Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S1

Celia caught up with a bludger and hit it towards @Horror Zhefarovich to even things out a bit.

Atlas - 8
Avery - 8
Celia - 7
Horror - 8
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 8
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 7
Terror - 8
Toby - 7
Lennox was growing annoyed with all the bludger hits. She had to take her frustration out somehow. She flew towards Terror who had the quaffle. She stole the quaffle from the other chaser, tucking it under her arm as she continued to fly towards the goal.

(Rule 2a)
Mischa looked for a bludger.
Lennox was definitely feeling rather sore by this point. She aimed for the goal, her arm cramping as she attempted to toss the quaffle through the goal. But she missed. She was visibly annoyed. If Celia hit her with another bludger, she was going to lose it.
While Celia was glad to see Lennox steal the quaffle from Terror, she was less happy to see the girl miss. That would require a bludger. But first, Celia decided to hit one of the iron balls towards @Toby Oikawa.

Atlas - 8
Avery - 8
Celia - 7
Horror - 8
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 8
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 7
Terror - 8
Toby - 8
Satisfied that everyone was more or less equally injured, Celia smashed a bludger towards @Lennox Addison for missing her shot earlier.

Atlas - 8
Avery - 8
Celia - 7
Horror - 8
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 9
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 8
Terror - 8
Toby - 8
Avery watched the bludgers sail around, glad that he wasn't on the receiving end for the time being.
Celia was forced to duck out of the way of a bludger. She quickly turned and gave chase, smacking it into the first seeker she spotted, which happened to be @Avery Lancaster.

Atlas - 8
Avery - 9
Celia - 7
Horror - 8
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 9
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 8
Terror - 8
Toby - 8
Celia wondered if her teammates were starting to go numb. She was trying not to focus on her injuries herself. A bludger passed her by, and Celia chased it down before whacking it towards @Atlas James-Cade.

Atlas - 9
Avery - 9
Celia - 7
Horror - 8
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 9
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 8
Terror - 8
Toby - 8
Celia hit a bludger at @Horror Zhefarovich because his name was next on a totally theoretical list that definitely did not exist.

Atlas - 9
Avery - 9
Celia - 7
Horror - 9
Ivelisse - 8
Lennox - 9
Mischa - 8
Seamus - 8
Terror - 8
Toby - 8
Mish hit a bludger but once more it missed.
Toby was aching all over, and another bludger certainly didn't help that very much.
Ivelisse searched
Terror honestly wondered how a quaffle was not stolen from him even earlier, but smirked as the chaser missed anyway. He caught the quaffle back in play, feeling rather numb at this point from the bludger hits he lost count of.
Horror briefly wondered if the Slytherin team could withstand 12 bludgers hits before they passed out. They were getting to that number.
Toby was starting to get tired now, but he kept up the search.
Terror lined up his shot and hissed when it was blocked.

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