Sorting Ceremony Y47

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The sky overhead looked clear tonight, and bright moonlight added to the candlelight in the Great Hall. Matt had been here many times before, but it felt He stood in front of the entire school, smiling at the students. His students. He stood at the podium and waited for the hall to quiet down so he could make his speech. His gaze moved from table to table, feeling a sense of pride. All these young minds would learn so much in the upcoming school year. Matt was honored to be a part of it.

He nodded and smiled in greeting, then cleared his throat as he started his speech. "Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome back," he started, looking at the house tables in turn. "And welcome, to the new students joining us today. Today marks the start of your journey as witches and wizards. For some of you, the first step into the magical world. Hogwarts will be your home for the next seven years. A place to learn and grow into full-fledged witches and wizards." He said with a smile. Then he put his serious face on as he continued. "There are a few housekeeping rules to mention for the new students or those who might need a reminder. The Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to any students unless they're supervised by a professor or a member of the staff. The forest is dangerous and this rule is set up for your own protection. Anyone who breaks the rule will be punished accordingly."

Matt paused there to let it sink in, though he knew that real troublemakers wouldn't be deterred by his words. Then, he continued on. "It is now time for the sorting ceremony. Each of you will be sorted into a house, and that house will be your home for the duration of your time here. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They are each named after one of the founders of this school." He said, watching the banners of each house unfurl as he named the houses in turn. "You will be sorted based on the values of each of the founders, which means you will be placed with students with similar values. First years, once I call your name you can step forward and take a seat on this stool." He said, gesturing to the stool which was in view of all the students and teachers in the hall. "Once you sit down, the Sorting Hat will be placed on your head. It will decide which house suits you best and sort you. After that, you can join your new housemates at one of the tables." He paused, smiling slightly. "But first, the hat has a little song for us," He said, gesturing to the hat to start singing. Once the song was done, Matt unraveled the roll of parchment in front of him and read the first name.
It comes but once, but once each year,
When, I, the sorting hat appear.
I appear to sort the latest batch,
To look within and find a match.
To seek the person who does reside,
Beneath the skin, deep down inside.

Rest assured, I do take care,
To avoid mistakes and always be fair,
Because I know my duty is very great,
The decisions I make affecting fate.
So do not approach with a sense of fear,
Embarrassed when seated upon your rear.
And when I'm placed upon your head,
Your thoughts should not be full of dread.
Approach with confidence, pure and true,
Give me the chance to honour you.

Those who step forth brave with pride,
Likely in Gryffindor they will reside.
Fire and Lion, scarlet and gold,
A house of friends, strong and bold.

Hard working kids who value fair play,
May find that Hufflepuff is where they stay.
The Earth and Badger, yellow and black.
Loyalty and tolerance, keep them on track.

Creativity and intelligence will help some soar,
Above the rest to Ravenclaw's door.
Air and Eagle, bronze and blue.
The wisdom to make dreams come true.

And finally those, resourceful and cunning,
Ambitious and powerful are in the running.
They'll join the house of silver and green,
Where water and serpents stage the scene.

Now, one last thing, please take heed,
Here is some advice that you may need.
This school has grown in a short time,
So have mistakes and heinous crime.
A challenge to all present, to look within,
No matter the house I've placed you in.
To do your best and persevere,
To use your strengths and face your fear.

The time has come, no more delay,
I call you forth, come on, let's play.
The time had come finally, for Demi to be sorted into the house she was going to spend the next seven years in. As she'd entered the Great Hall, her eyes were scanning around looking for Iris, her older sister who would hopefully be sat with the other Hufflepuff's. Hufflepuff was their mothers house, and one that as far as Demi could tell, suited Iris perfectly, however she wasn't convinced that was where she belonged.

The brunette waited with the other students who were gathering around, eager to hear their names called from the front of the hall. It was surreal, to be here in a place that she'd heard so much about. In the large doorway was where her parents had met almost twenty years ago. Being a Zephyr, she knew she'd have to wait until the end before her name was called, but the grin that spread across her face was genuine as she allowed herself to gleefully make her way up to the stool that sat at the head of the hall. It didn't matter, she told herself over and over, it didn't matter where she was, she was going to do her house and her family proud.

