Slytherin Team Practice - S2

Ive kept looking.
Liusaidh grabbed the ball as it was thrown back out.
Ivelisse searched.
As soon as Liusaidh was close enough she threw the ball and watched it sail through the hoops.
Ive suddenly noticed a glimmer of gold, chasing after it an grinning when she wrapped her fingers around the little ball. All of the bludger hits still hurt but it was nice to know she had shown she wasn’t as useless as she had felt during her first game.
Celia watched as Ivelisse caught the snitch again and wondered why the seeker couldn't have done this during the actual game. She tried to send a bludger towards Ivelisse but missed.
Avery couldn't understand why he was performing so poorly now. He'd done well in the match, and previous practices, yet he was struggling this time around. He supposed fate had decided he wasn't supposed to do well today, but the thought had him concerned about what that meant for the future.
Determined to land at least one more hit before the end of practice, Celia raced after a bludger. She reached out and swung as hard as she could. The regret was instant. Pain shot through her side, and she clutched at her ribs. But Celia was quickly distracted from her discomfort when she saw the bludger fly into @Ivelisse Burleigh. Hitting a bludger had hurt, but hopefully getting hit by one hurt more.

Bludger Hits said:
Ares x3
Avery x3
Celia x3
Eleanor x3
Indira x3
Ivelisse x4
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x4
Feeling a little better now that she'd hit Ivelisse again, Celia took off after the other bludger. She managed to hit this one towards @Avery Lancaster.

Bludger Hits said:
Ares x3
Avery x4
Celia x3
Eleanor x3
Indira x3
Ivelisse x4
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x4
Avery died.

Avery had been too focused on the snitch to see yet another bludger coming his way. It was lucky that a lot of these bludgers had clipped him in spots that were less likely to cause real injury, but he was twelve, and the shock of each one did threaten to knock him off his broom.
Celia glanced at the captains. She really needed a break (and possibly medical attention), but they seemed intent on continuing practice. Maybe she needed to knock one of them out...
Liusaidh summoned a whistle and blew it sharply. "Right, we're done. Everyone hit the showers or the hospital wing. You best be in good form for the next game,"

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