Sorting Ceremony Y47

The train ride had been eventful but the main event had finally arrived. As suspected there was no time for a bathroom break so William's ability to hold it would be stretched to the very limit. The group he had rode the train with had mostly stayed in tact as they made their through the school and into the great hall. It was packed, William could hardly believe there was room for all of them to sit down, but maybe the tables would extend, they were at a magic school after all.

There were quite a lot of first years so he wasn't sure how long he would take, he watched some of the people he had met on the train and Obsidian harbour, including a very cute girl he had met in the pet shop, he watched her join the Ravenclaw table. He doubted he'd join her, the extent of his academic brain was melting cauldron bottoms in an attempt to find the perfect new mixture.

It was an agonising wait, mostly because William hated standing in one place for too long and even when he heard his pretty unique surname, it was his sister being called first. He watched her walk to her new house table and then, it was his turn.

"The wait was long, but I doubt this will be. I can see exactly where you should go...Gryffindor,"
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Here, everything was exactly as Gaby said - the principal, the students and even the big dining hall. And why should it be different?
Then Oliver stopped walking because in a standing crowd it would be impossible to move at all and go forward... Since the heads of standing boys and girls were in front of his eyes, he could not see anything for now. He glanced at the girl he met at Honeydukes, Susie, and thought it would be nice to sit at the same house table with her, or at least meet in the kitchen to try a piece of apple pie. The chubby boy quietly took out a thin comb from his vest and, squatted down - so that no one noticed, he passed it through his shiny black hair.
For some reason, everyone was staring at one point with great persistence...
And... who do you think was moving there, on the stool?
Durand couldn't believe his brown eyes and just flashed them, stretching on his toes.
It was a HAT. The Sorting Hat! Crying out his name!
Can you imagine?
Luckily, Oliver pulled himself together quickly and did what everyone else had done before - walked over to the talking hat and picked it up.
In his excitement, he had forgotten what Gabrielle had told him about the hat being able to read the wearer's thoughts as well. So he was still talking to himself in his mind as he put the Sorting Hat on. Only this time, those thoughts were nothing more than wonder at the antique hat...
What others were doing after that, he did not notice, unfortunately.

"You don't need to notice what others are doing, all that matters right now, is this, is you. For you, this will be very simple, you will excel and thrive in...Hufflepuff,"
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Daiki could not imagine a better way for his schooling to begin. He had been reunited with his best friend. He had known there would be a chance for it, and if she wasn't there, then he was unlikely to see her ever again. But she was real and she was with him. He was hoping that they might end up in the same house together. Was hoping that they could continue to be best friends. He was eager to get sorted, but mostly eager for the calm that would come after it. He could sense that Kairi was nervous and really wanted to take her hand, but held but, not sure if she'd want that. He got distracted from his thoughts as the hat began singing, and knew he should focus on that for a little bit.

After the song, names were called forward and he watched Kairi be sorted into Hufflepuff long before he got sorted. It didn't make him nervous, he knew that it would be fun to be in the same house, but it would be okay if they weren't. It would be fine. verything would be fine, because at the very least she was there and he was able to spend time with her at school.

"Saito, Daiki,"

His name was called and he stepped forward, eagerly moving towards the stool. He sat down and let his mind be ready to be read by the hat. Good evening, thank you for sorting me, were the words in his head to the hat.

"Good evening! Oh, there's no need to thank me. This is what I was made to do so you're quite welcome. Strong values... tendency towards kindness... better be...Hufflepuff!"
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Winnie was finally at Hogwarts. At long last she was here. Really at the school. The train ride had been interesting, she'd met a number of students, which was pretty good, two of them had a parent who was a teacher and that was definitely a reason to keep them around a little. Winnie also knew that in amongst the crowd of other first years was the person her parents had told her about. She knew she would seek him out the moment that she could. Just not right at that very moment. The girl walked into the great hall with the other students, she held her head high, ready to take this all on. She knew that she had this, she had to. But this was just the beginning. The rest of the school journey would continue from this point.