"Well, well, what an interesting mind you have. I see a certain desire for a certain house, and I will say you have a desire for knowledge and understanding, that would make you a great Hufflepuff, but an even better... Ravenclaw,"
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Tori walked into the great hall and honestly... kind of underwhelming. Maybe it was the years she'd spent reading all about it, but she wasn't finding herself to be so taken in by all of it as she had been expecting and that honestly did upset her a little. She waved both to the Cade boys as she saw them, but kept standing with the three she'd met on the train, she noted Winnie too, somewhat further away. She wasn't really surprised by her house placement, but how could she be? She wasn't totally sure how sorting worked, of course, but she could readily admit that it was completely foreign to her, then, maybe that was the curse of growing up in a household that wasn't muggle but might as well have been. The only reason, sometimes, she thought that her mother even had a wand was because she probably felt like she had to have one. Tori couldn't just though, that was just how her mother was sometimes.

de Lacey, Victoria -

She cringed at the name, but didn't correct it, she could start doing that tomorrow when they all wake up for breakfast. She didn't know where the twins had gone, she'd forgotten to pay attention, but she waved at Mr. Cade as she walked up to sit on the stool and get that hat sat on her head. Now this was a strange feeling, because she didn't really know what to do. She bunched her hands up and sat them on the tops of her thighs, she couldn't see out of the hat, it took up a lot of room up there, but she thought about what her mother and father must have felt like being here, neither of them had an inkling about magic, so it must have been really scary. She at least knew what magic was, and she kind of knew what to expect, but even she was nervous, and she wasn't usually the sort to get nervous. She apologised softly to her parents, and waited quietly for the verdict.

Whatever it might be.

"There is no reason to be nervous, I only decided where you'll be for the next seven years. I see in you a desire to prove yourself and reasons for why you would like to do. However, this desire, this thirst to prove yourself would make you a rather decent Slytherin....But no...maybe not....I see what you desire above all else and I'm inclined to agree...Gryffindor,"
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Sybil had never been more prepared or excited for anything in her whole life. Her father hadn't told her much about his time at school. But she knew that was where he had met her mother a long long time ago. She wasn't sure if he was so tight lipped because he wanted her to learn for herself or if he didn't like talking about it because it made him think about her mother. She guessed she couldn't blame him for the latter. Besides the waiting was over and she was here! She shuffled along with the rest of her future classmates and she tried not to shove, she really did, but they were walking so slow. Finally they were inside and then she figured out why everyone at the front had been stopped in their tracks as she took in the enchanted ceiling and the swaying of the floating candles. She could get used to it here.

It wasn't until the headmaster said something about a forest did Sybil realize she hadn't been listening. She mentally kicked herself for it but things were moving quickly now as the hat started to sing. She was on the short side and had to go on her tip toes and shift between people's shoulders to get a good look. She hadn't really considered what house she would end up in. Which was odd considering how much she had been thinking of this day. But every time in her fantasy when it got to this part it went blank. She knew she'd do well in any house, because she was her, and she was ready to take on the whole school. As names were called she huffed impatiently as almost everyone went before her. But as her name finally rang out across the hall she hesitated, her knees wobbling as she made her way to the front. Before sitting down she swallowed hard and straightened her posture. Her breathes were short and fast as she waited for the hat. She didn't like everyone looking at her so she closed her eyes to wait for it's decision.

"Well, well, aren't you an eager and intelligent child. I see a desire to succeed, and a head-strongness which would rival most Gryffindors...but not that is not the place for you. Ravenclaw perhaps, but perhaps see...better be..Slytherin,"
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Lumos stood to the side of the ceremony, hearing some names he knew and other's he didn't. He could see his father sat up at the table, and instead of waving he ducked and tried to hide from his father's eyesight. He did see the twins and Bailey though and he did wave to them, but mostly he watched as names got called and one by one the kids, his future classmates, walked up to get their head scrambled by a stuffy old hat that had been around since even before his dad was born - because it had been old even then, obviously. Sometimes he wondered if maybe the school was "traditional" in the way that people said that when they really meant 'old' and he also wished that people would just say old when they meant old not that he was really all that upset, since all of this is exactly as he wanted.

Walden-Cade, Lumos!

Lumos looked up, there were a couple of people staring at him as he walked up the stool - since his name started with L, he was to be before Nox, pity. He wanted them to be in the same house if only so that it would make their late night talks so much easier. He hadn't decided if he wanted to share a house with any of his siblings, though he supposed he would have to now, at some point, since there were a lot of them, five in total! That was a lot of kids he was pretty sure.

