity. It all seemed weird to him- why was there drama over kissing? It's not like it meant anything. He shrugged it off, just smiling as a boy spun him. He just leant in, kissing the boy for several long moments before pulling back. It wasn't Deus' first kiss, but it was still nice. He reached for the bottle, giving it a good spin. It landed on a cute boy he didn't know, but that was alright. Deus crawled over, just giving the boy a big smile. "Hi!" He greeted easily. "Kiss?" @Hugo Stark-West
hugo watched as the game played out. Annoyed at June for being so rude to his friend. he was going to say something but didn't know what. before he could say anything everyone else started standing up for him including Oz himself. he was pleased people ere doing that though he looked at his friend to check how he was going with all the attention. "you okay? he mouthed at him nodding slightly as the commotion died down and the game resumed.
before he knew it the bottle was spinning and spinning and slowing down again keep going, keep going, keep going he willed it as it came to a stop resilutly pointing at him with no way he could say it was actually pointing tp the person besides him. and a boy from the year below was crawling over to him asking for a kiss. He shrugged I, I guess" hoping that the terror rising on him was not visible outside. he leaned forward as the other boy did he closed his eyes it didn't have to be a big kiss just a second of contact that was all he needed to do. they were close he could feel the warmth coming off the blondes cheek. he could do this, he could do this, he couldn't do it. he turned his head at the last second and felt the kiss land on his cheek. well he almost did it. Sorry" he whispered
he let out a breath. it was over. he looked around the circle, waiting for the next person to go and take the attention off him. Then he realised he was the next person. he wasn't out of the limelight yet.he reached out and spun the bottle feeling his face warming up burning from the point where the boy had kissed him. he watched it spin. Round and round it went. Until it came to a stop.
of course, it was on the boy who corn had refused to kiss. Now that was just his luck. he had hoped to get away with a kiss, but he didn't want the boy to think that people just didn't want to kiss him. In Hugo's case, it was more he was feeling like he was in far over his head. and the boy seemed nice and was objectively fairly good-looking. he moved his way across the room, feeling his head rising in his cheeks. "umm hello " he said nervously. "I guess this means i am meant to kiss you now. how do you want to do it?" he asked. Leaning forward, hoping Teddy would say cheek, but with the feeling that Teddy would be his first proper lips kiss

[[i just went through the list and it seems everyone has now had a go]][/I]

@Teddy Pirrip
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Teddy had been watching the game unfold, and enjoyed June's behaviour just as much as he enjoyed everyone else's reaction to June. The game leveled again and no sooner the bottle landed back on him. Teddy watched as Hugo made his way over, clearly flustered but trying his best. As Hugo leaned in, asking how Teddy wanted to do this, Teddy met the boy's eyes, responding better to nerves than rudeness. “It’s okay,” he said, offering a reassuring smile. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He said happy to follow suit and go for a cheek kiss like Amodeus, or on the lips if Hugo wanted that. @Hugo Stark-West
hugo gave the boy a bit of a shaky smile as he said that he was okay with whatever he was comfortable with. "Okay. thank you," he said, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. he could already feel his face warming from the inside. he could feel everyone's eyes on him, judging him for only half playing the game. He pulled back a bit and looked at him. "I'm sorry" he said guilty for not properly kissing the boy. he was just about to turn when he heard his sisters voice in his head you cant play spin the bottle and only half play. it isn't fun he rolled his eyes slightly at the thought before leaning back towards the boy. it was only light but his lips met Teddys in what was definatly a kiss. he held it for the count of a second, this wasnt that bad, two seonds. how long was he meant to hold a kiss for three seconds, is it starting to get awkward? before pulling away his cheeks feeling even hotter than before if that was some how possible. truth be told it wasnt a bad experience, in fact it was kind of enjoyable if he didnt think about it too much.
he scuttled back to his cushion feeling both supprosed at his bravery, pleased with himself for not chickening out and some kind of weird feeling inside his ribcage and tummy that he had never felt before. as attention started to move away from him he traced his lips with his finger not sure if that would stop the tingling there, not sure if he wanted to stop it.

@Teddy Pirrip
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Marley had heard amongst her classmates that there was a spin a bottle and knew she wanted to take a peak of what was going on or maybe join in. However, the girl had been so focused on her studies, that she had forgotten that the event had taken place. Once she realised she was late for the said event, the Hufflepuff hurriedly made her way to the abandoned classroom. The girl quietly made her way inside the room as she noticed that maybe they were deep into the game. Marley had felt bad for coming in late. Marley sat behind and in between two random people, not really noticing who they were. "Sorry, what did I miss" Marley whispered, as she watched the game.

(Apologies!! Hope its not too late for Marley to join in on the fun!!)