Winnie pushed her way through the front of the crowd, giving apologies to people that she didn't mean. She could claim it to be because of her name, being one of the first to get sorted, but mostly, she didn't want to not see this, not get a perfect view of the sorting hat and a straight path to where she would sit down. She glanced at the hat as the garment began singing. Though she knew to expect this. Winnie didn't think it was a very good song, but she wouldn't say it to it. She would be polite, be polite like her parents had always taught her to be. The names began being called, and she paused at Vikram, that was it. She watched him get sorted and sorted into Ravenclaw. That was a good sign, though she knew from her readings about the houses, that though she was smart, her other personality traits would win. It wasn't long after when her name was called.

"Calida, Winnie,"

She stepped forward immediately, a smile on her features, she smoothed down her skirt quickly and then turned as she sat, facing the crowd, while sitting up, perfect posture and closing her eyes as the hat was placed on her head.

"The intelligence is there but you're quite right about being all wrong for Ravenclaw even though your ambitions line up well with that house. It's the how you'll get to those ambitions that make you, well, you. And those traits draw a path directly to...Slytherin!"
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Cleo had been in a daze ever since she'd received her Hogwarts letter. She'd always dreamed about going to boarding school because of all the old mystery books she liked reading. It always sounded like a great big adventure with sleepovers every night. She was very sad that she couldn't bring her dog, though. That seemed a bit unfair, especially after Cleo had seen just how big the castle was. She was also a bit disappointed the train ride had ended so quickly because she loved trains and she never got to ride them. Going places was always so much more fun than actually getting there.

She hid behind her dark hair as she followed the other new students into the Great Hall. Would she get to know all of these other people? It felt scary, making first impressions on the other kids she'd be living with. What if they didn't like her? Cleo tried to shake the thought from her mind and looked up at ceiling instead. Watching the moonlight, Cleo waited patiently for her name to be called. It didn't take too long, and Cleo jumped forward as it was her turn. Soon she'd get to watch the stars from one of the other tables, and that was an exciting prospect. She hoped that one of the houses actually wanted her, because Cleo wasn't prepared to live in a hut in the forest if they didn't.

"At least one of them will want you, don't worry about that. No one will live in the forest, and I know exactly which house it'll be for you...Hufflepuff,"
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Rose Edogawa's heart raced as she heard her name echo through the Great Hall. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her new school robes and began her walk towards the sorting stool. Her steps were steady, but her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. As she reached the stool, Rose could feel the weight of countless eyes on her, and a surge of nervous energy coursed through her. She glanced back towards the long tables of the four houses, her gaze lingering on the faces of students who were already cheering and whispering excitedly.

With Eli and Jonah already sorted, she wasn't sure where she would end up.

With a dramatic flourish, she took a seat on the stool and braced herself. The moment the Sorting Hat was placed on her head, she felt a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety. Her thoughts tumbled out, loud and clear in her mind. "Please let this be right," she thought. "I need to prove myself, to show everyone I'm not afraid." Rose's breath hitched. She couldn't help but think of her family, her siblings, and how much she relied on them. "I just want to find my place," she whispered in her mind, hoping the hat could understand her unspoken fears and desires.

Rose's hands gripped the edge of the stool, knuckles turning white. She glanced out over the hall once more, her heart pounding, eager to know where her Hogwarts journey would truly begin.

"There's a real desire to prove yourself, one that is not typically found. It would be a fine line between two houses, but I think the answer is obvious enough..You will best be able to prove yourself, to prove you are not afraid in...Gryffindor,"
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Elijah approached the sorting hat with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. His steps were measured, his expression calm yet thoughtful. As he sat on the stool, he felt the eyes of the entire Great Hall upon him, but he focused his attention on the hat resting in front of him. The fabric of the sorting hat brushed against his temples as it was lowered onto his head. Eli closed his eyes briefly, wondering what thoughts and considerations the ancient artifact was weighing as it delved into his mind.

Eli's thoughts raced. He hoped the hat could sense his deep love for knowledge and his desire to make a meaningful impact during his time at Hogwarts. I want to learn, he thought, trying to convey his eagerness without words. Eli's fingers drummed lightly against his knee, a nervous habit that betrayed his composed exterior.