As the hat slipped over his head, he turned to see his dad who gave him a very not reassuring thumbs up, though he couldn't say exactly what he wanted to be reassured about anyway, so it hardly mattered.

"Well, aren't you fascinating, there's a lot of curiosity here, and about just about anything. I see a courage too, a penchant for mischief and a desire to be remembered. You would make a very fair Gryffindor...but I see that this desire to be remembered, this penchant for mischief, makes you much more suited to...Slytherin,"
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The day had finally come, the one Nox had known was coming for a very long time and yet on some level it had felt like it was still a life time away. The train ride in had been pretty fun, even if Tori had disappeared halfway through and they didn’t see her again until they were in the hall. It seemed she had made some new friends when she went off to change into her robes, he found he didn’t like the thought of that at all. Nox wanted to make new friends sure, but he didn’t want to lose the ones he already had to other people. That would just make school harder than he suspected it already would be.

His name meant he would be waiting a while to be sorted, he listened to the names of the people that went before him. Some were familiar, some weren’t. Nox didn’t look around the hall while waiting, choosing to keep his gaze firmly ahead at the students who went before him, so he didn’t see his siblings, but he did see his dad sitting at the and smiled at him. He gave him the same thumbs up he gave Lumos just before the elder twin took his seat on the stool.

Walden-Cade, Nox.

Nox followed his brother and took his seat on the stool. He hoped he would be in the same house as his brother, he couldn’t imagine not being with his brother.

"Oh, a twin...I see all the ways in which you are similar and yet how you differ too. I see a bravery and desire for adventure within you, but also not as much a desire to be remembered. I see a desire to be with him, but I'm afraid you won't be.Hmm...Interesting, so very interesting..Okay..Yes...Hufflepuff,"
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There was only so much you could find out from reading. Sometimes you had to experience something for yourself first hand if you wanted to really understand it. Eoghan stood close to Tori, the girl that had (much to Eoghan's discontent) gathered a party in his carriage on the way to the castle. She'd also hauled him into the boat as they'd crossed the lake, and now that he was stood in the Great Hall, he hoped he'd finally get the chance to move away from her and her little entourage. He supposed the only good thing was that he could watch the other students and see what they did, not that Eoghan was necessarily going to follow them, but they would answer his questions before he had to make a point to ask them.

He didn't really understand why the students were put into different houses. They were all here for one main purpose, weren't they? It wasn't as though different houses had different benefits, and the idea that he was to be loyal to those in his house purely because they shared the same colour robes was absurd. He watched and waited as the other students sat on a stool, while the talking hat decided what the best place would be for them, as though it knew him better than Eoghan knew himself.

As his name was called (and Victoria had been placed into her house), Eoghan stepped forward suppressing a sigh. He didn't want to be on display, gawked at by a hall full of children. He pondered whether or not it would be a good thing for people to know his name, to one day recognize him as he walked down the street. Of course, he'd only want to be known for his skills, something he hoped would carry him and his sister far in their future. He waited for the hat to tell him where he was supposed to belong, although deep down Eoghan knew he didn't belong anywhere here at all.

"You have a lot of ambition, and a lot of intelligence. These two things will get you far, though where these will get you placed, that's what I have to decide…Actually, I see…Ravenclaw,"
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Jasper stepped into the Great Hall, his heart pounded in his chest as he followed the line of first years. He could feel the eyes of the entire school on him. His hands were slightly clammy, and he wiped them on his robes, trying to steady his nerves. He glanced at the enchanted ceiling, amazed at how it mirrored the starry night sky. Everything was so sensory and he couldn't take in much more detail than that.

The line moved slowly, each name being called in turn. Jasper shifted from foot to foot, his anticipation growing. Soon his name was called. His legs felt like jelly as he stepped forward, the walk to the platform seemed longer than it looked now that he was in the spotlight. As he reached the stool, he sat down, and the Sorting Hat was placed on his head.

"You won't need to keep secrets here, not unless you would want to...and I see you might just. There's a lot of slytherin in you, but also a desire for adventure and a keenness to play one certain game, I see...okay..yes....Gryffindor,"
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The wait had been worth it.

Agonising too, yes, but Susie found that very few good things in life came without at least a little bit of pain. Eating an entire tub of ice cream in half an hour, for instance, could be quite painful, as could hurling yourself off a swing at its peak, but Susie didn't plan to stop doing either of these things. Besides, the anticipation had become much more bearable when she'd realised she had three uninterrupted months of rubbing her acceptance letter in her brothers' faces to look forward to. There was an oily mark on the headmaster's signature where she'd actually pressed it against Freddie's nose.