  1. Vanity Mettlestone
  2. Ten Layton-King
  3. Teddy Pirrip
  4. Lucy Montague
  5. Holden Marshall
  6. Corn Seymour VII
  7. Santiago Torres
  8. Hugo Stark-West
  9. Tempest Vero
  10. Amodeus Jones
  11. Elodie Wynshaw
  12. Millie Walden-Cade
  13. Veronica Walden-Cade
  14. June Davenport
  15. Audrey Beauchamp
  16. Oswald Brambleheart
  17. Oskar Strom
  18. Marama Te Rangi
  19. Alicia Richelieu
  20. Eloise Aster
  21. Marley Owens-Lee
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Lucy looked up and smiled as she noticed Marley sitting down beside her. "The big thing is Vanity spun Cornelius, and then they kissed, but when Cornelius spun on Teddy he refused to kiss Teddy at all, and then Teddy got mad and even swore at him, and then Cornelius left," Lucy whispered to Marley, pausing every now and then but saying it all in a rush. "Other than that it's just been people kissing, which is, um, you know..." Lucy's speech tapered off, unsure how to put 'actually I really liked watching it when girls kissed and I really liked it when I got to kiss girls' without it sounding, well, perhaps a bit too honest. The whole experience had been somewhat eye-opening for Lucy but she didn't want to think too much about it.
@Marley Owens-Lee
Teddy was caught off guard when what started as a kiss on the cheek turned into one on the lips. He kissed Hugo back, deciding to roll with it, before Hugo pulled away and returned to his seat. After taking a moment to collect himself, Teddy spun the bottle again. It spun round and as it slowed down it was looking like it was going to land on Lucy until it came to a slow stop just passed her at Marley instead. Teddy looked surprised, he hadn't even noticed her walk in while he was busy kissing Hugo. With a grin, he called out to his friend, "Oh, hey Marley! Up for a kiss?" @Marley Owens-Lee
Marley listened to Lucy as she explained the events that had happened in the game so far, while still keeping her gaze on the game that was currently happening. "Wow! Sounds like it was crazy, can't believe I missed it!" Marley whispered to her friend, disappointed that she had missed everything so far. It was Teddy's turn to spin the bottle once he had kiss. Marley watched in curiosity as she watched the bottle spin. It felt like it was in slow motion once she realised that the bottle had landed on her. She looked up at Teddy, her cheeks immediately blushing red, realising that there would be other people watching her have her first kiss. Marley smiled and shrugged. "Sure!" Marley says happily, making her way towards her friend, and leaning in for a kiss on the lips. It had felt nice and she didn't mind it.

Marley slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her friend before she realised it was then her turn to spin the bottle. The Hufflepuff spun the bottle. It felt like the bottle had been spinning forever (in reality only for like a few seconds) before it had landed on someone. Marley looked up towards the person that the bottle had landed on. It had landed on a Gryffindor girl in her year, Marama, if she remembered the girl's name correctly. "Hiya! Kiss on the lips or cheek?" Marley asked the girl, wanting to be polite with giving the girl a couple of options.

@Marama Te Rangi
Marama's eyes flicked back and forth between her schoolmates as the drama unfolded, quietly wondering if the game Rāwhiti ran had been this dramatic. She would have to ask him about it next time she saw him, though she wasn't totally sure how he would feel about hearing Emery's sister had organised a game. She didn't have much time to ponder it though, as the bottle landed on her again almost as soon as Marley had entered the room. "Lips is fine!" She said brightly, the idea of kissing her classmates getting more comfortable as they went, though she could still feel herself flushing slightly as she pressed her lips to the Hufflepuff's. That done Marama went for the bottle again, praying it would land on Alicia. It went right past her though, landing on an older boy Marama had never met before. She didn't have anything against the idea though, smiling cheerfully as she moved closer. "Up to you." She smiled, letting the older boy choose where she kissed him.
@Hugo Stark-West
hugo was too busy relieved that he had managed to do it and kiss someone to pay much attention as to where the game was going. he focused on calming himself after the panic and then the sense of relief had sent his entire fight or flight mode spinning. it seemed far too soon that the attention turned back to him and a pretty fourth year girl was making her way over to him. he bit his lip and swallowed trying to both look at her and avoid eye contact at all cost. it still took him a second to realise that she was waiting on a response from him. "oh, umm. up to you i guess" he said. the idea of kissing someone did seem slightly less scary now he had done it though he wasn't sure it would be something he would be doing a gain for a while after today. and now that he had kissed Teddy. he felt like he couldn't really chicken out of this. though he did have to admit she was even prettier up close. Once the kis was over he watched her leave back to her spot, she had seemed nice. he would definarly have to try and find her after the game and introduce himself to her properly.
he gave the bottle a spin this time feeling a lot less dread as it determined his fate. maybe kissing wasn't scary after all, just a little nervous making. it came to a stop facing another fourth year he made is way over towards her. "Hello. umm, how do you want to do this?" he asked, still a bit uncomfortable with the game but fighting hard for it to be as least uncomfortable as it could be.