As the seconds passed with the hat resting on his head, Eli's mind wandered through memories of stories about Hogwarts, tales of bravery, and the profound magic he longed to explore. He pictured himself in the Ravenclaw common room, surrounded by books and the quiet hum of scholarly discussions. The weight of the hat felt tangible, as if it were sifting through his hopes and fears, searching for the core of his essence.

"I'm ready," Eli thought with a mixture of determination and a hint of anxiety. His heart beat a steady rhythm as he tried to maintain his calm demeanor, despite the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. The murmurs from the watching students felt distant, overshadowed by the intensity of this moment.

He wondered what the hat saw—a boy eager to learn, to delve into the mysteries of magic and unravel the secrets of the universe. Eli hoped the hat understood his need for solitude, his quest for knowledge, and his desire to find his place among those who valued wisdom and intellect.

"Well, this is perhaps the easiest sort of the night so far...your intelligence, and desire for knowledge make this easy. You would work hard, but that is not the primary driver of your desire to read...Ravenclaw,"
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Maggie had listened to Beatrice tell her about the Sorting Ceremony on some of the train ride, as she hadn't read up on their school as much as her sister did. It was a little odd, she had to admit. She was still convinced her father was pranking them and just sending them to a normal boarding school or a vacation until she walked through a literal wall at the station.

As she followed the group into the Great Hall, Maggie felt Beatrice grab her hand, and Maggie didn't let go of her twin. She knew they would two separate people, but it was times like this where she felt like they were one brain and could feel what the other one was feeling very deeply. The younger twin gave Beatrice's hand a squeeze, trying to be brave as new things were thrown at them.

She slightly paid attention to what was going on, hearing the words "Forbidden Forest" and nonsense words like "Hufflepuff" and "Slytherin." This definitely still had to be a prank. But as Beatrice's name was called, she had to focus her energy on giving her twin a smile. She didn't want to let go, but they apparently had to do these things by themselves, just like their competitions. She watched Beatrice intently until the hat spewed out the word Ravenclaw. The novelty of the talking hat had already worn off, but then Maggie realized it was her turn to be judged. Maybe the hat would decide she didn't belong here. What then?

Maggie put on a brave face, feeling a little more confident as she took the stage, something she was used to with gymnastics and orchestra. The hat got placed on her head, and she held her breath as she waited for her destiny, hoping that it said the same words it had given Beatrice.

"There's no need to worry, I will decide where you belong, and I can that you'd perhaps suit Slytherin..just a little. But there's more to you than that...and for that reason...Ravenclaw,"
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Patience was not a virtue that Kiera Potter-Cade possessed. It felt like ages since they had boarded the train earlier today. The ride to the school had been pretty fun even if William had ditched her most of the way. She hadn't seen him again until they entered the school. The wait on the train was nothing compared to the wait to be sorted. Kiera's green eyes darted around the Great Hall, trying to take it all in, while also spotting familiar faces of her family sprinkled throughout the house tables. After what felt like ages and ages, Kiera finally heard her name called and she practically sprinted to the seat. She was eager to know what house she would call home for the next seven years of her life. She only hoped it would be the best house for her.

"The house I pick for you will be the best house for you, I can promise you that. I can see that you are not the most patient, but not to worry, I see this easily. You'll do best, exactly where you'd like to go...Gryffindor,"
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Sophie was extremely excited for this. The magical world was all new to her and her brother, growing up in the muggle world all her life and then to suddenly get a letter that they were welcome and entering the wizarding world was something. The train ride to Hogwarts had been fun. It was cool seeing and meeting people as well as learning about the magical world. Going through the process of getting her wand was also fun and exciting.

Here they were, the first years standing amongst each other waiting to be sorted, while the rest of the older students sat and watched each one get sorted into their houses. Sophie wasn’t sure what house she wanted to be sorted into. But she didn’t mind. She hoped that she would be sorted into the same house as Teo, but if she wasn’t, it would be okay. Sophie watched and clapped as each first year got sorted, trying her best to remember the faces and names of her future classmates. It wasn’t long before her name was being called.