That same letter was stuffed deep in her robe pocket now. Auntie Thalia had assured her she wouldn't need to produce it to get in, but you couldn't be too careful. What if somebody else was pretending to be Susie Lagowski and got sorted before she did? It would have been a bit awkward asking to go home and get the letter then. She felt inside her pocket for its creased edge, and then, out of curiosity, tested to see if dragging her finger across it quickly gave her a paper cut.

It did not.

"Lagowski, Susie."

She sprang up to the stool and planted herself down on it. The hat, still warm from the last student's head - or was it always warm? - pushed a lock of hair into her eyes, and she raised a hand to fix it. After many days, weeks, months of careful consideration, she'd decided she couldn't decide what house she wanted to be in, and that the hat could sort her anywhere it wanted as long as it had a good long think about it. They said it was never wrong, after all; and while Susie was also never wrong, she was occasionally wrong, which meant the hat had probably a better chance of knowing where she belonged than she did.

"I can never be wrong, that is true. How can I when I see things that even you might not see, when I understand what you might not...I see for you are very curious, amongst other things, but to me this choice is clear...Hufflepuff,"
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Ravage Zhefarovich knew all about Hogwarts New Zealand. From the list of expulsions to the deaths, and the high professor turnover rate. There was nothing there that he did not know from the top of his head. When he entered the Great Hall, he held his poker-face to hide his annoyance when those that were not used to magic - obviously - were admiring all the floating candles and the bewitched sky. He kept his purple colored eyes toward the front, a trait that he inherited from his father. His name was likely the dead last of the sorting, which he hoped that there would not be many first years, and then he could actually be seated with others. He folded his arms across his chest, watching them one by one before he finally heard his name. Finally. He strolled up to the stool and sat down. His patience was thin, but after waiting so long, what was a minute or two more?

"No need to worry at all, I won't take long with this at all. This choice is rather simple and in fact you and everyone else will likely not be surprised...Slytherin,"
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Te Rēweti felt like he was in a dream.

None of this could be real - none of it was supposed to be. He had always known his father's family was magical of course, he had seen plenty of magic at his Kuia's house over the years, but his dad wasn't magic and he definitely wasn't supposed to be. How did something like being magic just skip a generation? Looking back there had been signs - little things like his favourite pen always finding its way back to his desk even when he was sure he had dropped it somewhere or left it at school - but Te Rēweti had just chalked those things up to luck. Not magic.

But after a whirlwind nightmare of a day, here he was in the scene of his worst nightmare - surrounded by crowded noisy kids, with a whole audience waiting to watch... what? Auntie Kahu had given him a thorough briefing over the holidays to prepare him and he could see her now, sitting at the teachers table, but it still felt ridiculous to him. A hat was just going to... read his soul? Right here, in front of what felt like tens of thousands of people? Te Rēweti was still grappling with the thought when the names began to be called, and he watched with horror as exactly what he had feared commenced. One by one his future classmates were called to be humiliated, until the alphabet crept down to...

"Mahuika, Te Rēweti!"

For the first time in his life, Te Rēweti hated his surname just a little bit. If it had been Josephs like his auntie, maybe people would be less likely to mess with him. Knowing there was a teacher right behind someone had to give some level of protection. But his name had been called, and he had no choice but to tremble his way forwards onto the stool, hunched to a fraction of his usual height. It was a relief beyond words when the hat slipped down over his eyes and blocked out the hall around, though Te Rēweti knew all those eyes were still on him. The idea that a hat could read his mind felt silly, but he immediately began chanting 'Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw please, put me in Ravenclaw' in his mind, desperately clinging to the hope he would at least have someone to watch over him.

"Okay, I hear you. I hear you. It's not the obvious choice for you, you would likely find success in Hufflepuff, but I see this desire is strong, and in this case, you can have what you desire...Ravenclaw,"
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Samael Styx was feeling a little down because he knew that as he walked the halls of the Great Hall to be sorted, his baby sister would never get to do the same. So, he thought that he could experience this for the both of them. In some way. He stood along the other first years, and saw a couple of his relatives. That was not abnormal at all. Cousins of his family were great, so much so that if one threw a rock in Bulgaria, they'd likely hit a member of the Zhefarovich family. It was probably similar in New Zealand since some seemed to be returning, thanks to their patriarch teaching again. He felt his mind wander off to other things until he heard his name. He let out a sigh, and approached the stool. He sat down on it slowly, and folded his arms across his chest. Where would he be going? He was sure that his siblings were in every house except Gryffindor. And he did not display the same bravery as them at all.

