Slytherin Team Practice - S2

Indi decided to be generous now and let one of the other chasers have a chance at the quaffle. She had proven herself enough for now.
Indi waited to see who was going to grab the quaffle next.
Ivelisse looked around.
Avery decided to check the other end of the pitch, in case it was hiding near the hoops.
Liusaidh wasn't sure why Indira didn't immediately go for the quaffle, but Liusaidh just did. She grabbed it as it was thrown back out. She was never going to miss an opportunity to improve her skills.
Seamus had tried to hit a bludger but had completely missed as it rushed past him.
Avery continued to look around, trying not to be too distracted by the other players.
Ivelisse flew a lap in search of the snitch.
Ive thought she noticed a glimmer of gold and shot after it.
It seemed that Ivelisse had spotted the snitch, so Celia smacked a bludger in her direction. She had mistimed her hit, however, and the bludger sailed harmlessly past the seeker.
Ivelisse followed after the hint of gold, trying her best to get closer.

Indi had been following Liusaidh after she grabbed the quaffle when she spotted an opening. In one quick movement she bumped into the older girl and grabbed the quaffle away before racing ahead.
Ive lost sight of the snitch.
Indi raced towards the hoops with the quaffle securely under her arm, not wanting to take any chances of someone trying to get it from her.
Liusaidh rolled her eyes when Indira took the quaffle, but just followed behind as she raced towards the hoops.

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