“Sophie Shepherd”

Sophie smiled happily and made her way to the front of the great hall. She sat on the stool and felt the sorting hat being placed on her head. All she hoped was that she wanted to be in the same house as her brother. Once she felt the sorting hat being placed on her head, she muttered a happy greeting to the sorting hat.

"Well then, what an interesting mind you have. A desire for adventure, but then an intelligence with it too, one that you want to achieve with. You'd fair well in any of our houses, and though your adventurous spirit might otherwise lead you to Gryffindor, I think you might enjoy this house a little bit more...Ravenclaw,"
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Adelaide Styx-Potter walked into the Great Hall with a bravado that was not entirely genuine. Only her very sweaty palms gave away her true sense of anxiety at the thought of the sorting hat. It was insane that they let that ratty hat tell everyone where they should spend the next seven years in the school. It was too much power for old headwear to wield. Not that she’d share those thoughts out loud. She glanced over at her twin, hoping to be placed with him at least. Adelaide listened as her siblings and cousins were sorted into their houses. Finally….it was her turn. The blonde bit her lip as her name was called. She held her chin up as she walked to the front, hiding any sign of nerves, before taking a seat on the wooden chair.

"It is a lot of power...word and choices are powerful. But I always make the right one, I see what you can't always see. I think for you, there's a bit of everything, a good amount of ambition, bravery, smarts, and studiousness. But, perhaps you'll find the success you seek in...Ravenclaw,"
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Eurydice had been looking forward to attending Hogwarts New Zealand for as long as she could remember. It was also pretty cool that she would be attending with a lot of her cousins and they were a lot because as far as she knew she would have five cousins around and her Kael-nii. Everything looked so pretty and new. The Sorting Ceremony though was probably going to take ages. The singing hat though was quite amusing and her mother had already told her that it was old, old, old magic which Eury found fascinating. She was told as well that the Hat could see inside her head to determine which house would best suit her or what house she would like to go to. She didn't really have a preference for the house, though being in her parents' house would certainly be interesting. Tizi-nii had been a Hufflepuff like Mum after all and Jai-nii and Kael-nii were Slytherins just like Daddy. She wasn't entirely fussed, she thought all of the colors would look pretty on her. She was only brought out of her musings when her cousins were getting sorted as she cheered for each one - she was quite surprised that they were all in different houses. Like one per house. That was pretty cool. She didn't really pay attention to the rest of the sorting until her name was called.

"Nightray, Eurydice."

Eury practically skipped to the front though scrunched her nose when she saw up close just how old the Sorting Hat was. She hoped it didn't smell like Great-Grandpa Charles. Or like the other kids because she realized that the Hat had been on a lot of kids' heads.

She was relieved when the Sorting Hat did not smell like Great-Grandpa Charles. And that the Sorting Hat did not stink after being on the other kids' heads.
"Do you go in the laundry after Sorting?" she asked softly because she sort of didn't want to embarrass the Hat in case he did not get clean after this whole affair but she was also curious. She probably should have asked the ancient artifact other mind-boggling questions related to the mysteries of the world or her future house but cleanliness really seemed to be the most pressing matter.

"I do not, given that with magic things can be easily cleaned...but that is not the conversation for now...Instead we should focus on where you'll go. You certainly enjoy having things go your I hope this does go your way...Hufflepuff,"
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Asher Styx-Potter walked in, not too far behind Adelaide. He saw Imogen and Esme as well, but he assumed that they would be in Gryffindor. It would take a while before his name was called. He was a bit impressed with how many Potter's were attending this year, but more so with the Cade family. There were a fair few, wasn't there? Well, two of which were his half-sisters. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he waited for his turn. He saw Kiera and William both go into Gryffindor, and then another member of the Styx family went into Hufflepuff. His half-sisters were separated into Gryffindor and Slytherin respectively. That meant that Adelaide was next. He smiled and clapped when she was sorted, and then it was his turn. He walked up to the front and sat down on the stool. He felt the hat perch on his head. He wished that there was a backing on the stool so that he could have leaned back and relaxed, but alas. Whatever, he wanted this to be quick.