"You will likely follow the pattern of your siblings not being in Gryffindor. No, that's not the place for you, though your loyalty and head-strong personality would make life there interesting. No, that's not the place for you though. The house for you is...Hufflepuff,"
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Imogen Styx-Cade finally entered the Great Hall for the first time, and knew at once who to look for. She had cousins and relatives and everything at this place, so she knew who to talk to on how to get around. She might not be a pureblood Styx, but since she had the last name, that alone carried more weight than regular wizarding families. And then there was the Cade bunch that she knew nothing about - but this would give her the chance to know them. Her mother did keep her and Esme away from that side for a reason. Was there something so wicked and embarrassing? Who knew. But as she stood there, she sized people up as they were sorted, one by one. She watched Esme get sorted, and then it was her turn. She walked up to the podium and sat down. She felt the old hat land on the top of her blonde hair, and she waited patiently for it to sing out her house.

"I will not sing, I've done my one song, I'll say it. This will be easy too. Though I see a lot of courage here that might've landed you in Gryffindor, but that isn't to be, instead it'll be...Slytherin,"
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Kanako knew about Hogwarts - had been told about Hogwarts - but nothing could have prepared her for the real thing. It was magnificent, from the architecture to the candles floating in the illusory night sky. Kanako didn't show how impressed she was though. She acted like this was normal, looking down on those who openly marvelled. How unbecoming. Kanako moved with the crowd further into the great hall and half-listened to the headmaster as he spoke. Then the hat sang a song, which went on a little too long in Kanako's opinion. She had to wait further as people began to have their names called out. Kanako was impatient, but once again hid this. She just wanted to know what house she'd be in. The same as her brother? Something completely different?

"Kurosawa, Kanako!"

Her name was finally read out and Kanako marched to the stage with confidence, letting the hat be put on her head. She was open to it, not resisting it reading her thoughts, the contents of her character. She had nothing to be ashamed of after all, and everything to be proud of.

"Having confidence is good, and there is nothing to be ashamed off, I may be here to judge you, but only for what'll work best, and for you...Slytherin,"
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Beatrice had read about the Sorting Ceremony in some of the books her aunt had provided, but she wasn't able to comprehend any of it until this moment. The Great Hall was giant, and Bea felt even smaller than she already was among her peers. The robes she had put on swallowed her up and she stood as close to Maggie as she could while they were ushered to their standing area. A man began to speak, and since he never really introduced himself, Beatrice wasn't sure what his role was here. But he seemed important. She listened intently as he spoke, feeling even more worried about the idea of a Forbidden Forest. Beatrice grabbed Maggie's hand tightly, feeling her twin squeeze back. Where had their parents sent them to? She'd been reading for weeks, but it hadn't seemed to prepare her properly.

Other students started to be called up to the front, waiting as a large hat was placed on their head and then suddenly spoke. Some of them seemed to talk to it while others stayed silent. She didn't quite understand the houses, but as she stood here, she only hoped to be paired with Maggie. She hadn't really wanted to before, but being here in this strange place - all she wanted was her twin. Unfortunately, she heard her name be bellowed throughout the hall, and Bea looked at Maggie, who gave her an encouraging grin before letting go of her hand. Bea struggled through the other students before feeling the hat fall onto her head, covering her eyes.

"Hmm, I see a very active and keen mind. This will be very simple, as we have just the place for this curiosity...Ravenclaw,"
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Ruth sort of knew what to expect upon seeing the Great Hall, but hearing about it and seeing it were two different things. It was larger than she had expected, and the sheer volume of faces was almost daunting. Ruth wasn't the type to get nervous, but her eyes did dart towards the Ravenclaw table, looking for Cyrus for a little reassurance. She knew he'd probably act a little too cool for her, especially if she ended up in Ravenclaw with him, but it was still good to know he was there all the same. Her eyes roamed to the Gryffindor table to find Leah, who was definitely in the same sort of boat. Rolling her eyes, she focused on the hat instead, listening to the song and waiting patiently for her turn to come up.