@Marama Te Rangi @Millie Walden-Cade
Her first kiss was perfectly pleasant but Millie wasn't expecting the bottle to land on her again so soon. When it did and the fifth year Ravenclaw boy made his way over to her she smiled at him as he asked how she wanted to do it. She had already kissed one person on the lips so what harm was another? Millie leaned forward and gently kissed him before pulling back after a few moments. "I'm Millie by the way," She figured it was only polite to introduce herself. Millie then reached for the bottle and spun it again, to her surprise and...delight? She thought, it landed on Elodie, a girl she had met in the library. "Uhm, hi, do you have a preference?"

@Hugo Stark-West @Elodie Wynshaw
-godmod approved-

Elodie watched the game unfold, glad she'd decided to come in the end. She smiled as a girl she'd met- Millie- landed on her. Elodie leant in easily, and without really responding she kissed Millie, a little slow and sweet. After several moments she pulled back with a playful wink. She reached out, spinning the bottle and smiling at the girl it landed on. She scooted over. "Hi! Tempest, right?" She asked, tucking her hair back. "Lips or cheek?" @Tempest Vero
Tempest had been thoroughly enjoying the drama of this little game she'd been invited to. Both Corn and June throwing fits for not wanting to kiss people made her giggle. However, it did seem to give Slytherin a bad name, and Tempest had decided she was going to kiss whoever the bottle destined her to, which she knew her brother would be proud of. They had read lots of muggle books and watched classic muggle movies in their clubhouse. The one thing she had learned from the stereotypes of these movies was that she did not want to be considered a mean girl. Mean girls didn't win. And while she knew she still had a strong personality and her own preferences and was not the most "pleasant person to be around" (Enzo's words), Tempest was trying to be a better person. And that now apparently included not being lumped in with the other Slytherins from her year.

Tempest was surprised when the bottle had finally landed on her again, and she looked up at Elodie. She was pretty, and Tempest had no problem kissing her. It was weird how things felt a little easier now that she had the first kiss out of the way. The Slytherin nodded at Elodie. "Lips are fine," she said with a bit of a smile and then leaned in, staying a little longer than a quick peck, and pulled away, looking down at the ground. She forgot that everyone would look at her while she was doing it and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, even if she had enjoyed the kiss. Tempest turned to the bottle, watching as it spun and spun until it landed on Lucy. She cleared her throat and then moved towards the girl. "Well," she started, suddenly feeling very nervous, "uh, lips or cheek?" she asked.

@Lucy Montague
Lucy had been enjoying the game so far - it had been nice to kiss a couple of people. She had forgotten that just because she'd done so didn't mean it was over, but as the bottle kept spinning it just didn't seem to land on her. And then it did - and it was Tempest no less. It wasn't going to be her first kiss, or second kiss, but third kiss was still a big deal in Lucy's books so she swallowed nervously, readying herself. "L-Lips is fine!" she squeaked, then blushed at how the words had come out. Why was she feeling this way? The other kisses had gone fine, so what could go wrong here? Lucy leaned in too, closing her eyes and waiting for the kiss.
@Tempest Vero
Tempest felt a little excited when Lucy agreed they could have a real kiss, but the Slytherin tried not to let it show on her face. She looked down at the girl and smiled quickly, before closing her eyes and leaning in. She never knew how long you were supposed to stay for kisses, but she enjoyed staying there for a little longer while kissing Lucy. However, after a few moments, she remembered all the people watching and pulled away quickly, looking back at the Ravenclaw. "Thanks," she said turning away and facing towards the bottle again, waiting for Lucy to spin, pondering why she liked that kiss better than the others. She had enjoyed kissing Vanity, but that was her first kiss ever. This kiss was better than that one. @Lucy Montague
Lucy enjoyed the kiss - it lingered, but not too long in Lucy's opinion, and strangely felt a bit different from the other kisses in a way she couldn't quite put her finger on. Not that the other kisses had been bad, but...she wasn't too sure how to put it. She smiled at Tempest, but Tempest had turned away. It took Lucy a moment to regain composure, to remember she was supposed to be spinning the bottle again. She spun it, and it landed on Marley - another friend. Lucy wondered if this game was bent on her kissing all her female friends at this rate. "Lips? Or cheek? I don't mind which," Lucy added. She'd kissed three girls now and she was starting to feel like it wasn't that big a deal.
@Marley Owens-Lee
Marley had liked the kiss with her classmate and was more comfortable with it the second time around. The Hufflepuff girl watched as the game continued on, her classmates kissing each other after each time the bottle span. It was interesting seeing different pairs kiss. It wasn't long before Lucy spun the bottle and it had landed on Marley. "Lips is fine!" Marley says happily with a shrug, not thinking it was a big deal or anything. Marley leaned in and kissed her friend on the lips. She then gently pulled away, liking the kiss. Marley then spun the bottle again, curious about who the bottle would land on. It felt like the bottle was spinning forever again before it had officially landed on someone. She looked up at who it landed on, and the bottle landed on her classmate, Vanity. She didn't know the girl all that well, only being in a few study group sessions together and that she was in her year and classes. "Lips or cheek?" Marley asked Vanity with a small smile.

@Vanity Mettlestone

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