"This will be rather quick, I can assure you of that. You are single minded in what you would like, where your passions lie...Gryffindor,"
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Forrest stood in the great hall amongst his fellow first years waiting for arguably one of the biggest moments of their young lives so far. People tried to downplay the importance of the house you’re placed in at Hogwarts but it determined a lot of things, chief among them the kind of people he would be surrounded by for the next seven years, they would be important influences on the young Forrest and would help to shape him into the person he would eventually become. It was pretty important.

With that in mind, Forrest waited for his name to be called, he wasn't nervous, more curious about what the hat would think of him and what kind of people he would spend his school years around, who would influence him? What kind of person would he become? Eventually his name was called and he stepped up and sat on the stool and waited as the hat was placed on his head.

"It is true that those you end up surrounded with, are likely to affect who you become. That's why this is important, but not the final statement on who you are.. For you, I see two paths, you are hard-working and intelligent, but it's where you might find great do have quite a bit of ambition...and for that perhaps...yes... Ravenclaw,"
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Charlotte had been at the castle before with her mum, but it was different walking into the Great Hall as someone about to be sorted. She saw how scared some of the other first years looked and decided in that moment that she had the ability to put on a brave face. Maybe it would help others feel better, or maybe it would just help herself. She didn't really want to go up in front of everyone, but seeing how this school forced you to be singled out, she knew she had no say in the matter.

The eleven year old waited as almost everyone else got sorted in front of her until she heard her name called. Charlotte had been fine with her mother no longer teaching at the school until this moment because now she wanted her here. She wanted to be able to look out for her mum's encouraging smile among the sea of unfamiliar professors. But now, she had to do this on her own, just like the girl in the book her grandmother had given her. Charlotte walked briskley up to the stage and felt the hat be placed on her head. Just not Slytherin, she thought. She knew that, according to her mother and grandmother, just because you were in a house, it didn't determine everything about you. But Charlotte didn't want another reason for her father to not talk to her. She felt her hands start to sweat and pulled them into the sleeves of her robe.

"Why not..Slytherin? I mean, it's not the house for you, but there's nothing wrong with it...The choice for you is simpler and easier. You'd make a fine Gryffindor but an even better...Hufflepuff,"
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Orchid had heard stories about the Great Hall, but nothing compared to what it really looked like. Like many of the first years she was mesmerized, looking around the hall, taking in the other students who were chattering at their color coded tables. She looked up at the stool, her mother had told her all about this process and how nervous she had been. But Orchid wasn't nervous. If she didn't like this school after all she could just ask dad, he'd let her go to Durmstrang.

It was a daunting effort to wait patiently for one's name to be called, but she did it. While rocking back and forth on her feet, hands behind her back, picking at her cuticles, she waited. Then finally her name was called. In a pace that betrayed her excitement she made her way to the stool and sat down. She wasn't sure at this point if she was supposed to try and talk to the hat like she'd seed others do, or if it could read her mind, as some students had been quiet.

Her feet swung as she waited, her mind swirling with thoughts.

"You don't need to talk to me, but I will talk to you. I can see what you want, I see you desire something, and though you would be just fine there, there's more here which tells me you'd suit a different path..Ravenclaw,"
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As Rina walked through those large double oak doors into the Great Hall, she had to admit it didn’t look quite as cozy as the dining room at home. Although it was larger, the Great Hall was missing the element of home. A lack of rugs and personality, and despite the array of portraits around the room, it was no one Rina cared about. It was as though Hogwarts was trying to be something it wasn’t, and failing at it substantially.

She waited as other students were sorted into their houses, before finally it was her turn. She’d seen enough strange things on the train here, things that had been beyond her wildest imagination, but watching the things around the room made her feel as though she’d stepped into a fantasy novel.

Rina took a seat when she was instructed, saying nothing as she waited to here what house she would be in, and whether she’d need to send for additional robes to be purchased for her once she knew what colour she needed.

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