"Thorne, Ruth!"

T was unfortunately quite late in the alphabet, which meant she had been standing around for what felt like an awfully long time. But it was kind of a blessing - by this point, most attention had waned so she could be sorted quietly and slip into whatever table she was assigned to. All she really hoped was that she made it into Slytherin or Ravenclaw like most of the other Thornes had, which would elicit more of an 'oh, of course' rather than any sort of outrage. She sat on the stool, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, and politely waited for the hat's judgement, curious as to what it would say.

"Hmmm, I see several possible paths, ones which you could certainly make your own, but one does stand out above the rest…Slytherin,"
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Kairi was nervous, despite her unexpected reuinion with Daiki. She tried to stay close to him, feeling overwhelmed- the size of the castle, of the crowd of students, all of it was so much to take in. She wanted to hold Daiki's hand, but she wasn't sure it was a good idea in a crowd like this, so instead she wrapped her arms around herself, biting her lip and just trying to stay close to him.

She was lost in thought, thinking of all the stories the stones must hold, when she heard her name. She blinked, and after a glance at Daiki she hurried forward, taking her seat. She swallowed nervously as the hat slipped over her eyes. Hello, she thought. Thank you for taking the time for all of us. Your song was lovely, she chewed on her lip a bit, holding her hands tightly in her lap.

"Thank you very much for saying that. Now, for you, I see a few things in this mind, one of which is that loyalty, and that hard-working nature, you would make a good Gryffindor, but I think you'll find greater success in…Hufflepuff,"
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Teo was beyond ready for this- though the waiting was enough it just might kill him. He was aggravated already, bouncing from foot to foot and sucking on his teeth as he waited for his name to be called. He knew his sister would be called up first, and that was just beyond unfair. How could they take her before him just because she was lucky enough to have her name first? Ruuuude.

He let out several sighs, ignoring the glares he got, and just tried to keep busy- swishing his robes, smacking his hands on his legs, tapping his toes, just letting his eyes roam the room. He was moving before the Professor person could even call his name- Sophie was off the seat and he was at the bottom of the steps, and when they called his name he darted up and sat on the seat she'd just vacated. Just send me with Soph, she's helpless without me,

"I make no guarantees as I focus only on the student I have in front of me at any time, and I know exactly where you will go...this desire for adventure has only one home...Gryffindor,"
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Vikram was the perfect picture of a calm young man. He stood in his pressed uniform, shoulders back and head up, hands folded behind his back. He surveyed the room with dark eyes, wondering if he could see the girl his father had instructed him to befriend. He knew her name, so he took his attention away from the hall and its stunning decor to the front of the room, watching as student after student was called forth. Soon, it was his turn, and he walked up to the sorting hat. He turned and took his seat, making sure to sit properly. Hello, he greeted. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I am grateful for your services, He offered, trying to be as polite as possible to the hard-working hat.

"You are very welcome, I see you are very polite, which is always nice. I see a lot else, a loyalty, a kindness, and an intelligence. Really only Slytherin isn't the house for you...Of the others, which. Hmm...okay, I see...Ravenclaw,"
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Felix had trailed behind the rest of the students as they'd approached the Great Hall, fixing his robes and tie to ensure that when he inevitably became a spectacle, he would look the part. He'd not spoken a single word to anyone since Ten had left him on the train to go and infiltrate the carriage bathrooms with whatever she and Ned had bought over the summer, although he doubted he was expected to say anything at all until he attended his first lessons. There had to be some sort of record, he presumed, for how long a student could go without speaking to another.

No one had even looked back as he stood behind the crowd, half debating whether or not he could get away with disappearing from the sorting ceremony altogether if it meant he could have an early night. The only thing keeping him here was that he knew his family would want to know where he was placed, and soon he'd have to write a letter home to tell his father and Asphodel the outcome of his placement.

"Layton-King, Felix." He was half convinced he'd imagined it, but when no one else moved he knew it was time.

As Felix took a seat on the stool overlooking the other students, a wave of something he'd never experienced washed through him. It wasn't as though he was nervous, or self-conscious, but feeling that many pairs of eyes looking at him, seeing him, that was entirely new. He didn't need to search the room for Ten, who was now waving viciously from her seat at the Gryffindor table, but instead, he calmly took in the moment that for once in his life, people were paying attention to him.

