Slytherin Team Practice - S2

Avery scanned the skies for that glint of gold, but turned up nothing.
Now came the tricky part. Though Celia wanted to knock Ivelisse out, she knew the captains probably wouldn't be too happy if they thought she'd intentionally sent the seeker to the Hospital Wing. It had to look like an accident. She glanced around furtively, checking for potential witnesses, before hitting the bludger towards Ivelisse. Unfortunately, she missed.
Avery watched as another bludger sailed past Ivelisse, grateful he was fine for now.
Indi raced around the pitch with the quaffle securely tucked under her arm. She approached the hoops quickly and at the last second launched it towards the left hoop, and let out a victorious cheer when it went through.
Avery thought he could spot the snitch in the distance, and flew off toward it.
Celia chased after another bludger and struck it. The ball missed Ivelisse again, but it did hit @Indira Khatri. Though Celia was disappointed, she didn't show it. At least now it looked like she wasn't solely targeting Ivelisse.

Bludger Hits said:
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Avery continued to fly across the pitch in his pursuit of this snitch.
Celia honed in on the other bludger and reached out with her bat. It collided off the ball at the wrong angle, and the bludger spiraled away into @Liusaidh Fergusson instead of the seeker. She frowned and flew after the bludger.

Bludger Hits said:
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Indi was pleased that she had made a goal on her first attempt. But she was quickly humbled when a bludger crashed into her. "OW!" she shouted and turned to see that it was Celia who had hit her. "Watch it." she said through gritted teeth before catching back up to the quaffle.
Avery was distracted by some shouting, and lost sight of the snitch in the distance.
Normally Celia would have just rolled her eyes at Indi's comment. But she was growing tired of her teammates getting annoyed with her for doing her job. (Never mind that she hadn't been aiming for the chaser in the first place). "Learn to dodge," she shot back. The exchange had probably attracted some attention, leaving her unable to target Ivelisse so openly. So Celia decided to aim for @Avery Lancaster instead, her mood lifting when the bludger made contact.

Bludger Hits said:
Avery x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Avery knew it was only a matter of time before he'd be targetted, but a bludger hit him sooner than he expected. He'd not been able to move out of the way in time, and stopped to rub at his shoulder, hovering on the spot until the pain receded.
Ivelisse kept looking, trying her best to avoid the bludgers that seemed to be everywhere.
Liusaidh was flying beside Indira, looking to take the ball from her only to be hit with another bludger. She swore loudly and glared a little at the beater, it didn't matter that they were doing their job, she was annoyed about it.
Seamus was being put to shame by the elder beater, so he was quite pleased when he managed to hit a bludger and it unfortunately for him, went right for @Celia Vuong

bludger hits said:
Avery x1
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
It seemed as if karma was on Avery's side. That, or Seamus was exacting justice against Celia for hitting him, it was hard to say. He flew on, trying to locate the snitch he'd lost sight of.
Ivelisse kept looking, wondering how long practice was going to last since bludgers were flying left and right.
rule 2a

Liusaidh swiped the ball and then continued towards the hoops to score.
Seamus wasn't able to hit the next bludger well at it, his swing weak and the balls momentum much stronger.
Ivelisse thought she noticed the snitch in the distance and started chasing after it.
Indi kept close to Liusaidh as she grabbed the quaffle and rubbed the sore part of her arm.
Celia closed in on a bludger, but just as she was about to strike, another one shot towards her. She barely had time to react before it collided with her hip, causing her to cry out. Gritting her teeth, she sent the bludger back in the direction it had come from, smiling in grim satisfaction when it hit @Seamus Reid. Hopefully that would make him think twice before trying to hit her again.

Bludger Hits said:
Avery x1
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Seamus x1
As soon as Liusaidh was close enough she threw the ball and was pleased when she scored. THis was good, she was showing herself to be the best.

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