"That they are, people are paying you..But not to worry this will be over soon. I see a lot of potential, that you would make yourself fit into whatever house you needed, but not necessarily that they would be best suited...hmm...okay...I see...right...Gryffindor,"
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Esme joined her sister in the Great hall was they waited with their fellow first years to get sorted. One by one she watched students have the hat placed on their head, she heard the names of the other students and watched where they went wondering which of them she would follow. She went before her sister which made her nervous, if she didn't know where she was going, she wouldn't know to ask for it, would they end up together? They were different people and Esme didn't know how much the sorting hat considered family, she knew that members of their family were often scattered across different houses, she didn't want that to happen to them. When her name was called out, Esme walked up to the stool and took her seat and waited as the sorting hat was lowered onto her head.

"Family can be scattered throughout houses, it is just something which happens. I see for you there is one or two desires which come above everything else and I think this may just help along the way...Gryffindor,"
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Harrison didn't care much for school but he was stoked to be getting a change of scenery. Even if he was slightly disappointed that he wouldn't have Hunter around. The best thing about having a younger brother was having someone to hang out with after all. Now he'd just have to go and annoy Summer on his own if he were truly bored. Although he would have to keep in mind not to take things too far since he was certain he would still need his sister at times as well and she was unlikely to do anything for him if he took things too far. Which he had a habit of doing, especially when his brother wasn't around to keep him in line just the tiniest bit,

Summer had told him about the ceremony and the singing hat and yet Harrison couldn't be bothered to listen to song. Especially not when the headmaster had mentioned something about a forbidden forest, which made his thoughts trail off immediately. Emphasizing that something or some place was 'forbidden' with the intention to scare students off had the exact opposite effect on him and he was already planning his visit in his head. Even if he wasn't even sure which way the forest was yet. Harrison was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard his name being called though and sauntered over to the front of the hall. He sat down as intended and looked around while the hat was being placed on his head, waiting for it to call out a house so he could sit at an actual table.

"I won't take very long, I promise, this is a rather easy choice for me, there's such a desire for adventure, and an ambition too...That would've made you a fair Slytherin, but no matter...Gryffindor,"
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Jonah could barely contain his excitement. He was finally here. They were finally here. He couldn’t quite believe that he was finally seeing what his older siblings and his parents were talking about. The Great Hall was so pretty. And the he was going to be sorted pretty soon too and so were Ro and Eli. He held on to Ro’s hand tightly as they stood together because he was hoping it would make her feel less nervous about the whole thing, and it was helping him too. He was excited about attending Hogwarts, but he was apprehensive over the whole sorting business. Corey-nii and Hina-nee were both Hufflepuffs like Tou-chan, and Yuki-nee was a Slytherin like Uncle Liam. Kaa-san was a Gryffindor though. They were all in different houses, and he didn’t want to be in a different house from both Eli and Ro, although he thinks that Eli was practically a shoe-in for Ravenclaw (or so their parents say), he doesn’t know how to be one. Perhaps he could ask the Hat since he was the one deciding the whole thing. Jonah could be a Ravenclaw if his triplet could be one. They share genes (whatever that is)! He could fit in any house that his triplets could! It is with this determination to convince the Hat of this fact that Jonah walked up to the stool once his name was called.

“Edogawa, Jonah”

"I hate to be the one to inform you, but unfortunately you won't convince me of is not the house for you, you will be much better suited to..Hufflepuff,"
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There’s too many people. Sayuri decided that she was definitely right that she was hating attending Hogwarts. Perhaps, if she thought about it a little more, she’d realize that there would also be a lot of people in Mahoutokuro, but that was not to be the case this time around. All she knew was that there was so many people standing around her waiting to be sorted, her three siblings with her. There was too many people watching people get sorted, her sister would be in that crowd. And her cousin. There was just too many people and she hated it. She had too many siblings here and she hated it. It was too loud. She hated it. They told her that attending school, that the Sorting Ceremony was going to be an amazing thing. But really, all she wanted is for the whole thing to be over and done with. It took too long for the Headmaster to call her name.

“Edogawa, Sayuri”

Sayuri could feel all eyes on her as she walked and sat on the stool, Hat on her head.
There’s too many people.

"Well, this is interesting. I see what you desire, and why you desire it. I think you would manage there fine, but I do not believe it would be entirely the right choice. Instead, though you might not initially like it, you may find many a like-minded person in this house...Slytherin,"
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